HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_11_13 Town Board Minutes ADJCLRII'L'D R-GULI�R 1,=- TING OF TIE, JCI TT Tfl:ir, BOARD
heia Yovemoer 13th, 1931
The meetinL v,as called to order by Supervisor Burton at
4.:40 P. K.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boya, Collins, Leeds ano: Eessers ?ith
Superintendent Coles
Town Clerk Parvin
The presence vas also noted of Counselor GaLule , Special
Counselor Gagliardi, and 'n6ineer Foote.
The regular order of business was suspended in order to
hear those present who v,,ished to aduress ttie Board.
Y-r- William H. La,vy2on of La.rcilnont Rime addressed the Board
and ino_uirea if t.rie ,Board i��oulu not erder the improvement of Rockland
Avenue at thi;- time froxr_ Forest Avenue as far as Avon Road, L.archmont
Ridge. I`ngineer Foote presented a plan ano, c-rof'ile for the ii::provenient
of this road and stated that ir; accorc,anue ,with the request of the
Board at a previous meeting; he has prepared a rough estimate of the
coat of ir,pxoving aocut 1900 fe::t of tnis roan zrom Forest venue tc a
-little beycria _von noba. The estimateu cost, he said, vas aocut
Tie Clem suLgested that the Board at this time approve the
proposea new grade as sacv4n un the Ulan ano prof iiG prepared by
ungirieer mote, provided Gururintcnaent Coles so recai: nenaad, in order
trlat !Zr. Entt:lstcb. iiiiLxit ha"ve tnc in-foci atlon he recently reoue :tea.
Superintenc.ent Coles recor�unenuea the approval of the grade as shown.
Ui)on motion by the Clerk, seconded py Justice hiessersmil.h,
it was upon roll call unaniiously
P SOLI T , that the proposed new grade of Rockland
Avenue as sho,yn or the plan and profile :,spared by
nineer Foote dated July, 1930 be ana it hereby is
approved upon the recom,nendaticn of Uuparintendent
Coles; anti 'oe it further
RTSCli=), that the matter of a final estimate of
the cost of iml�roving teiis roan_ ir_clL.aing drainage,
for both 30 anti 34 foot widths be referred to
`ngineer Foote for report at the next meeting.
aelegation of resiuents of Dillon Par- inciurlinL Lr. Philip
Whitin , ur. Geor e Yaclntcsh and air. Liic heel
Donarty appeared
before the Board to request that the tcttn take action in regard to the
vvatar ano like protection_ situation in uiiioii Park.
,after ccnslaeraUle Caiscussicn the =-ttcI• V S r'elerrCeO_ to
SU.UCr.Lntenaent CoIas, to 2ecl.ire Irui7ne in[eer Footo anct-ri.er ztitimate of
the cost of ir_stalling a water malt: ire,_ ?aimer tivet_ue Lc the Pcst Road
anu to report at tkie next meeting of this Hoard.
The Supervisor su.,Lested that iri view of tae facti that the �
Of Article 6A Of the Town law vve-re, oy C.iapter 92 of the
avvs of 1931, mace to the Town of ivauarunecic, it woula 'oe aa-
visaule tc have icbal a.na acuuv_ntirit advice to yre arC tae but&e't called
for �naer _rticle 6A in proper from. He p esented tile name of Frank
Gagliardi for appointiaent to ac this work.
upon rnotien by Justice-Boya, seconded by Justice Leeds,
it vas upon roll call unanimously
=01,17D, "IHE-,RL=°AS, by Chapter 92 of the Lavrs of
1 31 tiie provisions of Article 6A of the Town
Law are made applicable to the To7,n of Yamaroneck;
7!i,H--R7AS, this Board desires to comply with the
yurovisions of saia article 6-k;
13011 THE-3LEFCRZ, it is -
R77;ZCL?1�0, that Prang Y- Ga liardi be and he hereby
is e.npioyea as Slecia'- Counsel to• assist and advise
this Board in the preparation ana adootion of a
oud&et for the year 1032, ana for that purpose he is
authorized ana em1_,owered to ao and perforr3 such acts
and services as he Leizay deem necessary in preparing
anti submitting to this Board for consideration an
estimate of the amounts required to oe included in
tree bu,aE et for 10;,2; and it is f urtner
F SCL� D, that saic; Special Counsel -oe ana ne hereby
is autnorized ana emp;oivered, with the approval of the
Surervisor, t-c secure such tecanica.l information or
cia.ta as he Yiiay deem necessary in the Dre.3aration of
said budget.
TYie Supervisor reported that the police department had in-
stalled automatic traffic signals at the intersection of Murray and
Tdgewood Avenues and Echo Lane, and requested that the Board aZprcve
the cost of this installaticn, said cost b•ein1,8U2.48.
Upon motion by Justice Lressers.nith, seconded. by Justice
Collins, it was upon roll call unanimously
K1-SOL',7'D, that this Town Bcara co and it hereby
aces a ,prove the irlst=.11aticn by the Police De-
partment of automr-Ltic traffic signals at the
intersection of Lurray and Lagewood Avenues and
T'cho Lane; and re it further
RrSCL17TD, that the clam in the aaount of 1,802;48
for the cost of this ir_stailwtion be ana it hereby
is approved ana oraerea pain; a.nc be it further
R SCUD, that the installation or similar traffic
lights at weaver Str,_et and tree Post Road as requested
by tree Police Department oe ana the sane hereby is
approved at a co---t not to exceed X2000.00
The S...pervisor retorted that a certificate of inaebtedness in
the aiuount of X28.,,5-00-0.0 to cover part of the cost of the improvement of
the Boston Yost Roan would fail due on yeceYRDer loth, 15:51 and reouested
that the Board apJrOtie LhKa renewal of' this certificate. He also reported
ivaar,=irUY'? G ° 8 share of the cost of cp siruction of theoP'inr e rock !!,rain
that a certificate, in tYae a:ourt of a- Uc0 for oar
.e Brook
INOU10_ liriev;ise fall aue at an early agate ana requested- that the renewal
of tais certificate oe also authorized.
