HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_10_28 Town Board Minutes 6`17 Iv? `TINE OF T E JCIET TC',ZN j3CAR?D TC- ,7 OF ILLY CI PICK, Y. Y. held October 28th, II The meeting was caller to order by Supervisor Burton a.t 3:45 P. h. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices 3oya, Leeds ana 'ILessersr_.ith Superintendent of Highways Coles Town Clerk- ;iary in Upon motion duly maae aria seconded the minutes of the meetings of August 5th, 15th, loth, 28th, September 1st, 3ra, 8th, 10th, loth, itiere unani:iiously aTpproved ae printed. i The regular order of business vcas dispensed raith in order to hear those cresent who wished to aduress the Board. A delegation from the Boara of Education of Union Free School District No. 1, consisting of Joseph Gleason, President, ana henry $iamer, acauressea the Board in reL:.-,rd to the proposed imEprovement of Daymon Terrz�.ce from Colonial Av Ynue to Forest ._venue. They requestea on oenalf of the Board of z°aucation that this street ue improved ana aeciarea that the Board of Education was v,,illing to ir_stair the cur'o and sideuaal.k on the side of the stye-t toward the school. Yr. Giewson presented a petition embc.dying this request w< ucri vcas orderer_ received ana placed on file. A plan anc. prcfile of Daymcn Terrace dated August i531, prapared ny Engineer . J. Foote, vcas presented to tae Bcara showing the prol:®,sed nelr Eraae and improvement. upon tree recoLS endation of the Superintendent of Highways it was, uion t::ot:Lon by Justice 'ucssersmith, seconaeu oy Justice Boyd, i-ran i:oous ly R?"SCL'DD, VLL'r.~AS, Bosina Lorenzen and other owners of the fee ana/or rights of v,Fay in a certain Develop- ment or District of the Tovvn of kamaroneck known as Colonial Park nave heretofore Tiled a map entitled "dap of Colonial Pars in tine Town of Yamaroneck, Westchester County, A . Y. , the property of Rosina Lorenzen, " rr_aae bly Fletcher Herat, Civii Engir_eer , dated June 1 06, and filed in the Register's office of Vlestchester County, August 3, 1906 in Vol. 23, page 21 of iliaps, and =REAS, the filing and recorcinL of saia neap cons- tituted an offer of deaication of the streets and hi�hv,ays and/or portions thereof shown thereon as public highways to the To-wn of Mamaroneck, whirh said offer of aedication has never been withurawn or re- voked, ana VAS, one of the streets ana/cr highvrays or portion thereof s'_svin thereon is a street or highv,ay novv known as Daymon Terrace forieriy knovun as Senate Terrace and so shown on the aforesaia rap, running fror!! Colonial Avenue on the Soutii to Forest Avenue on the liorth, and JiY P AS, a petition ilas peen presentea to this Board racuestinL tae Boara anc. the Superintendent of Flighways tc accept said street or i,ortion thereof, to vvit, Days on Tern ace, as a. Tosn Highway, and V.IYEPE �S, Baia petition has been consiaered by this Board ana the Superintendent of Highways c� 69 together with the off-:r of dedication h�-retoiore mace; and the Superintenaent of Highways has recurrrenG.eo- that said street or portion thereof be acceypted ati a Town hid hiray of the Town of �amaroneck, TTT-!T=,FQPr, BH IT RrSGL D, that the Town of Iiamaroneck do and it hereoy does accept that portion of the aforesaid offer of dedication heretofore jade by Rosina Lorenzen and others to dedicate to the Town. of Mamaroneck as a public Town highway Daymon Terrace lying and being within the Teen cf lFanaroneck, 7estche„ter County, New York, and being bounded and described more particularly as follows; Bz`IDTG 811 of that lot, plot, or parcel of lava, situate, lying and oeinL in the Town of Kamaronecx, Nestchester County, New York, and know n by ana as Daynuon Terrace (formerly Senate Terrace) as laic out and shown on a map entitled "Hap of Colonial Park in the Town of KamarunecK, ' estchester County, U. Y. , the property of Rosina Lorenzen,” made by Fletcher Ferat, Civil Engineer, June 1906 and filed in the .Register's office of i-estchester County, August 3, 1906, in Volume 23 page 21 of maps. Said Daymon Terrak;e being 50 feet in yicth for its entire length from Colonial Avenue on the South to Forest Avenue on the 1?orth, ,and be it FURTH`R PMCLSTED, that the of oredescribed road, street an" way or portion thereof', to wit, Daymon .Terrace (formerly known as Senate Terrace) be a.nc. the same hereby is made ar.a uecla.red to be a ruplic Town Highway. FURTHER RI;SO?,"ED, that the Superintendent of Highmays be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to execute ana record whatever docu- ments or certificates are necessary according