HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_08_07 Town Board Minutes (2) 97 1
02 TH77 J0'__ T Ti 130jURID
held I August 7th, I c.2-9
the i=ctinE -was called to 0z-der by Suj)ervisor 3urton
Freselht Snoe;rviscr 3urt on
Justices Coll-L-asq and Lceds
S u- ---L, M, -
�perinte-ndent o Coles
"'o,Tm Clerk S_nerm. an
Counsellor Ganbl-_
U-)o-a duly secondc-d, it r,,a.s voted t0 dis-penize
--ith the -r-eadLn'-sr of the -,,,,iinutes Df T,.,ezti_-n,-s n�-,, yet a-
t i ove 1.v
I-lag ine e r -'To o t c ��ubmit,t ee d plans and s-Ge C Lf i ca ti C ns for
,i. .-a
radJn,��, re L��a Lj nd ag Stf;C-IS in 1: i.e
3 Y Z.0 n alacc, Di. ztri -la ce and - venue.
AZ L e r consideration 3f the clans and s. eC1I71C atf ons
UyJon mct,_Jon, duly seconded, it 7"as
SCILYT -lat - -o
ED, t�_ the and s DccificatJons
a.s by J4 Foote, for the
Zrading, re--ulatinS and pavinE streets in
1.1'apIc Hills, io-ed Place, D J_C,r:L 11-1 ,c-
n -L),, t e ',v - -a ' art jr E nue, be an�_ thE sa—, e oc-�,eby a
ratifipd and a-,D�rov.ed, and -.'nc is
di,_-ect,ed to f'ile s: id 7.,71th the To,,l.-n
T'ne 3oara 'UI-c-n ,DrccE2ded t3 sign the as
11r. E�-o-
_p�ared before t_(le -ucard and
presented a oetitJ on rcc = 3tinZ that LaurGl avEnae and
, �L icEt -ce t�, -en over as To m - I s, and ',hat all recessary
sE,. r, ',rat- lhcl drair, ipes be installed, and that the st-reet-s
be ;),_p o -1,, graded wad _J2,n�lanzntly -_,mvedg a n d th.a t tee cost of
be assesse:-I against tne fronting cn
The -3 tition -gas ordered received, -placed an file and
rcferred to tIrie Sum ervJs=y Six --r=tendent of Hi -, -i,.Iay al-d Counsel
_E:T 7
T Q.2 r�-,,T t i --D--J on a--,d e.�or- to this 3
co-nmunicatioi-i fro:l the County 7ngineerls office -w,-Gs
a n C1 read, p r e S G r;t J T_g C0ypies Of
Lays !_-O C-
h t of -x y8 c be a c qu i r z d of j_lwaarcnec'�-, for 1-1
LTr, o v E ren c? e ?a-°a1 cute of County, 2;r� a-Y oa 67, :part
s ordered re ce i-ved, -placed on e anO -eferred
to Counsel.
UAOon the reco=endation of t'h_= Superintendent of HJ-1-n-'ay s
�j4 n -ion -nt-�, 2 - -_
Q [l_ -and u.00r, roll call unani'm
is oc lut ?,"as 'arese
ous Iv ado-_Itecl,
a -etitlion has been I)resenUed to this
Doa:2d izqfue2tin" t-i-, Town of Ha,,,-L.ronecl-� to
acce I U ap, a a cer-ca_-n street,
road and iPOrtions t'L_,ei,eof in c -Iopmient or
sectio-_a in said --L,-,jn of -':,'o r e E,
v,cziuc, Iricinr, wit",lin of —1-
as Roc'k,-in:_; Stone Ave r,,u=,, e_.:te-nding
=om -Lne side of Forest _,::venue
to its tE minus, all as shov,'n on 2, certain
ma,' entitled. 111_70, of CaL,-v.,Iood, To-vm of
ecic, 'de-tcnesz= Leonard _-. Seacord,
pn�-'!-. & SUr7e_170r, 3G C 71-e-,
Rochelle, -.Y. ", dated -2ebrua XT Stn, 1°25, and
dul- filed in the Office of the Registr-r of
Yestchcster Cou-nty on 'august, L-, 1925, as
L-a --c, 0: and
=07-A-3, John a by is the 04.1 2r Of a
tract. of land_ eribraced zithixi and sho-,7,1a Moon
the f c---e o i n7 ma'-p, together -v,-ith the street,
road and -oorzion thereof thereon shovm; and
T-7 H
7 7 in f iling said ma-c said Sa.-:elby Ylade
an offer of dedication of the said streets and
roads and y.DCrtions t2ercof th e r E o n- S"C)"Tvn, a s
.Public Higlt-n%rays to the o, .z of and
;t_ S, t"Ie _°o re said offe- of cd-ca t I
ol Las
ncvc-r been ',vithdra,,-.T-n or rc-voked by hii'a or by
a,ny one in 'nis bghalf, and
sa id Sa.celby Stil7_ dEsl_-Es and '.,ias
e ue s-(,e d t-na` a offer of dedication
c U t' e said
of said ztrecFt9 road and portion thereof
shown on Inn aforesaid "lap be accepted as
HiEjim,.,ays of the 'Tov:n of and
said 3axe3by is 1,filling and has aoTaed
L-0 deliver to the ovin of 7-
a duly
executed f.._eed of said street, road azad 1)ortion
thereof in 7r0Jcr form.- and
in consideraon of the y_ misez the
3u-pe-_,-intendent of H_J-Tn-„,-), 'S has reaoiuIended t1azt
the sal-ilz be accepted as "Lai now therefore
be it
T'ESOI,V7D,, ghat the Town of 11,"an-aroneci: do arid it
i-IerebY does acce-cit the aforesaid offer of dedic-
ation laeretofore --made by John J. Sa__el'o-,,., and the
deed -10 the Town of Llainaroznecl- -pr.esented thereto
�rid does hereby acce_,t as a '-Publ4c 1'o-,,-,vr
the --',o 11 Q'�,'in,- described t r e e t., road o--- T�o 22 t 10 n
thzr�-of, ILI c-v,,1 2 o c 1�:i n, o 1,1 a v-qu_ -E t t-i 0
to,�, wit,
all �- I
U_�.at certain land 1�.,,ins� in "'he 'bed of
said Hoc_-,- g Stone _Lveni-,e and bein.- --'Vi thin hu
77m,in of as s,,own u-ocn, a certain
yap U' i 1 :4-1
entitled "!,�ap of Cak-wood, r2own of liamaronecl-,,
,aestchester Co., 17,.Y., Leonard as Beacord, '2.itg1r_
L. Surveyori m:,235
Q Hug,A_-not Street.- few 7.,ochelle,
'.-..Y.” dated February 5th. 1925, and duly filed in
the rafffive of the Regist,r of ',;,es-uc,nes'Uer Coimty on
A-0. ust, 4th,. 1225, as 7--a-,D. To. 2870, and as desc-,-ibed
I __1
in deed. dated July 2, 1 92�, iblar, Sa_-_el'by
1'o to of said s- -,,e t be ins fif-Cy (50
f C n 0-LIE'll 0 1,11c, its entire ler.9th, said
street connecting at its scuthc-_.--ly end :,:ith -Forest
..:venue, and 'Le it further
R7-A,,SCLV-'T.D, chat the said street and road or
Port -U
ions he_eof, Rocking Stone ,ven-ae
-is -s, ov.-n on said ma-,D, and as to ,the extent 'rere-
inabove described be and the same here-by is
raLds and declared to be a :Public _n_ighway. am]
'be it further
RFSCI TD, that t'r'e 20•.-rnj "l--rk be and 'ne
.-1cT,zby is cnTpovcrzd and directed woor recei-j'
of --h�- aforesaid deed, �.o record the same,
U 7
and b e i t furs;c r
?r5 S 1,'177
7D, hat the -_.u7,:)erintffndent of Tffhv-ays
D8 a!a d 'l e nCre0-7 Is authorized. and ETpowered
%0 execute and record -,-�'nate7er documents and
certificates are necessary according to ha�v Lo
vest -title in the of ine aforEsaid s-'U---,e'L,,
i-nvay Or POT-iorl thereof and to lbri-_,-,g t-3nis
f C s 0 I_JL t i 0 n J ntc f u 11 force and eff—ecU
and 13e
it fj_3 er
_r tiler
27.30L77D, th'a'Ll the lo-cin of I'amaroneck shall b,.,7--
e y3 safe a--r 1 d h a r m-I e s s of any c 1 o f 1-11 or 0_3- a C Of
any na-Cure or cnara c te r ts C a7e r ir- and wis e
the char-Se of Egrace'inert of afoie5aid street, or Iper`�i o n s thc rc-o f,
any irg o the contrary Y iraot i tL
hs tand in:_;.
