HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_03 Town Board Minutes (2) 2 1 77 7 =T=,;G 02 T-H-T 10II-11 TO-Z-, 3OA_RJD TCD'v':,- ')? Y. Y. held April 3rd, 1929, The meeting was called to order by Su-.oervisor :5ur-60?1 at 2 0 P. 11. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices _Soyd, Howell and Leeds Superintendent. of Highways Coles Town Clerk Sherman 7 on motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dis3ense with the reading of the i--ranutes of meeting"s not yet a-pj)roved. l. COMMnicatio-111 from firs. V. Kraft of _11'almer kverue was .received and read, requesting information slating to the exten- sion of sewer and gas on said street and a tunnel across the Rail- road tracks at the Tarchriiont Gardens Station. `Tne communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Supervisor for his attention. - -1 cOya-IqUil-licat-i0r. -from the _'_"estchester, Lighting Comoany -.,'as received and read requesting the adc-ption of the resolution for the installation of f3 street lights in ifa-ple Hills as requested by the Su-perintendent of Highways. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and upon motion, duly seconded, it xas R 7SI-77D, that this Board ratify and confirm L he action of t'ne superintendent of Iig ways in ordering the folio­,iring street lights installed in Lla-ole -Hills: 3-60 c. p. inc. larjaps on homer 'Venue.. 4-50 c. jo. inc. lamps on Orsini Drive. 6­60 c. p. inc. lamps or, 1-iRl:)Ie ,fill Drive. and it was further R_7,S0-_' 'V7L), that a certified copy of this resol- ution be forwarded to the 'destoilester Lighting cou?any. A communication from the Rouken Glen. Civic 'r �eocia-ion was received and read, enclosing two resolutions; first, a resolution relating to fne traffic and improvements i of Chatsworth and Murray 'venues, and second, relating to the condition of Vine Street. The communication eras ordered received, placed on file and the Clerk was directed to reply that these matters are receivin- attention. A coi-mrnunication from the -viestchester Lighting Com-pany was received and read, submittinr, ciailrli in the sum of 11 175.00, for the installation of a traffic unit at 2orest, Avenue and 'LVeaver Street. The co=ninication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Supervisor for his attention. 27 The Su:)cr isor reported that --essrs. Wescott and T:_'Onrce, the Contractors for the Construction of the bridge on rurray ,"venue , had requested permission to house laborers at the 0 Wes' Cilester County _'a.rl: property and to use the =Jroj�erty of the so caned "s%,Jeet potatoll plot in connection with the construction of the bridge. 'lhe report of the Supervisor ,.vas ordered noted in the minutes. The follo,rins resolution eras presented by justice Leeds; ''iV!'_T:R7 tiS, the Town SuperirtEnClEnt of Hlglh- ,ways has reported that the condition Qf ,part of Chatsworth venue lying north of 1.1yrtle Avenue, in.the Town of i,.ar2aronec'I, I�ew 'fork, has been in such a ocndition recently so as to make travelling over the same very difficult and hazardous; and 72,7AS, by reason of such condition, the Su�oerintendent of rIighways and Supervisor deeming it for the best interests o= the Town, have caused certain emerger_c:,- work to be done to said highway at a. cost of 5,721.96 in order to re�-aove the condition com.pla ned of,; noT,r therefore be it R 130'7—ED, that the action of the ,Supervisor and 'Tovra Superintendent of 7igIl Tays be and the same hereby is ap_arovedg and it is further � OuVt�, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empo:Tered to pay the claim of Charles D. Reck,;7ith c: 'Co. , Ino. of 95,721.96 for the z°rork done and material furnished in and about the repairing and resurfacing of that portion of Chats,,orth Avenue described above, out of any hi;:n;ay funds in his hands not otherrTise approp- ria ted. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution 'was -Putto a vote :%hich resulted as fo_lo;vs: Ayes: TurtOn, Boyd, Hotrrell, reeds and Coles i,'oes: Sher„aan :r. Sc'hnorr ap-peared before the Board and s'iooke in relation to the laying of she `:as pi-,oes on _'iftij ;venue, eausing a flooded condition of the ]rO_Oerty in that vicinity.. The matter was ordered noted in the minutes and referred to 1?r. Coles for his attention. Upon motion; the mEeting adjourned at 10:45 11.1T. I 1'OVrn ,C1er'