to law to vest title to the Tomn in said street, and to bring- the aforesaid resolutions into full force and affect; and be it FT-1-IRTHEI: R SCD7D, that the Town of lLamaroneck shall be Kept sate ana harmless from any claim or damage of any nature or character vhatscever in any wipe arisint from the improvements of the aforesaid street, anything to tine contrary not- withstanding. Superintendent Coles thereupon -reccltimended that Daymon Terra.ca be suitably paved, graded, drained, regulated and othenvise improved. UWn motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice IVlerser- smith, it was upon the recournendation of Superintenaent Coles upon roll call unanirlously RESOLV I-'D, the Superintendent of Flighways has has a plan anu profile or Daymon Terrace in the Town of is!a�iarunaca rrerarod by 3- J. Foote Engineering Corporation in August 1931, which has peen presented to this Board, and I 4TI�rZAS, the Superintendent of Highways has Prepared specifications anti estimates of the cost of grading, draining, regulating, paving and otherv�ise improving Daymon Terrace at a cost %hich he believes will not exceed X15,000.00 and has recommenced that the aforesaid irprovement be made, _ TI R FOR' 3E. 7T lt''-SC 171), that this Board approve said Elan and profile of Dayrron Terraoe and the speci%ication and estimate of the Town Superintendent of HiEhways; FURTTLR =CL? D, that this Board approve of the iif-!Jrov'-.ent ar_u c.or,structicn of sa.ia 7,6L -on Terrace in accordance therewith_at.a ,cost of not to .exceed x,15,000.00 i FURTHM RESCL'IED, that pending the issuance of bonds to pay for the cost of said improvement, the Town of ir=amaroneck and the Superintendent thereof is hereby authorized and empowered, pur- suant to the provisions of the Highway Lava and the Town Law and the acts amendatory thereof, to issue Certificates of Indebtedness upon its faith and.credit in the amount of not to exceed ,15,000.00 to terq or-arily finance the Town's share of the cost of said improvement; FUR^_Iz:.R =S01YTED, that said G.ertificates of Inaebtedness shall be signea oy the Supervisor, sealed with the corporate seal of the Town, attested by the Town_ Clergy and shall be negott- ated by the Supervisor for not less than par; FURTH7R R--SCLS.T1?.D, that said Certificates of Indebtedness shall be paid: frcm the proceeds of oonds to be heretofore sold and/or taxes regularly ant duly levier, and assessed therefor. and/or out of the Highway budget; FURT1 R RCS T-77D, that said Certificates of Inuebtednvtis shall be issued in substantially the usual form heretofore authorized; FUHTI-ER R_,SCL?E=JD, that the matter of lowering the water main ana hydrant on account of the change of grade be refarrea to the Superintendent of Highteays Coles v ith pov:er. Ear. Gleason invited the members of the Town Board to attend the dedication exercises of the new audition of the hurray .Avenue School which will be vela the evening of November 11til. The Board ur_animousiy resolved to accept the invitation with thanks. ilr•. tivillis, representin& ice. Scn,,ka,cLz Gf ay S ire trustee of the Estate of katilda J. Light.e, auuressed the Board anu suggested that the Town purchase a strip of land along _ the eastariy side of Damon ierracc, running from op;.osite the school to -Weaver Street in order to widen the street and round off the ccrner at Weaver Street. The 3card considered the proposition and took no action j)ending the receipt of further information. ldtr. Vuilliam H. Lawson adurersed the Board and asked that Rockland Avenue 'lie improved from the end of the existing concrete pavement at Forest Avenue as gar as Avon.Road in Larchmont Ridge. He declared that 15 neva houses had been built or ware being built in Larchmont Ridge tiiis year ant: he said that it was the fastest I -2 " growing real estate development in the town. In this connection the Clerk presented a communication frLm engineer A. J. Foote dated Gcto'oer 8th, 1931, togeth:;r i�dth a nap shoveling suggested layout and profile of Rockland !