HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_08_28 Town Board Minutes 207 SP-�:CIA 17'E-TING OF T=1- JO= TO-U BOARD J\7,_:7, 7()- held August 28th, 1931 The meeting vas called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:25 P. I._. Present-: Supervisor Burton. Justices Boyd, Leeds and L-essersraith Town Clerk Marvin Superintendent Coles The presence was also noted of 7_ngineer Poote. A corsaunication dated august 27th was received from Mr. liar Greene of Griffin Avenue, requesting installation of street lights on that avenue and offering to pay a portion of the expense "if the cost is not excessive.11 The ?hatter ++as laid over pending an investigation of the status of Griffin 'venue. Suoerii"tendent Coles presented a deed to Gaillard Place, Dillon Par-1c, ,rhich, he said, ,ir. Michael Doherty offered to dedicate to the to'2.,n. He added that !J_f.cherty desired to have a sewer installed in that street. The matter u7a.s ordered referred to the Se:,,er Commission and Counsel for report and recommendation. The Clerk suggested that the Board take some action in regard to a name for County Road 67-2, commonly known as Palmer 'venue tensions*,zhicil ill sl only be opened for traffic. e said 11 e thought it advisable that the Toan of Iiamareneck, the City of New Rochelle and the Tiillage of Larchmont, all of iTrhich contain parts of this road, should agree on the same name for it. £der discussion the Clerk tiaz directed to vrrite to the City of Ides Rochelle and the Village of Larchriont informing them that the lc-a, . of Kamaroneck :7as rifling to agree to any m;me tirhich they mutally agreed upon. The Clerk reported that Yr. ITayer of 482 _7ea7e-r Street suggested that a light be placed over the direction sign post at the cori'ler of '': eaver Street and hurray 1ivenue so that autoists fright be able to read it in the night tiiue. The matter �ra.s by roll call unanimously referred to Superintendent Coles with power. The Supervisor reported receipt of several very compliment- ary letters on the recent improvement by the to,�n of 7dge,yTood "venue. Superintendent Coles, together -uit_n Ingineer Foote, present;- ed plans and profiles for four improverzent projects a.s follo;7sa (I) Mncllvvood Drive and Locust Riige Road, showing proposed grades and drainage features. After discussion it was upon motion by Jastice uessersmith, seconded by the Clerk unanimously R-73CIVE-D, l_H'I1'+AS, Ilr. ferner and Yr. ',,,-,food, represent- ing the Occum Realty Company, appeared before this Board and_ stated that they desired to grade, drain, pave, regulate and other-rise improve Knollwood Drive and Locust Ridge Road at their o�vn expense in a mamner satisfactory to this Board: and. ,0 TR AS, T'ngineer Foote has presented to this Board pla.na and profiles sho7ring the proposed grades and drainage features of these roads; and 117 FAS, Superintendent of Highways John I. Coles recommends the approval of these plans and profiles; 140-W THFRFFORF, BF IT 209 R71SOL7FD, that this Board do and hereby does approve the plans and profiles submitted by yngineer icotc as above described: and be it further R7,SOL•V''D, that this matter be referred to Counselor Gamble for the drafting of a suitable resolution prior to acceptance. (2) Howell Parlk drainage -. :after discussion it ,,-as upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds unanimously R7ESOIV-7D, that the plans be received and placed on file and that the matter be referred to Counsel for his report Es to the best method of financing this im-aroverent, (3) Storm ';iatcr :gain from Vinc Road to Forest lyvenuc - Superintendent Coles de-lared that an old drain t?as formerly in existence along the line of the proposed nevr drain and 'suggested that he ascertain if this old drain is still in working order before the 'Beard takes any action on the new one. Upon motion by the Olcrk, sc_conded by Justice yesser•smith, it was unanimously POS0:17ED, that the plan and profile be -received and placed an file and that Superintendent Col=s make a test of the existing old drain. (4:-) Day mon Terrace grade -. Superintendent. Coles stated that Daynion 'Terrace ertendcc4lon_g the rear of the urray Avenue school and the ner: addition to this school which is nearing com- pletion; that the school rill soon open and that_ the school auth- orities were anxious to have this road put into a usable condition; that the grade of the existing road is SC7eral feet higher than certain of the basement wjndorrs of the new addition, and that in view of the short time before the opening of the school he had directed :ffn.gineer 400te to -Pzepare a plan and profile showing a proposed grade on this street. After discussions it was upon motion by Justice leeds, seconded