HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_07_21 Town Board Minutes 1'11TUTES OF SPT-CIAL H77TIYG OF-,.TBF,
001171 TMd'T BOA=, TO,TIT 01,
1,,. Y. , HE= J-UILY 21st, 1931, AT iT
7-17 -TF
, A'T�E.R STR T 71�' HOUSE.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
18.30 P. TI.
Present, Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and ITessers-mith
Superintendent of Highways Coles
To 7n Clerk Yarvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble and
7-r-gincer -FootE.
The Supervisor stated that the Board had heard the discussion
concerning the matters affecting t;'ic Rcu7I,:en Glen section of the
Town (as more fully set forth below} and that he felt the Board was
nova ready to take action thereon.
After discussion it was on motion by the Clerk seconded-
by Sus Lice Boyd unanimously
RESOLVED, that the program for im--p-rovemcnts in
Rouken Glen as outlined by Supervisor Burton be
approved and adopted by the To-,ir Board.
After discussion it was upon rootion by Justice Yessersmith
seconded by the Clerk unanimously
FTSOLIIEM, SFAS Rouken Glen, Inc. has offered to
dedicate and deed to the To-wqn of iLlamaroneck those
portions of Vine Road and Glen eagles South Drive,
hercin2fter dcscribcd, to the T-own for Highway
purposes, and
,, T?7AS, the grade of said streets has herctofore
bf3en ---01)r07Cd, and
T 'S,
RFA Rouken Glen, Inc., has agreed to pave
that portion of Vine Road -not nc7j7 paved, -provided
the Tovra i7ill accept said street,
Th'7i.PF-?0R7 BIT IT 11173CI-77D, that Counsel be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to i=L -cdiately
prc2a,re a deed of the fc1lo•,,ing described ptxeets
and highway-s as shown on a entitled "Ka'D Of
Rouken, Glen, Sectjorsl to 9, -Tovn of Y,ar=oneck,
'--iestchester County, New York" made by A. Z. Foote,
February 14, 1928, and filed in the office of the
Register of 'Westchester County on !Larch 15, 12.2,B
as LIaD Yo. 3257:
(1) All that portion of Vine Road beginning in the
westerly line of -Tine Road as shm-, on the maf, of
the ;,'oods of Larchriaont, filed in the. office of
'.1cstchestcr County as Ya-p lo. 1896 and extending
westerly as sho-wn on said map of Rouken Glen ITo. 3257
to the easterly boundary line of the City of Ttevv
(2) All that portion of Glen 7agles Routh Drive as
sroviln on the aforesaid map of Rouken Glen, extending
from the southerly side of Vine Road southerly to its
point of intersection vrith Villa Road as shown on the
reap of the •sl-oocis o-fl
1� - -jaont.
FURTr 7R FFS01-VTD, that Counsel be and he hereby is
authorized, empo-viered and directed to i=ediately
tr,)n--T-,iit said deed to Rouken Glen, Inc. for execution
and upon receipt thereof to have thC S--Me recorded
in the narnnc of the Town of 1,:amarcneck;
F`JIRffT-'�--R T—TSCTLIJ7D, that this Board agrees with 'Roul<en
Glen, Inc. , to �ccept the aforesaid deed and the
aforedescribed streets as To-,!n Highways.
A memorandum of the proceedings of the meeting as -orepa- red
by Yr. C. Ste7:4 rt Con-caux, President of the Roakc-n Glen Civic Assoc-
iation, was ordered. inserted in the minutes in part as follows:
Lrr. Comeau,-, called the meeting to order and explained
that it was not. a regular session of the RotLI-cen Glen Civic Associa-
ticn, but w.-.:2s a joint rieetinIg of property o-vvncra and the Town Board.
I-t was then stated that the .Durpose of the meeting -,,ras to inform the
various property owners of individual encroachments on the various
ari a
Roulten GlIen Streets and other diffICUIties that ,,iould have to be
surmounted before the lo);an could tale over the streets, but all of
,,,-,:hich could be accomplished throuCh cooperation betTrieen the property
owners and the Town Board. ,
A mzp prepared by Town 7,nginecr Foote -was then displayed
which indicated the various stone 7i�ralls and rocks encroaching upon
the streets, as well as several instances of -paving vrh;ch slightly:
encroached u-,)cn several individual o--,.mers t prop f-rty. 'Enc- meeting
-�-,ias then informed that at the lo-vin Board, before taxing over the
streets, would -prefer to have definite releases signed by those
property owners relieving the Town of the possibility of damage
suits should traffic or safety conditions mal-,c necessary the removal
at a
later date of the encroachments.