_venue. The letter contained a rough estimate of the cost cf surf,-acing the -road v,ith a penetration top. After discussion it was upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Vesseremith upon roll call knanimously REUOLj77D, that Super in tenuent Coles be, and he hereby is requested to secure from rifineer Foote • re-estimate of the cost of :;_pis crk for both • concrete and a black top surface; and be it further RESCLV D, that the matter of financing this work be referred to the Supervisor for report. Urbain W. Turcot aaaressea the Board on behalf of frank 'T. Darling of 1. Brookside Drive and appliee for permission to build a Bridge over the west branch of the Shelarake Fiver from East Brookside Drive tc. the Darling house to serve as an automobile driveway and approach. lair. Turcot said lair. Darling vuould be glad to accept a revocable permit for the briage. Upon motion by Justice Kesersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, it 'vas upon roll call unanimously R7-,SOL7-P'D, that this Board do and it hereby does grant permission to Frans W. Darling to construct a bridge over the west branch of the Sneldrake River from East Brookside Drive to the Darling House to serve as an automobile driveway and approach, subject to the terms of a revocable per- mit to be prepared by Counsel; ana be it further REwOL«D, that this matter be referred to Counsel for the preparation of this periuit. A cciamunication uatea October 23rd -vas received from the Westchester Joint Water Works, No. i enclosing claim in the amount of �-696.46 for renewing services on the Boston post Road including the rei.ioval a.na -replacing of t,,tio hydrants. The Clerk declared that this work had been ordered at a meeting of the Joint Tomn Board on January 21st , 1531 at a total cost of not more than 1500.00. The claim was ordered received and laid over. A communication aatea October 27th, 1531 was received from DeLuca Brothers, Contractors on the Rccicingstone Av, rnue Improvemenj, notifying the Boara tl-at the vucrx or this i, provemant TFas being held up by the Gas Company and the 7iat:;r Company. The communication was ordered received and placed cn file . A communication dated October 22nu vas receivea from the Clerk of the City of Levu Rochelle notifying the Board that that portion of, County Road 57-2 which is in the City -of New. Rochelle has been named Palmer Avenue. The communication Naas eraerea received and placed on file. Upon motion by the Clerri seconded by Boyd it was unanimously FSOLS° D, that that portion of County Road 67-2 which is in the Town of Mamaroneck be ana it hereby is named Palmer Avenue; and be it further F.SCI'77D,. that the matter of house numbers on this Avenue be referred to the Clerk to take up with the City of New Rochelle and the Village of Larchmont in oracr that a uniform system oe instituted through- out the entire lenL,th of the avenue. Two corrmdunications dated October 21st and 28th were received from n. J. Foote in rega�d to the suggested use of quick setting cemant on aockingsione Avenue ana North Chatswortii Avenue. Superinten- 26.1 dent Coles recommended the use of this cement and upon motion by Justice ILessarsuiith, seconded by Justice Boy(., it vices upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that HER-;_-AS this Board is informed by Engineer Foote that the entire easterly half of N. Chatsrtiorth and Rockingstone Avetwest together with intersections, from Edgewood Avenue to Forest Avenue can be surfaced %ith quick-setting @ement and used within 45 hours after laying, at an addi- tional cost of 1;1585.00 and 7iZI .7.AS, use of the usual type of cement would.mean closint the road to traffice for 14 to 16 days with a, resulting inconvenience and discomfort to many local r_�siaents; and 1�=2REEAS, Superintendent of Highv,ays Coles has re- cormiienaea the use of quick setting cement on this improvement; now therefore oe it RESCL`r-n, that this Town Board_ do ana it hereby goes a.prove of the use of quick setting; cement on _this improvement in accordance with the terms out- lined. oy Engineer Foote; anti be it further 37-SCIZTED, that the Cleric be ana he hereby is autho- rized, empo,=,erect ana airectea to notify the Engineer to direct the Contractor to use quits settinb ceanent as aoove outlined. The Supervisor infoimea the 3oara that in connection v,ith tine improvement of Rockingstone ana 1. Chatsworth Avenues, the Contras- tar had recently requestea immediate action on lowering a water Main in oraer not to have tie improvement relayed anc that he, the Supervisor, had airactiea the ��estchester Joint tirater Worss, PTO. 1 to make the neces- sary change. He said tria.t in his jua&ment it w s more aavantageous for the Town to reraove entir.,ly the existing ola o inch main ana to connect the houses along these avenues with the existing 12 inch main. He requested the approval of his action. Upon motion by Justice Boyc,, seconded by Justice Leeds, it was upon -roll call unanimously PMOL777D, that the action of the Supervisor in ordering the -7esLchester Joint Water Works, No. 1 to install service connections on Rocking stone