HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_05_01 Town Board Minutes (2) j 0 1 TO'.1111T C-,Tl 7­1-1 held I-ay Ist, 1929. E2 t in g v"a S call d to Order by SU-0 c r-v-_4 s 0 r _-Durt on at 2icescnt: SLrcertrisor Murton Ti 1 ­sti3e-s 30-7d, Collins, Hoviell and Leeds Sufi r-L n t C,nd e n t Q f 17-1 Y 0 1 S "Imun ClerS C our,s e 11 o r I arib I c U-Q 0 or dUly SECOnded, it PTO" , CI C) L,e CL 'xith the rF;adj-.,P,- of the of e-ztj ot yet ai�:):_O 7'd.n ii _rgs a n 2. ;vas rt-cc ived and read re quo sting 'that �riarClifl Read be continu@d and openEd so that the same !-lay be c-l"ccte6. to Zorsst �'.-venac throa_-h lots nur,,ilocrs 65, 86 and 8? o-n -the ma,, of Colo-riial P2r].c. -petit­ on eras ordered received, -claced on file and rEferred to the Su.0ervisor, Superintendent of llighviays and Counsel for r=_pert-. colMunication I ohn Dobblno was rece_-rEd an d read calling attention to the broken sidewall< in front of her f-roaart-1,:' at 153 _jvea.ver Street. Th: coinzlriunication E-,.,as ordered yp laced on file and to the ':'3,u - .�-n' . nt dent of _Iigh_A�ays. Justice Ho-,,­z2.1 brough-L, to the __;ca'rd's att=_ntion, tha Matter of certain sidewallc rei:,'_lac.=:,ne-nts con Ho ell avenue. The sa--ne as ordered noted in the minutes and _r: fzyred to tee S-aperintendentl of _,�_idl-hways for his ettcntulor. C. W. Loody, cle lio-Laen --len, ,rc. , -vias rEc-:;_iv=_d and read., relating to the streets ir. t'.:e �Onyuie 13rlar Sub-division in lioujen �Ien. The conLmunication was ordered received, placed on file and ref-_rred to the Sul-2rvisor together with the Superintendent of Hig-=i•ways. coi unicat-.on froLei 'Llie _�oard of Sewer I%)=alzsic-n2rs as received and read stating that said Commissioners have had SC7"ral re que st5 for zei,.7c jr- s-1­�2­ 3e in hl�yrtle -':,Ia,- a nd re quEl s L advice as to 'the status of said street. The c o=u-ni ca tion vias ordered re cce ived, placed or file and re-erred to Cod nsel. co-mizLnicatior from j'harles •ic Donald, clointy 7.'iap,ineer' as Secretary of Compilltee on Traffic Oontrcl for ',Iestc:h'ester County, vas received and read., calling attention to the sL�CL-�isslon of a circular letter to tnz Sa-3�--2viso-r on the date Of _orii 3rd and re auc sting thie adoml.ion by the card Of the rncorm.le'nd- a t 4 ons for a u_2`fiec5 s te'T1 of traffic Control 'I'l he c m-mun i a o n wa s c:r d e r z d received, Lla c d on l I a-nd ----ff--rred t:o tl-e Su-c�-rviczor for 293 T'- E io EoviiY TesOIU_t_p__ 'vic:S offered _'Or GGO= ICY R SCDV2D, that tt,_E :3u-porviso b` and he ham- oy s authorized and il,--otea :o s.rese-nt t0 tnE ^varCL Of 'S" 0-.`1:"1Spi ., p �L^E i:Oli:1i..' Oia}'EStC;1ci0..