Lj',)o n the recorfmqendation of -'ne Si)_Perintender.t- -Phe fc!lo-,;.-
rnE; resolution -%vas -orcsented and uocii rol", call UnarliEnou5ly
ado-{e d
,u' _:LS a j_�e-I t i or, has been _rresented to this
card reoua2t"ng the
f on e
as ;2o-L.:n 11ihAvays certair, s,-�'Ireets and roads and
'ions 11-hereof i'n a dr�velo-o_�-jjent or section Ln
s a d 1--;,in., -nor t',eriu of 20rest -Avenue and
"cing -Tit',in t'n,.- '2:)-,-;'.n, of -_ riaroneck., as s"Im-m-
upon -a certain lria-p entitled, "SU01_7iSion ia'j
Of P� Ot 9Z -af
- O ts7or2
in the Town of
haTmronecl{, W3SILCI1est-er Co. , by uUy
'fro r I
, �� L-a---c hiaran t- Y. , fated une
b e is t,,i e =r_�r
Of a
tract of and em-_,bracea j-,.ra;jj ,d -
'q a _ s1no-7,in u-on the
C �z
]'aE7", tO��ctIac-:T `7�th the stre--.- and roads
J uLC_ -
or" I
3 ns t h e r e 0f t:-'c--e 0 r,
sr]o�"!r and ��
c , s c the_
tQ be ailed ard- re Corded ii. the Re_is'-E r rs
Cz"flee of _.Je s tcl,e stLm 'Lount_.,' On jUnc ;24 1922 as
_yap 770. 3458, and
n filing said 3458 said Cam-,obell
'-lade a i, Offer c f d e d o n Of the said streats and
roads 2nri -_,�O��tiiOi_S t,
,i e r e o f t,!a e r=0,,a s.n c s u.b 1 i C
`_i zh-v.,ay,s to the 2o',71-2 of 1.a"maroneok. and
'(�'L_'27TAS, t"12 O:foresaid Offer O'p dedication 'nas neve--,
13�-m v-,Jithd1_ravF0_ cr re•Toked b-,,- In-i-, or an-,,OnE j , - I
be-2allf.. and r-Is
Carrobc1i s-ji-T deli ress and has requested
t"iat the Said offer Of dedication of saif
and roads c^ -d -por-' oils thEreof Si,-_Iowr - L�
0 r. afore
ca id ma-.' be acce-pted a s 1.Ti91,-,,a-,7,s of the
of and
cafi_"bell is willing
-I and ha
s agreed -
Q del-7er to - of tana ro a e c K dL17
deed of said streets and roads and portions thereof
�crc-Der f0r� ond releases of said Streets and
roads or
L'E I from any mo2tsages no-��
"En'2, thereon; and
in , -- 'erQL4-;cn of the
Of _rc-nlSeS the
,7,-jayc 1,az
S a rn reC
�D e it be acccIDted a. hig"�-,,7a 7S no-W tnercfo---e
=S01,VED, that the 2own of Dia;-,arQnucic do and
it hereby does acce=pt the aforesaid Offer of
edicatJo L rO
_a rob=ll E.r d tl,e e e(-s;' -2,n d releases t c the
To�Tn of !-aLLarcnedk -cresented -,eDccto a- z-,d does
hereby accept as Public ToT,,n Hil,3h-,rv--Ya the follo,.-,,ing
described streets , roads or 1-)cr-llio.-,5 thereof. to-
jit.- Clm:p'bsll Lane, Villa La-ce, tol-ethn-r all
that cc-r-'-.-�in lar,,-' -'��e b�d O. C-,Izll)-
7)6 1 7an., and Vi-lia Lane aria beirg
o7,,n 62 Llanmaroneck, a s a o-.,,n u On a c Cc r a I n
rn-��D entitled: "Subditision l-'a-o of !Plot o-� - '11x_7
o Ch.a t-s-.11�-c---th in the 0 Of 1-a i:a�,r o n--r-'-- e s t-
C"I c S c-r CO.,, I Gu-, Vroi7izn, C.Z. Larch--n.^-Crt
7U-,Ie 1, 1929 ai�d 2�-zcordcd in the
s t e T c0 o s c zst--- Co,.;.n-.-,l.- o--
-nz o 2 0
ao, aJ Ylo. 3456, S=4-d S-LI-IC-et bcl-ao
for'LY (40) feet -"-r. t'Lnro�,i• hcutl its cn-u-i2e
and said CZ172-olo'.II lane connect at its
s0uL-Lq,�---'-Y 'Tilla La-n�- a-.-,L`- 'lilla F.I
its nort-Er-11v end -,it"ca Villa Road a ,.d at its
end 7,C]OCS'
' fur
it eri��- ; be �-'
L A7 L
RESCLYTID, tLai "-.c aforcz-a-ld streets, roads, or
i:)crtio-,ls th-ercof, J-O-w-ill-,� C&rlobell Lal.ae and -lTJlla
Vane, as snciun on said 1.a-p, and a s .o t'n C- Z:,--tent
be and the same llerEjpy is
-)Llo 7 C 'I�,
Made a--nd declarer" I s and. be
27'7=77.-D, tiatl th-, Clerk be and 'ne hzreby
E L c 3 c--- u-p o n r e c e ii'PIC, Of thC 2f0re-
s a d d,e e d --n.d r e 1 e a s c, 10 record
L In E and be
it -further
that the Su--I�erintender,`L-1 of Higlm,%-a-YE be
and he is authcrizccl and e-a-oo-xerEd 'o
e--e c utc and --E cord -.,.ha-Lever doculme
ri-L s and cert-
ifica4-es are n.-cessa.ry accor,,i'liz
I e in t-he C�� to law to vest
i the aforesaid strEets a-ad
or ;Oort4ors tl',,-Ier�of and to bri-l-,
r---solutim tnto -fect; ad "cc-
u.r Ll'-e
ll='SCL'v'70, ti-at the Town of La--n=a neck s-nal! be
key t safe f e a n d ha- l
ess of airy cinjL- or cax,aa.-e
Of a Y C'--r2r-cCter -,!haZS0e7er in any --c'-2.2e
-1 fr.:-m- t-r-,c char�e of grade
'"I and/or
cn� L
Of -e afcrezaid streets or _oortions TIT-Ierecf,
any-ilno, to t1,1c contrary ilOtdi nStan lnly and be
ur t"-e r
that the To-1Tn o--,- Lamaroneck re S the
ri.z-rt to revc17e and car,Cel iR.nc acceotz--,rice of tae