by Justice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously 2FSOIV D, that the action of Superintcndetit Coles in having prepared a plan and profile of a proposed grade on Daymon Terrace be and it hereby is ratified confirmed, and approved and be it further R7SOLV7-D, that this plan and profile be referred to Superintendent Coles to submit to the Board of 7ducaticn for its approval and his report back to this Board. The Town Cler'-c reported that he had found it necessary to e*nploy Yrs. Dorothy St-ephens as temporary office assistant for two weeks at the usual salary for such work, namely ,X.00 a day and requested approval of his act. Upon_ -notion duly made and seconded it. ;-vas Lrycon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of the T'o-,ra Clerk in employ- ing I:irs. Dorothy Stephens as temporary office assistant for two weeks at the usual salary for such work, namely $4.00 a day, be and hereby is ratified, confirmed and approved and the Supervisor is hereby authorized, cmpo-. ered and directed to pay her salary upon the -pres- entation of the proper claim therefor. i On motion by Justice Leeds, seconded by Tusticc 13oyd, the following resolution. �,vas adopted.- Th7T FOMIL OF C A V.-RTIFI CG 1ND-3' ISSUIED TO P_�Y -,LT7-7 COST OF Ty7. COTSTRT3CTION OF THE: SYS77Y, 1-17 S--;PTFtR T)IS-,IRjn-- 7-71, OF T_F7, To',,'FY 02 YAL7ARCI CH.. The Town 3card of the 7our, of 1.amaroncck, in the County of icstclnc-ster, 117cyv York, hereby resolves as fo'_11077s : Section 1. V;_Iaenever the Supervisor of the Tovm of H'araaroreck is authorized by this Board to issue Certificates of Indebtedness, the same to be a Town charge, the proceeds of such Certificates to be ap:,;)licd, to the payment of the Estimated cost of the construction of a. part or -ocrtion of the sev.,cr system in Sewer District ="I of the io•.-.,,n of LTarnaroneck, as enlarged and cx- tended, such Certificates of indebtedness shall be executed by the Supervisor and the seal of the Tc ,n shall be affixed thereto and attested by the To7vn Clerk, and shall be in suIn-stantially the follov,,ing form: ITO �8 STA7TS OF AILL-RICA S ATE 07, y(DEK COT77-T OF _I,_;7HSTCH_ST'P_R TOW11T 07 YTAITkROIT-CK. C_R,RTIFICAT7_ Or, jjID:aB=AT-,tSS - SF !•' S71RJ The 101,n of Kamaron-.ck, in the County of -1.1'estchestcr, a Huniaipal Corporation of the State of rew York hereby ack:ao-�,,ledges itself indebted and for -vaiue received -Dro-_-_-Iises to pay to the bearer of this Certificate, the sum of ($ ) Doll-,rs on , with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per centum per annum. Both principal and interest of this Certificate are p2yable at the office of in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful Money. This Certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the To7,,m Lav� constituting Chapter 62 a3rid, the General 11unicipal La-vr constituting Chapter 24 of the Consolidated Laws of the State OIL e York as amended, Chapter 594 of the Laws of 1926, Chapter 437 �7 of the I-aws of 1928, Chapter 860 of the Lav,,,,s of 1930, of -the State Of lete York, for money borro-red to pay the cost of the construction of a part or portion of a sewer systeT-,, in Se-Trer District 170. I in sa id Tovm. I't is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, _L tut acts anj things required by the Constitution and Statutes of l' ththe U. State of 117cw yOrit to exist, to have happened and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance Of this Certificate, exiat, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of certificates of which this is one, ton_­cther -,,,.,ith all other indebtedness of said Town, is VTithin every debt and other limit- prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State; and the full faith and credit of the Zc-:vn of Hamaroneck are hereby pledged to the -punctual payment of the Principal and interest of this Certificate according to its terms. 117 71`17_`,SS vv'Y4RFOF, the Toga of Yamaroneck has caused this Certificate of indebtedness to be signed by its Supervisor, anal its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Tov.,n Clerk this day of Attest: Supervisor Ta-virn Clerk 213 Provided, however, that the Supervisor may, if he deems it in the interests of the io'rn of Hamaroncck, issue a Certificate ar Certificates of Indebtedness which znay be coupon in form but other�lize substantially in the form hereinabove provided. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the follo wing vote : .ayes: Gaorgc ti. Burton, Supervisor �walter R. 11arvin, Sr. Town Clerk William A. Boyd 'Jilliam D. Leeds ) Justices of the Peace Wesley II. Elessersmithl Nays none The Supervisor advised the Board regarding the situation in connection with Sevier Con;�.ract T,To. 17. HE, stated that the Sevaer Commission let said contract, that the contractor had'been unable to complete said contract due to financial troublea. That the Bonding Company had authorized the Commission to relet the contract, vahich it had done, and while the .actual construction was compldted, that there had been a large number of assignments and liens filed and that the financial matters tivrre in litigation as neither he as Super- visor, nor the Commission could pay out any money, and "'ounsel had advised that no further payments be rude ,jithout a Court order. Fe stated that it viculd be necessary to extend the time of payment of the Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of 060,000.00 hereto- fore originally authorized by this Board on yune 7, 1929, the pro- ceeds of -which authorization wa.s used to pay for the cost of Co n- tract 1To. 17 and 17a. Fe further stated that a Certificate or Certificates of (ndebtedncss of this issue ,P�ould come due shortly, and he recommended that he be authorized to refund said certificate or Certificates for an additional period. Te stated that in neg- otiatirg for the refund of said Certificate or Certificates it was possible tnat it vrould be necessary to sell said Certificate or Certificates for a period of t,elve months, and he therefore re- commended that the :hoard authorize the extension of the period of time of said Certificates heretofore authorized. The Supervisor further stated that he had issued a Certif- � � car Certificat ct�C f Indebtedness in the amount 'heretofore auth- oriacd uy the =oardtn�t' it n= d been necessary to pay interest on said C:�rtificates of _ndebtedncss as same have from time to time matured and that it would be necessary to pay additional interest on Certificates -,which would hereafter raaturc, and he recon�rnended that he pc &uthorizcd to issue a Certificate or Certificates of Indebted- ness in the additional amount of >10,000. to provide funds for the payment of said interest heretofore and hereafter to be paid. Upon :notion by Justice Boyd'; seconded by �ustiee needs Br IT 77SOT-77D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empouercd in accordance :rith the lav's of the State of Derr `fork to borrow on the faith and credit of the Torn of Tiamaroteck the additional sum of :10,000. in addition to the po0,000. heretofore authorized by this Board, making a total authorization for said Contract ITo. 17 of Bl' IT FURTh--PPR RFSO VFtD, that this Board hereby auth- orized and empoaaers the Supervisor to refund, issue and/or rc-issue the following Certificate or Certif- icates of Indebtedness heretofore authorized by this Board by resolutions dated Junc 7, 1929, to gay the estimated cost of construction of a part of portion of the Sewcr-System in Scaler District 70. 1 of the Tosrn of Lam=roneck as enlarged and extended, -,hieh said Certificates of Indebtedness are notr outstanding: I (1) Certificates of Indebtedness in the principal amount of X70,,000. for said Sewer Contract Tvo. 17 and I7a, and/or to borrow, upon the faith and credit of the Town of I:"a_mrcnec'_: a sum of not to exceed $70,000. for said Contract IO. I? and 17a; plus interest which may from time to time accrue on said respective Certificates of Indebtedness and to issue Certificates of indebtedness therefor, the same to be a Town charge, which said Certificate or Certif- icates of Indebtedness shall be in such denomination or denominations; shall bear such date and such rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent par annum, as shall be determined by the Supervisor; shall be numbered con- secutively, commencing from the number of the last Car- tificate of indebtedness of the '!o�%rn issued for such purposes; shall be payable at such time or times as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, hOtiIrever, eighteen months from the date thereof. Said Certificates of Indebtedness shall be payable as to both principal and interest at such place or places as shall be determined by the Supervisor. Said Certificates of Indebtedness may be sold by the Supervisor .from time to time as may be needed at private sale for the best terms obtainable, provided that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebt- edness shall not be sold fer less than their par value. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be general and unlimited obligations of the Town of 11-amaroneck. The full faith and credit of said Toy=rn are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual -payment of the principal and interest of said Certificate Or Cert- ificates of Indebtedness as the same shall beaoue -due and unless said Certificate or Certificates of Indebt- edness are paid or payment provided for, an amount suf- ficient to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual statement for tax purpasas. 