HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_09_03 Town Board Minutes r' SPECIAL =.-TING OF THE JOINT TCI^!iV BOARD TMVNI OF 1LAY C N CK, N. Y. held Septelauar 3rd, 1931 The meatin6 vvas called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:45 P. Y. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Leeds Town Clerk Marvin Superintendent Coles The presence was also notea of "Engineer Foote and Counselor Gamble. The Supervisor stated that tae meeting was `oeing held pursuant to notice duly giver, for she receipt of bias for the improvement of North Chatst.orth Avenue ana Hcckingstune !Avenues. The Clerk raad the call of the ueetirg and it 7+as unanimously approved as. read. The Cleric presented affidavits of publication evidencing that due notice has been published acuording to lave. The affidavits were unanimously ordered receivea and placed on file. The Board thereupon procaedad to direct the Clerk to open the bids .vhicii he did, snevving the following results: CUTRACIT V, SECTICE OAu Totals using 7a Reinforced concrete paving: 1. Fleming aria Shepard 19227.00 2. Smith Bros. Contg. Co. , Inc: 20199.00 3. De Luce, Brothers 20385.00 4. Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 20675.00 5. Louis Petrillo 20821.00 6. Marinelli Construction Corp. 21371.00 7. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 21391.50 8. Peckham Road Corp. 21861.00 9. Frank Nordone 22116.00 10. D'Onfro Brothers 22615.50 11. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 22712.00 12. aorsanieilo Coniractin& Co. 23377.50 13. Domenico yar-rello & Son 23651.70 I Totals usinb concrete Base and Asphaltic Concrete top: 1. Charles D. Beckwith, Inc. 20849.00 2. Daniel F. YacNamee & Co. : Inc. 21626.00 3. De Luca Brothers 22935.00 petriilo & Bianchi, Inc. 23141"-50 5. Peckham Roaa Corp, .23736.00 6. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 24462.00 7. Domenico Yarrelio & Son 25201.70 b. Frank I;ordone 25516.00 9. Louis Petrillo 25621.00 10. Rorlianiello Contracting Co. 25877.50 11. Yarinella. CGnStrU_Ction Corp. 26121.00 12. Smith Bros. , Contg. Co. , Inc_ 26949.00 , � P Rd Totals using Concrete Base and Bitnlithic Top: 1. Standard Bitulithic Co, Kr 22908.50 2. Daniel F. VlaclTamee & Co. , Inc. 23825.00 3. Louis Petrillo 24571.00 4. De Luca Brothers 25435.00 5. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 25591.50 6. TUarinelli Gonstruction Corp. 2612:1.00 7. Tucke.hoe Constructior_ Corp. 26462.00 8. Smith Bros. Cont6. Co. , Inc. 26699.00 S. Domenico Earreiio & Son 27201.70 10. Romaniello Centracting Co. 27277.50 11. Frank D,ordone 27365.00 12. Peckharr, Roaa Corp. 28238.00 Totals using Concrete Base ana Colprovia Top: 1. Daniel F. KacNamee & Co. , Inc. 20575.00 2. Louis Petrillo 22071.00 3. De Luca 1rothers 22685.00 4. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 23141.50 5. Tuckaaoe Construction Corp,. 23712.00 6. Fleminp- & Sriepard 2392?.00 7. c_mit'rl Bros. Contg. Co. , Inc. 23949.00 8. Romaniello Contracting Co. 24377.50 9. Domenico !Larrellc & Son 24451.70 10. Karinelli Construction Corp. 24921.00 11. Peckham Road Corp. 25236.00 12. Frank iordone 26116.00 13. h'Onfro Brothers 27060.50 Totals using Concrete Base and miesite Top: 22575.00 1. Daniel F. MacNarmee & Co. , Inc. 23088.50 2. Halton-Amiesite Co. 23321.00 3. Louis Petrillo 23935.00 4. De Luca Brothers 24391.50 5. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 24962.00 6. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 25199.00 7. Smith Bros. Ccntg. Co. , Inc. 25701.70 -- 8. Domenico Kaxrellc & Son 26121.00 9. iL,arinelli Ccnstru,�tion Corp. 26366.00 10. Frank leordone 26627,50 11. Romaniello Contracting Co. 26736.00 12. Peckham Road Corp. SFCTIGN "B" Totals using 70 Reinforced concrete paving: 4226b.60 1. De Luca Brothers 46868.75 2. Fleming & Shepard 47543.00 3. Smith Bros. Cont6- Co. , Inc. 48708.50 4. Louis Petrillo 50136.00 5. Daniel F. 11acNamee & Co. , Inc. 51427.50 6. Petrillo & Bia-nchi, Inc. 51557.00 7. Tuckahce Construction Corp. 51581.00 6. Frank Noraone 53793.00 9. Peckham Roaa Corp. 56438.50 10. D'On -ro Brothers 56851.50 U. Domenico :iarrello & Son 57401.00 12. yarinelli Construction Corp. 57405.00 13. Romaniello Contracting Co. Totals using Concrete Base and 4sphaitic Concrete Top: 48058.50 1. Ile Luca BrOtklers 49153.90 -- 2. Charles D. Beckwith, Inc. 53106.00 Z. uaniel F. kacNamee & Co. , Inc. 55777.50 -4. Petrillo & Blancill, Inc. 56434.00 5. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 39193.00 6. Peckham Road. Corp. 59206.50 7. LoLLis Petrillo 59381.00 S. Frank Nordone 603��1.50 9. Domenico Yarrello & Son 61043.00 10. Srr,ith Brothers Cont6. Co. , Inc. 63255.00 11. Romaniello Contracting C" 67301.00 12. ykarirelli Construction Corp. 239 Totals using Concrete Base ana Bitulithic Top: 1. De Luca Brat-Lars 52558.50 Z. Standard Bitulithic 55226.60 3. Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 56706.00 4. Louis Petrillo 56058.50 5. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 60032.00 6. Smith i3res. Contg. Co. , Inc. 605993.00 7. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 60727.50 8. Frank Ivoracne 62531.00 9. Dommenico Marrello & Son 64691.50 r0. Romaaiello Contracting Co. 65775.00 lI. FeckYiauixxar�c• Road Cerp. 6^7293.00 12. 3varinelli Construction Corp. 67301.00 Totals using Concrete Base and Colprcvia Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 47608.50 2. Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 50856.00 Z. Louis Petrillo 52458.00 4. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 55082.00 5. Smit'r! Bros. Conti;. Co. , Inc. 55643.00 6. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 55777.50 7. Fleming & Shepard 56528.75 8. Domenico Yarrello & Son 5991'x1.50 9. Franix Nordone 60281.00 10, t omaniallo Consraotirg Co. 60555.00 U. Peckham Road Corp, 61893.00 12. yarinelli Construction Corp. 65141.00 13. D'Cnfro Brothers 65738.50 Totals using Concrete Buse and Amie�-ite Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 49858.50 2. Daniel F. YlacNamee & Cc. , Inc. 54456.00 3. Lcuis Petrillo 54708.50 4. Haltcn-&?iesite Co. 54786.50 5. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 57332.00 6. Smith Bros. Contg. Co; , Inc. 57893.00 7. Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc. 56027.50 8. Frank Nordone 607W1.00 9. DomenILC 14earrelio & Son 62151.50 10. Peckham Hoed Corp. 645 0,3.00 11. Homaniello Contracting, Cc. 64605.00 12. 1arinelli Construction Corp. 67301.00 COIITRaCT "N" S7 C T I ON s, n Comoitatien Stone Base &. Asrhaltic Concrete tcp: 11800.00 1. Ci_urlati D. BeC10"ith, 111C. 2. sPeckhan roan Corp. 12400.00 3. De Luca. Brothers 12400.00 4 1 . Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 4 . 0 5. D. F. jdacliamee & Co. , Inc. 142255 00.000 6. "ilarinelli Const. Corp. ; „rank Nordone & Houaniello Contracting Corp. 14500. 00 7. D. ,iarrello & Son 14750.00 8. Smith Bros. Cont6. Co. , Inc. 17000.00 9. Louis Petrillo 18750.00 24-1 Combination Stone Base &B.itulithic Top: 1. Frank Nordone 14250.00 2. �� arinelli Const. Corp. & Standard Bitulithic Corp. 14500.00 3. De Fuca Brothers 14900.00 4. Tucica,noe Construction Corp. 15750.00 5. Romaniello Contracting Co. 15900.00 6. Daniei F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 16250.00 7. Peckham Road Corp. 16500.00 8. Smith Bros. Contg- Co. , Inc. & D. Yarrello & Son 16750.00 9. Louis Petrillo 17500.00 Combination Stone 3ase & Colprovia Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 12150.00 2. D. F. lkacNamee & Co. , Inc. , Tuckahoe Const. Corp. and Romaniello Contracting Co. 13000.00 3. Flenino & Shepard 13250.00 4. Marinelli Construction Corp. 13300.00 5. Peckham Road Corp. 13500.00 6. Smiti, Bros. Contg. Co. , Inc. & D. Marrello & Son 14000.00 7. Frank Nordone 14750.00 S. Louis Petrillo 15000.00 Combination Stone Baae & -4�;iiesite Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 13400.00 2. Tuc�ahoe Construction Corp. 14250.00 3. Marinelli Construction Corp. 14500.00 4. Frank Nordone & Haiton-Amiesite Co. 14750;00 5. Peckham Roaa Corp. & D. F. MacNanee & Co. 15000.00 6. Smith 3ros. Contg. Co. , Inc. , Rm aniello Contg. Co. and D. aarreilo & Son 15250.00 7. Louis Petrillo 16250.00 S"CTION 1AB" Combination Stcna .Base and Asphaltic Concrete Top: 1. Charles D. Beckwith, Inc. 21240.00 2. Peckhan Road Corp. 21600.00 3. De Luca Brothers 22320.00 4. