HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_07_01 Town Board Minutes L,TFHTTT.-O 01 T T CIYT TM.-Z 130.= To-'Jr of 1771D Jul ly I s t,_ 1931 '.. The meeting was c2llcd to order by Supervisor Burton at P. K. Present.: Supervisor 73urton Justices Boyd, Leeds and %:Tessersmith Su-oerintendcnt Coles Town Cl^rk Ya.rvir_ The presence .bas vlso noted of Counselor ^njble Upon motion duly made and seconded the approval of the minutes as printed za. dispensed ,it.h.. !; delegation of residents from Rouicen u1en, consisting of Ifessrs. Yc-ek, Baker and Tygert, addressed: the Board concerning the irproving and taking over of the westerly cnd of Vine Road. The Board considered the matter at san�oIength with pwrticu- lat reference to the question of drainage and v °ter discussion it was upon motion by Justice heeds seconded by Justice Boyd upon roll call unanimously R -SOIT-M, that the m.4 tter of improving and taking over the westerly end of Vine Road with particular reference to the drainage situation_ be and it hereby is referred to Stiperilatei"ident Coles, Supervisor Burton and Counselor Gamble with poser; and be: it furthcr PZ,SCI,VFD, that they be authorized to employ the services of an enginecr to assist them in this vrork Hnd that Counsel secure any nec- essa_17 easements in connection therewith. Rosario DcCicco and Jack Soriano, both residents of I array -,ver_ue , addressed the Board in connection with T:;ro DeCicco 's request for fill and other improvements on his property in accordance vrith th0 t=s Of the con tr.^._Ct he retofcre -cacde J i4Jeen t.Y -- Town sand ",id Yr. D=Cicco. Lr. `DaCicco declared that c-,-Ting to tnc chance of gr. de on Yurr�ay Avenue the Torn should raise his garage, should pla ce the nl-cessa.ry fill., should rec nstr:,:ct a cc,cretc wall and the steps _..ading to his boscr-.=nt. The Supervisor said ne ,, ould take care of the mutter. Oreste Poccia of Colonial :"zvenu- :a- ddr,csscd the Bo,-nrd re- questin that :coon be mac .-n to obtain gas =ins in Colonial zvcnuc to supply g s for his house.. After discussion, upon motion b Justice Yessersrait h seconded by 7ustiQc Boyd it :Teas um%nLimously RYS0177D, that. the Ycst.ch-stcr. Li.-"sting Coin13zny be and it n.ercby is requested to install, at no e Wn.sc to the Torn, a gam main from the z, sterly side of ca;vcr Street for a distance of .;bout 455C f2et westerly along Colonial Avenue. ±-ngine r A. J.. Foote presented a neap of r:ouken Glcn 7Jhich he had. h1er.tofore been authorize to prci),are sh07ring all Street lines, property linos, ;public utility lines,_ service lines, =asc.:ients and other items. The :Board considered this m^p and the oucstions rcl_^ting th�_rcto at conside:rablc ltingt.h and after discussion it aas upon motion duly rxd c and sccondcd u�o.on roll call, unanimously R_'SOI,V,+.D, 'WF_7R7AS, the above described ramp of ROu1Sen Glen has been Ares:rated to this Board for further consideration a;nd action;. . o7� , Tncr�afore, be it RT-SO!VFD,. that this map be rcfei-rcd to Counselor Gai,,7ble for his report and rcco=zndation as to 1:'aat steps should be t- xcc=n before he can recoi-maend final acczotzrcc of the streets in Roukcn Glen; and be it further R7-SOl✓VTD, that Counselor Gamble be End h hereby is authorized to consult rith 4 incer Foots for the purpose of obt„inin.g any further inform==motion anad datz includinE the prepn..ration of not more than six (S) blue prints of said maps, one copy of .ihich be scr_t to I:r. 0. Stc-o—rt Oor-cc.ux_ of Rolwken 31en; nd be it furthcr R±•SOlT1 , tiaa.t Counselor Gamble be and he hereby is e-mpoi;!cred to consult faith ?s. Colcs and the other memo-ers-of tic RoUkcn Glen Committee in. connection -with this hat tcr; and be it furthecr R2,,SO LVED, that the Ol-rk send copies of thcsc resolutions to !,"r. vomccux and to tYlc SEcrctary of the _?ouken Glen Civic Association. 7ngin!7.,cr Foote ycresentcd a map shm,.Lng the y)roposcd ir- psovement of Rocicingstonc Avenue southerly from _ orest Avcnuc and informed the Board that only tsre residents on ^ocizingstone ':venue, namely, 11r. l ng �. enbacer and Mr. Pease, had cx:mincd the maps in his office. After the Bolard iamd thoroughly cor_sidcrcd this ma-io it ,,"-2s upon motion by th Clerk seconded by Justice I.>sssers:Mith upon roll Call unanimously R°y 01,7M, that Superintcndent Coles be and he hcrcby is authorized., empo-�.ercd and directed to secure the services of an -=Sinecr to prelpa.rc final ola:ns Q--rid specifications for tee imrovercnt of Rocking-- ston•c ;v�nuc , prcAo rctory to receiving bids for said iraprovemcat. I,7cssrs. .;.ard S. T'd7ards and .-n3drevT Derby app-_'.red before the yo,ard and requested an ,addition and amendment to the tcmpornry and conditional _oermit heret.oforc ,_rant.vd by this B.ocard to the said mrd S. .