HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_08_05 Town Board Minutes T.-'�T'=? ."G OF 117 TC11TT TO'rli" BOARD i TO'ddy, np IIAI,f4RO Cif, ?7. Y, held August. Stn, 19321. The meeting was called to order by Superviso Burton nt 9P. V. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Hessersmith Supt'"lntendCnT C'OIPs To:an Clerk l arvin The- regular order of business 77as suspc- ded in Order to hear liessrs. C. Stewart Comeaux and r'_. H. Dion o ou'-ren Glen v,,ho desired to address the Boas. Yr. Com .au.- thanked the Board for its actions taken at the special meeting on July 21st in regard to Roukcn Glen :��:attcrs. He declared that the residents of that section appreciated the capera.t.ion shown by the board. I: r. Com­.aux inquired -,.,that further definite steps the board proposed to take on certain other matters discussed at the meeting on July 21st r--ith particular reference to the situation on T,ocust Ridge Road and KnollYvood Drive, both of ahich streets vrere laid out by the Occum Realty Corp. Tngincer Foote presented a map of the Occum property which ,_—as carefully examined by all. Superintendent Coles recommend- ed .that the t6vin secure an easement, ,vhich he said the Occum Re-_lty Corporation ersis illing to grant, from the northerly end of KhI o 1°v00d Drive t17rOTlgr1 the property Of the ..estCheStC-Y' County park Corflmrssion to ••:eaver Street for sevrer and storm -,dater drain purposes. After discussion it. ryas upon motion by Justice I essersmith seconded by Justice Leeds unanimously =017TT-D, gnat upon the recommendation of Super- intcndent. Coles the matter of securing an casemcnt for se77er and drainage purposes from the northerly end of Knollvaood Drive through the property of the Westchester County Park Co=ission to ',,,eaver St.rcet be and it hereby is referred to Superintendent. Coles, in collaboration with A. J. Foote as engineer, to take up vrith the Sc�,.,er Commissior and to negotiate ith the Occum I eal ty Corporation.. LIr. Comeaux urged that the tovrn take early steps t.o improve the dra.inagc situation on Glen 7-aSles Drive in accordance ,�rith the sssurances given by the Supervisor at the meeting of July 21st. The Supervisor said that the arork ;Jas to b•c done soon. Mr. 'Come Aux and Irir. Dion thereupon thanked the Board for its consideration of their requests and upon their departure the regular order of business uam s resumed. A communication dated July 16th was received from Engene J. Jennings, Inc. of Rye,, reoucsting the installation of street lights on the north :,resterly end of Yadison Avenue. The Cle-rk vtas directedd to reply that this .Its not �]k town street, that the tom has no jurisdiction Cher€in, and that the ov:rers should take the mutter up vrith the ':lestchestcr Lighting Company. A cOMMMicatior: dated July 15th eras received from F. L. Starr of 103 Edgcvlood Avenue , Larchrmont, in regard to possible stract improvements affecting his property. The ?",otter was ordered referred to Su-perintendent Coles. A claim in the amount of 8296.46 zas received fro- the estchestcr Joint -;73ter -,locks, ,o. 1 for reneVring services on the Roston Rost Road in connection raith the imprcvemc-nt of that hirh"Iruzy. The Cl:_rk reported that this ,:cork had been done under the terms of a resolution passed at the Meeting held January 21st, 1931 in accord- ance i-.ith the request of the .Board. of Trustees of the `7dcstchester Joint a,tcr o-r!-9, o. 1 dated January 19th, 1931, which reoucst pave the total cost of the taork as $400.00, the amount so�cificd in the resolution. The claim was ordered referred back to the ':later L'orks, for a more complete billing. Two claims vrcre received from A.. S. Foote Engineering Corporation in the Amounts of ;;15.50 and s'�39.82 for services rendered in connection with item t20, section "C°R, .tine Brook Drain Ater mains durii.g the months of ?Iuy and Jun^, 1931, respectively. Upon motion by Justice Royd, seconded by Justice Collins it v:as upon roll call unanimously RFSOEVE; that the above described claims be and they hereby are ordered referred. t,o the Fine Brook Drainage Commission and upon the approval of this Carimission they be ordered paid. A claim dated April 23rd Maras rcceivcd from the A. J. mote En.ginee-ring Corporation in the amount of $27.50 for services rendered in connection tirith taking elevations in `Petigor° property, across- Post Road and into S. Y. H. property, to see if -oroperty/ca_n be drained into Board of Setter Commission property W.t Disposal Plant; computing size of drain runoff and depth of drain to drain _eti~or property. Tnis r;ork eras ordered by Supervisor Burton. v Another claim dated January 19t.h ms received from the A. J. ^oote Corporation for sr-rvices rendered in connection with plans and specifications for a 14 inch ,'vatcr r..Ain from Tifth Avenue to Dillon mark in the amount of ' 40.47. Upon motion by Justice Collins seconded by Justice heeds, it r,as upon roll call unanimously FT'SOL-V7D, that the above described claims be and they hereby are approved and ordered paid. the Clerk presented a communication addressed to him by Counselor Gamble dated July 22r_d to the effect that he had taken the necessary legal steps in connection,vrith the claims of George J. Sieburg and -Tv4 sic-burg for damages alleged to have been caused on the Roston Post Road due to the negligence of D*Onfro Brothers,. Contractors for the Lost Road improvement. Lnc com unicat-n tvaas ordered received and placed on file. Superintendent Coles reported that the to7,.,n had placed fill on the property of Rosario DeOieeo on hurray Avenue in accordance ?r,rth Lhe terms of the agreement made 1°rit.h Mr. DeCicco at the tic of the TTurray Ivenue improvement and outlined also the Zone still remaining ie be done including the raising oI the garage floor, etc.- After discussion it -r.as upon motion by Justice Leads, seconded by Justice lfessersmith upon roll call unanimously RESO'LVE'D, that the matter of having the necessary Vvork done on the property of Rosaric DeCicco on Hurray Avenue be and it hereby is referred ,t=o Superintendent Coles vtith power, subject to his obtaining bids therefor swtisfwctory to him. i Supervisor Burton reported that in accordance with the power vested in him, Superintendent. Coles and Counselor Gamble, at recent meeting of the Board to take charge of the Matter of cams :end `utters in the post Road, the ncgot. ations v:sre still vr_der way and that he expected to secure an arrangement satis- factory to the to;vn*s best interests. He added that a special meeting of the Retard might be necessary in the near future to ratify such an ar--angemcnt, Superintendent Coles reported that plans and specific- ations 'Vere completed for the improvement of Rockingstone avenue or_d 7ngineer mote thereupon presented the plans. After the Board had considered the plans it was upon rnotior_ by Justice Yessersmith seconded by the Clerk, unanimously PPSOL7ED, that the plans and soecificat.ions for the improvement of Rockingstone avenue be received and that Superintendcnt Coles be and he hereby is directed to submit them to the County Engineer for his approval prior to the advertising of bids. Superintendent Cobs reported that plans for taking care of the d-rninage situation in Howell Park had been completed and engineer 7oote submitted the plans which were considered by the Board. After discussion upon motion duly made and seconded, and upon recommendation of Superintendent Coles; the plans were ordered referred back to him for passible amendment and recomaend- ations. Upon motion duly made and s=con-ed the Doard. unanimously resolved to adjourn at 10:40 P.Iti. subject to the call of the chair. W , �®ern Qlcrk I i I I i