HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_10_08 Town Board MinutesT0EIR TING OF THE JOII� T TCUE BOARD TO iII CF YAKARGY20K. N. Y. held October 8th, 1931. In the absence of the Stapervisor Justice Collins called the meetin& to oro.er at 2:30 P. Y. and noiainated Justice Boyo. to act a.s temporary Chairman. Justice I,eeaz aeconueo. the nomination %hich unanimously carried. Present: Justices Boyd, Ccliins, leets and Kessersmith Superintendent Coles Town Clerk 11arvin The minutes of the meetin6s of August 5th, 15th, 16th, 28th, September 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 18th, 1,31 were by resolution unanimously approved as printed. A cormnunicaticn dated Octo-oer 6th vvas received from Hoaaa.rd P. Baines, Dei-uty County engineer, subLAtting blue -print plans and estimates for the wideninb of the existing orid_6e on Mamaroneck Avenue over the Mamaroneck River at an estimated cost of X24,000.00 of %hick the Town of IVamarcneck's share is 46,000.00. The communication was ordered received and lain over. An 'estimate was received iroia tb.e vueatche:.ter Joint 4 a,ter viorks, Yo, 1 in tae amount of :s1,096.39 for 17b feet of 6 inch pipe on Edeewcoa _venue. Upon moticn by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Kessersmith, it was upon roll call unanimously R,°SOLtTTID, *M7_R'AS, an estimate has been received from the lestchester Joint Grater 'W"orks, No. 1 for the installation of 17b feet of 6" v�ater main on 7dgewood Avenue to connect the dead end on Ed6e- wood Avenue with the 120 main on Chatsworth Avenue; novo therefore be it R,UGL'r_�-D, that this matter be referred to the Supervisor and Superintendent of Hi6hways with power. An estimate v,as received from the Westchester Joint tater Works, in the axncunt of x:6,046.06 for iovaering the existing mains on Rock ingstone ;venue in connection vith the improvement of that avenue which was recently authcrized. L?pon motion by Justice Collins seconded by Justice Boyd, it u.as upon roll call unani:aously RT,SOI,'17D, vH6' R,AS, an estimate has ween received frog, the T'estchest,�r Joint TVater WOr=ls, kdo. 1 in the afnount of :'6,046.06 for lowering 725 feet of 611 pipe and 500 feet of 12 inch Nii;e on Rocking - stone Avenue in connection vvitL the i':provement of said Avenue, anu service connections at the usual charge of X25.00 for 4 inch pipe, excavatin6 and bask -f, filling not inc luded; X30.00 for 1 inch pip and extending service oozes, 115.00 each, including e-cavatir_g and back -filling; now there- fore, be it R^SOD'STMD, that tree vestcne�ter Joint Water Works, No. 1 oe and it hereby is authorized, empowered dna airected to install for tae Town of Mamaroneck and charbe the Town of kamaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the saia iiuestchester Joint Water Works, No. 1, the main above described to6ether vlith all necessary service connections and service box extensions. Aa estimate was received. from the Westehester Joint Water %orke, No. 1 in the amount of x:13,823.58 for the installation of 2790 feet of 12 inch pipe from Palmer Avenue Extension (Co. Rd. 67-21 on Ecrzo Drive along the ri&At-of-vay of Sewer Contract X105 to the Boston Post Read and Dillon Road. The estimate was ordered received and laid over. Superintendent Coles reported that lour or five street lights vyare needed on Campbell Lane and Villa lane. The matter was oy-resolution upon roll call unanimously referred to Superin- tendent Coles yvith power. The Clerk retorted that the Village of Larchmont was improving the surface of Dean Place and was seekint the coo pera.ticn of the town in regard to proper araina�-e facilities for the storm water from this street. He said that an outlet for the storm water would hava to be obtained through the town, the bounaary line of which is co -tern. ir_us with the street lire of Lean Place. Tae- matter irematter was ordered referred to Superintendent Coles for investigation and report. A claim was received from Assunto Corti of kamaroneck in the amount of :231.15 for the cost of masonry work on the A. :i. Stevens prcp::rty in connection with the N"urray Avenue improvement. The claim was ordered received and laid over. A co,=unicaticn dated October 2na was received from Special Counselor Frani: Y. Ga,iiardi, includir_g a letter which he had received from Madison G. Gonterman, Counsel of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Ccr:pany, protesting, against the 1,eaver Street Sidewalk Assessment. 11r. Gontc:rman's communication was ordered received and referred to Mr. Gagliardi who is Special Counsel for the town in connection with this improvement. A,communication dated September 22nd, 1931 was received from Alley, Geer and Roberts enclosing claim of the Sun Oil Coripany against the tojvn for aamages alleged sustained by the Sun Oil Company by reason of the change of E;rade of the Boston Post Road. The claim vias ordered received and referred to Counselor Garnole. A coaanunica.tion dated Septamber 14th was received from Special Counselor Gagliardi -reporting on, the proposed drainage of the Howell Park Suodivision and the manner in which the work might oe accollNlishea. The cci:anunication was ordered received and laic. over. A communication dated September 28th was receivea from H. Tingelsted of 420 :hitlocx aGr<ua, New Yore, r�cuestint information about the finished gra.ae of Rocslanu .Avenue vvhe-re rze intends to build houses. The matter w,as reierred to Superintendent Coles to take up vaitn Idr. Encelstaa after the 3oara has -taken definite action in regard to the plan ana profile of rcocklana kverue. 3�X,S��J�XX�3C�S�ICA�93��r-4.�Tex��Y y,��$�7y A communication dated September 21st vas received from Westchester Joint Water Works, ITo.l enclosing copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Cestchester Joint Mater Works, on September 14th, 1931, calling upon the town to sell bonds in the amount of 4217,638.02: The communication was ordered received and laid over. A communication dated October 8th was received from Mr. A.J.Foote, submitting a map showing suggested layout and Lmofiie„_ ,df Rockland Avenue. The oomraunication and map were ordered received and laid over. Upon motion duly made and seconded the Hoard unanimously resolved to adjourn at 3:10 P. Y. Town Clerk.