HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_09_01 Town Board Minutes 1 MTIYG CF 7:17' JCINT TC`rNIZ BCA D TO%N OF A. Y. held September 1st, 1931 ry The meeting vuas c_iiea to order by Guperviscr 3urtcn at 4 P. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and heeds Superintendent Coles To;vn Cleric ILarvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. Supervisor Burton declared that it would_ be advisable for the tcvwn to sonsiaer a new -Location for the town flag pole w rich was recently removed from the 7illaLe Square in iiamaroneck anc: crGered stored pznding choice of another location. He stated that there 3,as no memorial in the tcun tc Harry Dudley, the only resident of the unihcorporatea section to lose his life in the '4orld Viar, and adder that it might be passible to combine both projects. He called the attention of the Board to thz a:eaver Street Chanel property at the corner of Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue as a passible location. After discussion tree matter bas referred to Counselor Gamble for report as to the status of the weaver Street Chapel Property. Counselor Gamine rz,,ortea that -Lair. C. W. Moody had deliverea to h:iLi a deea of aeaication to 'fine Road and Glen =agles South Drive. Superintendent Coles recommended the acceptance of the road. I)on motion by tiie Clerk, seconc:ea by Justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously RSSOD:MD, 1MR.EAS, The owners of tree fee and/or the rights of 74ay in certain streets in the kevelopmznt or district of the Town of Ulamaronecic -mown as Rouken Gien, Inc. , have hereto- fore filed a petiticf1 v�ith this Boara ana the Superintendent of HiLhv'vays of the Town of uraA}cr ricCii ofIurinE, tG aea.lcate ana deed said streets or portions triereol' to the Tovai of laramaronecic and re- questing said Town ana Superintendent of High%%-ays to accept said streets as Town Highways; and a'+IiF, ;SAS`, said petition has been cons-iaer. d 'by this Board ana the Tovvn Superintendent of Highways ana the deed of said streets presented; and . 1��R�;,kS, the Superintendent of Highways has examined saia ztr�.ets or portions thereof ana has recommended that they be accepted as Town Highways of the Town of Lamaroneck, I C54, T =FoYiP,, 37i IT R7SCL117D, that the Town of - Yariaronec.�c do and it. hereby aces accept the aforeaaid offer of aedicatio xIeretcfore mace by the Pouken Glen, Inc. , ana others ana the aeeas and releases to the Town of presentee thereto, anu aces hereby accept as Town HiLhl;,a,ys the follovtiing c_zscrib u -roans, streets ana 'jays or yoortion,_ th•ureof, anc; described as fCIlOwS: (1) All that cent:-..in •iot or paxQei of lane, icnotiNn by and as Vine Roaa as shoven on a certain neap entitled map of Roukeri Glen Sections 1 to 9, Tovvn of ldamarcnecb, Westches- ter County, New Ycra,� mace by A. J. Foote , rebruary l4, 1928 ana fil:,d in the ofdice of tiie -Register of astches- ter County 1uaro`i 15, e,- pup -:525'1; said clot or parcel of la.no beint more particularly bounded ana describea 23 as follows: 2�GI1E,1C)IFG in the westerly line of Vine Road as shoran on "Yag of the l,'oocs of LarcifLiont", filed in the office of the Register of v:Csicraester County karch 1010 as leap #1696; and extenaing westerly as snovan on Lap #3257 to the easterly ooundary line of the City of New Rochelle. (2) All that certain plot or parcel of land knuwn by ana as Glen Ra�__les South Drive as. saown on a certa-zn niap entitled --- `*kLp of Kuuker Glen Sectrons 1 to 9, Town of Yamarcneck, Wlestchester County, %evv York," made by z. J. Foote, February 14, .i928 and filed in the office of tine Register of .Westchester County ILarch 15, 1928 as Map #3257; said plot or parcel of lana oeing n.ore particularly bounced and described as follovvs BFGI1dIgING at a -monui:ient in the scuth®rly side of Vine Road and in tree northeasterly corner of Lot 80 on Baia map, and running thence southeasterly by a curve to the right with a radius of fifteen (15) feet a aistance of twenty-five and twelve one hundredths (25.12) feet to a uoint of tan-_ency in the westerly line of Glen Eagles South Drive; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Lot 80 S 30 041 18Y1 E. ninety'- ana. thirteen_one hundredths (90.13) feet to a point in the northerly line of Loo 95 "Map of Gha.tsworth"; thence westerly along said line S 81 021 10" V., ten and thirty-five one hun- dradths (10.35) feet; thence S 171 281 54" E one hundred fifty- si� a.nc, ninety-four one h_credt'r_s (156.94) feet; thence N 77° 301 5511 - fifty and nineteen one hundredths (50.10) feet to a point in the southwester y corner of Villa Road as shown on "I�Gap of a ooas of Larc- cnt" filed in the office of the Re€is- ter of Westchester County slarch i010 as :-Gap of 1856•X thence noririuesterly across