Upson action by the Clerk seconded by Justice Boyd, it «;as u7,,cn
roll call unanimously
R-,SCU,TED, that tae certil?care in the ariount of
y;2.&,500 for part of the constructicn of the Boston
Post Road and tae certificate in the araour.t of
25,000 fcr part of the Town of Yama.ror_eck's share
Of tree cost of itn_rovir_ the Pine BrcoK drair. be
an+i they hereby al- Orc.,:�red rznev,ed unen they re-
s';;ectively ia,ll due.
A coimiunication dated Nov ember 6th from the Yamarc neck
Chi1c Welfara Association requesting exemption from taxation for its
property on Stanle;;a Avenue was received ana oraaraa referred to Counsel.
lair. Gablia.rai stateu that at a meeting of the Board of
supervisors of Cestchest--r County hefa on Catober 15th, 1931, pursuant
to the petition of a majority of the mencbers of this Board and of the
Town Super intena�--nt of Highways, Act No. LXX7111 was auly passed by
said Board of Supervisors authorizing ana einpovvering t,_iz town to borrow:
upon its ia.itri ana credit tz�e of X75,000.00 and issue its bongs
therefor to pay the cost of grading, regulating, braining, pavinji, and
otherv<ise ii.prov ing Chatsworth Avenue and Roczintstone Avenue, in said-
- town, and that tiie Board coma now proceed t� finance said improvement
by the issuance anu sale of temiDorary certificates of indebtedness under
the provisions of the General i`unici_„ai Lava pending the sale of highway
iiiiprovement bones.
After conziceraticn, Justice Yessersmith offered for adoption
the following:
R7SCL`17--'D, that the S .parvisor oe and "hereby is authorized r
and empowered to borroW upon the faith and credit of the y s
Tovrn of 1lamaronec-�- the aLimr of :,40;000. 00 for which sum he
shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Tovrn
one or more temporary certificates of indebtedness, in
such denominations as ::iay oe recuested by the purchaser
in antic-ration of the issuance of highway iu.provement
bonds to be solo in accordance vtiitki the provisions of the
Highvvay Law. Saki tcmj)orary certificates of indebtedness
shall be issued pursuant to Section 5 of the General kuni-
cipal Lava ana in accordance with the provisions of Act
No. =TII1 of the Board of Supervisors of -W 2tchester
County o_uiy passed at a meeting of said Board held on
Cc,tobar 15 1931. Saia certificates shall be sofa for
not less than par and shad gear interest at a rate not
to exceed % per annurii ana shall mature at such time as
the Supervisor may deteru!lne, nut six' months
frchl the Cate thereof. Saia certificates shall be paid
viitr, the proceeas to be r. ceivea fro-r2 the sale of highway
improvement bonds whiari bonus siiali be sold as soon as
the Town Board shall have daterininod the actual cost of
said improvemcnt; and it is further
RESCZ7EL, that said certificate or certificates shall be
siEnea by the Supervisor ana attested by the Town Clerk
of said Town under the seal thereon' and shall be sold to
the person who will take them at the lovaest rate of in-
terest for not less than the par value thereof and shall
be substantially in the fcllowing form, the blanks therein
being properly filled, viz:
T O l a I v' O F L A K A R C N D C K
Certificate of Indebtedness
Issued in anticipation, of tae sale of highway improvement bonds to pay
tine cost of improving Ch-Itswortii Avenue ana Roc.6ingstone Avenue, in the
Tovrn of Tamar necK, New york.
B— Ii ly—\TCtiVN, that the TOWN OF K ,ARCIIECK, a municipal corpora-
tion vvitilin the County of 7.iestchestar ana Slate of Nevi York, for value
reeaivaa, aci;novrleues itself tc be indebted aria rromises to pay to
bearer on April 1st, 1932, the sum of
) dollars , lavrf'ul mc;ney of the United States of America, toget-
her with interest tn.ereon from the gate hereof at the rate of per
cEntum per annum on April 1, 1932 upon presentatiox and surrerlaer
of ti,is certificate; ooth interest and principal oeint_ payable
in sold coin of the United States of America of the present standard
weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money cf the United
State, at the Trust Company of Larchmont, Larc-oraont, Neiry Yor,a, In
New York exchange, or at Bankers Trust Company, New York City, Neve
York, a.t the option of the holder.
This certificate is one of a series of temporary certi-
ficates of inaeoteane s issued in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 29 of the haws of 1909 known as the General Municipal Law,
as amended, by virtue of an act of the Board of Supervisors of 11?est-
Chester County duly adopted on October 15, 1931, ano. pursuant to pro-
ceedines of the -Town Board of said Tcun d-ly had and taken in all
respects auth.crizine the same.
IIK -ViITN7SS 1i�'='CF, the s��id Toun of Mamaroneck has caused
this certificate tc oe aimed by its Supervisor and sealed with the
corporate seal of said Town, attested by its Town Clerk and this
certificate to oe dated as of the lst day of October, 1931.
