HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_07_09 Town Board Minutes 17 R7A 0'T.832D !TFETIY�lx OF T17 yOU,-T TC`a-f! BC_,m held Tuly 9th, I931- The racoting-,X= Called to order by Supervisor 73 rton at If. Pr,--sciat: Supervisor -Burton J-ustices -Boyd, Collins, Mccds and Yessersmiith SU7.0crint,-ndent Coles Town Clerk 1 rvin The -or-sence v:cs • 1so -no'u-_d of Counsel= Gar,,-ble. Er. Ha Try Lou--hran, -,morn F. L=bdcn, dcvclo-.ocr of Hardscrabblo Road, add_rnssed th • 73oard in regard to his reoucat her: t.ofore mide for a -uat.�r mmin an this road. 'e. sa'id Y:1 . ing baC-Cf i lir_ n ,x�.-,s wiilj_nE� to do trench- - and 1 -1 and to contribute not. more than. 4 275.00 to--Ts,rd the cost of instaillrtLoa and matn.rials. Thc Board una-rimously r, solved to accept 36r. Dam, oden's tc-rms and u-pon motion by Justice seconded by the Clerk it srYas upon roll call unanimously L17SCLVT n I D, ',.77TR7,;�3, sti tc- has bc-r:-C, received. -rom the "I'cstchcst-2 joint .,at-r or"S' 1,0. 1, in '' 3 th_ amount of 2 72,0.65 for the installati-on of 285 feet of & inch a7,--r main on 7ardscrabblc Road from r.rom Hugucnot Drive to the To-an of 1,-'amaroneck, City of Yc•v�T Rocheilc bound; ry line,, said es -including trenching wind bac,,-fj_llinE,7, 'both dirt and rock, and Yr. J-olf-in 7. 1mbden, the m,,mer of the adjacent -,property, has agreed to do the trenching and bacl:filling for this inst .11!,,tion and also to -any not more titan 8275.Co tmr.Tards the­ cost of inst�llation and materials; BE IT R7S0L'V-,-..D, th�,,t the `cstchoste_r i-cint 'ctiter rl, Yio. I be and it hereby is authorized and directed to install for the lol,,n of Y�araaronccl-c said main and to ch rge the To of 1AmrmronGc_k in accordance 1-7ith the terms above Outlined the cost th,:reof, Idss cha,27gcs for trenchinE; and bzckfillirg, as f scertained nft _--,ppTovcd by the Board of Trustees of the ':bestchestz r Zoint ',eater morkS, ITo. 1. 1,-r. Rid.nard Wcod, rc-prcsoint-ing the Occ-umri Realty Com�3any, addressed the 3o--,rd in reE_ ard to the pl=s of that Company for -p^ving and,-- drainint Locust Ridge Road and Knollwood Drive. Me 3c,-,rd Con- s-idcrcd t matter at so-me length and after discussion the matter 7as upon roll call unanimously referred to Super-intondcnt Coles, Qaunselor Gr.7.mbIr and 711gineer Foote for th-ir report ,^nd rccCZ.U.10Y1CL- ation. 1-1--tc-d July 8, 1931 Eras received Ho o dy of Roul-7cn Glen in rcgz rd to Vin= -Road- The Clcrk was directed to re'[3ly that -.lthough the Eca,-d differed Ll - with sorse of the st_ten�_ntls in his letter, the -mother in question is under consideration and the details f -jrh;:�t will be required to di5l)ozz SL�Ais-2 , tc Y -L ctorily of the nz:'L, r will be submitted +6 to hi-na as soon ws reports from its Counsel and 7n_--in��er. ±),card rGocives f4nal JU1 TThree co t ions from Kr. HLoodLy dated j�om� 20th" 25th and Jule* 2nd r . esjoeatjvc_l-,,r in regard to the Str2ct lines, 0,.radcs and on Pomaic; Briar �are reccivcd and _referrrecj_ to :z -or,,_ MittV�e consisting of justiccr, -C-cds, 1,,', -li+, C o 11,nS t 0 CS _ a_r Sethcr -.with +U-ccrintc-ndlent, Col 'd Counsclor G2Lfolc for (their rC'_'00rt z-,ad rc-co�--miendaticr n- 'Ioic3 fias :authorized tD Cicloy, if nec-ss_r-r' engineer. 