HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_09_18 Town Board Minutes 2515 PLED SSL°D 1 ,ET1NG CF TIE] JCIRT TC-*Y : 0ARD T MIT CF ELAILLECrr CK, Y. Y.. held September 18th, 1931. The meeting vaas caller to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:15 P. X14. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Lessersraith Superintendent of Highvays Coles Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Engineer Foote. The Supervisor stated that the Board was meeting; pursuant to call in place of meeting on the regular day, 7rednesday, Se?)tember 16th, and that the first order of business was the considering or bids on contracts E1 and IT for the improvement of Rockingztone and Forth Chatsworth avenues. yrr. -Arthur F. Engel of 169 RockinEstone Avenue addressed the Board and presented a petition signed by 29 residents and owners of property of Hocrir stone and forth Chatsworth Avenues, recuesting the Board to lay a reinforced concrete surface on these streets. Mr. Engel read the petition which was ordered received and placed on file. Mr. Cannan xepxaseniing Charles D. Beckwith, Inc. , Asphalt Paving Contractor, spoke in favor of an asphalt pavement, claiming he c_oubtad if concrete pavement could be set before the winter set in ana also declaring that an asphaltic pavement could be made with a surf ace as rough as desired in order to eliminate s-Kidding in wet weather. Mr. Avery of the Portland Cement Association spoke in favor of a cement concrete roaa. He declared that a cement concrete road would stay rough indefinitely and would also reauce the hazards of skidding. Super in_teno_ent Coles declared that the Board had some time ago held a meetin6 with the residents and oxners of property on these avenues and had reselved.. to ascertain their ?;izhes as to the type of paving aesired. The petition presented by -Mr. Yr_gel, he said, indicated that the majority of the people affected desired a concrete paving. Justice Yessersmith introduced the following resolution which was seconded by Justice Collins: ZISC:,,771), that this Board approve of 71' reinforced concrete pavir_g as the type of improvement to be installed on Roccingstone ana Yorth Chatsworth Ave.. A vote beinE taben upon this resolution resuited a.s fv lcvs: Ayes: Burton, Boyd, Collins Ivessersmith, Coles ana 11arvin Dioes: Leeds Justice Leeds said he desired to explain his opposition, saying he thought that this type of pavement v;,ould not ultimately be cheapest for the taxpayer. Supervisor Burton stated he was very anxious that whatever bidder is a%arded the contract for this improvement v`ould scrupulously fulfill the obligation of the contract reauirinE him to eiiploy as much local labor as possible on the v,!ork. 1 2 5 7 Mr. Coles reported that the bids for the improvement of Focbingstbne Avenue and Chatsworth Avenue , which were received by the Board on Septemuer 3, 19Si, had been tabulated by the en- gineerz and that the lowest bid received for 7" reinforced concrete pavement v=as the submitted by DeLuca Bros. for the sum of ,62,653.50. Er. Coles also recorted that he had maae inquiries concerning the financial responsibility of the lowest bidders and also concerning their ability to perform the contract and that the information xa- received in relation thereto was satisfactory. Vr. Coles also re- ported that he had accordingly awarded the contract to DeLuca Bros. and racomenaeci that his action be approved. Thereupon on motion made by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice iessersmith, it was R7MCL'=, that the a.cticn of the Town Superintenuent of Highways in awarding tike contract for the ami-rovem.ent of Rockin6stone Avenue ana Chatsv�orti-h Avenue with a 7" reinforced concrete pavement, in accordance witch tike .)rcfiles, plans and specifications drain and prepared by A. J. Foote Engineering Corp. heretofore approved by this Boara, for the approximate swn of 1:62,653.50, accordir_b to their bid received on Saliteriiber 3, 1531, be ana the same hereby is in all respects approved; and it is further RESCL'IED, that the Cierri be ana hereof is autncrized to return the Boca faith checris to the unsuccessf,,i bic.ders; and it is further ELESCL7ED, 'that this matter pe referred to Yr. Frank 11. GagliUrdi, Speciai Counsel, who is hereby directed to prepare and attend to the execution of a suitable contract for said improvement a.na handle all other matters relating to the rRising of the necessary funds to pay the cost of Baia improvement, ana the Supervisor, Town Clark, and the Tovm Superintendent of Highways be ana they hereby are authorized anc. enlpowGred to execute said contract on behalf of the Town of Vamaroneck. The ouestion of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was _cut to a vote vahieh resh.itea as follows: Ayes: Burton, Boyo, Coliins, Idessars ?ith, Marvin and Leeas The Chair declared the resciutions duly adopted. yr. Foote, tike engineer in char�_e of tree ircprcveraent of said Rockingstone Avenue ana Cha.tsworti Avenue, reported that in vie,n of the low aic.s received, it was his that the sum of 75,000.00 woula be sufi'icient to pay the cost of said improvement. fihereupcn on motion suede b, Justice iulessersrniih, seconded by Justice Collins, it vas n SOLti D, teat the Supervisor present to the Board of S-Upervisors of ,hetitchester 00-nt-, at their October meeting, a petition :author.izin gg trha -Token of Mamaroneck to raise the sum of �x5,000.00 by . nt "bonds the issuance ana sale of hiF,hYvey inprbveme to pay the cost of iMI)roving Fcockingstvne and Chatsworth Avenues in said Town and that