Town Clerk
And it is further
E7MCI,zT=, that saia certificate. or certificates
shall be seta at public or private sale as the
Supervisor may determine; and it• is further
-7—SCL --,D, that the Supervisor before the delivery
of. any-of..said temporary certif icates of indebtedness,
small enter intc a joint and several bona to said
Town with at least tJC sureties, or furnish a Surety
Company bond at the expense of said Town, in the sum
of "x-500.00 which auoL.nt is deemed adequate security
conditioned fcr the faithft:l performance of his
duties in issuing said certificates of indebtedness
and the lasyf ul application of the funds received
therefrom of the funds which may be raised by the
issuance and sale of highway improvement bonds or by
tax for the payment thereof, which may core into hie
hands, which shall be approved oy the County Judge
of said County or by a Supreme Court Justice residing
in said County, and filed in tcie_ office of the Town
Clerk of Baia Town.
And the Supervisor having reported that he has
nesotiatea the sale of said temporary certificates
of indeot&dness_ with the First National Bank & Trust
C anpany of Mamaroneeii, New York, ana that said Bank
is prepared to take : 50,000.00 thereof• in two or more
certificates at 6% per annum, at par; it is further
ZSC=D, that the Supervisor be and hereby is autho-
rized and empowered to dispose of said teraijora,ry cer-
tificates of indebtedness aLer„eating the sum of
: 50,000. upon the t_;rms and conditions above mentioned.
The question of the aacption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a. vote which resultea as follows:
Ayes: Six
Noss: None
The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted.
.d Vii
The Supervisor stated that the tovvn should act to pay the
balance of ;`217,636.02 which it ones to Westchester Joint ;eater
:Yorks, No. 1, in accordance with the terms of tree resolution of said
Westchester Joint ,vater t,Vcxks , To- 1, adopted at its meeting on
September 14th, and presented at the meeting of this Board on October
8th and again on Cctober 28th. He aeclared that he beliet-ed the
.present i oment to be as Lood as o0 1a oe i ouna in the immediate future
for the issuance of oonas to pay this inuebteaness.
The following resolution was of.ered by JllstiCe Boyce and
seconaed oy Justice Collins, to wit.
Vi REL S, the Town Board of the Town of lLamaroneek
on tiie 20th uay of Decern er, 1929, auly ai�-proved
a plan, estimate. anu rata perzaininb to enlarbing,
extenuknL- anu oth; r=raise improving the Joint varater
Luorks owraa and operatwc by %ti estchest;r Joint LLiater
l�iorris, do. 1, purzzaant to. 'the ,provlsians of Chapter
65Z. of the -Laves of ?:927:> as amended by Zhapter 426
of the Latins of 1928 and Cn.apter 627 of the Laws of
1929; and
':,MLREEAS, the Tov*in of Uarnaroneck, upon the basis of
actual consumption of water for the year 1530, is
ooligatea unaer aforesaiu statutes to contribute an
amount in addition to the sum of x•.240,000 aat_lorized
by resolution of the Town Board adopted hay 27, 1927;
the cost to be borne by the Town of Hamaroneck
for so much cf plan, etitimate and o_ata approved 71ecerm-
ber 20, 1525, as is presently reeuired, together with
additional amount reouirea of said Tovar_ by reason of
the plan, etc.. approvea by said resolution adopted uay
27, 1927., is : 217,638.02, and the Town of Mamaroneck
is hereby authuTized to issue vuater oonas in the amount
of '"218,000. for the purpose of defrayinE its oropor-
ticnate share of the original co;:t anu of the cost of
enlar6in6, extenuina ano. otherwise improving the joint
vuater vuorxs ov;ned anu cperatea 'by Westchester Joint
Water ro-ras, lio. 1, including printint, advertising,
legal pees and other expenses in connection with the
issuance of Baia tunas;, NC-vi'e', T 7R7sFCBr, BT IT
SOL D, that there shall be_ issued Two Hundred Ni-.ht-
een Thousand Dollars (;D218,000.) Water "vvor4s System
Bonds of the Torun of l'iamaroneek, Gated the fifteenth
day of 1;overroer, 1931, numbered iroal tvo hundrea thirty-
eight (238) to four huna-rea fifty-five (455) both in-
clusive, Of tie denoLaination of One Thousand Doilars
each, ano_ maturing in numerica_. oraer six (6)
bonds on the fifteenth Guy of November, in each of the
years 1533 to 1560 both inclusive, and five (5) bonds
un the fifteenth clay of 2vovermber, in each of the years
196: to 1970 both inclusive; that said bonus shall "Dear
interest at a. .rate not exceeding siz per cantum per an-
num, payable serni-annually on the fifteenth days of Hay
and Nov ember, and shall have interest coupons attached.
