HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_18 Town Board Minutes (2) L2-E,1 I T G 0 F, 11-7-7 JO-L, held A-pril 18th, 1929 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8:15 ?. E. 2 esent: S-Lroervisor 3urton ustices Boyd, 11mvell and Leeds Suoeri-r"'e-rdent of 1-igh-,mys Coles To-wn Cleri Sherman Counsellor :amble Also -orEsent at the meetinZ ,,Tere 1.1r. _-Lra_nl: aagliardi, :special Counsel and Yr. A. J. --oct-2, 7fngineer. U-ocn motion, dul- secwaded, it ovas vot J. to dis-ciise ,4ith tae reading of the minutes of _ac:et_J._-,,-s not yet ajDproved. The Clerl, stated that t"rie -_eetin.- had bee-n, called ill"i accordance :with the resolution of the Joint lo,.vn Board, heretofore ado3ted to rec-_ive bids on section I and 2, Contract H, for the construction of storm water drains on Chatsworzh _�-'_Venue. The Clerk read the notice and stated that the same had been Upon -notion, duly seconded., it ,,7as R7-S,--_,7j7H.3. t.'aa-6 the call and notice of the meeting and the re-port of L'I-Le Cleric be and the same hereby a-re in all respects approved. The Chainnan aaked _i-f there were any bidders -oresent -r:ho desired to be heard in connection with their bid. There being -none, the Ohalraaan stated that unless terE -.was any opposition, the Ci_erl- -.7ould proceed to open the bids re C e 4 Ve d. Th-re being no opDosition, the --Ter'_{ Urcceedad to o-pen L.he bids received, all of -,Tihicl-iwere on the form of -pro-posal and " ied 130sal, and V.,rhich c mm7o Pith the conditions specified on the -.)ro 7,:ere as .j. '-,Lzcido e4,380.00 Fred Llj:y, 4,375-00 Lock joint fi-oe Co. 3,977.50 3 4,422.00 -mith Brothers Cont g. Cc. S7iCTI0I-,L 2 'IC__TTR_ICT H -1-olloy Bros. cl23 40,3.00 I" Lucido 21,024.50 Thos. S. 2-isher 24,992.50 2. Guiliano 21,902.50 Frank Fabbri 24,812.50 'Palter F. Freeman 22,970.00 gyred Lux 23,800.00 Barber & Co. 27,657.20 Smith Brothers Cont-g.. Co. 18,864.00 Upon -motion, duly seconded, it was 295 RESOL7ED, that all bids received, be referred to the B'ngineer for tabulation and 'when so tabulated, -submit a report thereon to this Board for its consideration on r ri day, AyJrii 19th, at 10.30 A. IL. 1.r. Gagliamd:L presented a oetition signed by ''aole wardens, I^iC.., et ale addressed to the '?o;;r_ Board of the Torn of :an,aroneck re_uest_ng that DiiTitri Ave nU°, Dirnitri Plane ai7d Byron Lane be paved and other-:,;ise imj�oroved pursuant to the proviSioi'is of !_'hapter 549 of the Laws of 1925, as amended, assess- ing the cost thereof against the gro_certy f ror_tin g on said streets. Yr. :Gagliardi stated that the petition had been signed by owners Of _o-roperty fronting on said streets, representing r-o ore than 51 of the lineal feet and recueste^ that a date be net for a Faring Upon said petition and that lie be authorized to publish a notice Lnereof as required by la: . _after consideration and discussion, Justice Boyd offered for ado-�tion the following resolution_ RL+';30L'vTD, that the petition of -1a.ple Gardens, Inc. , et al for the improver, ent of Dimitri Aver_ue, Dimitri :glace and Byron Lame under provisions of hapter 549 o the Laias of 1926 a- a,,nended, dated 3•,_aroh o, 1929, our- portir_g to have bee.i signed and ac mowledged by owners of propsrty fronting on said streets reloresentin:� snore than 51% of the lineal .feet, be received and _olaced on file; and it is further Eff-SOL:V.ED, that a hearing- upon said application be i'leld by and oefore this Board on 2'<ay 8,- 1929, at 3:00 o'clock ro. _. (daylight saving tiY2e) and that rz soecial counsel be directed to prepare and cause to be published in the Larch-Mont Times and fn the Daily Times, t;�,,o ne -rsrpap:ers oubl ished in the '10i,^r'P_ of -ia_larolec'C, ,,ihich are herebydes Z.anated for the"it purpose, twice, a notice of such bearing. The question of the ad0iotion of the fore oinS resolution „,as put to a vote -c�,hich resulted as _ollo,^;sm Ayes> 7 1,ces none Upon notion, the meeting adjourned at 9 P. P_. f n c1 'r_� l�v__