HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_08_21 Town Board Minutes (3) 57 =T17T,"T C-1{ -1 7,31 f- -7 D -im-ljst 21st-, 1929. T MeetlnE IVaS Called to order by Su-oer-,IsD-- --Ourtor� at I 1. L. Prp-3enLL : Su-InErviscr 3urtor "Ustices .-Howell a_-d -i-eeds Su-ie--.';nterf,ent of Sher-man There -,7e-re also -orEsent at t--- mc-etin7. !,:-r. ro-.0��r'1,7 j'. Fo C e� -'f.,71neer, L-.r. Z-,T-4rin, re-orzsentin,� . - 1� along stre-,ts in cu,7stio'n in the Yarile Hill SuLbd-li-Tision a'n,-I ---T. Fra-nklin 1.'entross, rz-orFser,'in` I-r. Frar-1: 7. _pEC�.71 CoUn --ftcr t�'Ic roll call b-," tne Cler'-c, the - n-,ineer his re Grt to tie -'card and read the bids. "-'Oup-SEI t1'-en crtea to the Doar• in regard. to t le'-al ouesti-Dns involved, -f-' L'eD2 Con- i de,!a b 1 e discuLssion, it m ticn, dul-,,, seconded RCSQ V D that the 7nTineer be requested to on-it i-lorm `c t1 in --eg.aTd, to cy.cava"Uion and of a, t-fmcn 3yro-.,-i !,are, 3 4 11 Place and Darte -Iv�-,7.u-z, and i:7,E�tallatilo-.n of electric lisht co,,,--d-aits hErein.. it .vas t'_= o- - the .7� � �pinion of tbz -oard. ucoo-r � reo.uest of Z,;,-Jrin, the -,orc-perty c7mers, that lu-'nc ex-oerlse off the Conduits sho,,:1d. 'bz� EIimi-cated a-.rid -'��hat- the :3:)ard should reouest jEe,S CLI-eSter ,to instal'_ an overhead. system. as n ax-t discussed �,:-n.a ?.-32 L; u e C)r 0 1 ads '-"'a Z v-i r in _e- rEse n tin 1', I::--c Ca :an E ii.formed. t-L-1 e Board. that i7-rcadante would i-,-Lahe .t necess�r de_aos it -v-ith the LiL-ht j 'v0 n f t-,-j 7- dire a n-Y -f Or the i n s t a 11 a t i o-f, of t e �;as a i--,i s e 'cartJ -uouid t he tranchi'-rig to be done under the cor-tiact and charged aZai-nstl the -,Dro erty Tne qu'cstion C- ( i-aa I:s -va,s �n z n d 1 9 C us s e a reported to tne 'Soa-rd 11-ercadante would -Da-T th e COS of t r c 'chit pl-p of a d i t e , -Eauling an d c on L' se'ncles no- t- n-'-:ceed -7-1vc T"nousand 55 .COO) Dollars. r. ILercadante ---ould a free in v.r -u in to i= '11 S Cosy as Soon a s t' 0 0 J'IY2 'IC te 1':1E 3 c-ry i s or s J_ jested thF t there 77as a rep,-ies-, of 71 7 7 Cy r 0 t"n e-S -:a Z e-' 4 —111 - - - t c Y.-'-'I-G h d r a,. their e i r -b i d b e f o r e t,h c- L—nE. On Lm o t i n duly made and seconded, it -was be o--,ved tc thci,-- bid� T1=,3 forcg,-)J= resolutim ,vas -,:)-utl to a vote 1d. U--'-Ia"'1J-mc'uSlY L _O-oted- I- C-7 Lec- ap]�E ared -ce f')-oc the 13 ca rd t CcSe%-h�!I- wi -a -a u�u i 1 4-ar o 3rotnc,-1-s and c ons ented- th---t- their b1 ds and, cc rti f i(I c'neclis be ",eld _or sFveyal dh-Ys in t1 discr--tion of the ward if t 1' L e F n i e c 1 1"f_ a 6-7 1' S a b I C T', e S u e r v i s o-- tIc 2-n Sum e s t e d t-Y a t t'e'e ii i C e t 1 10e a t'0 3:15 0 I'D OIC 2n in oi-de:� to receJ-,,c c su-o-oje.--,e-fj-'- u,ournE a a ry r- r t fora oll th -,.ticn vas -sented b-,, JLls-,Jce seconded Justice 59 ME"L77D, th—at the ocrt-ifiea c-rcci:s o� Daniel 17. I'Lac-I'Tamee L Co. L' . -^Ic and 3ro the rs be r e t a i n a-c5 un"i I a f u r t r C 4 r -a-lia that the C'-r --rk be and he hereby is aut'no--i-7e,.I- to rezii2r, the c e r t-i f ie d T-�.-o h c.u s an d 'T-i v e chccICs e arnoan�s o '1.;.ndred (.;62,500) Doila-I-s Each to each of the b-idders, ot'(Ier than the above and i t j S f U r thr L HE SOL-T213, that t-h!L s ri e c t J-np- 'o e JPI.d 1.11 z a-,a c- h,erebv is adlljourned until Al=us-u 21st. -5 C� , a :7_ day 1-i gh t 9-a v i r.Z z im e� a t tl:'? a-,,ie a C 6 In order that -t':�r= suL7)-Ple--"e-.tary repor I.a may be recelved by this T�oard froT-7 the :Tnsineers and from r Zvi-,-in. -,c---OrssEe ntine the owners, The CI'Ucst oil of the `do--,Dtion of the foreSoll-.,g resojuijo]s puu to a vot-c- -,.;hick resulted cDa I*cllows: Ayes .Five T-,,i-= Chair res0lutlon3 una-nimously ado-pted. TIa--rc ':)=-ing no f"'Irt-ner bi:si-neas, t,-Ic -ueetin.- ad-jou1=12d, Tj c 11.11 1,1 r II ii