Avenue ana N. Chatsworth Avenue froln the existing 12 inch main to the taro ant; also his action in ordering tiiat the clu six inch :eater main be dis- connected ant: rewovea inst:;aa of lo-wered from Valley Road to Rockingstc;ne Avenue, a aistance to be aeterinined by Suparintcnaent Coles, be and it hereby is ratified, a.rproved ana confirmed. A communication dated October 24th was recaivea from the Trevor Land Company, Develcpers of Knollwood Drive ana locust Ridge Road, requesting that about 200 feet of water main be low::red in connection .tiith -Lue change of graue una liaprov�ment of these streets. Upon motion os Justice L eus, seconded by Justice 14'essersnith, it was a on roll call unanimously FMSOL7 D, that the matter of lo,verinb the water mains on Knoilwood Drive and locust Riage Road oe r,�aerreu to Superintendent of Highv,ays Coles with poYer. I �2 ` A communication dated October 16th was received from Stanley Judkins of 6 W&I=ft Road requesting a street light in front of or near his home. V.°s `% Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, this matter was upon roll call unanimously referred to Superintendent Coles with power. A communication dated October 20th was received from K. Fngelsted requesting the Town Board to establish a finished grade on Rockland Avenue, this communication being similar to one received from Mr. Fngelsted on September 28th. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by the Clerk, Superintendent Coles was upon roll call unani- mously authorized to have a new grade prepared for Dockland Avenue. A communication dated October 20th from Howard P. Barnes, Deputy County Fngineer, advised the Board that work under contract with Malloy Brothers for the improvement of Co. Rd. 67-2 is about completed and requested the Board to make an inspection to ascertain whether the work performed is satisfactory to the town. The commu- nication was ordered received and placed on file. A communication dated October 21st was received from A. D. Root of gnollwocd Drive requesting that the drainage situation on this j street be taken care of before the paving is completed. The Clerk �va.s.= directed to inform Mr. Root that this entire matter had already peen referred to Superintendent Coles. The Clerk presented a co.. .unic, lion from Counsellor Gamble enclosing a deed to Vine Place tivaich has Veen executed by Alice Y. Tansey and stated that if the improvement of brine Place had — been bompleted to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways ana if Ire could so recommend the Town was no-vi, in a position to accept said Vine Piaee as a Town Higliway. The Super-�­i br advised the Board that Counsel had prepared a sanitary sever and stoi:„ water urair easement a6reement from Vine Place to a i;oint on Forest Avenue which has peen executed by Mr. Tansey and delivered to the Town. Superintendent Coles recommended tree taking over of Vine Place as a Town highvvay, the Im.roveraent of same having been completed to his satisfaction; Upon motion, duly seconded, it was =SCLj:-,D, Vfnereas pursuant to an agreement heretofore entered into between this Board and Frank D. Tansey ana Alice L. Tansey for the improvement of Vine Place, j and Vh�F,AS, the Superiintenaent of Highmays has reported that said i.ai,rovem,3nt has peen rnai:e ana has recormaen- ded the taking over of saiu str;;et as a public high- way by the To-wn, and fiEhs. :, the said frank D. Tansey ana Alice Di:. Tansey have y,resent d to this Board a. deed in proper form duly executed conveying to the Town that portion of Vine Place owned by them, 377 IT R_V=1 77), that the Town of LIa= maroneck do ana it hereby does accept tha aforesaid offer of ueuacation heretofo_e r,,aue by Frank D. Tansey and Alice ivi. Tansey ana tn.e deed to the Town of Liama- roneck presented triereto, anu c:oes hereb; accept as a Town Highway the foiloving aescribea roan, street ana i,ay or portions thereof ana deseriaed as foliows: ALL that caa•tain plot or parcel of lana in the To«n of 11amaroneck, Westchester county, State of New 'York, more particularly 'wounded anL aesc-ribed as follows: I BTIGINYING at a point in the northerly line of 'line Place wnere the same is intersected oy the westerly line of Plot 97 as shown on the ITILap of Chatsworth" and running thence on a curve de- flecting; to the right, having a raaial bearing at the above described point of S. 1 degree along the are of 64. 