That said ounas snail be sigr_ed by the Supervisor and
sealed with the corporate seal of the Towrn, attested by
the Town Clerk, anu the interest coupons shall be signed v,ith
the fac-simile siLnature oz the Supervisor, ana that both
,principal and interest shall pe jDayable in gold coin_ of
the United States oz r'i,nerica of the present standard weight
ano. fineness or its equivalent in lawi i money of the
Unitaa States, at the First National Bank and Trust Company,
Idarnaroneck, New York, in Nev York exchange, or at the First
National Bans of• Nevv York, in the City anu State of idcv*r
York, at trill Caption of the noiaor; further
that said oonas shalt' be signed in substan-
tially the followinE forIlL, to wit-
ST--'.77" OF F`71%r YORK
1,10. 11,000.00
2=- i11717 BY TTLT-13•j -PR"1"-,NTS, That the To�,,in of Mamaroneck,
a municipal corporation in the County of Ve3tchazter, State of New
York, hereby acxnoT Fieug&s its indeotdaness ana for value received
promises to tat' to bearer on the fifteenth cLay of November ig , the
sum Of 017 DOLL,�-as to�ether -*ith interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of (-) per
centu-nn per annWfL, payable semi-annually fifteenth nays of May
and November upon presentation ana surr��nuer of the Y interest
coupons as the sai-,a rds.Dective-Ly mature. Both principal ano. int.rast
Of this bond are payable in Lcicl coin of the United States of America
of the present standard -vveiSht and fineness, or its eouiva.lent in law-
ful money Of the United States, at the First National Bank ana- Trust
COm.Dany of li-amaronec--Z, New York, in Nevi York exchanEe, or at the First
National 3ani, of 1Tew Ycrk in the City and State of New York, at the
option of- the holder.
This ocnu is one of an issue of 0 cnas of like aata ana
tenor, except as to irate of cqaturizv, anu IS Issued for the purpose
of paying the Town shara of' the cost of enla2�ing, exten-aing and Other-
t-e joint water vuorks (,v,nea and operated by %'-�estohestsr
Joint Wattr 11jorcs, No. 1, pursuant to and in stri--t Compliance with the
Constitution ana Statutes of the state of yevv York, including among
others Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended. by Chapter 426 of the
Laws of 1928 ana Gha.pter 627 of the i,avvs of 1529, and proceedings of the
Town 3carc of said Tlovvn duly had and taken in all respects authorizing the same.
It is hereby certified., recited and declared that all acts,
conditions and things required to exist, to hap.Den anu to Oa Performed
.precedent to ana in the issuance of this bon,, exist, have ha,)-Pened
and have oden tcrformtd in cL-,6 tulle, form and manner as required oy iaw;
that the issuc Gf -
Dorlas Of wilich tiiiv is one, t06.ther wit-a all other
inueotedness of saia Town, is within every debt Lana other limit prescribed
by the C-Orstit-tiun anc, Lavi2 of tae St_Te Of Ne,& York, and that C,,t
provision has been made for raisin&, annually by tax on the taxaole pro-
party of said Town a su,L, siulficjefju to lay the principal and interest
of this benct as the same respectively become aue ana payable. The full
faith and credit of saic. Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the
punctual payment of the principal ana interest of t.
to its terms. this ooncL according
This bone:_ may oe rebistased as to
.principai cniy as %all as
to ooth principal anL intetast in accordance vita the provisions of
the General lZaniciDai Law. if this bond be rdgist-r-ea as to both
orinc-,I)al ancL interest, tile interest Hereon F.t the renuest of the re-
t-,iutezea owner viiii Oe, reiaizted by i-naii in Nev, Vora exchange.
111 7vVITIYESS -%;-H'=OF the said Town of lviaxnaronec.� has caused
this oc-rid to be signed UY its Supervisor ana sealed with the corporate
seal Of said Town attested by its ToWn Clark, and the interest coupons
hereto annexed to be signed with the fac-simile signature of its Super-
visor, an.6 this bond to be dated as Of the fifteenth day of November,
SUP—,M:ITSCR, Town of Mamaroneck, LT. Y.
Town Clem, Town of liamaronec4, 1�s_ Y.
2 9 7
(FORE CF Ca,i 0'1v)
On the fifteenth cay of -November, 19 the Tcrar_ of
hamaroneck, in the County of Westchest r, New York, vuill pay to
bearer the sum of _ '.Dollars (t )
at the First National Bank anti Trust Corapany, Ha w? roneck, Nev: York, 'in
New York e_5chan�e, or at the :First 7`atzcn<:.1 Bank of the City of.F. vu
York, in tine City- ax4u State of Nevi York, at. the option of the holder,
being six months' interest then aue on its tuater Works System Bond,
dated November 15, 1931.
This bond may be registered by t'rie owner in his name as
to principal under the signature of the Town Clerk of the Tovin of
Iiamaroneck, in the County of rtest.chester, y-1 York, or other Registrar,
below, and snall thereaft:r ce transfarable only upon written assign-
ment of the registered owner or his attorney, a"�Iv acknowledged or
proved, ouch registration and transfer to be made on the books of said
Clark or other _Registrar, ana a notation thereof to be made hereon.
Such transfer may oe to tearer, after whuch this pond shall be subject
to subsequent registrations and transfers as oaiore. The coupons will
remain payable to oearer notwithstanding such registration unless this
bona shall or convert�o_ into a fully registerea .00nG oy the surrender
and cancellation of coup ons, which surrenuer and cancellation sn.all be
noted on said books ana ut,cr, Z. is bond. The principal of this bend, if
registered, will be payable to the registered owner or his legal rep-
resentatives, successors or assiEns.
Date_of !i,akistr:y: Name of Rej;ist.-rid Ovrner: Signature of Registrar.
Upon the written request of the ovrner of the Tivithin bond for
its conversion into a fully registered bond, I have this day cut off
and destroyed coupons annexed to this bona arneunting in the ag-
gregate to Dollars (Jas ), and the
interest on this bona at the rate and on the o.ates as ti,as provided by
the coupons as yell as the principal thereof will hereafter be paia to
IaEa1 representatives, successors or as-
siE.ns, at the place of payniant s,,,ecified therein, or, at the request of
the ragi sterad owner, tTle interest vai11 be re,_itteo_ by mail in New York
exchange. This bona hereafter ivill ae t ansiera'ole cn the books of the
Tovvn Clerk of the Tov�n of iasn- ronec in the County of ?�uestChest r,
New Ycrx, cr otr-r Registrar cn±v on presentation of the same ,,ith a
written assignment duly acknowledged or proven.
