HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_09 Town Board Minutes HII'TUT7S OF OF TI-171. JOr_TT TO',YIT BOARI)
held Junc 9th, 1931
t 2 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 23urton
Presents Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd., Lccds and 1-'essers-faith
To,,,in Clerk !Larvin
Superintcrident, Coles
Thc regular order of business was dispensed with in order
to hcar 1.7r. Fronk D. Tanscy of#31? Forest Avenue, 1archmont, -,,oho
aq,g-zin addressed the Board in regard to his proposed development
at the easterly end of Vine Road. The Supervisor said he aroula
look into the matter and report thereon at the next; meeting. in
the course of his discussion to the Board Llr. Tazisey presented a
F cIntitle-d "Suggested Subdivision of Tanscy pro-ocrty in the Town
Of 1_am-9rOnCck, County, 1-jew York," made by A. I. Foote
Tngincering Corporation, April 22nd, 1930, J-. G_ J\ro. 1676. IrTr. T_Insey
agreed to provide the -necessary eas,-mc-nts -as shown on the map and
to arrange to take care of the drainage -,within his property lines.
A com�municatlon dated Tune 6th was received from Hovl_-rd
Barnes, Deputy County 7r.gi-ncer, in regard to the joint cooperation
of the To�-,-n and the County in the construction of the bridge over
the cast branch of the Shc1drake Riv^r on Rockland Avenue. The
Board decided to place the supervision of the -,-Ork in the hands of the
County and the riattcr 'was referred to thE Supervisor.
A, conriunication dated April 5th was received from
7i)gone D. t!_-kcman' Tarchmont Till gc Clerk, in regard to certain
arc as in the Tovvn which breed mosquitos. The mattcr 7,as referred to
the County Health Department and the Clerk -was dircctcd to request
the County HcaltU
h DaPartmcnt to inform the Board what they pro-posed
to do in regard to the abatemcnt of mosquito breeding places.
A communication dated Juno 2nd was received from LIIrs.
A. Fletcher Holbrook of i5 Huguenot Drive, Larchmont, complaining of
the drainage situation near her home resulting, she alleges, in
-xashout.s, which damage her projpexty. The matter taus ordered referred
to the 512:_Oervisor and Superintendent Coles and the Clerk was directed
to notify her of this fact and also of the fact th,�,t Huguenot Drive
is -not street and that the to-vrin has no jurisdiction"VIlorcon.
'Usticc 17esseLrsi-aith presented a claim against the Town of
,zmal'oncck by Patsy Lanna, i49 I-onroc Avenue, Larchinont, in the
amount oz :;475.00, being one half of the contract price for lovTering
culvert n.-ar the Loyal Inn on the 3ostor, Post Road. He declared
that the --atter had bcc-n referred to a committee of which he yas
chairman and thpt the committee had agreed with the Village of�'
L-roll'imcnt that the Tof7n v,,ould ]pay one-half of the expenses and the
77111agc of Larchroont the other Gn motion duly made and
seconded it -,ias upon roll call unanimously resolved that the cl@,iml
A representative of t'nc Standard Oil Company of 17 7-,, _York
addressed the -,',:'card in regard to thc Effcct the change of grade on
the Post, load ':,could have in the layou'Vbf a filling station at the
corner Of the Post Road Dean Plaa.e. The matter was unanimously
referred to Superintendent Coles with Do-c=
A communication dated June 2nd was received from C. Vi-
Parr of -#7 Normandy Road, Larchmont., calling the attention of the
Board to a small pond which serves as a breeding place for
mosquitos. The matter was referred to the County Health' Department.
........... -------
1 6.7
Tam- Clerk reported that hc rec^iv-d a teZ-�phon,� call
from Tfrs. Robert ',V. Belches of -L38 Yaple ?gill Drive, Darchmont,.
to the effect that her prop°r y T„�S 1Y1TCat?d_ with ru ts, M3fy Of
which c:* r^ drJFllin in n old abandon=d drain near b T. The_
Supervisor said he viould take the matter up with Superintendent
on motion duly made and seconded by the Board it iris
unanimously resolved to Adjourn at 3:36 P. :. to meet again on
Thursday, Tune lath, o.t 8a30 P.L.-
instead of th=u r_Sular meeting ni;ht on .;unc
l7 t.h.
Tovin Cl e is