71TRTHIFTR RTSOLVET-D, that said Certificates of indebtedness of the `-'o7r;n issued for the -purposes above set forth shall be in substantially the same form set forth in a resolution entitled "Resolution determining the form of Certificates of indebtedness issuedi oS�avrthe cost Of the construction of the :ewer System �asrzcz yip. 1 of the Town of Yama-roneck duly adopted by the Tovm 3oard on August 28, 1931>11, The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following voto AY s: George ;. Burton, Supe rtis o r Jalte-r R. karvin, Jr. , Tolr,n Clerk ddilliam A. Boys p 'Tilliam D. heeds Justices of the peace ".7csley II. Yessetsmith:� Kays: Bone The Supervisor advised the aoard regarding the situation ir_ connection with Serer Contracts !os. 20, 21 & 22. His stated that the Board was not in a position at this time to ascertain the total � costs of construction of the said contracts. He stated that it would be necessary to extend the time of payment of the Certificates of Indebtedness in the respective amounts -of �g5 ,000.00, 36.5,000.00 and $40,000>00 heretofore authorized by this ,bard on 3pri1 le, 1930, the proceeds of -,,hich authorization Bras used to pay for the cost of said Contracts 1170s. 20, 2I-z and 22 respectively. ;?e further stated that Certificates of Indebtedness of these issues vroula shortly become duG and he recommended that he be authorized to refund said Certificates for an additional period. He stated that the said resolutions of August 16, 1930, authorized the issuance of a Certificate or Certif- icaftes of Indebtedness for a period of not to exceed eighteen months, which limitation_ would zxpire on 0ctober 16,1931, and that he eras negotiating to refund said res;�)cctive Certificates and it was possible that it Ivould be necessary to sell said Certificate or Certificates for aperiod/of vaelve months, i. e. to a. date beyond the present authorization, and hetkiereforc recommended that the Loard authorize the extension of the *period of time of said Certificates heretofore ---.^—__ authorized. - --- - ---- The Sum• rvisor further stated that hez had issued cer- ti--F'icatr.s of rndebtcdness in the respective amounts her—toforc- authorized by the Board and that it had been and would be necess- ary to pay, interest on the Certificates of indebtedness ,,,which had heretofore matured and were now outstanding-. On motion of Justice Boyd, seconded by -justice Leeds, it was RTSOIV7--D, this Board has heretofore and on Aloril 16th, 1930, authorized the Supervisor to issue and sell Certificates of indebtedness in the respect- ive amounts of 345,000. for Sewer Contlract. Yo. 20, '955,000. for Se-v,:er Contract No. 21, and X40,000. for Server- Contract vo. 22, ==OR:T, =� IT -=Th-TR R7SOLVET, that this Board hereby authorizes and empowers the Supervisor to refund, issue and/or re-issue the following Certif- icates of indebtedness heretofore authorized by this Board by resolutions dated April 16-th, 1930, to pay the estimated cost of construction of a part or portion of the Sewer Systcn in Set--ter District ITIo.1 of the To,,,in of Mamaroneck as enlarged and Extended,- which said Certificates of I 21 i Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebted.ncss: shall be general and unlimited obligations cif the lovirn of I'amaroneck. The full, faith and credit of said Tovvn are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the _principal and interest of said Certificate Cr Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due and unless said Cert- ificate or Certificates of indebtedness are paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual ptatament for tax purposes. FUR=R Rr'SOLVTD, that said Certificates of Indebted- ness of the Town issued for the purposes above set forth shall be in substantially the form set forth in.a resol-- cation entitled "Resolution determining, the form of Certificates of Indebtedness issued to pay the cost of the const.