aforesaid of-fer of dedication and t e acce-tar,,cp-
c-f the aforesaid streets and ' ions
or --oorzll-
t-nercof and the deeds or releases a-- same , would
C.- CaTzobell t-
-Eil Or refuse zo carry
lt'ac zle-nus a',,ld con d 4 -ions S of a , Dut
— certain aE;ree---,,ient,
ez;Ie2sd into on h 24th day of J'Uly, 1929, bet,s.,eem
the Tol,-,TI, of l--a,::iaronec?7 and ,-le-mander C� Ca,�:Lplbc-17
Icc-Te to the contrary notwithistard,-ino.
"n---ineer Duffy s7jb=lt-bed al-L cstimatle for tc.
rEd L-Ux On the ContraC-LS 007eri--ng Rccliand, Avenue, j'a-rden Hoad
and Drive, tcSet,7.er Vrit�-- the EnSineers c-1--a-ITIS -in the sum of
-.,,l,C0G.0O2 on account.
sa7`- -.-,as referred to thu Su--.aer7J SOr an� the SU7,-E--('int-
e i-.d e r t c f H J ghl,-,ay s and if fz�-jmd correct -app c I a-
apDror C, nd Ordered T)a- l-,,
The CIEr1 presented an asti_-,iate in the sura of 5'13,868.54,
for the extension of 2,500 feet of 8 inch :,'ater main on :leaver
:StrEct, frO11 the end of the axisting o inch maj to t.L'],e entrance
of th's Bonnie Briar Ccuntry Club, togcthcr ^rith 5 hydrants along
said C=tension,.
The Esti a.te ,7as ordered received and placed on f ile.
'17.)cr_ motion, duly seconded, it eras, Upon rcll call
R SOLVED, this Board requests the
installation of 2,500 feet of 8 inch e=ater
main on -177-aver Street, frcxn the end of the
eristiiig 6 iiich Hain to the entrance of the
Bonnie 3riar Country _11Ub, together v,,ith
5 hydrants alons said c'XtEnsion, and the
3oa.rd of Lrust_ees Of the ',7es Chester Joint
: atEr 'daorks5 ITo. I, has submitted an estira.te
in the sure of p13,858>54 as the cost for said
extension; therefore be it
F 'S01",V3'D, that the said Jf'_estehes-er Feint .later
Jor_rs, ;o. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and
directed to instal? for the Town of amareneck,.
said main and hydrants and to charge the Torn of
1"�_a'_"laronec , the actual cost thereof as ascertained
and approved: by the Bcard of 'Trustees of the said
WeStCiiester Joint -Jfater s;
he Claret presented an estimate in
covering the cost for the installation of 780 feet of 6 _
nch -7,ater
r a_in cn Villa Lane and Campbell Banc; together 'ati'itt One nvdrant
along said e tension, -
T' e est Y.ute eras ordered. .received and p
_aced on s"iIC-
U_er 1Otipn, duly seconded, it as, upon roll ce.li,
unan i me�:s Iy
,S01s/`�J3 I � -"zS
s , t'-:, Board requests the
installation. of 780 feet, of 6 inch - a-er
Train on Campbell Lanc and Villa Lane, connect—
in- the sa !e wi tia the main on Villa Road, 16--
E triEr e ith one hydrant along said eltenSiOngand
t ze 30ard of 'Trustees oftf:e 'c:"estcnes 4_r Tolnt
VatEY' r'%Cr cs' ;;'oe has btCf)-mi teed an estiilate
in the sum of :;;2,774.3-� as the cost for said
extensions; therefore be it
R_SCLZ�D, �h4t. t!^O Said 'res
,c', s e J i 0 n i.. Water
cr'.s, i-o. 11 be and it hereby is authorizes_ and
airccted to install for tie iO-. l of 1_amaroneck said
main and :lydrantg 2nd to charge the 'iLo�-Tn Of 1_ar'1C-.y'On-
eOk the actual COS-. there Of, aS ascertained and
py^ Owed by the 3-card of `irustces Of said t-
chEStEr cint rater .,'orks, ?-o,. 1�
yT T r'i.J, this -hoard cn lanuo.ry 23rd, 7929,,
authorized and rECuested the installation Of
certain -ater rains in and aloe. ::ion toad,
in accordance vrith t': e resolution adopted at said
meeting; and
the Superintendent- of the '4i'estcheste
,Toint -::rater ':Torks, ro. 1 installed a all
Ed t�-'r c hydrants
in and along said e.cter1sion; therefore be it
=SOI,I=, that extension 17o, A--169 be and the
sane hereby is amended so as to include the in--
sta'_laticn of two hydrants ir_ and along said
extelic i on of Avon Road, and to charge the 12o-un I
c P.ariarcr_eck, the actual cost thereof, as
ascertained and approved by the 3eard of 'Trustees
Of the 'Neste ester ''.dater viorks, !0. 7.
The OLiestion being ta'ren u_pcn the forcg-Oinr resolt'.ti0n,
the same ,,,,as upon roll Cali, unanimously adopted.,
v F S, this 3oard on ;ray 9th, 1828, authorized
and and requested the installatian of certain_ vrater
mains in and along Dundee 7�oa.d, in accordance
With t.nl resolution ado_0ted at said meeting;
the SurErintendent of the 'Vestchester.