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 24750.00 5. D. F. MacNarmee & Co. , Inc. 25650.00 6. Marinelli Construction Corp. & Romaniello Cont. Co.26100.00 7. D. Yarrello & Son 26550.00 8. Frank Nordone 27000.00 9. Smith Bros. Contg. Co. , Inc. 30600.00 l0. Louis Petrillo 33750.00 Combination Stone Base and Bitulithic Top: 1. Marinelli Construction Corp. ana Standard Bitulithic Co. 26100.00 2.. De Luca 3rothers 26820.00 3. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 28350.00 4. Romaniello Contracting Co. 26620.00 5. D. ILarrello & Son & D. F. YlacNamee & Co. , Inc. 29250.00 7. Smith Bros. Cont6. Co. , Inc. 30150.00 6. Frank Noraune & Peckhara Road Corp. 29700.00 8. Louis Petrillo 31500.00 Combination Stone Base and C'olprovia Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 21870.00 2. D. F. KacNamee & Co. , Inc. , Tuckahoe Conn t. Corp. and B:cmani:e-ll-o--- Cont. Co. 23400.00 3. Fleming & Shepard 23850.00 4, Marinelli Construction Corp. 23940.00 5. Peckham Road Ccrp. 24300.00 6. D. yarrello & Son, and Smith Bros. Contg. Co. , Inc.25200.00 7. Louis Petrillo ana Frank Nordone 27000.00 Combination Stone Base and Amiesite Top: 1. De Luca Brothers 2 120.00 2. Tuckahoe Construction Corp. 25650.00 3. Marinelli Construction Corp. 26100.00 4. Halton-Amiesite Co. 26550.00 5. D. F. IuacNamee &- Co. , Inc. & Peckham Road Corp. 27000.00 6. Frank Wordone, Smith Bros. Ccntt,. Co. , Inc. , Roinanialio Contg. Co. , and D. Marello & Son 27 50.00 7. Louis Petrillo 25250.00 Upon.raotion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds, it vaas unanimously HESOL?TD, that the bids above received -oe referred to the Superintendent of Highv:ays and engineer Foote for computation and tabulation ana report back to this Board at a meeting which is hereby called for Tuesday, September 8th at 9:30 A. Y. and be it further FE�SOLV-^D, that the Clerk have the deposit checks ready for the return of the apparently unsuccessful binders at that time. There being no further ousiness before the Board in connection with the bias above received, the Board resolved to take up any other matters which mi6ht properly come before it. The regular order of ousir_ess :vas suss)ended in oraer to hear ivr. Williaru H. Lawson ana ?dr. Frank D. Tansey who wished to adu.ress the Board. Mr. Lavason declarea that he had offered to aeaicate Avon Road to the Town as a public hijhevay some time ago ana that the town had agreed to accept it subject to the approval of Superintendent Coles as to grades ana pavement; that he, Mr. Lawson, has improved this roan in accordance with the vvishes of Purr. Coles anc; that he now asks that i inai steps be ta,sen to have rile town properly take over the roaa. Superintendent Coles agreed that Iir. Lawson had propexly imiDroved the road according to his wishes. The mattar vvae referred to Counselor Gamble to meet with Mr. Lavason and report back to the Board.. Mr. Tansey addressed the Board in regard to the ia!3��rcvements which he desired to make on a new street to be ;mown as Nine Place. He declared that he had secured the necessary releases from all the intarested parties save one ana lie presented the map ana plan of his proposed aevelopment. In ttlis connection the Clem re,portea that Mrs. Grace I. Wack,;.�r had bro"6at into the town offices the street sign name plates for line Place, whim, he said, he understood she had removed from the street sibn posts. She directea him, he sail:, tc present them to the Town Boara %.%itn her compliments anc, to inform the Board that thay ha.d no ri ht to put up signs on what she alle6ea to be her property. -- After discussion it was upon motion by Justica Collins, seconded ey Justice Leeas upon roil call unanimously RESOLV-M, that the map and plan of trine Place and the suggested subdivision of the Tansey property as shown on a map prepared oy A. J. Foote Engineering Corporation dateu April 22, 1530, ae amended be ana the same hereby are approved; I f T'UnT=, PMSOLTTr_'D, that that part of 'Mine Road as shown on the Tuoods of Larchmont map beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of ?tine Road at the southerly side of Nine place and ex- tending easterly a distance of 114 feet be renamed 17ine Place" together with the extension of said road easterly from said point into the Tansey property as shown on said map of A. J. Foote, Engineering Corpora- tion hereinabove