Datea 19_
(.Official Title)
Date of Ree:istry: � e _af Registered Ovvner: signature of Registrar:
2 9 ✓
FURTHER that there shall be levied, assessed
and Qoliectea annually by ta:� upon the taxacile property
of said Town a s,m sufficient to cay the principal and
interest of said bonas as the same respectively become
due and )ayable;
'PU71--T-17'R 3C!:—,E_TD, that the suin necessary to r-ay the
principal ana interest of said bonds Liay be provided
for an6 inclaced in tree v,,at,:;r rates or ruisea as other-
v-.,ise proviaed in said Chapter 65li of the Laves of ! 27,
a,s amt-,naed, out tnia provision shall in no wise limit
or control the oot^.-er and a,.-ty of the Town Board to
assess, levy and collect an annual tax sufficient to
.pay the 1�xincifal and interest of" said bonds as the
same respectively oecorne due ana payable;
FUR= R7FX,-_1T!'M, that the Supervisor advertise the
sale of said bona,-.,, such notice of sale to be published
in the 7aiiy- Times, a ne,.,�soacer..p.uoiished in the 7jllaLe
of Yarnaronec_K, ir said Tovm, m-iicn newspaper is designa-
ted as the o:r*iicial nems.�ajaer of said Town for the pur-
poses of such publication, an(, in all other ne7,,si.papers
actually printed or published in sai6 Tovvn at least five
days bafore ana excludirL the date of sale, and also to
be published in the Dail, Bond Buyer and 'Ellie Daily Bond.
Nevis , financial ne7.sLaoars published in the City of Levu
Yori:, such notice of sale to be in substantially the
f o 1-1 o i-.,,I'n o to twit:
TOWY, CF !V_,Ii 1,77,7i YOa
`�218,000 30=1=3
TCTIC7] IS F?�_'RE3Y GI171,7 tflat the undersiLned, Supervisor of
the To-%rm cf _,,i_,arfiaronecis, 1,Te7v Yor±�, will receive sealed pro_ti
c3ais at
JQC. & 7-1(S,. Street, 7Ti1Ja&,2 of in the To-wr. of Lamaronvc_,c,
Wtatch,-,ster County, 1 evv YQrx, Lmtil b o'clock P. on tae 23ro. hay
of NovtiZoer, 1931, for. Inae purchase at not less taan par and accrued
interest of x"_218,000 ',,later �,,orlcs SysLta, (coupon) Boncis of saia Tovm
of lialLaronecIz, dated NoveziLcer ib, 1931.. of' the wenomination of .[.'I,UOO
each, IN,000 !Tovemcar lb, in each of the years; 1933 to 1060
bc tii inclusive, anti_ N5,000 _'N1oveiwo,-r 15 in -ea',h rata of l the years 1961 to
1970 both inclusive, ana bearing interest at .8- ate not ex6eed_inQ 6
per centutm per annum, payaole semi-annually Hay Lbth-end Yovemoer 15.
Payment in sold coin or. Its equivalent at the First Yatioral 3anu
k, pany, New Yc-"-,z, in TTe YcrL or at the
First National Ban_,,: of the City of ye-j, YQTa in the City and `state of
liei York, at the option of the holder. 3iao-ers roust bid for a.11 of
said bonds and state a rate of interest therefor. Award to
bidder L-,t rate of interest in a multi,-,le of one-quarter or one-
tenth of one per cent
per annum regardless of premium, or to hiEhest
biader at S1,Lch lovest rate. Certifie6 or bank or trust corr2_any check
to cruer of G71C�--Gll V,". B71PTCY, Supervisor of tfie Town of lwiamarcneck I
.;,�,L_,500. 00 recuired uAtit each oirdi. The riGht is reserved. to reject any
anc. all bids. The ayrproving ci-inion of Messrs. Clay, Dillon & Vanueja-
ter, A-ttcrneys of Nei, York City wiii be furnished without cost.
Dated EamaD=ec4, New Ycr-',,,
13, 1031
S'L 11,r I SCR
FU-_RTTi7R =, SC=D, that the T,,vvn Hoard meet at the
tiiae and dace specified in the notice of sale, to
act upon -roposalE for said bonus;
3 0 -I
FURT= RESOLVED, that when said bonds shall have
been- duly sold and executed, the same shall be
delivered to the purchaser upon payment of the pur-
chase price to tine Supervisor, and the receipt of
the saio, Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to
said purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to
the application of the purchase money.
The question of the adoy.;tion of the foregoing resolutions
were duly put to a vote which.resulted as follows:
Ayes: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds, Messersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
Noes: None
The following. resclut.ion. was offared by Justice Boyd, and
seconaed by Justice Collins., to. wit:.