JOint ':dater 70r'_{s, _To. 1. installed two hydrants
in and along 5c':1Q. E:rLt sIOY19 therefore be it
1132,SOL710D. , that extension A-121 be and the sa.re-
hereby is •ar^ended so as to include the install-
atioil of two hydrants in and along said exten-
sion of Dundee Road, and to charge the 'Tmvn of
Lamaroneck, tie actual cost thereof, as ascertained
and approved by the 3aard of Trustees of the
CheSter '7Oint riater 'rGI'1_S , 170. 1.
The OueStiarl being taker, upon the foregoing res0liltiar;, i
the same ,vas Upon roll call unanirously adopted,
A Cmnza-L 1ica.tion frolil "_'.':r_ Jehn received and
read, tci?'Ether with an estimate _resented b- the ClerI: in th0 s jm
of "'7,451.45, requesting tie ins"J ati oii of 2
ll� 1`'00 feet of i11Ch.
Water .ain on Old 'i'unite plains 1102d, froiii the 15 inch -water stain at
the vain C-d J:lOOt entrance t0 iJEsleyai1 Avenue, together with t:c'0
nvdrants along said extension,
after due consideration and discussion, the c0firnunica-tion
was ordered received, jclaced on file and action u-_con the extension
, as laid over.
The Clerk _•resented an estimate in the sLrn o s&,C33.98,
for the installatioli faEt Of inC'.ri 5:1'^-cater i:}.a';1 ar_ C�JlOrllc.�i.
!i.'EnU2 and. je'P_atE l'ErraCE, fro:[1 `,7xra;% enue to -ores
tCdcthc it'_ tvo hydrants along, said EXteiision, ':micla esten Sion Was
herctcfcre re-cuesterl at a sleeting of the To-..,7n Board.
yftar discussion and ccnsideration, tae sang 7:as ordered
laid over for furihcr consideration.
!'t co,7zaunication from t'Le 'vsestCf-e UEr —,1ting Ca., uGG.S
rcceived o.f.d_ read, requesting 2,i t'hor122tior for t z installati C;1
of 11-400 c.p. unaer_rctind lam-Ds on i.- rti =vErue and 5_QG0 C�J.
undErg—=Urd la=ps On`i_adiNOn AVE--.Lie.
The ,7as ordered received, '_01«ced Or, file and
referred to the SU-0C ''e e' t - t _ _
_ ring nd n of !1i-h-u'�ys for
- A co'W unica.t_on from 1=a_10'T 3ros. , ,:_,.s received and read
:)02 n- to construct a 24 inci c *clone fence on .:Saver Street,
fe,Ci j the Cunninyi2iar4 ��0'i�Ert % at tel° SUM Of �
a _ Er lineal l Z 00 t.
The C0z11un'cation --as ordered received p1aCEd on lilc nd
a t=r d scusv ion, upon rLo tion, duly seconded
unani m ously , it .rag, up an roll call
E'_',S 0177D, that the quotation sub:L1-i t t e d by
_-alloy Brothers for the erection of a 24
inch cyclone fence on -':leaser Street, facing
tine Cunningham_ -pro7,erty at the surri of `_,�2a00
per lineal foot, be and the sa:�--a hereby is
a.Djoroved and the same rEfcrred to t"ac- 7nginec-r.
TICe SU2Per7iS0r -oreEentled to the 23card the mtter of
rock abuttino, on the of _-Forcs, rvel C U-U th,-
He stated. :L.qat DaniEl i-acza.-ace I co., jro, v!,zio
at -0--sc-nt installing :,,ater -,L-iairi in said street, 'nad
a _;pricff, to re-Move said
reasonable pricea roch which ir his o-,pirion is a fair a;Yd
-fter discussion, the same 7i,,as referred to the Su-.er-
interid—t of lHignuays to secure cstLnnates and to report thereon.
Counsel stated- that in connection ti,,ith the agreerlent
entered into between the -'7.,stch-oster 21--ctric Railroad Corl.-Da*_ny
--id the l7e7v- Yorac L- Star ford- Rail-,:a-1- C orr oam-,I' and/or the Conn-;r
Tran-sportati on 7r -�D r C V c n f o.
.__,ayly, - _C. 0� the SU-7ostitu.,
bases for trolleys of tha- t DOrtiOn Of the route of the 7estcnas�er
'TIcctric '-R—ilroad Cc-z'Dany, w1nich is one -U-,L-le Boston Pest Road in. the
I" ---
�0':M of Larnaroneck be Lzeen Dcanc Place and. the roTteicasterly bound-
ary 1-fine o- the �33_ity of I!"ev: pLocj-�ejlE, was necessary or ae
_L _ecess, f tj
n Of Emimaronecic to tgailt a Cons Ent to ulne ',jestchesluer _T'lec-Uric
Railroad Co-,'n-gany, a ;?,ablic Im�arir,G on �--'n J_ch had heretofore
77CId; that as an agree_i,.ent bet"-,eEzl Trar-s-portation Com-Pa-n-ics
had bE,,!n reached they ':iad the 1-m-in Board to adopt the
form of conze-nt nEcessarY.
Upon motion, of Ilustice Collins, 7
1 i t L-L ; -2 seccided by Justice
'RE a-o-oli azt�
ZSCI-TSD, 'WHT72AS, _L. - L' on has beer, nade
to the Board Of the Town, of Hamaronecl, by
Rall-road Com:�an.v for
the consent of the -town Board of the l'o-m, of
la,,naronecL- to the slfbstitutioi, of the o-geration
of buses or motor 7e'jqj,l=2 i-fl ;Place of cars on
tracks on that portion of the route of the
:Westchester 71cctri- Railroad "o--.,,pany which is
i the 2 -"a.
on Boston lest -I"cad 0. 1 a f LI m a r o n e 0 1i b e-
t,,-,-eerL Dean -lace nd the northeaster'_T7., boundary
'line of the City of' Rcchc-lie;
0, , T H7,-171 7 7 07 7, b i t u e of the -�oi,.,er and a ofn-
orit-Y vested in t1ne Board of the T=n of
Hamaroneck by Section 50-a of the pub7jc service
10=13SiCr TMV,
as added by Chapter 840 of the
La:ws of 1926, it is
RESOLVED, that t.le '2oL-nn Board of the '20-om, of
does hereby consent to the
Uticyl Of the CyCerat_`Qn, of buses or motor vehicles
�n -lace of cars 111con t-racks on that -cortion of
th-c route Of he estchester :31eotric Railroad
clrTa ny is on ostaa -o2t Road. In
tin-_ TO 1-n
of Lamaroneck betzveen Dearl place and the noTtn-
boundaru. line of the C-i t of 1'7'e1". Rochelle.