described. The Supervisor and Counsel advised the Board that IsEr. and Lirs. Tansey had. agreed with the Sewer Commission and the Superintendent of Highways to improve Vine Place as shown on said map as a public highway of the Town, t 2e said improvement to be maaa at the expanse of the said Tanseys and in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Highvays, provided the Town would agree on its part to accept said Vine 'Place as a Town high- way upon completion of the work. Ir. Tansey agreed to deliver a deed covering said ?Tine Place. Counsel further advised the Boara that Ir- Tansey had agreed to grant to tae Sewer Corn iscion ana to tb.e Town a sewer and araina.ge easement 10 feet in width running x'rom, a point in his property on Vine Place southerly to Forest Avenue without cost to the Town. Upon motion, 'duly seconded, it was rRJSOL7.]D, that the matter of the improvement of jrins Place by Kr. Tansey be referred to the Superintendent of Highways with power to make such arrangement ov�ith Mr. Tansey as he in his discretion deems for the best interest of the Town of Mamaroneck in connection with the proposed improvement of Nine `Place; it being understood that said improvement will be made in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Highways ana upon oomplation of laic ianprovament and,upon tIle approval thereof by the Superintendent of Highv;ays and upon his recoianenaation this Board would agree to accept said 'Tine place as a public Ii h%ay of the Town of Mamaronec_c upon c aiivery of a deed in a form satisfactory to Counsel; FURTHER pm--o- rED, that Counsel be ana he here ,y is au- thorized empowered and directed to prepare an easement agreement covering a sanitary sev_ar and storm water grain from Nine Place southerly to a point on Forest Avenue; the actual line of said easement to be deter- mined by the Sewer CO1I,1i$siGn and the Superintendent of Highways ana to deliver said aase=ent Villen so pre- p area tc Er. Tansey for execution; FUHTH'.--,R that upon the execution of said easement the Clerk is authorized to have the same re- coraed; FUrTHER RMOLVr?M, that Counsel prepare a deed of Nine Place and deliver the same to Iur. Tansey for execution so that upon completion of the improvement as herein provided, the same may be delivered by the said Tansey to the Town for execution. The Board thereupon proceeded to sign the map tracing which it had approved. A communication dated Septemuer 2nd was received from the Council of the City of New Rochelle informing the Board that the matter of Warning County Road o7-2 had been referred to the Committed of the '",Tkiole and that the Town Iivouia ae kept informed of any further 247 I, action which the City might take. The cormaunicaticn was ordered received and placed on file . A Communication was received from the Westchester Joint Water 4:Torks, No. 1 stating that in connection wita the construction of ttie bria6e over the east brancn of the Shelarake River on Rockland Avenue it would be necessary to raise a hydrant a distance of four feet, anu enclosing an estimate of the cost of this worm in the amount of : 78.63. U.)on motion by the Clers, seconaea by Justice Leeas, it was upon roll call unanimously FO;SOLV—Ii,D 1,14TEREAR, an estimate has been received from the l:yestchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 in the amount of 1;78.63 for elevating a hydrant on Rockland Avenue at Shelarake River four feet to conform with new road grade caused by new bridge; now therefore be it R,SC!T,=, that this matter be referred to Superin- tendent Coles with power. A coamunication dated September lst was received from Howard Pa. Barnes, Acting County Engineer, enclosing a blue.-print plan Ace. 6034 T. B. snowing suggested lettering for a brass name plate for the oridge over the east branch of the Shelarake River for wnich the Contractor bid 160.00 for item No. 67. The members of the Board sui�;sested several changes in the plate which was thereupon accepted as corrected ana the matter -- referred to the Toimn Clerk to take up v ith the 7ngineer. Upon motion auly made ana seconded tae Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at 5:40 P. i:i. to meet cn Tuesday, September 8th, at 5:30 A. YI. I Town Clerk