pending the issuance ana sale of said hign.b:ay improvement I I� I 2 5 7A bonds, the Supervisor be authorized and empoviered to raise the aforesaid amount by temycrary certificates of indeotedn.ess from time to time aurine, the proLress of tree work. The que�ticn of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was Nut to a vote which resulted as follows: !dyes: Burton; Boyd, Collins, ILessersmith, Leeds and Marvin adopted. The Chair deciareci the resolution unanimously U.Pim r,?otion by Justice Hessersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, it was unani._ousiy RESOL77`D, that the Ccntra.cter be notified of this action by the Board ana that he be requested to expedite the work; and be it further R' SOL"FD, that the deposit checks be returned to all bidaers save DeLuca Brothers, the lowest bidder, and Fleming and Sheppard, Inc. , the next lowest oidder. Justice Messersmith reported that on behalf of the coifanitted on certain traffic lights, he had conferrea wwith a represen- tative of the State Hi6hway Department ana zitn the Chief of tIle Mamaroneck Town Police; that the confarence has jrevea very eatis- factory, and that in order to oi,tain tcae u.esirad regulations of the traffic lights, application tc the State Highway Department uas ne- cessary on certain prescrioeu forms toEether witii a suitable resolu- tion by the Town Boara. Justice Yiessersmith was directed to ootain the necessary forms and form of resolution. A coizmunica.ticn dated Setitemuer 18th was received from 7-dward G. Walsh of 184 .Rocky Roaa, Larcawont, informing the Hoard that his home hao. been r000ed ana requesting the installation of a traffic !i�5ht on the pole a proximately opposite his horse. After aiscussion it was, a,,on motion 'oy the C1erK, seconaea by Justice Collins, upon roll call unanimously RuSCL7ED, that tine matter of installing a street light on Rocky Roau on a pole approximately opposite No. 184 Roomy Road 'be and it hereby is referred to Superintendent Coles with power. i i 219 A communication dated September 14th -vas received from A. D. Waldron, ??istrict Manager of the Standard Oil Company of Few York, in regard to the replacing of reinforced concrete approaches six inches in thickness at the service station Y-2, located at the Boston Post road and Dean Place. The matter -was referred to Superintendent of Highways Coles. An estimate was received from the Westchester Joint water 4orks, No. 1 in the amount of x1'720.79 plus Ob0.00 for retapping for installation of 210 feet of o inch vvatcr main on Fulton icoaa in accoruance with the recent request by this Hoard.. Upon =otion by the Cleric, -;eeonded by Justice Boyd, it vas upon roll call unanimously R=SCI=TD, ';:h__R S, an estimate has been received from the 'estchester Joint Water y,-orks, No. l in the amount of t720.79 for installing 210 faet of 6 inch v�ater main on Fulton Roan from the end of the exist- ing main, connecting at the 6 inch main at the boundary, line of the Town and Village of Ylawa-roneck, plus $50.00 for retapping; therefore be it RESOL7ED, that this matter be referred to ;uperintenuent df Highways Coles with power to have this "ork done at a cost not ex- ceeding the account of the estimate. A communication dated September 17th vas received from the :r'eUtchester Joint eater C"orks, 'No. 1 suomitting notice of the receiving, of bids covering excavating, grading and constructing -- additional reuervcir area at the filtration plant, vhich notice was submitted according to Law. i The notice vvas ordered received and placec, on file. A coaunioatien dated September 14th vva.s received from tihe Deputy County '7Mgineer .notifying tiie Board that the changes requested for the brass name plate for the Rockiana Avenue briCge woulc be carried out as desired. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. An unsigned petition datea September 2na was received from William H. Lawson of Larchrnont Ridge requestyng that the Board take j action to improve Rockland Avenue from Forest Avenue to Avon Road. The Cleric stated that he has peen reoue;:ted to set forth Mr. Lavvsen's views on this matter in substance, which he proceeded to do. After aiscussicn it was upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Yessersraith, upon roll Ball unanimously RE'SCLI-D, that the matter of improving Rockland Avenue from Foxest Avenue to Avon Rona be and it hereby is referred to Superintenaent of Highways Coles for inves- tigation and report; and oe it further =SCL?",'D, that Superintendent Coles be and he hereby is authorized ana directed to have prelim'inar'1.- graaas and, bcunaary lines laid out for this improve.nent. A communication dated, September 15th Ivas received from R.D.Heller of 186 Murray Avenue, Larchrnont in regard to drainige conditions at 156, 166 ana 190 Murray Avenue. The matter vias referred to SuperintendQnt Coles. 261 The Supervisor stated that the Contractor for the Boston 'Post Roar iLirrov�ment hac_ reached: the point where he was ready to install curbs at the street intersections in the Town. Sup m Superintendent Coles recommended that Lranite curbs be installed at the intersections, sayin6 that the total lineal distance for this turn v�oula oe a.ocut 210 feet at a total extra cost of X250.00_ Upon motion by Justice Y_essersmith, seconded by Justice Collins, it was upon roll call unanimously RjSCI.�=, that tree matter of installing granite curbs at trie Post -Road intersections oe referred to Superintendent Coles and Supervisor Burton with povveT. Upon motion_ duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at 4 P. M. Town Clerk it