11MREAS, pursuant to tine- authority conferred.by
Chap.tar 554 of the Laws of 1x27, 0156,000 Water
Distribution System Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck
were duly issued for the purpose of .purchasing the
water distribution system in said Town of Mamaroneck
from the New York Inter .Urban Water Company; and
Z=AS, in the year 1930, X100,000 additional
bonds of said Town were auLy issued for the purpose
of further extending said water distribution system
in said. Town; and
WIMREAS, funds are now required for the purpose of
further extending aioi water distribution system
within said Town of Mamaroneck;
THEPEFOR3, 32 'IT RESO=-D, that there shall,be. issued
Forty Thousand Dollars (t.40,000) Water Distribution
System Bonds. of' the Town of Mamaroneck, for. the pur-
pas.e of further extending the Eater ais.tribution sys-
tem within said. Town of Mamaroneck, dated the. fifteenth
_day of November 1931, of the dencmir_ation .of. One
Thousand Dollars (4,1000) each, numbered from two hundred
fifty-seven .(25.7) to tiro. hundred ninety-sic (296) both
inclusive, maturing in, numericai orczer• two (2) bonds on
the fifteenth day of 3dovemoar, 1933, and one (1) bond on
the fifteen-th. day of November, in each of tree years 1934
to 1971 both inclusive; that said bonds shall bear in-
terest at a .rate not six per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually ,on the fifteenth days of May and
November in each year and. shall have interest coupons at-
tached. That said bands shall be signed by the Supervisor
of said Town, and sealed •with the corporate seal of said
Town, attested by the. Tovvn Clerk, and the interest coupons
shall oe signed_with. the. fac-sijuile signature of said Su-
pervisor, and that both principal and interest shall be
Payable in gold coin of the.United States of America of
the present stanaard veight and fzneness, or its equivalent
in lawful money. .of.. the United States,. at the First National
- - Bank & Trust Company, Mamaroneck, Neu York, in New York
exchanse, or at the First National Bank of the City of New
York, New York, at the option of the holder;
FURTHER =SOL?7,D, that said bonds shall be issued in sub-
stantially the following; form; to wit:
3 0 3
No. *l. 000.00
KNOW ALL M BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Town of Mamaro-
neck, a municipal corporation in: the. County of Westchester, State
of New York, hereby acknowledges its indebtedness and for value re-
ceived promises to pay to bearer on the fiftaenth.. day of November,
19_, the sum of 0113 THOUSAND DOLLAF2S ( 1,000) ,. together with in-
terest thereon from the. date _hereof at the rate of
( )_ p�r. centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the
fifteenth days.. of May and November upon presentation ana surrender
of the annexed interest coupons. as the same respectivaly. mature.
Both principal and .interest of this bond, are p_ayabl.e in gold coin
of the United States of America of the present standard weight and
fineness or its equivalent in lawful luoney of the United States at
the First National Bank & Trust Company, Mamaroneck, New York, in
New York exchange, or at the First National Bank of the City of Ne-�V
York, New York, . at..the. op fon .of .the holder..
This bond is issuad for. the.,,purpose. of further. extending
the water distribution system in .said. Town. pursuant to and in strict
compliance with the. .C_onstitation ana statutes of the State of New
York, including airong- others Chapter 65.4* of the Laws of New York of
1927, as amended, ana proceedings of the Town Board of said Town
duly had and, taken. in:.:all _reap.ecta. authorizing the,.same. .
It is hereby certified, recited and. aeclared that all acts
conditions an.d, tnings raquirea. to ,ex:ist, to happen and to be per
formed precedent to..ano- in the,issuance of ..this bond., exist, have
happened and have been ,Performed in due.,time., ..form .and, manner as re-
quired by law; that the issue of bonds Of. whicri.this is one, together
with all other indebtedness.-.of said.Tovin, is within every debt and
other limit_ pre.scrib.ed by,the Co.nst.itution-and..Laws,of the State of
New York.and that due.p.rovision has. aaen made for raising annually
by tax on the taxable property o.f -said Town, a sum sufficient to pay
the principal. ana interest of Ahi:s bond as,_the :.same respectively be-
come due and payable. The full faith and credit of said Town are
hereby irrevocably pledged to the .punctual payment of the principal
and int=erest of ,this-.bond, a.cco.rding .tc .i.ts..tarms.
This bona.may pe ragis,texed as to principal only as well as
to ooth principal ana intere-st in ,accordance with- the. provisions of
the General Mun.icipal..Law+ If this bend be r egis.terad as to both
principal and. int8rea.t, the interest hereon at the request of the
registered owner u+ . be, rzm".tad by mail in.New York•.exchange.
IX WITNESS IgR_�OF, the-said Tow=n of Mamaroneck has caused
this 'bond to be signed by its. Supervisor, anu sealed with the cor-
porate seal of said Town, attested by its Town Clark, and the inte-
rest coupons hereto- annexed to oe signed wita _the fac-simile signa•.
ture of its Supervisor, and this bond to be dated as of the fifteenth
day of Novexaoer, 1x31.
Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Town Clerk, Town of'IVtaniarcneek, N. Y.
3 0 5
On the Fifteenth .aay. of November., 18 , the- Town of
Mamaroneck, .in the County of Westchester, New Yo.rk,, will pay to
bearer the sum of Dollars ( )
at the First National Bank. &. Trust Company, Mamaroneck, New York,
in Raw York exchange._ or a.t -the-First .Rat.ional.Bank of., the.City of
New York, New Yorx, at the option of the holder, being six months,
interest then due on its dater Distribution System Bond, dated
November 15, i931.