This consent Is granted u-pon the d
ccild-itions - n_ tier.-is an
i. 111c b SeS Or rotor -,,rehJc-, zs which Tiay be operated in
place of trolley cars u-cor� 'Llrac',
a on that cortion of the rou"E of
ectric Rail-road Cora-Daily herejLz-a,,00ve describe�._,
LMY, at the OiO ti0n of the Westchester 71ectric R i1rcad CoP_1'_any,
at C. ny tiulc and fr0r', time to title be -Jro'_dieJ_ byr -,Oowel generated
Or contained within the omnibus or motor Vehicle itself and/or
buscs propelled by sto-r'age lattery and all or any of said kinds
or types of buses may be used_ at any time and from time to tine.
`? sae bus line abo-,%e mentioned is to be operated as -ocrt
of the ?ast Uain Street Line of The Westchester 71ectric Railrcad
Coniilany in the City- Of _Tcty Rochelle and the '_own of __ ronec.>
right to operate buses in substitution for 'electlric^street
surface ra;Iroa.d cars 1lcreundEr shall continue only as long as-
`Jestci ester Electric Railroad ComDan,, has a right to opera-e
such buses on its -ast :ain Street Line in ';,he�City,, c= fer noch-
elle. 1
3 The rate of fare for any passenger upon the busea or
motor vehicles ont ted_ under this Consent Sh'!I not exccefL the
f c I I no;
Ten C ents for one continuous ride- be tNeen any ter0 o lts
on the _ st lain Street Line ° "leCtr'_c Railroad
OI the '�reSt.Ch„Ster'
Corr!-,Dany in the C1ty Of ` ev; Rochelle eji s the =own of Ia't'CarOYeCiC,
wi-Eh free transfer' to Street railr0ad�1iid./or buses o_era.ted, by The
'nlestchc ster Electric Railroad 'Coja an_ g Cd to any _}o i t i ! i,C1C 'Cif'
of ?Tev; Roc el.ic' Zonc-.. A passenger - a� ll^ 'F}ve7ce_:ts or. the- Street
railroad Cars of T'rie ,'iestc'leste-r -r_,I Ctr.� �Gfi1 iTr in the =:EVd
Rochelle Zone !ma; or, _gay iient of an additional five cents, or a
--zssei ;er ::ay°in� ten cents on any buses of The ' estchester 1ectric
Rail Oa.0 ComL:-@ny in the L. „ Rochelle Zone, ilia;}% 7.vitlr out. the �a "lIle It
of any additional fare, Obtain a transfer to a 'CUE on zhE Said,
_a.s` L a.nn ti.tre6t Line, i'fcI ing -�'Ihe roU'.t° for ':':11Cr, t'L11S CO!^_sent
is gr anted. All sucIn transfE_s Shall be reStr-'Cted 'GO yu c�'ei.�krc.G-
'elliYg in she reverse direction. Ii'l case an electric Street rail-
road is operated. on the route hereinabeve mentioned _.t any tiMe
after ten -YC'ars fr0:_ the date herEOf, the fare t0 be charged- On the
Tast I_a.in Street Line (including the route covered by t�is Co32ue;,t'
shall be ine s.=m° as t_.-IF fare charged by The Fuestchester 7.lectriC
ailroad Coin�anv cn its other street railroad_ lines of similar
le n-r--1 7 or haul In t1h uity OS _'elri JOChe11C-o-
Ci'!-i ldr en a d''_e ge, OT f cur -%e=1"s, i;Ut n0t t0 OZCcE a
7rlree in nuziber, Si1all 'be carried free T'nen a_CCOr;_ianied_ by an adult
full fare; but. sucL �hild.rcr3, if rid, — fres y shall r_ot
OCCUjy Seats t0 the exclusion Of -JassE7!gersa
Z 'file service 'CIO iOe ivon on said bus line shall ce at
all tines under the regulation an%: orC_ers of t"- abli G 7ErviCC-
Co_unission of the State of Te,: '=ork.
da Within six (o) moriths after the cors2encEmEnt of the
CDeration of uhe bids line "s2eabove ..._Yit�C led, The _,"estichester
ctri„ Railroad CO'_^:La_ .r SPacll remove from tale 3GSto FOSt Road
_ _ _ovn of 1ar.: roYieCri, its 7.riires and ove-r'nead construct-
_on at its ov;n cxr ense. -''-', cn and a.s -ostofi ROud; 1f1 t_1e ToGv _ of
i, ip ved, anC/Or repm,ved, a'P_C simultaneously -will ii such
p vinZ and/or re_mving, and as SUCL1 uv Crk 'Jrogresses or (at the o-ti cr
of The es'chestSr 2lectric Railr0ad Coi:ly0any) prior thereto, Cut
only aftc:,. coiiTjrienceO'lent of ti^_0 Ode-_ration of buses Or tIhc „1,S IinE �!
yeJ_nabOve ri ?t,,lOncd, 'i'._c estoIcez t e 1 .._lECtriC ac,iIr0ad CO== a %
-a at al S 01;'i". e ,)elsc rcrno rE/Its rai1� fro m RcU ti cn w-
Town of 1'_w!:nar ._eCk,. 1:^_e WestcheStor Electric Railroad :,ali_Jany s�^al.l.
be undEr no duty a07 i- i _ -
or _ a on i do an ; iZ1ii in, gradrn�:: or
Of rEStorat?on _Jr connection %vit; Or as the result of saca removal
of its rails.
o• SC Ici?g as snore buses are oocrated hereunder, the
_° ChcSt:r' 1.1ECtric RailY'Oad 00111 c ly S!':J.l? be Ul do 0 d.UtV
lio.b_li tj% 01 CC11g?tl^vn to i avey :pare y or _eel., in rE air i1%y
ti0i? v-9 the pavc-ci'.Ei.t Cr rOaGTL ay C7i Doston P0a.('. in t'Li.c TOx.I
if J:L=iarcneck.
