HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_19 Town Board Minutes 287 SPECIA1' 03:' TI'Z JO-L-ITT TM,717, 730­'-RID '20,Z" G-2 lL. I- R0'-=--C-K' IT. Y. I ii,',L]D �A-0 I-41 19th, 1929. The meeting -,,-vas called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10:30 -`?. H. Presents Supervisor 3urto7--i Ju,-::tIces Boyd, Collins, Howell-1 and Leeds Superi-r,tendent of Hlighvvrasys Coles ToBrn Clerk Sherman -Oresent at the meeting were 11,-=. 2. L". Special Counsel and 1�r. --i. J. Foote, Elngijjeer. r. 2oote reoorted that he had tabulated the bids sub�ait"Ied on the l8th inst. , for the construction of a storm Y.ater drain in and along Forth Cnatsvvort,h Avenue fro,.-'a Wild,,wood Road to property ov..rned by the County of ',,Vestchester and acouired 4°or the -Qro-cosed _Pcilaam- Port Chester Parlo.Tiay, in the Tow" of I.Tamaroneck, T ew !'"orIc and -[aresentEd his report. ��r- Coles reported that he had exa mined the bids sub-,iiitted and the report of t'ne 71+ngineer on the ta"oula t4 or L S made by him of the bids su1onrdtted from which it appeared that Loc"z,- Joint Pj--oe Com-pany submitted the lo-west bid -,--or furnis'ning tie reinforced concrete oi-I)e under Section 1 and that Smi-h I Brothers Contracting CQ. , 7nc. , submitted the lowest bid for the construction of the stoma 7xater drain under Section 2, as called for by the notice to bidde--m. Hr. Coles further reported that he had awarded the contract for furnishing the reirforced concrete pipe under Section I to said Lock Joint -�i-pe Company at the ruin of -' - I k, 1 83,977.50, and also that he had aararded the contract for ti-Ie Construction of the sto= water drain designated as Section 2 in '(;rl,- notice to bidders to Smith Brothers Contracting Co. , inc. , whose bid was the lowest responsible bid for said viorlz: in the size of -,v'18,864.00, and requested the Town Board for the ap-3roval of his action. Justice Collins offered for aioption the folloeving resolution; TSOLV7,D, that the action of the Town Super- ;ntenftent of Hig- Sys in an',vanding the contract Tor the -furnlsning of reinforced concrete f,!-?e under Section I of the notice to bidders for the drainage and j=grovement olf 17orth Mliats-o,:orth .,i7ienue, in the Tovin of i-Ta-maroneck, lever York, to Lock, Joint Pipe Company in the sum of ;;3,977.50, its bid being the lowest responsible 'bid-, submitted for furnishing said material, be and the sa'nne Iacre'by is apjoro7ed. and it is further L D, that the action of the Town Superintend- ent of Eighways in awarding the contract for the imPro77e,qen-U of 7orth Chatsworth Lvenue by consIrLzot- inl- a store water -drain, therein and otherwise improving said h-Jghv:ay to Smith Brothers Contract- ing Co. , Dnc. , at the sum of its bid been; the lovvest responsible bid submitted, be and the same hereby is aj)-oroved; and it is further 289 •SO�TIEJ, that Syoecial Counsel be authorized and empowered to prepare suitable contracts for said improvement and attend to the execution of the same and to examine and file with the T6-wn Cleric the usual contract bond and -public liability policy when the same shall have been submitted upon the e:,ecution of the contract in question which shall also be filed with the Toivn Cler'_ti; and. it is further =SOLV7D, that the sum of ,'_."30,000.00 be and the same hereby is alp )ro_oriated to ]?ay the cost of said improvs ent; that said amount shall be raised by the issuance and sale of temporary certificate of indebtedness mrhic_a shall be .s?ade -payable at such tilre as the Supervisor may deter_:ine, not eroding. however, 18 months from the date thereof and that said certificate shall be paid r,;ith the proceeds of highway bonds to be sold to ,pay for the cost of the aforesaid im-prove- roer-t; and it is further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to present to the :Board Of Suwoervisors of the Caunty of °aestchester, the annexed .)etitior. si_gned by all the members of the TotiFrn -board of the To,rjn o= !,iamaroneck and 2cwn. Sv_oerintendent of - ighv;ays of said To;vn to auth- orize the bonding of the '. o:n of ilamaroneciz in - the_-rincipal suxn of :,."30,000.00 to pay the cost of improving �orth Cha.tswcrth Avenue by con- structing a storm mater drain therein_ from Jild,vood goad southerly to property ovTned by the Wounty of "iestchester and accuired for the proposed Pelham-Fort Chester Park,.:ay, in the Town of L,amaroneck, ev York.. The question of the adoption- of the foregoir_•g resolutions -gas but to a vote which resulted as follotirsi kyesr 7 Noe s s none The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 12 r_oon.. .Town Cierk I