Supervisor- ,
This bond maybe ra.gi,stered_by.the. owner in his name as
to principal under the signature of the Town :Clerk of .the. Town of
Mamarcneck, in the County of Westchester, New .Yors, or other
Registrar, below, and shall,thereaf.ter be. t.ransferable. only.upon the
written assignment. of_the re.g.iste.re.d owner. o.r his.,attorney,. dLly ac
knowledged or proved, such.:reg,ist_rat.ion_and.:transfer to be. made on
the books •of said Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to
be made hereon, - Such transfer may be. to bearer, after which this
bond shall be subject..-to subsequent registrations and,t.ransfers as
before. The coupons will remain payable t.o.. bearer,.notwi.ths.tanding
such registration unless..this bond shall_De: converted_.into a fully
registered bond by the s.urrender.:and cance.11ation .of_.ccupons, which
surrender and cancellation shail..be noted on said.bcoks and upon this
bond. The principal of this bond, if registered, will be payable to
the registered owner or his. legal representatives, successors or
Date of Registry Name of. Re istered. 0wner; Signatzre of Registrar:
Upon the, written.request of the ovmer of the within bond
for its conversion into a fully registered :a�na,,..I have this day out
oft' and destroyed coupons annexed to thia bond amounting in
the a6Lre6ate to Po,ll:ars-
and the interest on ,this bo.na.,at the. rate.and on the dates as was pro-
vided by the coupons as. well as the prinei:pal .thereof. will,.hereeiter be
paid to , legal representatives, succes-
sors, or assigns, at.the place_of.payment. specified.therein, or, at the
request of the reg.is.tered owner, the interest will be remitted by avail
in New. York e:z;change. This bond hereafter will oe transferable on the
books of the .Town Clerk .of. the Town of Mamaroneck, in the County ofWest-
chester, Nsw.York:,or other Registrar only on presentation of the same
with a .wr--.i,t ten..ass ignment,.duly acknowledged"or proved.
_-, Dated 15
(Of fisial.Title)
Date of Registry: _Name of Re istered Owner. Signature of Registrar;
3 0 7
FURTHER RESOLTZI), that there shall be lavied., assessed
and collected annually-by tax upon the taxable pro-
perty of said Town a:.sum sufficient to pay the princi-
pal and interest of sad.bonds as the same respectively
become.:. due -ana;payable.;
FURZ�UR ;RESOLT�'D, .that the sum,.necessary to pay the
principal and interest of.,said ;bonds. may be. provided
for. and .includad in the- water rates or raised. as other-
wise provided-in said Chapter 654 of the-Laws of 1927,
as amended,. but this provision shall in no viise limit
or control the power and duty of the Town Board to as-
sess, levy and collect. the_annual tax sufficient to pay
the principal and interest of said bonds as the same re-
spect ively...bec.cme. due and.payable:; .
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor advertise the
sale of said bongs, such notice, of sale to be published
in the aAILY -T LE:S, a newspaper. published in the Village
of !Lamarcneck in said Town, which..news.paper is desig-
nated.,as ,the,o.ffi.cial -newspaper of, said. Town for the
purposes of such,pub11ca.tion., at. least ,five days before
and :excluding the. .date of;:.sale, and,.alsc to,be published
onee. in the DAILY BOND BUYER and the DAILY BOND NEWS,
financial. n.ewspapers published, in. the: City of New York,
at least five days before and ex.cludin6 the date of sale.:,
such notice of sale to be substantially the following
form, to wit:
NOTICE IS H-�R_TBY GI7r-7F that the undersigned Supervisor of
the Town of Mamaroneck, Nev, York, will receive sealed proposals at
No. 8 Ella Street, .Village of Mamaroneck, in.the :Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, un.t11 ..5 0 clack F. M. , on the 23rd day
of November, 1931, for the purchase at not less than par and accrued
interest of the following described bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck,
New York:
040,000 'Water Distribution System ..(-coupon) Bonds, dated
November 15, 1931, of the aenomination of t1,000 _each, maturing
w2,000 November 15, 1933, and 11,000 November 3-5, in-each of the
years 1534 to 1971 b.oth.inclu-s.ive,. and bearing, interest at a rate
not exoeedine, six per cent" per annum, .payable semi-annually May
15, and November l5. Payment in gold coin_or -it.s equivalent at the
First National .Ba.nk.&Trust Company, Mamaroneck., New York, in New
York exchange or at the Firs.t.Natd nal Bank of the City of New York,
New York, at the option of. the holder. . Bidders must bid for all of
said bonds .ana state a single rate of interest therefor. Award to
bidder at lowest rate of interest rra /6 /�i, r;�� in a multiple of
one-quaxter or one-tenth of one per cent per annum regardless of
premium or to highest bidder at such lowest rate. Gertified or bank
or trust company check to order of G7XRG7, TVJ. BURTON, Supervisor of
the Town of Mamaroneck for 11,000.00 required,with each bid. The
right is reserved- to reject any and all bids< The approving, opinion
of Messrs. Clay, Dillon and Vandewater, Attorneys of New York City,
will be furnished without cost.
Dated, Mamaroneck, New York
November 13, 1931.
3 0 9
FURTIMR RE-30 a'D, that the Town Board meet at
the time and place specified in the nc.tice of
sale to act uijon 'proposals received for said
FUPT=�R RESOLIV�ED, that when said bonds shall
ha-e_ been duly sold and executed, the same shall
be delivered to the purchaser upon payment of
the purchase .price to the. Supervisor., and the
receipt of the said Supervisor shall-be a full
-- acquittance to said purchaser who shall not be
obliged to .see to the api;licatio.n. of the-rurchase
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
were duly Put to a vote which resulted as follows;.
Ayes: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, beads and Messersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
Noes: Done
The resolutions Yere declared duly adopted.