±d•.aa.rds to hove the structure OIracd by him kno:.n ms the Oalifornia Dinctte to property located_ on the south side of the Boston Post Road Zstcrly of t:nc I=o=aoc-k,s Road, to ;Tit.; that permissicn be given for the construction of an addition to the said California Dinette to be locs,ted in the rcwr thereof and not to cute€d _�n area of lOx 14 ,',_etc said addition to be used for a kitchen, telephone booths 4and lavatory. Upon r_notion, duly seconded, it was a E S©L%TiTD, thct the resolution h,-erctoforc zdo-ptcd by this Board on fray 20, 1931, granting a, tempo wry and conditional "p'=unit to ','u'; rcl S. -�dtr, rds be nd the same hereby is rescinndcd and canccll--do. After discussion, upon rnotion duly seconded it- .as '7R7 H SOL"JzD, J ld:aards wpp4a red be fore this 3czrd on Kay 2.0t_2, 1°317 :end requested a terlAoor- q-ry ptirfllit to move to nand loc•atc upon the prcmiscs situated in the lotitirn of liu,rnwroncck, County of acstchester and S't�:te of York, being mor- -o.-�r- ticulr.rly bounded and described as Wollou.s: BIGTi;!Iil?u at. point or the _easterly side of the nerr line of the Boston Post Road iwnccrc the sarae is intersected by the boundary line of yoro-oerty of th Landlord and pro.:erty not-r or formerly of the li, ITe. Corporction, ',rhich said point is dist"nt. appro imatcly t ,,,o hundrod (200) feet southerly along, said Boston Post Road from its intersoction frith the south=rly side of UO=i.oc'_cs Road, running thence southerly along the Bcston Post -Road thirty; fivc: (55) -"t_, running thcncc cw st,-rardly c;nd pw rw.11cl rrith tnc aforesaid boundary Zinc forty (40) feet; running thence north-wardly and Iaxallel v,ith the aforesaid =:.:rite-rly side of the Boston most Road seven (7j facet, more or less to an old stone tivall; running thcncc cast,TYardly along said stone w.-II thirty-five (35) -peFt, running thence northz-� rdly nd para„llcl -,,,with th,. -1for said easterly side of the Boston post Road thirty (30) f^et. more or less to th•c aforesaid boundary -in--, thcncc ,long said boundary line seventy-fir-- (75) .feet more or less to the southerly side of the Boston Post Ro:,d. and the point or pla c o= A r-ovecble structure knoTrn as the California Dinc tt,e q•nd to conduct thereon and th=r.cin u restaurant business,, and ,117,R7-AS, thz z.�id 7dwardq has nov,' ^Cucs'z similar temporary permit to construe--a temporary addition to said California Dinettc to be located in the rear and not to cxcwcd an a.rro of 10 fe_t x 14 feet, nd v�R74S the ,.,foresaid cl•sscribed -or o c rtr p is no:r cl;,ssified unrer th- Zoning Ordinance of the Ln;,rn of Tl;ra.roneck as P+ Unclassified, ,?nd !_IvRF S. this Board r;'uy pursu-ant to Section 7 of Article II of the of o-resu.id Zoning Ordinance grant a ternyorary permit _O=Sua,nt to such conditio-ns and re- strictions as it Lay d:�t_rr ine, -1.7 7 7- .; aftcr duc, C011SidOr ti On it ii^S , UOOn motio?1 duly seconded t 7+-SOLVED, that this Bo,.rd do and it h-r eby does grant .- tea-apor-ry end conditional --wait., rcvokable the Of this Eo rd, t0 ,,j rd S _?d,ij-,ards (1) to ,hove to or upon the aforesaid described prer-niscs the structure cvn.ed by 11im and knQIIVra as it California Dinsttc and to conduct thereon and I tn,_rW; restaurart ouain' ss- (P-) LI o ccnstract a temporary -addition to said California Dinctte, said :addition to be loc,-tcd at, the _ostcrly rear end of said California Dinette and to riot cxc=cd in size I® x 14 feet; the same t0 ce constructed Only after the' 1o7:ans thc_cfOr R.,iV° hCcn sulonnitted to and 'have received. the ' loproval of the Building Coliirnission by t:nc issuance of 7 nsrrnit therefor; provided, howev=,. that th s-zia d ards s1=;11 provide ., scIttic tanL- on LY�_' -orcmises and shall ri;r all arraangc-raents for the necestib:ry sanitary conrcct- ions incident thereto, all in conformity and U-ndcr the supervision of th- Scw-r Dap<rt--ent'- 2r_d; provided further, th,,t the said Pd-oards shall ilant shrubs on the 7cst and ;South sides of said -addition so arranged as to conceal the Sark to a- great. an extent as possible from the 7Boston --Post Road and th- ro=ocks Rc: dtiT�Jy; .fart.hcr =,S01-717D, that the Building Commission of the Tc,,n of Iiwamr roncck be and it :cur by is uthoriz=d, cm- po,z=cd and directed to issu..� such temporary and co_2diti0nal 1oer;nit ss :r y be ncccssary to carry our:, the t---ms and conditions of this resolution; I provided, ho,,v-ver, that staid tcrsporL:ry and conditions l p, rmit sh<.;11 ..rabody tharcir1 -,11 of th,= conditions and ta. Is reir c. d._rovd° Cpcn a vote ocir_g t: kcn upon th� iorcgoing resolutions the six'.T?c ',Vern dcclar,,d un. nimOUSly adopted by th:' follo-ci�ing vote st Supervisor Buxton, „usticcs. Boyd, Iceds Torn C1c rk LT-=in r3oss: Justice Ilesscrsmith not voting. U-90n notion duly m:,dc and seconded the Board ur.,animously r-sc Wvcd to adjourn at 12:20 A. y I I i (/V f _o�,=:gin Clr i I i