the ena of Villa Road Y 17 261 54" W. forty-four and thirty-one nunLreaths {44.30) feet to a point in the nor•tiaesterly corner of 7.ijla Road; thence continuing northwesterly alon the westerly lire of Trot 28, Bloch 327 on the "Kap of tine wooas of Larchaaont" IJ 170 281 54" ti one hundred nine anu fifty-two oneruncredttis (109.52) feet to the north- corner of -aIL Lots 28; thence N 30 041 18" ti along trae westerly line of Trot 79 on the auove-r entionea ,Lan of Rouken Glen ninety-thrae and tvuenty-eight one hundredths (93.26) feet to the point of curve; thence by a curve to the right vvith a rataius of fifteen (15) feet and a len6th of tventy-two anu one one hunaredths (22.01) feet to a point oz tangency in the southerly line of Vine Road; said point oeing in the nortravvester- ly corner of Lot 75; thence S 800 591 16R1 W along the line of Vine Road and across Glen Fables South (rive to the point or .lace of oet--inning. And ue it FU'RT=RR Rr=SOL7TL'D, that the aforedeseribsd roads, streets and ways or portions thereof, be and the same hereby are made and declared to be Public Town Hiriiaays; anu oe it FURTIME. Rt7_SO=7_), that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is empowered and airectec to record the aforeeaic, deecs and releases; and be it UpiT-k�'-Y R7 SCL77D, that the Sugar intendent of Iiighbvays be and — he hareoy is authorized and em.cwered to e__acute and record what- ever c.cL;urnents cr certiiieates are necessary accoxdir_a to law to vest title to the Tovn ir_ said streets, ana to bring the aforesaid resoluticns ir_to fuli zorce c.na affect; and oe it FLRTIER RLSCaT D, ttaa.t the Towwn of b_,emaronecn shin be inept safe anu raaruless arum any claim or lama,,_e of any nature or chai,acter whatsoever in anywise arising from the improvemente of the aforesaid streets, anythin6 to the contrary notv�ithetanuing. Supervisor Burton inform,u the Boara that Superintenuent Coles -vvas resuffacin{;, -curuing and ctac-whine ii braving C'6d%Ood l_venue from Hurray Lvenue to Weaver Street with funas saved from. highway ouuget items without an/ extra Lost to the town and that he considered Superintenuent Coles' action very lauaatory. i Upon motion by the Cierk, seconded oy Jutitice Boyd, it was unan us-1y RESCUrF.D, that this Board do ana it hereby noes heartily congratulate and express its thanks to Superintendent Coles for his conduct of high-way matters o_uring the year. Supervisor Burton reported that lots 106 and 109, Block P, Map of Sound Shore, which are oNned by the tovm, having been taken over for non-payment of tares anu which are located near the Palmer Avenue extension, County Road 67-2, have been pretty well filled in with fill from this and other ipprovements. He suggested that the matter of the use of these lots by the Larcnmont-Yamar one Ck Humane Society fc?° the purpose of erecting an animal shelter be referred to Counsel for report and recommendation. The Board unaaiiaousiy so resolved. Justice Leeds suggested that tine Board taAe some action on extending to the Dillon Park section tree 12 inch ti;aier main which v,az recently- autherizec, from Fifth Avenue to the southerly sine of tue Palmer Avenue :tension, County Road 67-2. He pcirted out tnat the residents of that section v,ere payinb acublea insurance ratan owing to the jack of, adeo,uate. fira pretecticn inciuuing insufficient water pressure. -- Upon motion by Justice Leeds, seconded uy Town C1ork i,!a-rvin, it was unanimc-L sly ELE�'SCL77D, That the "viestcriestex' Joint eater - or-ks, lvb. 1, oe and it hereby is authorizes to prepare an estimate of the cost of in Calling a 12 inch water mairl, to follow, the sever line already iaio. from rite sc utrleriy side of Palmer avenue L'xtension County Road 67-2 to the points on the Boston Post Road where the cross-overs vgere recently laic before resurfacing of that road. The Clerk, suggested that it wculd oe proper for the Board to take up with the `?i11aLa of Larch,,ont the question of suy;;plying water for the residents of the Dillon Park section -Who are at present being supplied by the 7iila.ge of Larebiaort. He said he tho,.ght it wcula be advisable tc• have that point clearly settled 'before authorization is given to ext,=rd the 11 inch -r:ater n_ain SS sugLes�ed. Tile il.,z.t...,_ of -L al.in�7 u a thi4 ..I Ut: v`,itl�- ..._.. 'illafl'e i of Larchmont eras referrer. to the Committee on the ?Yillon Park Fire anu uiater SitLatlon hei'ctvfure aprointed, conSistinE of Justices Leeo.s, 'iessersaith and Collins to ether witn. Counsel. Upon motion u,�,ly made and seconded. the Board unaniiucusly resolved to aajourr! at 5.23 P. K. to meet aga.ir, on Septerioer Bra at 2 P. E. tc, receive oi&s for the imi_rovezient cf North Chatsworth and Rockingstone Avenues, according to notice heretofore given. yy Town Clerk i