57 feet to a point of tan- gency; thence S. 17 degrees 22 ,ninutes 10 se- conds E. 11.56 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve aeflecting to the lent having a radius of 25.0 feet, a distance along the arc of 46.05 feet to a i;oint of reverse curve; thence on a curve deflecting to the right having a, radius 25.0 feet, a distance along the are of 98.43 feet to a point of tangency; thence IT. 77 aegrees 20 minutes 50 seconds W. 35.71 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve deflecting to the right, having a radius of 60. 0 feet, a distance along the arc of 62.81 feet to a, rpoint of tangency; thence N. 17 degrees 22 mi- nutes 10 seconds W. il.56 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve aeflecting to the left, having; a radius of 22.86 feet, a distance along the arc of 6.32 feet to a point in the westerly line of Plat 97 "Map oz Chatswort'n" whare same is interesected by the southerly line of Vine Place; thence across Mine Place 15. 17 decrees 22 !mutes 10 seconds W, 40.0 feet to trio i!lace of beLinning. Ar_d oe it FLrt?TIfDK =,SOL7MD, that the aforedescribed roaca_, street and itiay or portions thereof oe and the same hereb- are mace and declared to be a- Public To�,,n Hi6ilay; ana oe it FU`ZT_IM-tt RLSCl7_.;D, that the Toivn Cler oe ana he hereby is 6m otiverea ana airectec. to recoru the a.icresaie. deed, and oe it FLyf':= R750LI CD, that the Superintendent of Highways be and ha hereo,j is authorized ant. emijo,�%ered to execute and record whatever documents or certificates are ne- cessary according to law to vest title to the Town in said street, and to bring the aforesaid resolutions into full force ana effect; and be it FUR T 75:: R SOTL-1 `D, that the Town of Lraxfla-rcneck shall be inept s-a.fe and harmless from any claim or damage of any nature or character whatsoever in anywise arising from the improvements of the aforesaid street, anything to the contrary notwithstanaing. 3 carnunication dated Octuoer 21st vas received from the Board of Sewer Conuiissioners, Se-ver District No, 1, Tovvn of Eamaroneek, _ requesting the issuance and sale of certificates of indeotedness ag- gregatlr_g •d0,000.00 for t. ie construction of securers under Contract The ccyar unication was oraerec.. ret jived ana laic over. A communicr.tion Gated October 23rd vias recenea from I . �'. Gearviar, klechanicai Superintenuent o? the County Transycrtation Co. , inforY;Aing tree Board of i_uproveLierits made in the riding quality of the company': uuses, ana enclosing olce-prints of charts BholHing the results of tiie series of seisicgrapr vioration intensity studies con- aucted on ouses of 1,iie ceny,any in tiiis vicinity. Trie Boars cruered the coimaunicat ion received, )lace6l on file ana uirected the Clerk to x x:,inUtes rata 20 seconds anc a radices of 50 feet, a distance i 281 c acknc wleG6,e it wvith tilarii�s. A coiamunication acted seyteTaOer lkth e,as receive, from Special Counsel Frank Ii. Gagliardi in relation to tine proposed drainage im;roveraent in the Howell park section. it was, oraered laid over for further consideration. A claim in the ambint of x.231.15 was received from Assunto Corti of I,Iaraaroneck for masonry wore done on the r- H. Stevens property in connection: with the ILurray Avenue iniprove_rnent. Super- intendent Coles approved the claim, the work beinE necessary, he said, as part of the improvement. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Ressersinith, it was upon -roil call unanimously RFSOL=I), that the claim of ASSLinto Corti in the amount of t-231.15 for masonry -work bone on the .�. H. Stevens property in connection with the hurrav ?venue iu rovem�nt oe ana it i_ereby is ordered paia on the recoiimenda.tion of Superinten- dent Coles. A coiaL._unication dated October 6th was received from H. P. Barnes, Deputy County Engineer,. subuLitting ulue-print, plans and estimates for the wiaenin6 of the existing triage on Mamaroneck Avenue over the Mamaroneck River loc,,�ted on the Corporation lire, betvreen the Towns of Harristn and Mamaroneck. The communication stated that the estimated cost of the improvement is x24,000.00 of which the County vvili pay Gi2,000 anci tree tovwns of Elainaroneck ana Harrison, e:6,000.00 each. Mr. Barnes aaaed that an excellent opportunity ,will oe afforded very shorty- to Mace the ao,,Aments -or this oridge J,ith the least interference from hiEh vaater ir. the Lamarcneo.,� River and urgea that the im&-roveraent ue undertaken at once. Superintendent Coles recomdfienaaa undertaking this improvement in accoraa.nce with the terms of T;iir. Barnes' letter. Upon motion by Justice Y'iessersmitri, seconded by Ju.:tice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously RESbL?"D, d,=E'.EAS, the