-� j
7. �t any ti.-le after ten (10) Years after the commence-rae-Lat,
of the operation of buses 'Lae rounder, The 'Westchester 7 1=ct-ric
'Railroad Co=-;any ,"a-,,r, at its o,,-!n ex--ense, construct and thin tlain
t'hro-LJ,E'2out the entire routs herelna ove --i-'ent"lio-ned, Such tracIC5
and overhead construction as r_ay 'be necessary for
-t-�-te o-perE-,Alon of electric street, rail-,,,,,ay cars or the route 'ne2e-
inabove -.)entIcned, and u..'on suCl7 construction being co=, '_IOted --fiay
mainta�n and Operate on such route 'reinabove rentioned, an
electric street surface railroad and nothing h rei-_,a con-hired
shall impair the rights of The Westc'-`ester Electric railroad
00_1-1pa-n-17, Its S-0ccessors or assi�ns, to oiperate such a street
raill-oia- aftCr the constr-�iction of such trac:_2, -,Dole
11 - E3, V17-irCS
and Overhead construction has beer, c07zij-jleted, and upon such
_sumption of oj:)eratJ' on ol s-L� -c
_ U i - _c , elec-tic street su-±'face railroad,
saiC Town of and T_i-_,,E _-YestC hestey 71ectric 7'Lailroad
COMIDarY shell be restored to zhei_r rights as existing -Drior to
granting of this consent, and v-,rithout -prejudice to the r7_r'nts
Of either jDartly 'U17e-,,e
ot'nin6o' herein contaInEd or in this ccrsert shall! mp�a r
t"'Ie rights Of The '.Yestchestc-r 7!ectric Railroad Com-pany to
operate street, I-Ires under its franchise at the
Expiration of the period during -C;'.-_'ich the operation of buses 1:1ay
be subst-itluted, 'L-jer-unaer, provided such franchise of the
Westchester is-ctric Railr a� I I
0 �',OTn-Panr -' s IIOZ forfEitcd bv
reason or any defau-itof o _On'
rz�p Y occuring subse-,�uently
'nere to. 3uO_I consent, ho.,e7er, sh5.1 be so construed that
at the time Of t c re su:M`10 Tui O]a Of the operation of street sur-
face electric railroad hereunder, unless
' � 0- a n
-d'. Tn ',;e s t cb e s t e - 7le c"ri c Fa i I r oa d 'Company o tn e rV.i s e
t'rac said l0�7,Fn of L-a.'Iaronec!-� and the said ','Ves-Llchester
7-ailroad Com-an,., 'oa res- ed to the4
Uor -,r res--Jecti-7e riz-11 s
as now unJ.er t'ne aforesaid franchise 'O�40r to -",Ir-
Z grant-
in g I of this cc-n,�ent, the said C,'._.nsrat being given and acce-pted
W-1 blIOUt ]?TejUd_JCC to any Of the rights of the
said _,arties ne re to
in the -or c_m i s e o
The _-Westc-nester F-lectric :Railroad. Co_,�,a-.)any shall file in
the office of the T o ti7,n j 1-r� of the TO-A-n 0 lj rel a r C)n e c a r,11 o!--t—
anc e of the te r�,,,s and conditions !-,e rc inabove set Iorth and such
acceptance and this Resolution shall constitute an agree-1--iciat by
and betZveen the Town of 1.,-'arlaroneck and the ',_,estchester 77!ectric
Railroad Cc-m-mny.
C ou n z e I advised the 3-jard Jn connection with the
conferences hcld iti. the re-13rESent-ati7eS Of th-e 'J-Stchester
Street 1rans�70:,2tation COPS-.)any, Inc. , regarding the aD-plicatioll
rere.tofore made for 2, consent to su'ostitute buses for trolleys
on tne _Ilains line. H_ st"ated. that Yrm
rgl)res0 nllln- tne Trans-portation Com--=Y had a2;reed to certLin
oc,ections raised. t0 rile ford OF the corsent and Had agreed tQ
re'l'107e all aCks, etc. a--, on-,, -L_,a.:ia::-oneck __'-venue and
sad 21-rced to a ---�:nprall state7':ien.t in -L"ne fraric.ii se reEard_,ng -Lne
hL,�ad-way and other :T,attErs and that z1he same concessions had been
to the Villa-Se of and the Tc of ] _rrjson.
_'he -matter was discussed by the 3card in detail.
Yr. Coles, Su-peiizntenden` of HiElrr;�,ays stated that
'c-e Lo have recorded -by tne CieI4 that in his O0inJ
the so-called frarchise cla-lyned by the Iestclaestler Street 'Erars-
inc. , -,:,'as not a valid franchise inas=cIr, as in
;075 0p 11 ion t1ie saze had been forfeited 4 or � year ago b-,T the
lom1pany then hQldin.. i� throug 0 LL
_h its failure Z olDerate cars and
.poles, overhead construction and in oth= places tracks, to the
extent that it was not -_�ossilble to run _� trolley and twat hE
-,2 E a Favor of tra.-ns-portaticn and a, 'bus line between the
of I'air�2aronecl-
and the City of jhit-E Plains he fcIt fnat ti above
Utter ey should be recorded in tInG minutea of the mleetJ- L
�n g� He 'ul'aher
s LI-I EG he would prEfer to grant a co-inscrat fo--,-- the Operation Of
biuqEs on L-a--maronc-ck any coniaction g7-4th -any se-
ca Ile d. franchise he-re of O_-c "�rayjt c d
E-is olDinion, -iras corcurred in b"' the other 'j(jcnb.ers of the Ecard
and there o,'e-13 a furtIav:r feeling Of -L"I'Ie 3oard th_'t In the interests
of trans-ortation and a-,s the forL of the con--Ent ,rovid°d for' the
so-called franchise renzinina in Status qUo t_;'1ey weTe in favor
Of the adc-) en of tne covGn -LL .L,ri� c:-no,-Lges 'had been
=adE t1-1Frei-'n since the ti�Ie the ea aC WaS OriginaI17 'Drc^2ented
to the Board, u-,00n t n c- insistence of the members Of the �30ar='
and the various negotiations which had taken olace , -part-iculla,y
aS the agrecrient now reached bEoTeen the _estch2-ster
aailroad I=Oany, 711C. , and the York L Sta"AfOrd
Co and/or-PE'lly or the County transportation Co,.ri-=,y, inc., ,could
a_p-,Darcntly provide a in-ans of z.hrou-Eh U'rans-port-ation for the
residents- Of the of 111armarcnecl��, includi nE; the Village Of
,ame,Tonec�c and the Village Of L-archmont.
upon --action of _'Isrk_ Sherman, seconded, by justice
Collins, the f 0 11 0,'q 4 r,_
resolution was ]�resented and una-ilimously
d t2.^'.
application _Laas beer. made to
LLL 'D, � - -
the Board of the __7o-v7n of L_amarcneck by the
Jestchester Street 2ranisjDortation CoTpany, inc..