Yr. T-oody, who developed the property, stated that in
every deed he had retained the ouncrship of the entire fee of the
street including strips of land of"varying ,,,ridt'ns between the -pro-0-
erty owners' line and the paving line, and that irilhile the property
cwners had been permitted to -build the existing palls or had not
been called upon to blast out their encroachments, it 7,as under-
st-ood, that these encroachments existed and that the property on
,,;hich they mere located was all included 7.7ithin the dedication
lines of the streets which he had heretofore agreed to deed and -w as
ready to turn over to the 'To-�Tin Board.
Based on past experience, Supervisor Burton said he felt
the Board would be in a better position than otherwise if the
property c-,Fmers would agree to sign the proposed releases.
Messrs. Fill and Schumacher stated that they were aware
that their grounds trespassed upon the actual street property, ard
that they and all other property owners understood they had no
title to the land an -veaich the encronaahmerts occurred and that at
,7-ny time the Town Board could remove same v,,ithout 'being in the least
liable for damages through the destruction of stone malls, hedges,
flo-aer beds crcther embellishments which the property owners had
caused to 'cc -placed upon the property encroaching ng upon the streets.
Supervisor Burton explained that there -v,--as no present plan to
disturb the layout of any of the present streets, but As the dedic-
ation could pass on to all succeeding Boards:, and would affect those
purchasing property from the present orFners, he felt the proposed
releascs '.1ould cli=inatc the possibility of misunderstandings in
the future.
However, after a lengthy discussion led by 3Tessrs. Hill
and Schumacher, and after their individual explanations of how the
rllattcr -.-.,-as understood by all, it e:as the sense of the meeting that
it zras co=on knowledge among the property owners of Roulcen Glen
that the encroachments shown by 7ingiricer .Footers map were there
by tolcra-ficc- only, in most instances clearly covered by the devel-
operts deeds, and that the Tm,,in was by this meeting absolved from
responsibility and liability, and needed no further authority should
traffic Or safety condition: necessitate the Toti-,,n removing at its
Ov"'n expense any encrOachlrdents extending beyond the street dedication
lines. Yr. Yood-y agreed that the sane situation follo,�z,,ed in connection
with the paving encroaching an several parcels.
The foregoing very thorough understanding being reached
on the feature of encroachments, the various easements and drain--
age problems necessary to be cleared up before the streets could
be accepted by the Town. trere discussed in detail.
x X x x
G=LT 7AGL71S S^_u'1H DRIV7 DRz :AC—y - After the foregoing
,agreements �Tere reached in connection with easements, the Toti-rn
Board took up with ?ir. Hoody the question of eliminating faulty
drainage on Glen ,?axles Drive South, °r,,hich at the present time
cause distress to several property owners, and particularly to
Dr. Ross Golden. Kr. Yoody refused to do anything to remedy this
condition, holding that it Was entirely due to the grade of Locust
Ridge Road, and that his present plan was ample for Glen Bugles
Drive, if it eras not called upon to carry off storm craters coming
to that Drive at high speed because of the pitch of Locust Ridge.
11r. Moody suggested reducing the Locust Ridge grade, and placing
two catch basins on the westerly side of i;len ^agles Drive, to be
tied up to the drain pipe ors the apposite side of that street.
Supervisor .Burton then stated that with the understanding
recorded by the meeting regarding encroachments, and upon the
securing of eazeir<ents set forth, the Torun mould immediately accept
the streets in th= designated Part of Roukcn Glen as dedicmted by
1r. Toody.
Discussion developed differences of opinion between i-ir.