�zction of the Severer System in Sewer District ITO. 1 of the gown of I a-maroneck duly adopted by the To,,vn Board on August 28th, 193f.'r vote : The foregoing resolution "vas adopted by the following ayes: C-eorge `,' . Burton, Supervisor Walter R. Harvin, Jr. ,Tov,,n Clerk ViTli im A. Boyd, ,Villiam D. Leeds Justices of .ic-slcy I. Piessersmith) the Peace -- I7ayes: gone The Supervisor advised the Board ^egarding the situation in connection with Sever Contract To. 23. He stated that the Board -ovas not in a position at this time to ascertain the total cost of the contract. Pie stated that it ":could be necessary to extend rife tame-= of payment of the Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of �18,000.0O3 heretofore authorized by this 3oard on Pebruary 4, 1931, the proceeds of vrhich authorization over= used to pay for the cost of Contract P?o. 23. He further stated that a Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness of this issue "would come due shortly, October 27,1931, and he recommended that he be authorized to refund said •Certificate OF Certificates of Indebtedness for a period of not to exceed eighteen months, which limitation would expire on August 4, 1932, and that' in negotiating for the refund of said Certificate or Certificates it '.eras possible that it "would be necessary to sell said Certificate or Certificates for a period of t`ticive months, i.e. on a date beyond the present authorization, and he therefore recommended that the Board authorize the extension of the period of time of said Certificate heretofore authorized. The Supervisor .further stated that he had issued a Certif- icate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount heretofore auth- orized by the Board and that it had a been necessary to pay interest on the Certificates of Indebtedness no!, outstanding. On motion of Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice heeds R7•SOL"T , , "VT-7RIAS this Board has heretofore and on February 4, 1931, authorized the Supervisor to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of 518,000.00 for SeWr r Contract No. 23; 2 Supervisor Burton advised the Board in regard to the progress being made in connection with the Boston Post Road imarovement. He stated that the Board had heretofore authorized Certificates of I ndebtedness to be issued or, account of the cost of said irnnrovement as follows:- December 9, 193G, ;'=28,200,, which he had deposited with the State Comptroller; May 26th, 1930, Certificates of indebtedness in the amount of $270.000., of which amount he had paid to the County of ';,'estchester 269,2Ga.68 on account - of landta?pings and other cn.rgcs andon July 15, 1c31, an additional Certificate of Indebtedness of $1500. to pay for extra rork ordered by the Board from D*Onfro .Bros. He stated that Certificates of indebtedness in the amount of _27C,.00Q would mature in _Sente.mber, which v:roul _ '.cave to be refunded, and that interest on maturin Certificates Mould have to be paid and I requested that the Town Board authorize the issuance of Cert- ificates of Indebtedness in the additional amount over that here- tofore authorized of 73G0. Upon motion of Ter. Justice ressersmith, seconded by I'r. Justice Deeds, it -was RySQLVBD, tiHFR_AS this Board has by resolutions adopted at meetings held December 9, 1930; THay 76th, 1931 and July 15, 1931, authorized Cert- ificates of Indebtedness to be issued in connect- ion kith the reconstruction of the .Boston post Road aggre?at.ing a prir_c ipal amount of :$299,. 700. to be paid by the Town of YLaraaroneek as its prop- ortionate share of the estimated total cost of the reconstruction of the Boston ost�oad improveriert� T=_'''?T I'OR', 37' IT R7SGL"1'-D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered tr accord- ance with the laws of the State of Ye-41 York to borrow on the faith and credit of the Toxin of ilamaroneck the surn of 'P7300. in addition to the +$299,700. heretofore authorized by this Board, making a total authorization of ;307,000, plus interest which from time to time may accrue thereon, and to issue a temporary Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in said araount, which se-all bear interest at a rate not to exceed six (61) Per cent per annum, payable at such time or titles as the Supervisor- may fix, not exceeding, however, fifteen months from the date thereof, and to sell or dispose of said Certificate or Certificates of Tndebt_ednesa at not less than the par value thereof: TF R i7-SOL77D, that said Certificate of Certificates of Indebtedness herein authorized sAl be in substant- ially the form previously authorized for said Boston Post Zoad Certificates of Indebtedness in the resolu- tion heretofore adopted by this Board on December 9th, 1930; FURTi+= RESCLVTD, that the Town of Za!aaroneck hereby covenants to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount hereinafter provided as the same shall become due by levying assessments upon property in the Toi:rn of Hamaroneck at such time or times and in such amounts as may be necessary to pay said -principal and interest; and the full faith and credit, of said To,,un are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of said Cextificvte or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due and unless said Certificate or Certificates are paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual statement for tax purposes, The resolution was