for the consent of the 2_0-un Board, of the Ic7!n of-
Y-aniaroneck. to -Llh.e substitution of the operation
c--F' buses or inctor -,e,,,,jjcles in place of cars on
tracers on that --=tion of t-,,Ie route of the -,-jest-
cl?--ster Street TramSportation Com-'_,any, Inc. which
is On '-;-.a i na r c n e c 1: .�v a n u e in the T m-,n of I-ai-f,a---r-c n e c k
L,07:4', tn e r e f ore, b--y v i r-LI u E Of the -p oz e r/a u t"I c r ity
vested in the "o-vin 3oard of t-e T�oF,7,rl Of 1_a T1arC:lEO{
by section 510-a of the public .S-_rvjce CO=j
Lam-v, as added by a,!o of ssion,
it ls� the Laws of 1926,
RZ.-SOLYFI), that the Tv�m 3-card, of t1ine -Lc,7rn of
1- b-,i -j- sent -'c e
c__ does here c n L_ the substitution
of t" e operation of buses Or motcr vehicles fn
0-P ' dace
I 02rs ILIDon trFo-I's on t--at _�,crt_ion of t7i-, route
of ti'e Westcheste_ Street, Traris-_Dortati' on coj-cjiDz� -,
-- - �.7- C- - I -
L-c. , w,-aich is on TH-a_,iaro�nec,_� enu in the
'-,his cansent, granted U,on the terms and
1. The -buses or --!jo�cr -\re`n40j 8 '-:12
be O-pc-_--ated
in place Of ti-011eY cars lu-_pon tracks on that )crtioia of the route
Of TI hc d c s ches e ;street T ra n s p 0 r tu a t i o r C oz:p a-,a y, T n c, h o r r- ill-
c v a d e 9 c r i b e d y the 0-J t J-1 0 n of the '.'-j'e s tl Olin c-s t a T S t 12 e e
-T r ra n s z-o rt,t i c n C c ID a i-i y inc. ,. at any t e and f ro rii t i-IL e -1,o ��,i I'q a be
pro-plle6 by -,power c'encratcd or conta`re', within the oni'libus Or
motor vehicle itself and/or buses -)ro,?ehed by store-= battery
and ;ill or any of said rinds or ['-Vces of buses be used aLl anti
ti'.cae an,, from tiiac to tirie,
T,a b e above ?-ja c-r t i cued sh-a I I be operated as -.,,)art
of a throlagh line bet,-.-een -points in City Of V'flite 12lains-and
ZI�Ie To'xn Doc!: in the 7illage of -,- �ar ne ck. The right to c-De-ate
a� c- LI
buses L-I substitution for electric street suarface railroad cars
"aci--under shall cont,.-,uc o :-,y so 10-11& as tc, --j I
es '7-. tcr Street Trans-
Ccmpany, i-nic. has the right to O-.0era.'L'e such buses botween
-ociint S 4 417
the City of ';finite Pla� 'S a-,
'd_ �Doints in the Villa--e of
3.. The rates Of fare b=t,,eEn points on said Ious --r -ine
abOvc- Yoe-_ntioned shall be as fojlo�,-j-s._
-a tc-T c Cr t -cc r or,- c oi-t 1-nuoas c-t.
p c n- -L ri ar,
/or of Ka aiToneck othc.r
_milt ojjf,/Cr 7117a2 of
A f--re o fifteen c c n t s C I o all of ,:sic'._ 2
t on _ _r
C'�n nu 0 u
h S 0 n
H a r i s o n ir f C i Of
t P,1 a ns a c,
a.zd. bases o ID- of r t d aer s u ni 6-r>
�'Y� C 1-1 t S {1J' ) 111 Of ..__Ch 1 os
cO t r con z-inuous rid �,, t- -DOL n t i-C, C-
T n Of 2 1 a z o n Q an ao i zat L,:: t I a T C -'n c
l.a7l Z,
a Clne� I by s a i cl T)us s so to c- cjj�ra�
� h r- - --an
Af-arE of t--r=7-.t,,__-_ri_7,,,c- C-C-c,-s
a, F t 0�- t L_� C--,-1c CIIc c U 0 u _4 a 1)- c n
c,,).s IL-n- in t,i- Town 01° -,,7411
and, a ny 0L t 1Y th
C or L te a in s re a_z7_. bl: sa 0 e s so t c be o a t e d h
Ur,al e ra
h 1 d rl 0 t 0 °x c C e t r C c _J-n .-lx:,_b e r ot n C' un Id e_� f n a r
S i1 I1 'o C C r r i d -rC-E "::'hen a c c D a r, 'o y D n a�0,u i t
such cliil�rcn, if
noll- cccu-,py �FaZE To 'CrIE
Th-_ "'t—t
lon Tn3.
C t =rc o-t
2 c S 0 e�]Ca C d b il
und, t:', 7 �i, on 17a-
r, ro_q c c I, _v 7 r,u,- r-i n,alo o 7,C-nt i on e
a r, b_-n-1,T i n t e 1. c t i "o us `r% on 0 c-0--,1 P C 2 t jOad S 0at'n Of
A r cn t, ..... h 0 1-
W c n C-
7: mi a
an poi c n 3 c c.- a!
7 Of r C 7, n-Vl ol-j c, any i n t sec ri 'o u_q
of t h:- Qn�/cr cc-c.n
S-,C n c c 7_-2, -n r 0 r t__-1 2 d 0 Ut -
th 0-
t3 "rrom Sao-a
i%o'-12- OCl C v --,-iu
0 4 n t 1 7 i 1
-ar— Cl
a ch- by 11)7a t
L U::l fi 7 t
ut-d/= tc D +
of r-11 21 i O'fL C c
r 2 a c,,i
O'n cordit-, C-Lq t'nat
In r
C r s o,'n S Z. C C r-,3 r T,1,o s D-ra
I n u.c:_ o u S
-Roston P:)S" R:)a-, H",'t 'S
C)--,I t -—-- I - � D)zi- rIac,
fr ns i-� or. b-s i s. !D,, t r:s�c'E tCT
_- „<,<1f a!- f,2--c-7- c L Ci
or cc �3c_ (Con-
he r_-i-in a ID o v c r r rz,
a in
" cn �r a'
j:Y C = ud
?f ionc
0 -;,.5
t 1'u; .,...._ h i-n D n L t
6 I C :_-,.'C--fa
is s ' 73 e d to
n I:.C u r I m u c'-n � - fey
t i rl t;- T-I I a Cf o.v C k to JCi n a o ts e
Opt' TT') vin,.
