HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_03 Town Board Minutes 49 1. .l TrTG CF THE 7017T TO',77 BOARD Y. held June 3rd, 1931 The meeting ,aas called to order by :Supervisor Burton at 10:3 0 P. If. Present.: Supervisor 3urton Justices Boyd, Leeds and l:essersraith Siraerintendent. Coles Town Clerk Iu arvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. The minutes of the meetings of December l7th, 24th,. 30th, January 21st, February lath, 17th, 18th, 20 t'd., 21st, Yareh 18th, ,April 14th and 15th, were read by the Clerk and by resolution unanimously approved as read. Rosario DeCicco addressed the Board to request that fill be supplied on his property on Eurray Avenue in accordance with an alleged agreement made at the time of the Murray Avenue mprove- meant. He was informed by the Supervisor that the matter would be taken care of. James P. 7ennelly, of the Boston Poet Road, Dillon Park, addressed the 3oard in -regard to the water supply situation in Dillon Park. He was informed by the Supervisor that the Po°an t ill install -zat-Lr laterals before very long. -rank D. Tansey of 7317 Forest, Avenue, Larehmont, submitted plans for the proposed development. of about three—quarters of an acre of property �rihich he owns at the easterly end of Vine Road. Lhe matte- was referred to Superintendent. COIFS. The Clerk submitted a sketch acid an estimate in the amount of 9­250.00 for three I-Tcon light street signs proposed for the intersection of I_Iurray, Qrrtle and Chatsworth Avenues as the report of a special committee 'reretofore appointed to maze recommendations on this subject. Counselor Gamble declared he knew of an alternative type of sign which mould be cheaper and perhaps equally affective and he vias thereupon asked to secure an estimate for his type of sign. Counselor Gamble reported an the claim of F. P YaGeough in the amount. of 69.27 against the Town of Kamaroneek in connection t,ith plurtnbing .pork on the water service line at 7395 Weaver Street, vrhich claim had previously been referred to him for his report and recommendation. He recommended that the claim be paid and submitted a resolution to that effect which ryas thereupon moved by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Lessersinifn and upon roll call unanimously approved as follov�s. _ 'd=,RTA S, a claim ham been presented by 11r. F. P. KaGeou;h against the To*ram of Mamaroneck in the amount. of ;169.27 in _ - connection ti,rith plumbing wori� on the water service line at ;395 'Weaver Street., and i u1?i'TRE-l�S said claim was referred to 'destchester Joint ':,later Works, lo. 1, which after consider- at.ion has denied responsibility on the grounds that its responsibility of maintaining the service line of any consumer is from the main to tine curb and not between the curb box and the property line, and -,--HTAS, an investigation of the claim discloses that the --ja.tcr scx-vice line from the curb bo:2, o the house ,ras frozen due to certain s°cavatdon -:pork done by the Tcaun in connection -zith the laying of the sidevialk on Jeaver street and the change of grade and to this extert the Town in this particular case is Properly responsible, and WIT-R TAS, �anlv action tai-en h2rz!iyj is not to be construed as a Preccdclit against the Town of Yiamaroncck; therefore be it 7TS07 77-I , that the claim of 1. P. KcGrough for zervices. rendered to the service line of 395 WeaVEM-Street in the Tovrn of 1,,1--maroncok- -in the amount of $69.27 is hereby approved and the Super- visor is authorized and empowered to make Payment of same -when said claim is presented to him on a properly verified voucher of the To7;im of I-am��,roneck. I A communication w�as received from C. 19. I-,EoodY, dated 15--y 29th, addressed to the Clerk enclosing copy of letter to Supervisor 3urton and also letter to 3ourd of Sewer co c Commissioners n crning e T.'r. 1foody's Rcuken Glen devclopmcnt. The letter 'Was ordered referred to the Superviaor and Sup-rintcndent, Coles. A cormaunication •,:vas received from Dr. Ross Golden of j7'11 Glen eagles Drive' , d • tdd YLay 16th, stating that he was not satis- fied with the drainage situation on GIcn E,--glrs Drive in front of his residence. The communication -ras ordered received and olacc-d on file to be taken up -gain wncn the surveys of RouIccn Glen nova in Pre--Par tion are considr-red by the 30a rd. A communication dated ILzy 23rd addressc-d to the Super-viscr was; received from the Rouken Glen Civic Association asking tshat Would be the attitude of the Totim, Board relative to accepting the upPrJT Part Of 71'-Jnc Road as a Town str,-act. The communication was ordered rcc2iv,-.d -91f,,c-ed or, file and the Clerk trias 6-irectcd- to inquire what portion of Vine Road_ the communication referred to and the matter tw--s referred to Superintendent Co1cs for invcsti,�,ation. A aor,,Lmunicatioia dated U--y 25th w--s rcar-iv-d from Goodman Mok of #190 EUrr--y Avenue,. Larchr-no-at, complaining elf the drainage sit,,12tlionta the vicinity of his property® The communication -,,,as ordered received and -placed on filo, and the Olcr'-�- directed to ack- no-vrIcdgr- the communication and inform ITr. Block- that the Highway Department and th- S�!VIcr Commission have practically completed Plans to take care of this situation. The Clerk reported that he had been called by L:--. Recd K--isch, Larchmont,realtor, in ragzrd to the water draini"n into the -9 , esterly end of Shadow I-arie in the Villagc o--,- Larchriaont from a pool ,V situated in the unincorporated section of t.�e To-un.- T-ne r=ttc-r was referred to Superintendent Coles. Tusticc Les5ersmith on behalf of the committee heretofore a-opointcd to cr,11sidcr the =,tter of bus routeat reminded the 3o-rd that the committee vould meet with the corLyaittee of the Villlagc of Ka-maronpcir- on Thursday, June 11th at 8 P.Y. to consider this matter. Justice ILress,-rs--aith also reported on behalf of the cor�iir�ittoc L, heretofore appointed to consider the matter of certain street lights of the unincor-paratcd section that the committee ha,-d met with Police Chief Decker and that the following arrangeric-nts had been raada;