HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_05_26 Town Board Minutes v
SF—MCI-1,11 E_7i7T I1TG 02 TIT TOII'`I TU317 ?30ARD
T6Y:111: CF '1!iIL,.RC1'.EC—K, F. y.
held I•iia.y 26th, 1931,
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
,_ e g
11:55 P. Y.
Fresent: Supervisor Burton
Justices Leeds and T.'essersmith
Town Clem I:rarvin
T` .e presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The Supervisor advised the 3oard that he had been advised
by the County Engineer*s offiee,t'ne County 2ngineer and the County
Treasurer that in connection 4,,ith the widening, and reconstruction
of the 3oston 'ost Road the County had paid out on account of the
shre of the Town of lfamaroneck for land takings and other charges
in connection thereorith for and on account of the T.oT,n cf Yamaroned�_-
the sum of `2-6.9,204.68. He further stated that the County had
issued Certificates of Indebtedness to cover said cost, which Cert-
ificates became due on J= Ist, 1931, and that the County Treasurer
had called upon him as Supervisor to pay into his office on or
before said yune -1, 1931, said amount so that said County Certif-
icates could be paid off t7hen due.
The Supervisor stated that the Board had heretofore approved
_ of the widening and reconstruction of the Boston Post Road, having
adopted preliminary and final resolutions and that it was very prol,er
Un t the Board should appropriate the aforesaid sum requested for the
estimated share of the Town and should 'authorize the Supervisor to
deposit same with the County Treasurer.
Counsel recommended that the. Board authorize the Super-
visor to issue a Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the
amount of not to exceed X270,.000., 8269,20-1.68 of the proceeds of
,which Certificates shall be paid to the County 'ire surer in payment i
of the cost of ti7ider_ing and reconstruction of said Roston Post Road
and the balance to be applied on account of said Boston Post Woad
Cra.tttficatis:.lg 2 and 3 heretofore issued and now outstanding,
71 T'rL'N', _91OPu, BF-1, IT
RESOLTED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and empowered in accordance wi-t'n the
t.ighr.ay =.'aw constituting Chapter 25 of the Con-
solidated llaces of the State of JIe7 York, the Town
Darr constituting chapter 62 of the Lata of the State
of .i7ew York, and the General I.unicipal Law constit-
uting Chapter 24 of the Consolidated I,aYr;,s of the
State of ',ew York, to borro .. upon the faith and
credit of the Town of Kamarcneck the sum of not to
exceed $270,000. and to issue a temporary Certificate
or Certificates of Indebtedness in said amount, which
shall bear interest of not to exceed 6o per annum
payable at such time or times as the Supervisor may
advise , not exceeding, however,. 18 months from the
date thereof and to sell and dispose of such Cert-
ificate or Certificates of Indebtedness for not less
than the par value thereof, the maxi=n of said amount
of such Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness to
be hereafter refunded by the issuance and sale of bonds.
FURTEF.R E:TSOIV-2-D, that such Certificate or Certificates
of Indebtedness shall be in substantially the fog
authorized for previous Certificates of Indebtedness
covering said Boston Post Road improvement adopted
by this Board December 9th, 1930.
FURT R RTSOL777-0, that the Town of nramaroneck �
hereby covenants. to pay the principal and interest
of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
of the amount hereinabove provided as the same shall
become due by levying assessme-..ts upon property in
the Town of Mamaroneck at such time or times and in
such amounts az may be necessary to pay said principal
and interest.
"_�'URTIFR RESOLVIED, that the Town of I:-lamaroneck hereby
covenants further, in case of a default in carrying
out. the foregoing covenants, the said Tovrn will raise
by taming all t-arzable property in said Tovm of
7famaroneck from time to time the svm or sums sufficient
to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate
or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall be-
came due..
The Supervisor atated that the Town mras indebted to the
estchester Joint- ';eater ;'arks, Bo. 1 in the amount of more than
$27,000.00 to pay for the cost of installing Suter mains, etc. and
that the cstchester Joint, 'water zorks, 'hLl required the money
immediately. He recommended that a Certificate of indebtedness
in an amount not to exceed zX27,500. be authorized to reimburse
the ',`later District for its ex-penditures on behalf of the town.