^ t e at_:IE Ed_ i ti01- signed by all td�e r pers the 1o ,' -3Card, 2--ri] of _:'�ai]la-0rreck, and Oy E f do au'Je r lnt,,"_^_dent, Of Ef15',a y s Of said _G'v,`i7 -.o aL'.:crize the CGnd1ng Cp the _ �G6�`i1 OI _aM rci?eca in the r-r�-no.i'oal sL._I. of iiiC'� OOOaCG C ay t:1e COS+ 01' i rrGTJ lfi s -a'° arrP_OY! Drive, --or a dlsta'n_ce of 22CO feet; ardc, .,oad, for a distance of lo_,a feet, 0° Rockland 7 e-n- e for a diSl.a Ce GI -200 ?eel �a OTest . e for a distance of 3150 eet; �unalo°; Road for a distance Gf 60C to Roc�-in~stonE venue for a �Eni. GrE dirt a e= Of low ' feet; Read - F e r Road_ lake side Drive t'alyper i cnue �W =Ccc,700d _i.VCT__1E Road �.. r�arc_i__ -cad lircinar t; Road The eSti 6n Of z he a dG_7t_o- t:IE =o -- � , , CT �Ol"',.t,01nd rESO.....t16n ,as ut to a vot- -with tub `_'0110-:ang r✓E j Lti0Es: none 1.1E �OarC L,._e? yrOCEcd i tC S'_ _ e G_ �.L0ill tiC`_ 1s as follows, ° 1C !_E H0n0T'ai-1e J o a r 6 o f Su'y e11vISOrS Of t E County of 'iEs-uc_n,s L,r. r Lii-sl a--n t0 =1a_J"Ge'i 1'( Of L'ie .T:...•a,,vs O ohc State f Orly 0. 1�05, a6 acilGnCeC Vby Chas'„_ JbJ o i_E .-",a',is 1clS ^C U-r r I'E'-ned, consti lut_in hE p-v �:oard a:d _ ..� Of H T � 0'�cl a y s o_ �1=c J _ l :l e 5 ste 0s Er Count,-; _;E .:Oric, ';'TY 0'x_ 1S 1aC1 or 0o be nlad 1iaale TG t ax aa o i n dvnClE Or in i0art, _'Or tte OOS Of liIl_-rOv?n� tIn )a2�_ �lay "I ti_,n G CC n StTUC St.= -water drains tnerE __'s do lEr � ✓ aiivi�' t0 Your OrCrabOar1_ .O= aL 'lo'iZa 10-i t0 JOL'YOiJ i01 and 0'[h t?1E Crep-_i, Of Said `10�en, the SL'1fi ^vim C.':2 _'Tandr`✓d a-nd 'netJ-_fue fn0t_j_ /-.__c sand :Dollars L..p Or the p,,z_--DOSE of 'tiayin th La COS t Baia i r0 osed i A rovE c1 to _ "nE _'011Oc�ing are '1-111 iZiLays Oposed to b c- i,� TOTrCI and !lp Sa! e ar0 situal.eG cnt Laly y a' _� 4 L1C- 16.'7'6 01 airicl'G ECtis Z as rriSC, for u. _ti a�_CE G_ �cOC _ ®. .sarCl.cn R;,•a.d, for a�diti„�,.lce Oi 110`Jr,° f_et-, Ca -ROC_:1a.:^_G_ „_.Z.'.'.�.e = Or acd,S E.ncC c 22C0c_EEL: 0-e -crest _±—.van—...z, for a Q!Sta ilCe OI 3-j-00 e. . L1:nJa.=Dr ,ad, for a d ,.ai.Cc Of VO'0 f8ct, ® HOC?i1n Sto.` 'v W_.J-=, 1Gr�G C_ 1-,i=�W 1-f 1655 _E1- Gc^_C! J o i a.tel:l-e J. _,v'E:7'J E. a to-well Avenue s x ee,%000 '-T e-aue 5 . `_illcrest `zve u29 t7o Zr,_Taood Road; orci_ard Road. 2 ,'Jc: do --L1 3- r re qae s t, --u-suant t 3 said a,,v, + ai- ycu -n-,a ct an,� -providc v.,hat r ---o:�- o 1-- 3 f s a d T 0"";--1 _part r 0 e c 17 s a I a t 0 t a-�:a t c n o 1� tla e Of pay mi, -he su,= c- n.joney sc-cd -LLc -Uc bo-_rOv7e to;2 ti7c Wr -,-Ii th th-- isterc-st -,';rich Would accrue t.,-e-reon. est--L-�ated cost of such includ,-=s th�� '0- ----e T e s t -n u e n e Han-I,,r--d ; I n e ty-2-"v c- 12-c uz-a n d. D 0 11 al,S n'00 CC -11Y ezt. tnat a -pprope'r - a�� by -Your --onoracic 3oard t F C c ,n- a-,---, sale of hia,-a_- in -atec� abov� -cr zhc-: un s ,n, 3.F ded 'y lay.-. 7ated 1".'-,y IS ', =::vil S 0 2 am 3oyd 2atrick �L. collirz - iam ]D, —Edz azt-ces Qf C'-,r COIFS Towl- JE ,a a U-0 c n :n o t i o n t-q-- t J,r. ad ;Cabeed at 177