adopted by the follo�-,,ing vote Ayes: Creprge Burton, Supervisor alter . I'larvin, Jr. Torn. Clerk U v R illiarn n. Boyd, William D. Leeds and °k.,esley �. Tlcssersmith, s Justice of th - e r- _ ~Io e s_ ,,T�,r 225 Supervisor 3arton advised the ".oard in regard to the progress being made by the fine Brook Drainage Commission in connection -uith the construction of the Fine Brook Drain. He stated that in accordance with a resolution of this Board he had been authorized to issue Certificates of Indebtedness in the sum of ;50,000. to pay the proportionate cost of the T07M of Kamarcncck in said project as provided in the Pine Brook Drainage Act, and that to :late he had aoaid over the follo:,Ting amounts on account of said snare of the Town of .Mamaroneck to the Pine Brook CrainFae Commission: ,Tune 16, 1930 1250.00 Sazx.„ 16, 1931 12500.00 Kay 12, 1931 11?50.00 June 12,1931 10000.00 a total to date of <<1 35000.00, leaning a balance of X15000, to be _paid, Which amount is predicated on the estimated cost of the project being ; 200,000. Re stated that at a meeting of the Pine Brood Drainage Commmission held July 18th, 1931, the Commission had adopted a res- olution calling upon the Toti•n of amaroneck to make an additional payment of : 15,000. or a total of $50,000. He stated that inasmuch as the money had been raised by the issue of certificates of Indebtedness and as there ;acre no other funds or hand that he had used a portion of the ?coney so raised to pay interest. on Certif- icates of Indebtedness which had been matured s.nd had beer, reneged, vahich ,gas provided for in said Adt.. He Etted that he had issued Certificates of Indebtedness to date in the amount of ?36,.000. and as he must make a payment of X15,000. he requested the Board to authorize the issuance of additional Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of `3,o00. to provide funds for the payment of interest on those Certificates which had matured and had been refunded and to pay interest on out- standing Certificates as they mature and on Certificates ,vl=ich :Night hereafter be issued to refund the same—, all as provided in said Act, making a total authorization on account of costs of construction and interest of = 53,000. I was Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds, it L7,30—ED WITTRMkS this Board by resolution dated December 17, 1930, has heretofore authorized the Supervisor to issue Certificates of Indebtedness for the To•�,rn of "Tamaroneek in the amount of 1350,000.. to be paid by the Town of Lamaroneck as its proportionate snare of the estimated total cost of the construction Of Pine Brook Drain by the Pine Brook Drainage Commission as provided in Chapter 260 of the Laws of 1930, THEMEFCR7, B-' IT _R,7,S0IVTD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered in accordance with Chapter 260 of the "az.7.-s of 1930 and the Laws of the State of New York, to borrow on the faith and credit of the To,,-,n of Mamaroneck the sum Of not to excced 3,000. in addition to the X50,000, heretofore author ized by this Board on December 17, 1930, making a total authorization of $53,000. and to issue a temporary Certifidate or Certificates of Indebtedness in said amount, which shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed six per century per annum, payable at such time or times as the Supervisor may fix;i not exceeding, hm:aever fifteen months from the date thereof and to sell or dispose of said Certificate or Certificates of In- debtedness for not less than the par value thereof. 227 ]�-LJRTHTR R7SOLVLD, that said Certificate or C,ertificates of Indebtedness herein authorized shall be in substantially the form previously authorized for ptrevious Certificates of Indebted- ness and said resolution of December 17, 1930. RTE7,R ?F'S0177D, that the Tmm of Kaxaaron.eck hereby covenants to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of indcbtedress in the amount hereinafter provided as the same shall become due by levying assessments upon property in the ^nrr of Idamaromeck at such time or t irnn s and in such amounts as play be necessary to pay said principal and interest; and the full faith and dredit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due and unless said ';ertif icatc or Certificates are laid or payment. provided for an amount sufficier_t to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual statcment for ta- purposes.. The resolution as adopted by the follo7wing vote : }yes .- George 'Y. Burton, Supervisor 'aalter R. Marvin, Tr. , Torrn Clerk Willem A. Boyd V Iillia-ra D. Lecds )Justices of the 2eace esley* ii. icssersmithl Yaye s s lconc Upon motion duly made and seconded the %?oard unanimously resolved to adjourn at 41 :20 Town C1crk IIIOOJ" I i i I