HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_08_15 Town Board Minutes TO-Irr 017 r,-'11:�ROFEC_K, 17_I,`;_, YORE held August 15th, 1931. I The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 11.25 A. K. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Collins anal Leeds Superintendent Coles T"ovrn Clerk Yarvin The presence was also noted of Counselor ramble. The Supervisor reported that pursuant to authority given to him, together tirith Superintendent. Coles and Counselor Gamble, at a previous meeting, he had undertaken and completed negotiations with the Departt?ent of Public `dJor'ks of the State of Yew York, the County Engineer,and DtOnfro Bros. , Inc. , the contractors for the improvement relating to the use of a type A concrete curb on the Boston Post Road. He explained that in accordance with the neg- otiations, the Town of I;lamaroneck would have to pay no more than under the terms of the original contract. and that the difference in cost -could be made up by the County. Ire presented- a resolution covering these points wTaich ryas introd'uceo_ by Just-ice Leeds, seconded by Jurtice Collins and upon roll call unanimcue ly resolved as follo%Frs: WHTHTAS, the State of New York has entered into an agreement in writing with D''Onfro Bros. , Inc. , by virtue of which D"Onfro Bros. , !no. , is to grade, drain straighten ar_d resurface the Boston Post Road, particularly that portion thereof in the Village of Ilar2aroneck and Town of I'amaroneck, and in accord- ance with the plans and specifications Tyge B curb and gutter =eras specified, which consists of a curb and gutter molded into one mass, the gutter being approximately 20 inches in .:idth and 6 inches in thickness, no part of which is reinforced;; the total cost of -7bich curb and gutter is borne. by the Village of Namaroneek and Toren of T''am roneck, both of which communities have deposited with the Comptroller of L State of Fez. York, a sum sufficient to cover the estimated cost thereof; and the Village Board of the Village of llama.ron- eck and the To-:,n Board of the Toren of liamaroneck are desirous of having the plans and specifications mod- ified by eliminating therefrom the said Type B curb and gutter and substituting iln lieu thereof, the Type A concrete curb; and iak IEFAS, the 20 inches strip on either side of the pavement, •vahich ti=could be taken up, provided the -- Type B curb and gutter 41ere constructed, said irunic- ipalities desire to have constructed in a solid con- crete mass of 9 inches of reinforced concrete, ',yhich will in effect widen the pavement in the Village of 1Yarnaronec'k and Torn of llama ronack3-Z/3 feet.- and i I I �xRiS, it. has been estimated that the cost of Type B curb and gutter, according to the unit prics bid of the contractor will be approximately 81.02 a running root or a total cost to both communities, that is, the Town of TT.amaronec'. and Village of 11amaroneck, of approximately x;30,000.00; that the approximate cost of concreting the 3--1/3 feet of additional surface with 9 inches reinforced concrete would be =161300.00 and the approximate cost of constructing a concrete curb, according to Type A specifications of the State of New York would be approximately $21,_000.00; and -H Y4.AS, it al)-pears to the Town Board of the To-,..°n of Lamaroneck that a more satisfactory method of construction, considering that this portion of the Boston Post Road is subjected to heavy traffic ,with a concentrated con- tinuous usage of heavy trucks and buses, would be the substitution of a single concrete curb, according to the specifications for Type A curb of the State of Yew York in preference to the concrete curs and gutter, Type B. ITdiu, THF'R�.T'ORTi', BE IT 7717SOLV2.1), that the Town Board of the Town of Yamaroneck does hereby request the High-dray Commissioner of the Department of Public `? orks of the State of Die,,; York and the Board of Supervisors of the County of 'Lest- chester to permit, authorize, and alloy , :':fitn the consent of T3aOtifro Bros. , Inc. , the contractors, a substitution of Type h curb to be constructed and laid in accordance with the Staters specifications -- in place of Type B concrete curb and gutter and that the 3-1/3 feet, which according to the original plans is to be constructed of six inches of non-reinforced concrete curb, 20 inches wide on either side of the road, be eliminated and that 3-1/3 feet of solid re- inforced concrete, 9 inches thick to be a part of the surface of the road be substituted; further R-TSOIL77D, in mating this substitution, the Town of Yama-roneck h�re-uith agrees to contribute to the costs thereof with an amount equal to contract bid costs plus engineering for placing Type B curb, in accord- ance rTith present State contract, provided that the County Of ':Iestc'nester will may for the additional cost not herein covered by the substitution; which contribution in said amount shall be made and -paid to the County of `iiestchester (or the State Department of Public ,forks) out of the funds heretofore deposited for said imprcve- ment by the Tc7n of Lamaroneck for the improvement of the Boston Post. Road, R. C. Yo. 2104; and be it further RZ-SGZVI'D, that a. certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County 'Tng-ineer.. Superintendent Coles requested authority to secure a survey and easement for drainage purposes or the easterly side of ",:`eaver Street through the proLaerty of L-ayer to the Sheldrakc River and he was, upon roll call, unanimously authorized so to do. Counselor Gamble reported that there would be a meeting of representatives of all communities of Westchester County at 1ew Rochelle on August 17th, called by the vayor of iTew Rochelle, for the purpose of considering grays and means of securing � lo-wer gas and electricity rates from the Westchester lighting Ce_mpany. 2 On motion by the Cler"_� and seconded by Justice Collins, he was unanimously authorized to represent the Town of ITamaronecic at- this mseting. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of July teas presented and ordered received and placed on file. _ The To-,.-,.,n Clerk reported that the original deed given by th= 1-radians to John Richbell for property nox kno:Tn as the T-or,rn of Hamaroneck, !;gas being kept in the ^_own office but not in a very satisfactory condition. He suggested that he be authorized to have this very valuable document suitably mounted and framed. The Super- visor suggested that several photostatic copies of the deed be struck off. she matter 4)as upon roll call referred to the Clerk with power. The Clerk reported that he had been requested by Ifrs. C. 7v% Parr, 4, 7 Normandy Road, %archmont, to suggest to the Board that garbage be collected every day. The matter .ras ordered laid on the table On motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at noon to meet on Tuesday, August l8th, at 2 a�,.I& to designate polling places as required by later. W Tawas. Gl�rk