'n 1" un i n v1 I c
cf -�-oints o --bcv,� fan o ar-d r-s-I r. n,. _.,l
n J oz:c al c h r ;D f �y�
- licus ch su
C�nts b-- to on" -or i-
ra L n�ci=
C,i C f SO tD
-n an 6 r o of
T,'I S
r C 'o ',D- -7 SF on 3ai bus 1 n c _.....II
Lra-� n r t�- t If I C 4
T-C 0-i-
Stu __
6 t !ill six months after tne c ormme no el.,ie nt of the o-pe ra tion
Of the bus line he re in above mentioned the de st.c-,,I C-
st-er st-reet
Lranz,pOrtat,ion CcmjDany, shall ref10vc from t_at -,:)a:?t of Layriaron-
eck al—nuc '-""nich is in t'nc To-xn of 7,' 1
I F_ �C and outside of 111E
71llage of its and over'. - U-
I cad conistr� c �on
at its m�:n e:i-pense. %J'i t'.- I
in, sly --nilont"n s af ley the cori ence-,_.ent of the
0-10 El r_I L.Ii on c If uses he r e inab ove -ac nt i one d th_- _:"/e s t,che s tI e r Street
-ran s-!:or ta t i on C oi,,i,:)any, '"'no S'na 11 at J_t s c-::n e ns e r cy,,io 7e
-- its
rails fro that rt of .a a r c n e c K Av. w h c h L s n the 2
vc:n Of
maronec,: and Outside Of the Vill__=ge of a-m a r o-.,-:a c 1c. the '.-,-osto'nesta,-
S tree t Tra-rspo3?tation, IID-�-_i:)any, Inc. shal-L be Under no duty or
obligation to do a-c,--,, filling in, grading- or yTork Of rest-oration in
connEction -ziL'n, or as a result of thE reyioval of its rails, .CC Jt
that .-!heneve-r trc"-s are removed from tit e side of that -p2rt of
Yamaroneck __'IvEri ' ' , - i- LI
U�' is Ii tne Tc-�T-Lq_ Of Lar.,iaroneok, and
of U"e Village of 1'-a72ronecI:, t-11-c
�cacs tlEr Street "Lran-sporta-ti"O'n
C T c- 21'12.1.1 e 7c e_D t 'W-c'c-r E- Crossing 'Ll"ie !Ja7m G 07�- iv
� ny
leave h? Surf 2 c C Of th Street, f r om ,-,,,h i ch its tracks are E-�o v
ilk levEl condition.-
7 7. So long as such buses arc o'cerat-ed hc-reunndecr, the
I -'ester Street Tra--nis-,=tation Co_-�Ir_ _y,
lostcL - Qar Inc. s'nall be Linder no
d-at-,,.7, liabilizy or ob 14
-'s-atio-n to have , ioave or ee:j in re-oair any
fzcrtion of the �,)aveyiert Or r0ad7,a.y on cl
La je
-j-anro - 1-`7errue.
_L _ f , 1
6. 3u s c s o r- s a i f bus 1 i n e Shall 'Cie L)-o p-r a t e d On a e a d7lla Y
Of not Tqorc than one hour bet1ween 7 __1, and mi(iriight and on a
hFadway of not more than one-half nouT Burin, the morning rush
rOL'I's ard tCie af'k-1crnoon hcarq_ shall be the hours of
trmvEl on sa_-f
0115Es of the ainoirnt of suci-i t-rav L
The ',ics -"Ic-ster Street Tra-ns-pDrtation Ccm_anY9 --no.
,al', not be required to co7,,-L,1ence the 0-o=ration of buses or,
La=roneck _-'LvEnue ')'arauayat Aereto an�f, this c on-_e n t Shall no t
be cozr:tive unless and Until the necessary consent for such
tl,;,t ion on such Street rail,.,iay line 11��s also ben obta-�-,aed
frull, the local auho_ritics Of the ',Tillage of I.,--a-2--roneck and
n o f
ft a a Y' 5 lter the cor,,.c-nco2jjnyj' O-F
years'a rs o.
:'Este t 0'(1-nc
O-peratJ on of buses llereunders the street 2rans-Qort
at-ion u'o,,'Ja"ny, inc. , -may, zt its cwn ccnstruct and -',qa'nza_In
0 r'u."'a 01a t _n entire 1-011 te Ia_-r-inab ov_e li e nt one d, Such "racks,
'o I e s s and o ve rhe ad c 0-f-Is rllc t_J On a s nja y b o no c e s sa ry, for th e
c--oeration of electric street raIl,,-,iay cars on �Ih�- route he--ciaabove
mcd u"on SUCI-I Construction bein cc_,__)jc-ed
L' -,FI7 7 L'a_'T,
-e on route hcD�,E i-nabovE� 11=.tioned -n elec Uric Street
-nd o-oe-a ain
surfzce ra- "IrO,-d and notrllnc' -nic-:re'
- in con-11-ained shall iqpair the
ri,uhts Of t1le _:�-estcheat-Fr Street Transportation Ir L
.c. , its
successors or assi45-nu, 'n a street -2aid"`fa' line after
suc U
construction of suc'n trac"11-s, -aoles, wires and Overhead Constrq)'-
C 012 ha,s oecn. coln-31,
�7 Ur - I-- - n- L:...0on such res,=,]Jti or. of o-peration of
S-,�,.ch ic strcc__ surface railroad, said --o,-,Tn Of and-
thc q'=_st_ChC-stCr Street. Trans-portction Cori.3a--',, Inc. shaii be
restored to their ri-Sats as ex-stirg Dr l Or -' �' t_"E� granting of t-_,1jz
consent, and -ic'ejud-ice to the rights o" , - -'-:7 7'
'hing hcrc-iij Contained or in this
Yot consent shell i
i 0 C - -Dair
E xi��Tlts of the Street "ranspoxtz-t- n o,,,�any PC. ,
to Operate Street -lines under its f "se
_L L rai,c-q-- a t the c7�,1 ra ti on
Of the
P r� cd during ng -wn ic'n th e o�p c ra t.i on Of b us e s n-ay be s u"b�t i tut E d
11-ereunder, --crovided such franchi se of the ',WestclnEster '3"reet Tran
-ti _-
-00rt -
on Con-oany, --no.. is no-, 1"OrfeiZed. by reason of any, defaalt
1,oin�p a occua�jy��D- i
of said yly s-ab s e c ue n tly he rc: LI.o This consent,
howEver,- shall be so construed that at the ine of the resumption o=
Operation of Street surface sl?ct.ric railroad 'lere-undEr,LLLlnless
LvI e -2 own of I farnaronec'_c aad %Iae Tes t cln c s ter Street _ro,nsportatior
Co;-r_pary, Inco ot'aer,rise agree, tls said `lo:n of _!_ I arors c'k and the
sa._d ,'iestcil^s' -r Street ,ransp=tation Colnpa-a, Inco shall be
restored t0 their rES_72CtJZrC rights ac nOl1' existing under the afore-
said franchise =io-r to the granting o-f this cor!sent, this consEnt
Oe11 - ,_u and accepter. ,!1�C10U.t _re�L'_d10E to a'rty Cf USE r_g
° _o, -s 01
the saiu oarties hereto in tC!e iJY'°ini SESa
The ieFtc c—ster Street 'tiransporta-ticn iC01mpany, Inc.,
shall file in t_.'e ,Office of the 10`;n1 Clem, of the lm,-'n of '
7;_aYRarcneCti an 2,cceI)ta.nce Of t e terms 2,'_id conditions erEiralcove
Set `Crt +_9 Znd SL1C'R acCeitta:CE end this esolutiotl shall Constl"tuute-T
an aEreeement by and beta"een the Town of >la-7naronecK :ncT the es,
cs v 1 Th -c10 t ,tiY y Ii1Co. -
.Jl,rrcver the liarRc SiTR-,='1
CG i=; rrT t. is used in this PLesoiu-ior an C0 E'tI it Sn
be deemed -to include the successors and assigns of the ';''estciiester
'Street 'lransiDorte,tion Corn-oany, .Lzce.
Upon notion, the Mecting adjourned at 1:45 A. J._.
1o�•,r C `rkk `�'