HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_18 Town Board Minutes "77 TING OF TIME JOIE T TOvCT 30�10
TOV17 071 r
held 7 U-
nc- loth, 1931.
The rrqpcting -;Tas called to ord-.r by Sujoc-rvisor Burton at
8:45 F.
Presc-lit: Supervisor Eurton
Justices 13cyd- and ss e rsmithl
supCrintcnd2v-*U Col's
Town Cl--rk Ifar7in
The pres�ncw -,,vas also nctcd of Counselor Gam,"bla.
in acccrdance with the new systcm her f re adopted by
the Board upon motion by Justlicc IL-Cssersnnit'n- seconded by Justice
3oyd, the minutes of the 7,. ti-ngs of !,ipril 22nd, 29th, flay 6th, 9th,
20th, 23rd, 25th x= approved as printed.
Frank D. Tanscy addr,-ssed z6ho Board in regard to the
-proposod i=jpro-,T=-:nt on. -pro-p-r-
L - _ .. �y at the easterly end of Vinc. Woad.
After discussion 171 eras uI.3cr the rcccnrric-ndation of Super-
intcndcnt Col?S, upon motion by Justicc L�css-nrsmith seconded by
lustice 3oyd unanimously
7L7-'S(DLV77D,that Counselor Gamble prepare the
necessary rel2ascs in connection -.:ith this
L-n--orovcrficnt and also a proyo r form of --octition
to th-o Town Board for a ch,-,nFc in grade-
Superint.cndent Colcs suggested that the name of the --as tcrly
end of '!?inc IRoad from the point -here Vine :Road anaIzn-s a. right angle
-turn from a -northerly to a -�,,estcrly direction be chanced to Vine
PLID.cc to avoid confusion. Yr. Tonscy agreed to us-7- the name Vinc
P2ace for the atrnct -vnich he proposes to develop jr, his property
arld %-L,71-a ich is a contjnuation of tic existing Vine
A Cl. L1 Jas rcocived. frorp Stcep1.,:jooI: Paull IKchLoff in the
aricunt of ;x:50.00 for low:ring the u-G]p=r half of the flag pole
situated in t-)` !amoroncck Village 7cluarc,
On motion "by cl,,er' seconded by justice
it u-jaF, 131-on --oil call unanimously
37H.SCL"=, , that thc clai-- of 3t^cplc j Jack
Paul Kohloff in the amount of $5b.oc for
lmvcring the Ulipcir half of the To-,-in flag
DOIC be and hrcby is approved -nd order
paid upon thc condition that Hr. 77ohloff
E,:toD7-- in th: --cvT'n Hall the -�r7lc ,
,T- -- -, n-alyardc-, ct-c., ,-:n-ic'r 'he has remave-d
from said poly.
Suloc,rintendent Coles suSg-sted c 3oc.rd inspect the
10lj pole flag o�- in the Village th
s• uar• a la the int.-rsection, of
Ycmarcnccl-, Avcru= ana the 30ston --Oost- RoLid ,-,ith a to dccidi-nS
-,uh--thcr t-nc. y0oic should_ bz at one movcd -L-.o :a loc2,tion n c f�<rby or
taI= do—n �ind subscqucntly L,
ctc-d 2 , Toot hcr point.
Thz Board rcccssecl for f:ftcc-n minutes and ins]p^ctued ti-12
U-o on rc-ccnve n ing it -::a s, u-.ocn the re c o-nuacrdat ion of
COI..s, u--Oon Motion by the Clark and sccond-d by jus
7o.--d 'o-con roll call unanimously
77SCi,=, 7i—=AS, the Town Clerk has been
notified by the authorities in charge of the
3oston Post °oad improvc-ment th^.t the Torn
flag pole in the 77ill ge Square in Xamaroneck
is sit=tcd within the lines of the i'ost Road
improvement and whereas said authorities informed
the To,Fm Clem that if the To—.n did not remove the
pole ir.-imcdiately the contractor for the i1xirovcmcn4
would do so, TiUJ -1-TH"REFCR B7• IT
R SCl,7-TD, that upon the rcco=endation of Super-
intcndent Ccles, the to c—r mast of the flag pole be
taken doyrn and carefully stored in a safe 1olace
p ending a f in_.l decision as to a. nct^r and suitable
location for said bole, and be it further
?L7SOITT'f'D, th t; this =tter be re!'errcd: to Su- r-
intendcnt Coles with noy cr.
The Clerk inquired shat the hoard proposed to do in re-
Bard to the improvement on Rockingstone Avcnuc. After discussion
the Clerk TTas directed to write a letter to each property o,�rncr on
Rockingstone v-nu- between !'crest AVen3Je and 7ountain Avcnac
informing them that the 3oard would hold an open air mecting on
;uedncsd y, June 24th at 7rld r.L:. at the Roc:�ing Stone to consider
the matter and ^sccrtain the ,,rishes of the property Q=E:rs.
-- i .was rcce ived from the 7e tchcster Joint '..titer
:7orks, 17o.RI for the installation of 285 feet of 6 inch rater
=--in on Hardscrabble Road from Iuguer_ot Drive to the Tbvrn boundary
line in the amount of :,2,320.65 which was ord_red rcf rred to the
Supervisor and Superintendent Coles with poorer.
The Supervisor informed the Board tha=t in connection
•c.,ith th construction of th� bridge over the east branch of the
Shcld_-rakc River at Rockland Av`nuc, a survey including the approaches
and property lines abutting on and adjacent to the bridge
On motion by the Clerk seconded by Justice Ia.essersmith
it eras upon roll call unanimously
R'SOILVGD, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorize'.., directed and empowered
to have pr-pared a survey as above outlined
anal that the cost of samc be a proper tovrn charge.
The Supervisor declared that. a competent Inspector was
needed to safeguard the Tw.,n*s interc-st in connection v:ith the
construction of the Dockland Avenuc bridge.
Upon motion by Justice 13oyd, seconded by Justice I cssFr-
smi th it was upon roll call unanimously
RFSC-"JED, that Superintendent Coles ILs
hereby authoriz=d_, empowered and directed
to errmloy a com-petent inspector of con-
- struction and that th^ cost of svc be paid
for from an item placed in the 1931 3udget
for this purpose.
On motion duly ma.dc and secondcd the 3o.ard unanimously
resolvcd to adjourn at 11:15 P. 1,14 I, ,
Tosr7n Clerk