Lloody -nd the Zovan ,card. Howcver, as the -oroprrty owners on that
portion of trine Road were anxious to have the street paved with the
least possible delay, the To-rrn Board withdrew from the meetingrinto
ar "'xd-cutive Session, and returned with the statement that since
there were no ccmplzints from the property otrTners on vine Road, the
To;m Beard i.'ould immediately accept dedication of vine Road from
Forest Avenue to the K-nollwood Drive entrance, (New Rochelle line)
c.nd also of the strip of approximately 200 feet of uno .ved road at
the scuic:erly end of vlen' .,":'ag!Fs =Drive. It was therefore imrnediatE�y
agreed bett',,icen LTr. Loody and the To-.Tn Board that To-van Counsel
Gamble v�7ould prepare the necessary deeds for vine Road and the
extension of Glen_ 7a.gles Drive between the properties of iuessrs.
Carroll and Pickering; and that immediately upon execution of these
deeds, Hr. i!oody ,-roald within a week corrnence ,work on and complete
as soon as possible, the paving of vine Road west of Glen Fag
Drive; and second, that having agreed that the gr=ades of the two
streets in question were satiefaetory for paving purposes and arrange-
menu being made for their formal acceptance, the To-um Mould -arithout
direct cost to the �ighborhood, proceed to have the southerly strip
of Glen eagles Drive beyond vine Road, in order to provide a tffie
Outlet to 1?orest avenue through the --ampbell development.
= 2
Summing u_o the pro-ram, Supervisor Burton said it merely
rnes,nt that it eras agreed that it ,7,-s common kno;s,ledge that the en-
croachments upon the Rouken Glen streets could be removed by the Torun
Board at t;rill, =ithout. cl= im for damage, and that the 1o•:rn would
immediately accept the dedication by LFr. IToody of all of Vine Road
and the southerly unpaved end of Glen Bugles Drive, that. in duet
the Town -:-iou1;__ pave the said southerly end of .;1en "Tagles Drive; also
that unofficially he was willing to say that the drainage and other
problems accepted and assumed by the ''own Board at this mcetino
ti:�ould be immediately undertaken, and that as soon as the plans provid-
ing for action by 11r. lioody werc carried out, he tivould then be ready
to vo-Le in -favor of the _own taking over the remainder of the streets
in that section of Rouken Glcn undFr discussion. 1$e same assurance
i"IaS given the meeting by 'i'm,`;n o_ rd members - Messrs. Boyd, Coles.,
luarvin and iiessersmith.
11r. Kloody on his part, su=ed up by saying it uas under-
stood t-aQt the dine Road dedication would be separate and apart
from the remainder of the other Rouken Glen streets; that he tivould
execute the deeds to all of Nine Road and the southerly unpaved strip
of Glen Hales Drive as soon as they ?rcrc prepared by 11r. Gamble,
and on receipt of advice that this road had been accepted by the
Tovm Board, he would imr_n_ediately proceed to complete the paving of
Tins Road.
TO-,71F TO 177P LTP Sn pARKS _M STF27HIl'S - The a-cceptance of
all of Rouken Gien streets being provided for, the question of whether her
the Towh Board would accept t-he responsibility of carinE for three
small y rks within the street areas was discussed. This developed
the fact h- 1 si: iiax conditions in other sections have been taken
over by the Park Commissioner or the Highray Department, and Highway
Commissioner Coles said he would gladly take over the three areas in
Rou,cn Glen.
S7RF'77 ;f L'15=G S IM= - The next item discussed related to
street ,,.rarning signs at the entrances to R03�Uken Glen, for the purpose
of cautioning motorists to drive slo^ly and signalling danger points.
Supervisor Burton explained that these matters -wc re under the juris-
diction_ of the Police Department, c nd it z=ras arranged that they s:rot?1d
be taken up by Lr. Comeaux with the proper officials without delay.
Yr. Comeaux said he was deeply gratified at the spirit of
cooperation evidenced by the property owners; the developer, Lr>
Ilbody, and the Toun Board, and that everybody vices to be thanked for
giving up the time to attend the meeting under the disagreeable
Feather conditions..
It cv-as thereupon moved by 1 . Dion, seconded by ?ir.
Heisenberg, and unanimously married, °that a vote of thanks be extended
to the Torn Beard for attending the meeting and so graciously ccoper-
ti ng in the problems of the Rou'sen Glen property o-mciers..
Upon motion duly made end seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at IIx3,0 F. q.
Tovrn Clerk '