HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_09_10 Town Board Minutes 253 SPB'CI_1, L==ING CF THT, JCINT TC'iv BOARD T0VON OF ]EAYARCNECK, N. Y. held September 10th, 1931. The meeti.n- was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:00 P. M. i Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Leeds Superintendent Coles Town Clerk Marvin Also present at this meeting was ^ngineer A. J. Foote. The Supervisor stated that in accordance with the action taken at the meeting of September 8th, the Board was meeting to hear the report of the special committee apointed at that time to prepare a report and racemmanaation on the oias for the improvement of Rcckingstone and North Chats-v�erth _avenues. Justice Leeds reportinb for this ccmmittee presented the following resolution t:,-hioh was zeconaea by Justice Collins and upon roll call unanimously approved as follows: RESCLVFD, that upon the r„oommenaation of Superintendent Coles the checks of the three lowest oidders for each type of paving and combinations of paving types be and they hereby are ordered retained; and be it further RESOLY-TI), that upon obtaining a proper receipt the Town C1ars returg their checks to the other biaders as follows: Marinelli Construction Carp; Petrillo & Biarjchi Inc. ; Tuckahoe Construc- tion Corp; Romaniallo ContractinE Co. ; D'Onfro Brothers, and Domenico Yorrello & Son; and be it further RESOLVnD, that the matter of awarding contract or contracts for this improvement be taken up at the next regular meeting of this Board on id dnesday, September 16th at 8:15 P. Mr. ; and be it further al]SOL77D, that Superintendent Coles and z;ngineer Foote be and they hereby are authorized, empowered anti directed to take up with the County Engineer the question of using 6 inch stone base with a, black top surface and if possible obtain from him his consent to use this tyre of pavement and report bael{ to this Boar-d on Septe-zoer 16th. I Michael Igo ierty andichaal Jennings of Dillon Park addressed the Hoard in regard to the sidewalk along the post Road in that section anu inquired wia6n the Board proposed to take some action in regara to the reconstruction and relaying of this sidev:alk. The Board discussed the matter at some length ana informed Yr. Jennings and rir. Doherty that they will be notified later. Superintendent Coles presented a supplemental highway agree- ment authorizing the erpenaiture of :,12,500.00 from 'the reserve fund for the improvement of E dgewood Avenue from Juason Street to Weaver Street. He statea that the funds for this improvement were available and that the i_ncrovement vas necessary and recouvnanaeu ti-lat. the Board approve the agreement. Upon motion duly made by tae Cier:l seconded by Justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously . I 25 3 R130LT7?ED, that the supplemental agreement as presented by Superintendent Coles authorizing the expenditure of : 123500.00 from the reserve fund for the imprcverrient Of dgewooci .Avenue frOra Judson Street to Weaver Street be and it hereby is approved. — The Board thereupon proceeded to sign the agreement in triplicate. Justice Leeds reported that Mr. Gail Borden had reported to rxim that the drain near the Bonnie Briar entrance had been stopped up as a result of, the "orb done by the 7iestchester Joint 'later %forks, 110. 1. On motion by Justice I:eeas, seconded by Justice Boyd, it eras upon roll call unanimously R3SCI=M, that the Westchester Joint eater Works, N0. 1 be and it hereby is requested to repair the drain on 'leaver Street at the Bonnie Briar Club referred to by Yir.- Gail Borden. The Clerk reported that he has been requested by IILrS. Frank Beek of Fulton_ Road to inform the Boara that the vgater supply for her house %as inadequate and that she requested the installation of a larger main to improve the f lo'6. ?after discussion it was upon .motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Leeds unanimously R '0L?-D, that the Vs 7-3 estchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 be anu it hereby is directed to furnish an estizoate of the cost of installing about 210 feet of 6 inch vrater main from the end of the present 6 inch water main at the TwFamaroneck ?rillage line on Fulton Road.. A communication dated September 9th was received from the Tillage of Larchmont informing the Town Boara that the Trustees 'were unanimously in favor of r_aming County Road ho. 67, Parts 1 and 2 "Paimer vanue". The cornm,.nication ti;as ordered received anc_ placed on file. Upon motion duly made ana seconded, the Board unani,�fously resolved to adjourn at 3:10 P. Ii. Town Clerk II I i I