HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_07_15 Town Board Minutes 77 r7
TGV;PIT OF I,�I. RO177CK, 7. Y.
held July 15th, 1931.
The meeting *as called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9 :. Ir.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd,, Leeds and Klessersmith
Superintendent Coles
Town Clerk Harvim
The presenoe was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The minutes of the meetin,Ss of June 3rd, 9th and 18th
werc presented by the Clerk and unanimously ordered approved as
Upon motion by Justice Yessersmith seconded by the
Clerk the regular order of business was suspended in order to
near those present who wished to address the Board.
Tax. Harold 1. A.rchambault requested that traffic on
Vine Strect at the Larch none Station Perk be changed from its
present one--viay direction in order to bring more business to the
store kcepvrs sin that street.
After discussion the Board felt that the store keepers
were entitled t.o som relief and the matter was referred to the
Supervisor totake up with th, Park Commission,
:r. P. W. J. Smith and Mr. C. B. .Lyon of the County
Transportation Company appeared before the Board in answer to a
request for their appearance made at a previous meeting to twkc
up the matter of the riding qualities of the buses operated by
that company.
Lr. Smith said that the company was equipping its buses
with balbon tires as rapidly as possible and he promised to invest-
igate the question of springs and other facts affecting the riding
qualities of the vehicles and to improve them if possible.
There being no other persons present who :,ished to address
the Board the regular order of business was -resumed.
A communication dated July loth, 1931 Vlas received from
John P. Lambden, Developer of Hardscrabble Road, thanking the Board
for its action in regard to the installation of a .rrat^r mw.in on
that road. The letter eras ordered received, placed on file and
acknowledged with thanks..
Superintendent Coles presented a revised survey of the
Bonnie Briar Section of Rouken Glen showing the proposed grade of
_ Bonnie Briar Lane..
After discussion_ it Was upon motion by Justice Leeds
seconded by Justice Boyd unanimously
RTSODTHTD, that this Board meet on Hond y,
July 20th at 10 A. Ku at the corner of
Bonnie Briar Lane and ;leaver Street to
inspect the Bonnie Briar Section of Rouken
Glen and the existing and proposed grades.
The Supervisor reported progress in the negotiations %-;ith
t' e Tct°rn of Harrison and the County r_gineer for the proposed new
bridge over the ''iamcronrck :River at P_L:.maroneck tivenue.
The Board directed the Supervisor and Superintendent
Coles to continue their negotiations.
Counselor Gamblr_ reported receipt of a letter from
'Tngineer Poote concerning the placing of monuments on various parcels
which he has been surveying for the town and recommended that he
be instructed to suggest suitable locations for such monuments and
surveys heretofore and hereafter made..
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and Counselor Gamble directed to instruct T'nginecr Foote to make
such suGaestions..
The Supervisor advised the Board that i . connection .=.,ith
t'n3 Boston Rost. Road improvement, claims had already been received
for extra arork ordered by this Board from D'Onfro Brothers, John
Yacri and Patsy lanna, and suggested that pending final dete=iination
of the total amount cf the extra costs incurred and to be incurred
as part of this improvement, the Loard authorize the issuance of a
temporary certificate of ind.ebted_ness in the amount of :1-1500.00
to pay the claims thus far received. 5ov, therefore be it
RrSOI,VF-D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and empowered in accordance ,'dith the High-
way Fars constituting Chapter 25 of the Consolidated
Taws of the State of s'ew York,. the Tov;;n Law constituting
Chaptcr. 62 of the laws of the State of Ne i Yorl�:, and
the General 1?unicipal 1-,,.r constituting Chapter 21-
of the Consolidated Laws of the State of B euJ York,
to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of
3�- ma-roneck, the sum of not to exceed 81500.00 and
to issue a temporary Certificate or Certificates
of Indebtedness in said amount, which shall bear
interest at not to exceed 65 per annuml payable at.
such time or times as the Supervisor may advise ;
not exceeding, hor-sever, 18 months from the date
hereof and to sell and dispose- of such Certificate
or Certificates of Indebtedness for not less than
the par value thereof, the maximum of said amount
of such Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
to be hereafter refunded by the issuance and sale
of bonds; further
HTSOI,VT'D, that such Certificate or Certificates of
Indebtedness shall be in substantially the form
authorized for previous Certificates of Indebtedness
covering said Boston Rost Road impreveflent adopted
by this Board December 9th, 1930; further
-SOLVED, that. the Town of I,1amaraneck hereby covenants
to _pay the principal and interest of said Certificate
or Certific-ates of Indebtedness of the amount herein-
above provided as the same shall become due by levying
assessments upon pro,osrty in the To-:arn of Lamarcneck
at such time or times and in such amounts as may be
necessary to pay said principal and interest; further
R SGLVFD, that the Town of Kamaroneck hereby covenants
further, in case of a de fault in carrying out the fore-
going covenants, the said Town will raise by taxing all
taxable property in said Tour! of Hamaroneck from time
to time the sum or sums sufficient to pay the psinciioa-1
and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of
In.-aebtedness as the same shall become due.
Counselor Gamble _;resented a survey of <caver ;Street
showing the property lines as deter mined by the street, sidewalk
and intersections inzlDrovsrrents and suggested that when all the
available data had: been obtained it would be -:wise to file the
^yap -�vit'a the County ReEistcr so that the lines might be a mattcr
of record.
Upon motion by Justice : essersmith seconded by Justice
Boyd, it ,vas unanimously
RT'SOI:�T^D, that the report of Couxzsel bep_oroved
and that since the time is not yet ripe for filing
the map it be returned to Hngineer Foote until the
To.:n Board is ready to act definitely thereon and
that the Question of placing suita'?le monuments
alor_g the street line as suggested by yr_�gineer Foote
be referred to S[uerintcndent Coles and Counselor
Gamble for rc-oort.
Counselor 'uamble reported that he had b-en in touch v,ith.
T.:r. Stewart Comeaux of Roukcn Glen in regard to the map of Rouken
Glen recently prepa.-r.ed by I'ngineer Foote and the Town Board Ts
action thereon and suggested that the Board meet vith Ur.
Comcaux and all interested residents of Rovken Glen to consider
the necessary Casements and releases ',riot to the final acceptance
of the streets in that section. 1
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimcusly
resolved to meet on Tuesday, July 21st at 8015 at the i1eavcr Street
Tire ?louse ...rith the residents of Pou?en glen to consider the
matters above referred to..
Upon motion duly madc and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at ll.-10 P. UT.
W '
Tot^Jn Cl;.rlc