HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_03_20 Town Board Minutes (2) 269
I T±'11_'G C7 T7�7 TO=' 'l u?ed 3 R OAR7
TOVFi VFW. IL�RO17Cii, ti. Y.
held arch 28th, 10,29.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9a15 P. K.
P resent: Supervisor Burton
justices Howell and Leeds
Superintendent 'of Highways Coles
Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to disrrense
with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
The Clerk presented Superintendent Yordmannrs estimate
in the sum of X165.30, for the installation of 10 feet of 6 inch
distribution main on Seton Road, together with the installation
of one hydrant.
The Superintendents estimate was ordered received and
placed on file.
U-jon motion, duly seconded, it was
F7SOLVED tiir_TREAS, the Board of Trustees
of the 'c¢eatchester joint V'ater �Iorl s, Zo.. 1,
has submitted an estimate in the sum of
-165.30, as the cost of installing 10 feet
of 6 inch distribution main on Seton Road,
together with the installation of one hydrant;
therefore be it
LESOLWD, that the said -Jestchester Toint ;gates
,works, No. 1, be and they hereby are authorized
and directed to install said main and hydrant,
and to charge the Town of Iamaroneck., the actual
cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the
Board of Trustees of the Westchester joint ',dater
'works, I?o. 1.
The Clerk presented Superintendent s:ordmann*s estivate
in the sum of ;;;1,673.24, for the installation of 600 feet of 6 inch
distribution main on Harden Road, from Garden Road to Palmer Lane
and connecting to Hickory Grove Drive.
The Superintendents estimate was ordered received and
-Dlaced on file.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
R SOLV D, a.,HTT_.F..LS, the Board of Trustees of
the Westchester Toint Water l7orks, lo. 1, has
submitted an estimate in the sum of X1,873.24,
as the cost of installing 600 feet of 6 inch
distribution ruin on Lard-en Road, from Carden
Road to 2almer Lane, and_ connecting said ex-ten-
sion to Hickory Grave Drive; therefore be it
RH,SOLVF'D, that the said Westchester joint uaater
,,`forks, lio. 1, be. and it hereby is duthorized and
directed,to install said .main and to charge the
Town of i_amaroneck the actual cost thereof, as
ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees
of the Westchester joint Water Works, No. 1.
The Clerk presented Superintendent 'Yordmar_n's estimate
in the sum of X5,376..56, for the installation of 1,150 feet of
6 inch distribution main or, Ca-'k-dale Road, Eane avenue and Otto
Place, together with two hydrants along said extension.
The Superintendent's estimate was ordered received and
placed on file.
Upon motion_, duly seconded, it was
R7SODVFD, Wh-EREAS, the Board of Trustees of
the Westchester Toint Water tro,rks, Yo. 1,
has submitted an estimate it the sum of
x:5,376.56, as the cost of installing 1,150
feet of 6 inch distribution main on Oakdale
Road, Kane Avenue and Otto Place, together
with two hydrants along sa-id extension;
therefore be it
=S=T-D, that the said :+estchester Joint ''dater
Works, I"o> 1, be and it hereby is authorized
and directed to install said main and hydrants,
and to charge the Town of LIamaroneck, the actual
cost thereof as a.acertained and approved by the
Board of Trustees of the Testchester .Toint Water
The Supervisor reported that the 'aiestchester County .dark
Commission_ had requested perraission to enter upon certain portions
Of ==urray avenue adjoining and adjacent to the proposed bridge.
After discussion, the following resolution was presented
and unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck does hereby consent to the
entrance of the Westchester County Park
Commission construction forces upon Yu-rray
Avenue adjoining and adjacent to the proposed
bridge for the purpose of changing the grade
thereof, or where the same crosses the Pelham-
Pcrt Chester Parkway; further
?RESOi`d_i'D, that the Supervisor of the Town of
Uaraaroneck is hereby authorized and directed
to execute and deliver to the Westchester County
Park Commission and/or the County of ,Yestchester,
such formal consent as may be necessary or
required to carry into effect said resolution.
The Supervisor together -,iith the Superintendent, of High-
-ways presented a proposed tentative road program of highi:Yay im.-
4: rove-
ment.s for the year 29295 and hich is as follows:
POR THE, YE.LR 192q.
(subject to modification as conditions warrant)
Ha.rmcr. Drive 2200 ft. 2.4 ft. 6.000 Concrete 4400 ft.
Garden Road 1050 ft. 25 ft.. 2950 Concrete 2100 ft.
Rockland Avenue 1200 ft. 30 ft. 4000 Concrete 2400 ft.
Forest Avenue 3150 ft. 30 ft. 10750 Concrete 6.300 ft.
Bungalow Road 600 ft. 24 ft. 1600 Asphalt 1200 ft.
ROAD 1L-2R=' -Hi?T L"1�G:Tr 'rllDTkl C JRB
Rocl�:ingstone Ave. 1650 ft. 38 ft. 6966 Concrete 4400 ft.
Lakeside Drive and )
1050 f t.
Park Circle at Gardens Station)
;Lfurray Avenue in conjunction with County and parkway.
Chatsworth Avenue to Gates ir_ conjunction with Parkway.
11yrtie r,venue penetration over new drain, etc. , and repair.
Sidewalks and catch basins will nave to be considered.
After consideration and discussion, it was, upon motion,
duly seconded
RF-SO=D, that the Supervisor and Superint-
endent of Hi6�1,nways be and they hereby are
authorized and empowered to employ an
-Engineer to prepare plans and specifications
together with the estimate of cost of the
proposed tentative road program for the year
1929, and submit the same to this Board for
its approval.
Supervisor Burton brought up for discussion the matter of
receiving bids for the Chatsworth Avenue Drainage Improvement and
stated that he would entertain a motion to that effect.
Whereupon Justice Leeds offered for adoption the folloy:ing
RM-SOL'�Tq,D, that proposals for the Chatsworth
Avenue Drainage Ibprovemert be received by
this Board at a meeting to be held. on April 18th,
1929, at 8 o'clock, Y. _. , and that counsel be
authorized and requested to attend to the public-
atian of a notice therefor in the Larchroont Times,
which newspaper is hereby designated for that
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was put to a vote which resulted a:. follows:
Ayes: 6
Toe s: none
The chair declared the resolution adopted.
Upon motion the meeting; adjourned at 10:30 P. ;,,T_
Tbvfn Clerk