The fallowing resolution was offered by Justice Boyd and
seconded by Justice Goil.ins; to wit:
WEER AS, on the 13th day of hlovemoer, 1531, the
Town -Board-adorted a. resolution authorizing the
issuance and- sale.- of :,218,0-00 dater Works System
Bonds of the Town. of Mamaronecx, dated November
15, 1931, of the denomination of t,1,000 each., num-
bared from 238. to- 455 'both. inclus.ive, -oearing in-
terest at a rate.not exceeding .six per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually.May 15 and November 15,
and maturing in numerical order six (6) bonds on
November 1.5, in each of the years 1933 to 1960 bath
inclusive, and five (5) bends on November 15, in
each of the years 1561 to 1970 both inclusive; and
WI-19REA.S, on, the 13th day of November, 1931, the
Tovan Board adopted a resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of X40,000 Mater Distribution
System Bonds of the Town of .Mamaroneck, dated Novem-
ber 15, 1931,. of- the denomination .of- 1,000 each,
numbered from 25.7 to .296' both: inclusAve,, bearing
interest. at._a .rate not. exceeding six, per. ,centum per
annum, payable semi-annually yay 15, and November 15,
and maturir_e. in numerical order two (2) bonds on
November 15, 1933, and one (1) bond on November 15,
in each of the years_1034 to 1971. 'both inclusive; and
W=EAS, both of said issues of.bonds will. be sold
at the same .time an,(: place ..and it is desirable to sell
both of said issues unca.er; ona.-nstice of_sale,
RE'SOL ED, that the Supervisor advertise the sale of
said -$216,00:0 'Pater .works. Sy.stei�,Bonds arid. X40,000
Water Dietr.ibuti.on System Bonds under one notice of
sale, such notice of sale to be .published in-- =
DAAILY TIIVL'S, a. neuisijap,er published-in.:.the:Villa.ge of
Mamaroneck .in sai.a Town, vinich,mevtispaper. iz,.designated
-- as ti-je cf'f.ici,al. na,spap.er, of ,said. Town :for.. the purposes
of such publication, at least five days before and ex-
eluding the date of sale, ana also tca oe published once
-in the DAILY BUD BTYER and the UAILY BOND NElS, finan-
cial newsk apers .published in the ..
City of Netiv York, at
least five. days oefore and excluding the date of sale,
such notice of sale to be in substantially the following
form, to tit:
3 1 1
NOTICE IS IE�REBY Gl"EN that the. undersigned.Supervisor of
the Town of Mamarone.cx, ,New. York, will,r.eceay.e, s:eale.d. proposals at
No. 8 E.Lm Street, Village of liamaroneck, in the Town of Ylamaroneck,
Westchester County, Nev York.,, until. 5 o'clock P. I+I[[. , on the 23rd day
of November, 1531, for the purchase at not less than par and accrued
-- interest of the fallowing describer) bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck,
New York, to. wit:
1;218,000 WAT-fi;i WORKS SYSTEM BONDS, Maturing. 16,000 November
15, in each. of_.the .years 1933 to 1960 both inclusive, anti 1,-5,000
November 15.,. in. eac.h..of tree years 1961. to 1970 both inclusive.
1:.40,000 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTMI BONDS, maturing 42,000
November 15, 1933, and 41,000 Novexmber. 15, in each of the years
1934 to 1971 both inclusive.
All of said 1;258,000 bonds will be in coupon form, dated
November 15, 1531, of the denomination of t1,OOO each, and bearing
interest at a rate not exceeding .six per:.ce.ntum .pe.r annum, payable
semi-anrual.ly May 15 and November, 15. Payment in gold coin or its
equivalent at- the First National Bank-& Trust Company, Mamaroneck,
New York, in New York exchange, or .at the First National Bank of the
City of Nevi York, IT--w. York, at the option of the holder. Bidders
must bid for all of said t,258,000 bonds and state a single rate of
interest therefor. Award to bidder at lowest rate of interest in a
multiple of one-quarter or Pne-tenth of one per cent per annum re-
gardless of premium or to highest bidder at such lowest rate.
Certified or bank or trust company cheek.to order. of GEORGE W. BURTON,
Supervisor of the Tovm of Mamaroneck. f.or 150.00.00 required with each
bid. The right is reservWd to reject any and all bids. The approving
opinion of Messrs. Clay, Dillon &.Vanderwater, Attorneys of New York
City, will be furnished without cost.
Dated, Mamaroneck, New Yori�,
November 13, 1931.
FURT=R RESOILt-ED, that the Town Board meet at the
time aria place epec.i-fied in the- notice of sale to
act upon proposals received for said. bands;_
FURTHER RE°SOL7r.FD, that except as herein modified
the resolutions adopted on the 13th .day of November,
1931 are hereby ratified., i approved and confirmed.
The cuest.ion of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly .put to a vote Bunion resulted as follows:
Ayes: Six
Noes: None
The resolution ta.s.-declared duly. adopted..
The Supervisor sukgested that in place of meeting on
''ednesday evenin6, November 18th, the regal-ar meeting; .date, the
Board meet on Tuesday afternoon, Novexriber. 24th at 2 P. K. to take
up su-,h matters. as might come, before the me-eting in addition to
meeting on Monday, November 23rd, to receive bids for the bonds
as called for in the preceding r'—solutions.
3 3
Upon. motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins,
it was upon roll .eall,..unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board meet again. on Tuesday,
November 24th, instead of on Wednesday, November
18th, the regular meeting date, and that it do
now adjourn at 5:50 P. Ia. to meet again Mon- air
November 23rd at 5 P. I. for. the reception of bids
for mater bends and such other business as may
properly come before the Board.
Town Clerk y