.'after discussion it :Jas upon Laotian by Justice Leeds
seconded by the Clark upon roll call unanimously
RYSOL77D, that the resolution adopted by this
Board. on May 6th, 1931, a.uthorizino the Super-
visor to issue Certificates of Indebtedness in
the account of '37098. to reimburse the 'llestchest-
er Joint Water '7orks, No. 1 for expenditures
made by it on behalf of the Town be rescinded.
Upon motion, duly meconded, it was
RSSOILV D, ',7HTPj--AS, the - estch-ester Joint ";rater
uvorks, 2?o. 1 has expended from time to time in
he installation of -�,ater mains and other equip_
ment in the Torn of Hamaroneck and for other equip-
ment in connection with the Water System of the
Town of Tuamaroneck, and
fI `RT_'AS, said ';aestclaester Joint `later '.7or'ks, Yo. T
has now called upon the Tcn-in to reimburse it for the
expenditures: so made by it on behalf of tiae Town,
iH^R ORT , B7 IT
RT'SOs77D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and empoUered in accordance with the
To,,rn Lalu constituting Chapter 62 of the Lays of
the State of Fety York, Chapter 554 of the Taws
of New York of 1927 as amended by Chapter 62.7 of
the Lai^s of Few York of- 1929 and the General
Ylunicipal Later constituting Chapter 24 'of the Con-
solidated 1,awa of the State of ITelu York to borrow
upon the faith and credit of the Town of Uamaroneck
the sum: of not to exceed X27,500. and to issue a
temporary Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
in said amount, which shall 'Dear interest at. not to
exceed 6% per annum, payable at such time or times
as the Supervisor may determine, not exceeding, how-
ever, ei htecn months from the date thereof and to
sell and dispose of said Certificate or Certificates
of Indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof,
the maximum amount of such Certificate or Certificatjes
of Indebtedness to be hereafter refunded by ;ghe Issuance
and sale of bonds.
�T 'R R-7,S01,7E-D, that such Certificate or
Certificates of Indebtedness sh211 be in
substantially the following fork.
Yo. W. — I r
S T_i T-J± OF ITT`,'I' YO-7M
TO'vPf OF i �i;i4R01'i'C
OF I"r+�� TC7-lVld OF T,.r. ,a142,01TTCX
The Tom of Yamaroneck, in the County of viestchester,
a municipal corporation of the State of "-Hew York, hereby ackno -
ledgea itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the
bearer of this Certificate, the sum of Dollars
on the 10th day of Dcceml;er, 1931, vrith interest thereon from the
date hereof at the rate of per eentum per annum. Both
principal and interest of this Certificate are payable at the office
of Eannahs, Rallin & Lce, Few York City, in gold coin of the United
States of America, of or equal to the _ore--sent standard of weight and
fineness, or its equivalent in larful 'money.
This Certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of
the Town Laiviconstitutiiag Chapter 62. of the Cansolidated La'wo of
the State of Yew York as amended, Chapter boa of the Lars of 1927 oftne
State of Yew York as amended by Chapter 627 of the Laws of 1929 of the
State of P`evi York, for Loney borrowed to pay the cost of the
cons'auction of a part or portion of a ;'dater System in. said Town.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,.
acts and thin,gs required by the Constitution and Statutes of the
State of New York to exist, to have 'happened and to be Performed
Precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate,- exist, have
happened and have been performed, and that the issuance of Certific-
ates of which this is one , together with all other indebtedness of
said Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the
Constitution and Laws of said ,State; and the full faith and credit.
of the Town of I�Iararoneck are hereby pledged to the punctual payment
of the principal and interest of this Certificate, according to its
IN -WIT17-SS 'ii113 OF, the To-,:in of Yamaroneck has caused
this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by its Supervisor and
its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Tot-n
Cl,_rk, this day of
— Toarn Cle rk
RF'SOL577D, that. the Too,n of LiAmaroneck hereby
covenants to pay the principal and interest of
said Oertificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
of the amount. hereinabove provided am the same
shall become due by le7ying assessments upon
Property in the Torn of Yamaroneck at such time
or times and in such amounts as may be necessary
to _day said p-rincipal a-ad interest. further