HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_08_21 Town Board Minutes (2) 1=,7TI_-_TC- CIT TIE JCIIiIT TOW-7 -30A'PD, TC)j-F 7 ­7,0177 Z The 3iiseti-ri- '.-,as 0---lied to cr6.e_- lb%- Su-oc:­viso­ 3,c,-tOn at Present 3--arton J U s _C-.­I 7 on ` eeds 37,11De T-I"I te 12den-I,- Of I-TiET?qua ys Coles Towz, Cler'_i She=*n 'it-2 roll ca'l, "_J-�C Su-,­_rviscr ca--IeJ for thF re-�-port Of the ana' l r, Zyririn. The Engin�cej­s Su- _p3plementa2y re-:)ort 71az- rcOu�,itc^, due tO the discu-ssion at the aftu=rloon L"eet_ ino in to whet hIm r or not the cmit-act shcalf be a�-,ralrded, to the 'do-er on t" e -c 1-0 as aC!VrrtiseC, or to the bidder in t-ric =vc-nt ',':at the electric cc-nduits ornitted. Counsel ad-riled the board that the contract shouicd b_- a)L)carded to the lo-:;eat 134c16er or, t'ae as -ad_tre rt Sed and h a t in -a-�,a r d LL tn e- co c r t r a c t th--- 3 o a r d s In o u 1 d rd i S e n t e 1 y nC .,_d.s wlrii ch woul:1 h •E `0 e cn su"on-it.te d had „_hie eleC uric- c cndui ts becn oiiaitted frcri the -.rD-y�osal. 7m`necr then rO]:,crtc- -0 the total bids a f t t.e ris -p c-r-a n i n Z to unale�,gro L - � C 0�f. I..- S d-�,,t and _,stimatc-d roc'i c:�_c��,7at�_cyj. it apoc-are frr,�ri t`ese totals that if concr-z ,e -,:)I-ze -would be usc-d, Giuliano --Drothers -c!Quld be lo-v by TIE:i r t f i v e Dcllars al-10, if vitrif-lt:d ",Pi-pe wo-j.ld- 'be uscd, _D_�• icl H�acI'._amee L Co>, inc, be low b-,,, '_`nrEe sI­,Cz-­_tY-s C6','76.0C)Dollars Iac-re consideralble fiLiscussion as tc -LIhe ­'Is-rilts of -u-itrilied an—IL concrc-te i,iLLje. 'T'nC S -��2 7 s or and th e J u--- t e nr,ent c_ conterided that vitrified 'oi- -0e-TIor 10 l - �e tn- u, c -Icr-te --,-ihcreas the Pn7-n.-Cr adv_`�Sed the 30a�-d to use O-L -_L - I c---e t e -c i 1,C-.. C ounsc I-I ao-Vi Z e d t-ne 3 oard that f iEure a above refer- 1-10" be ta_-en into ccnsidcrastion in ay.�ardlnE ­hC to S"I L Contract ana thau t'[-c' contract should- be a-,-,rardEd or, t-fi,� bids in aCCOrda­_1ce _.','_J th t-'7r- advertised_ Drc-posal or all bids should be r jected> ZvIrin re, ort-d to the 2oardl in tlilaZ conf lr-m.in? n s re _L o rt o f Life I a s-, m p a I n Z in r-e C-,a---d "t0 the a g r e e i n e r t -wa i c h I ur_ iierca,d_ar.tL wiini'_jg U' o, L•aaj_�E. U13011 1-:10ticia, dlaly seconded, 1 -.77's =0177D. that the commun-ication of ZVirin- be S"0r-_ad U7DOn the The c0yMlurlicatlicn ic as follows: August tat, 1929 T ow n E.ca r a Y. Geritlei-rien.- 1*0 accordance with ray telC;D',Jore C0j,2VCrSa+1017 V,,4 JoSe-c'ta _j d -­ -j2+e of 7-a-IC C n S InCm .:1', - E 32 Cc:d.an t e m S a,g re e d 'to d -posit • t,,j gh t ar_jr t SIXzI of 18 C',0 t C C th r w 1-h 10-C0 fo r e7e- servJoe --laoed on y .2 Danze _:.ve-nuc _";�Iace and 3yron Lane, CC7rC_1-4.�,�- the Cost of was mains and stub service on the �bc Te timed street being f-c.rthcr un�_C-_(-stood that he Is nc) to bear the of "-'-e ills_,al IE ti on of liVhtls on said Streets, 6 ES The sv.!