bridge over the Hamaroncck River on Nama-ronecl� Avenue, located on the corpo- ration line batv;een the Town of Earrison ana the Town of Kamareneck, has been aesi`.nated as County Road Pao. o-A, to be i,.p-roved with County ^,id, (SECT. 320 B Hip iiwa.y La7r,) , and LVH =i sAS, the County 7ngineer has p..repa-red plans aria syecifica.tions aria estlaiNte of cost to be- made for such construction, ana has transmitted to this Board a statement shoving the fciloving estimated cotits for constructing a nevY reinforced concrete and steel floor, providing a 44 foot roa,awrjay and tiro siaewwalks, the wring vrails to ae raascnry-faced, vrith rustic timber fence; also for the wiaening of the ai;pro6ches on each side of said structure: _ Of %,vhich the County of '�Iestchester pays. . . . ....,12,000. Town of Hai-risen pays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000. Town of Mamaroneck pays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61000. Total Cost. . . . . . 24,000. be it Ft_SOL?T_ED, that the mape, plans, specifications and estimate of cost preparea for said, -work under the a.i- recticn of the County engineer, as provided in the High,fcay Lave, and submitted to this Board, are hereby approved and adopted by this Board. s 2 8 3 FESC-11=-, that there is hereby appropriated, to be dei)osited -aith the County Treasurer prior to w�:ard of the contract, the zua of Six Mhouzana dollars (:„x6,000) , being an amount sufficient to pay the share of this municipality in the co,-t of the im- provement. 5ESC=;LD, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby — directed to forthwith tranomit a. certified copy of the foregoing -resolution to the County Engineer. A communication gated. Septeiroer 21 ;t ias received fro LL C. y-j. ILoody, president of Rouken Glen, Inc. , in -regara to recent inri=vements ti-which he iaaae on Bonnie Briar bane aria requesting inspection of 'the.-work. The matter vas referred to Superintendent Coles to set a date for the inspection. A. celrnunication _vas received froin Special Counsel F. Y GaLliardi in regard to the _proposed sale of the certificates of inaebt- eaness to -pay for the irLi.rovement of north Chatsvborth avenue and Rock- land Avenue. The matter vja.s orc_erea la is over ana the Clerk v;as ordered to request Kr. Gagliarai to appear at the next meeting of the Board which vaz thereupon set for Ffiday, - oveanoer 13th, at 2 P. -. 4 ccm�aunication from the %Ve8tehestar Joint Water 7.1orks, No. 1 dated Septexuber 21st vic ich .had been laid over at the meeting of Cetober 10th -vas main presentee: to the Board. The ccm-nunica.tion recuetited the issuance and sale of 1218,000. Cater Works bonds. The communication was ordered laid over for further consideration. Superintendent Coles declared that the Town should. take some action in regara to tYlc sidewalks ana cures at the street intersections along the :Boston Post Road in connection vjith the imoroveiaent cf this highway. He recoxsrgended that granite curbing be urea at the intersections saying that the extra cost for the iranitG over the concrete type curb woulo' not exceed :-'2b0.00. After discussion it v;as uaon motion by the Clerk seconded by Justi-ce Boyd, upon roll call unanimously R7SCL7-PD, that this Board ao ana it hereby does authorize the use of granite curoing on the Post Road intersections as recomrpen6eu by Superintendent Coles at-a total cost not to exceed ,250.00. After discussion the Board resolved to take no action at the present uDon the matter of sidebalks on the Post Load. TLe 'Supervisor informed the Board that the Westchester County Park Co,-,=ission had received an offer for a. 'mouse which it olvns on parkt.�ay property at the south. est corner of 'Weaver Street and Laurel Avanue aria that the Part, Coiaraission mould like to sell the house which could thereupon be moved to another location nearby provided the To-&n Board v;-oulo agree to triis transaction. The Supervisor and Superintendent Coles reccmriend.eo approva.l Of the propoeal. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by the Clerk, it vas unanimously Y�cCL� D, that the Board do ana it hereoy does agree LO the proposal of the 7:astchester County park Commission to sell and have removed to a new location the house _._ at present located on the south west cornc -r of vtieaver St. and Laurel Avenue upon condition that the house in its ne,v location conforms to all the provisions of the building cone and the zoning ordinance. Upon motion duly maue and secocded the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn! at 6 P. L. Town Clerk