173 A communication dated Jude l8th .,as r-c ccived from th• arch ont Lions Clue urging the op._r-tior_ of full sto,3 signals on trcnty-four hour basis ;�t the intcrsection of 1'urruy and '?oust Avenus -.ni ulen Ro d and '?orth Chats-,, orth A.venu`s> fter discussion it raaz u-pon motion by Jvsticc locds seCOnded by the Clem unanimously RP'SCTTTFD, .yR7riS, 4 request ha.s heretofore been :iadc by th= Town ofKama roncck to th_c St.a:t(-: and County Highway Del)artments for permission to oaocratO on .. tvr^nty-four hour basis, the traffic lights Qt cert2-n dCingerous intersections of the 1'aaans 2nd i WIL—rTH�AS, -p=mi=lion has be,7n gra.2tcd to the Tovm for Only limi trd operztion of tbzse 1iZhts, and `HEy HT AS ASy o-r>.periencr during the -pO�st month has ag?in showcd tYlo m cd of -full 1 tim_ OjJE_.,t_ra i 0Yt of I SCLTTTD, t.hs.t this '07,1n Boarc: a&air, ta'_zc up with t" - St„t; and County Be_oartm_nts the natter Of continuaue operztion of thoso lights, and -oz it fur the 7750 v7_'3, that Justice J.1esscrs_mith rc_present the Tc?-n Board in these negotiations; ar?d be ii. furtircr R,:�.SC;L'17-D, thf t the "tnzt.tcr of a tr„.ffiC i1g.t1t a U. Forth Ch tsworth . vccnu= a,nd Glen 7o ad bc- rci=recd to the Police 3cpzrtmcnt vrith the rccom.°.endU.tion of e°ran Board that ar. ut.om:�,tic traffic device be installed at this - .cc intm communic:t-Cn fromm the Lions C1Jb of L•Orchmont dated JunE l7-th,y10.31, rrq_U°Stl�o per'.T1iSS-0'r t0 T�-GrOCt. i,f101r �1L?b S1`n at a Daint just inside the Town bound.zry line on thy= Post Road n2 _-r the Yc0 w, Rochelle line, svzS received. Jay resolution t:iu rCGucst lads _I)provcd .. nd th4 mattor v;as refc-rrcd to the Clcr1_ to take up with the Lions Club. A comsnu icw tior was received f-rOM Supervisor B. P, Taylor of the ` o�,n of Harrison, informing thc. ZoTn 3oa;rd ti:_ t the "'err r. of H=I rris on is "i llin, to COOpC-ra.tc zTi th v._�h e I•_mmaronccY Town Board in the —matter of improvz l,- t:c brid9c a,t L,_„ ,ronock _vcnu ever the L_ar1 ronrck �iacr. I U;oon _OtiO.n duly mad_c and seconded. the matter wa.s. upon roll =11 unan-mously ref=rred to 'rle ^nd `u-c�.rinte dent Gohs kith aov:era n `otice of Claims Of crgC J Sirburg snd v. Sic-burg Sa:inst '_pleCnfro 3rotl ,rs, St t cf ` ,,J. and 'ioti;n of i 1nG.ronec for un 20-- darl:ges suffered as a result of . n a:ccidsnt on the 3ostol. Post Ro .d during the resent i.n-;�rovcm.cnt, :aws received and ordc-rcd referred to Counsri. A cl ,ir frora DICnfro Lrcthers in the amoun-' of "50.24 -or 117c) barrels of o_ciW,l CU ick-ssttirg ce :nt at 5o;f C barrcl, ustid it tn: l:O;Jn Of 1._ur1aron! c In tUi' Lostcn :'ost. oad 11iy01OVer1 nt, leas received and ordered referred. to the Sup7rvisor> cormunic tiers dated_ June 24th ti,as recri,rcd from C. 3. Leon, fort Chester superintcndo Flt of the COUn4y 'ransportation COrii ra i?tQ.tii1' file Bard ti1,,t it a:,l rc-SIMCd Op=ration of ih II.=� .iChYiOnt ti:iu.t?Olt - RV` T� �r �eaah Lino, as r ccntl.y rcc;ucstwd by this 30 rd. I ,Tusticc Lc-=-(f,,s dc-claj<d Sc had he=rd csc7c sal ,� concrning ��iding quLcliti-s and conditions of 'the lus - of this 24-," al--1 Saif) hc thought thc Board sho-ul-,. -, I L, ye this matter v elm tn, h- C" 1 vap- dirzct-d to C,C, - t-- o Lo t -La h c se a S n T- ta,t i vc of -Ihc T�'�oaTd 1325 i:a o n Tu ly or to C�iscu,.�-- c:Uri:;I0= 27 r r:,D 0 r d 10 ::s in tie sew in COn-,'ICct]LOn with thc T-',cu'--= G :,a 1,722 ich had b:-T -r-cfcrr2(j --t z -OrGvious linE of the 30ar6. U�Qc 11 Tno t or, d uly rm,d(a n& S c cond c d. t h cc.j�,- un T�c,zolv-�d t 111c)us ly 6o �:djcUrn 12:40 SL�DJC-ot C�7,11 Of thc --hl--Ii= k