- Mue2lt-li• ned above as the cost of gas yqain installation is the amount stated in a contrac- _' b b e� -C I erca tante by th_ 5estchezt2 LightinM j oj,�-ary. -r. Llerca ante Taas- also agrmed to pay u)D to _-5,Coo for �, e installation of ater o,.11_1.I'!ill S 'Ter, t r.J.ly Z7TRJ', D motion, d-nizv seconded; i R7-SOLVED, '.hat contract _te a-,-,,_-rded to Cc--, '--no. , the !o7,es,L, 3_4dder. The vuestion of `L-Ih�i adDiDt.iojj c,-F tzle =0:7ego1rlz rcsclatcn :ras put to a rote result—Ed as follo-.-,S: dyes; o Ur foes One Cjustice Leeds) T',E M-Iair Ccclarcd the rEsol,-Iti On ado-pte by Of tlfl�_ -Major-ILY of the :�oard.. d 0 -Upon imot=on, duly se co,,ad--d. it s HTISC-1 .1!77=11>3 bY an order of GIlis Doard Made azic-, cado-iJted at a naceting Ineld oil D).17 C,-,II- I Ll— 1911;_L12, Vnis Ecaa:,_- v­.as if�uly authorized t-0 iialioro-e Dante rivenu,c, f O-ora2:71- 'i vsnue. Dilral-itri _I)Iac� and T�_ne in said 2own of Lza ma r 0-C,e C �L11 a -Pe r_!�anr--n Z c0licre ?p_vemC-nz c I-ro e d o n b o tn s j C-S t'ae-reof, and with a --on- cl'Ete on each sid,.E ff O-aid streets,, and Lae cost 0 f 3-L;CIr t and tIne t�e2eof js L0 be asoessed Umon 1111E _�roDeTtly fron-1, c -ing upon the sZid ­ _L; Cr or ab ,"t- streets9 or.corLions Z_:'-recf, as -o_ro�,ided Icy Cha_ot-er �5Z_,-9 of t',r-- as and Sect.-Lon. 7 of 1-1 a D c-z' 5 9 of t11e laii's of ='6 as aL!�_Zllded, _-PrOvId-es that. after th.- 0 a rd aS a-certaneed tu.,ic aGaratiir te cost of t-,- L, L c 117,-Oro v_­ en- J* - may b=OM- 'n�001! "he cie�_it of said To-.-in b,Y certificates 0-,- i - ndebte,.9-ness a s I,) ecuul LO the total cost t sere of;L fC_r 2. period aact oxceed_i'n_- one year, and t�"s EOa"i has �seer taincd the c, a te cost L, of said 1*1_1,1-_Drovement aa-il_ 01^ Q -00 the San- Of , .�­ GG -ne tv t'nerfore,� jt is -he S,�:_;DErvisc:� be and I-z hc�?-,by is authorized" and to bor2�o-�jr U�pc-n the fail _rld Credit of tUne To-,-,--" of cl: a sum not 1"In e -Y--;nousand (;,Ii Cro Dollars, for issue in name and under the �=_21 of said !c,;.,n one cr more teaap- LI-ilFicates of indebtedness J_.�,r antici.,Oa blolll of "-he collection of the assessmen'. z10 be rimde and le icd_ -2inst lots o-, - - U _rontln- on Dante venue C,:nmc r, as DJ-7,'Ilt-1-i Avznue, 10-cc --YId EY::on Lane in the To,,-.,n 0- T _.;CW YOr'_K, to -oay t-ae co3t 4 as -02OV4 d�Cj :0',; o L-12--:27 _74.a-� the sa.- -: -r 549 1_ •azrs ff Cha. be- 0 f t,[ as a_-.-E-rdcd, S-a cert-i-f-41 si-all be sold 'for net 113SS TIIIan t-i— -i . 10ar 72.11)-e '-"-eyI e of 9 to beer 2-a-e rict to c--ce=Q -p e r cent 10 E�r 2-rnu�m and such ti-,- as t-,-E ma:r d e t i I-e flat e Lao,,-,-ever, one Ycar frcm tl c -".a t e C)f; and 1-t i S f u r"r-I-r R73 CI,77), t'aat aid c e r t i fi a a t e s shall be paid wit"n the am:)unt realized fror.,a the C017-Actc-cl, to be a--nA 1=i in thc -Ianner Drovided by C h a-)t e 1- 5419 C f -'Chc- of 19,26, aE &-M-ided and/or from the --_-occc-ds of the sale of bonds, as L,I�c casc a-.i re; as _7�=,7idEd by said it is f-axt-hcr R-SOILVPD. t1--at the Supe--vT4s0:^ R-�:d t,,-�E .,70,�,jj b7- and t-:-e- 2e��7 atithori-Eed and. rc d tc s-'Sr and execute e-och i a-'Dnrs a s 1-may be -necc2s-al-y 'Us eff��Ct thc sale- of said a e 1-t 1 1,i c-t.eSo The CuestiOn' OF the ad01'i on of the f o--ego J-n- Lc e s c ut on a8Lt t0 a -,.,Dt c- c 1,1 .3 e f- fr)I I ow,S 1-7 xy E s- CE S Justice T� Ce ceds not voting. U--oon, r,,o t, or, the mc e t J-nZ ad i Our e d 2i, 2 45 P II