HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_02_20 Town Board Minutes (2) 21
100 FL OF TT. Y.
held February 20th, 1929.
_ The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 73urton
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Howell and Leeds
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
Engineer Foote submitted a tabulated report covering
the bids for the improvement of Myrtle Avenue, vwest of Chats-
worth Avenue, and 'Madison Avenue from its intersection with.
yrtle Avenue, north westerly to 1.1axwell Street.
The Board considered the various types of construction
and after discussing the same, at which time ir. H. Y. -Williams
representing the property owners on ?:iyrtle Avenue vial present.
The Cleric stated to the Board that irresyaective of the
type of construction or the kind of curb to be used, it was his
contention that the contract in any event should be awarded to
the lovwest bidder in keeping with the policy of this Board.
After consideration, it.4=was$ upon motion, duly seconded,
71730= 1D, trlat the pi& of Charles 13. Beckwith,
Inc. , in the sum of .j�3i,788.75, embracing all
the work for the improvement of Jfyrtle Avenue,-
from west of Chats^north ;venue, and iadison
Avenue fro its intersection with i.yrtle Avenue,
north .westerly to hlgxvwell Street, including a
6, inch concrete base and a 2 inch as-ahaltie
surfacing with a combination curb 'and gutter,
be and the same hereby is accepted and the
Contract for said improvement is hereby* accord-
ingly awarded to Charles D. Beckwith, Inc.;: and
it is further
RTSOLVT'I), that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to return to the
unsuccessful bidders their respective checks;
and it is further
PE'SOL ,. that Counsel be and hereby is
requested to prepare and have executed on
behalf of said Charles D. Beckwith, Inc. , a
contract covering said improvements; and it is
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk lie
and they -hereby are authorized and empowered to
execute the said contract on behalf of the
Town of Hamaroneck.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes: 5
Noes. none
The Board took up for their consideration, the resolution
presented by the Countyt2gineer in the widening of the Boston most
Roa d.
After due consideration the following resolution was
presented and upon roll call unanimously adopted:
'WHTE7:-0, the State Department of Public 'Worss
Division of Highways, has tentatively determined
to resurface, reconstruct or repair such portions
of a State,Highway located within the Town, and
hereinafter described in Par. 2, therefore be it
R[-SOLV^D, that this Board pursuant to 4rticle Seven
of the Highway La:,r, requests that the plans for the
maintenance and repair of the hi,�hciay as described
in this paragraph, be modified as provided in
paragraph 3, vim; Beginning at a Sta. 191+44, then
runi�ing northeasterly to Sta. 202+90 (STOP) then
beginning again at St. 253+13 and ending at Sta.
280}15 (a part' of SH537I being between Sta. 202+90
and Sta. 253+13) having a total length of 3841 t
L. F. feet as shown on reverse side of this sheet.
RESOLVED, that this Board requests that the afore-
said highway be resurfaced, reconstructed or repair-
ed of the classes, lenghts and widths of pavement
indicated in the following table, and that the
contaact include the additional work mentioned
below. The said Board hereby agrees that tie add-
itional cost of combination curb and gutter with
special drainage over the 2jn ineers, estimate for
the resurfacing, reconstructing or repairing with
Reinforced Concrete pavement 51 feet in width be
and 'hereby is a charge upon said town as provided
by Section 177 of the Highway Law, and that the
cost of the additional Wor'u shall be borne wholly
by the Town as provided by said section.
Reinforced. Concrete 54 3841} Yes'_ Type B corlin-
- ation curb and
It is understood that the State will pay for 401 of pavement and County
the additional up to 541- of the pavement and that this resolution covers
only the combination curb and gutter together with the special drainage
features to be a charge against the To.vn of Mamaroneck.
IM-SO=-D, that where this resolution provides
for widening the pavement to curbs, that this
pavement shall be extended back on inter-
secting street to the street line with a
width on street line to fit curb lines on
intersecting street.
RESOLVED, that this-Board agrees to have all
Sevier, gas and water mains and connections
herewith laid or relaid where necessary in
said street prior to the date of the award
of the contract for -he improvement.
RESOL=VE'D, that the Cler'_c bf this Board is
hereby directed to forthwith transmit a
certified copy of the foregoing resolution
to the State Department of Public Wor'_ s,
Division of I?ighways.
The follovring resolution was presented and upon roll call
unanimously adopted:
fdtLP AS, the Torn Board of the Town_ of Yamaronecic, '%Jestchester
County, has requested the State Department of Public ror7.:s, Div-
ision. of Highways to modify the plans for the reconstruction of the
New Bocnei3.c-:Hamaronec1 State Highway :1o. 5372, under R CO';STRIiC!OiT
CONTRACT I,70. so as to provide for a greater width or for a
different style of construction; and
WM,R7TAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, has adopted res-
olution providing for the raising of funds for the estimated cost,
either by authorizing the issuance and sale of town bonds or the
levying of taxes; and
WHE''_? AS, the State De;gartuent of Buiblic Works, Division of Highways
has prepared plans, specifications and estimate of cost for the
reconstruction of said highway, which includes the extra work
desired by the Town of Mamaroneck, and has transmitted the same to
this Board, accompanied by a co..raunicatian stating that the estiril-
aced cost of such extra ,4,,erk to be borne by the town is 'Twenty-
Bight Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars.
A r S 0 L V D, that such plans specifications and estiaate of
cost be and the same are hereby approved.
It is further RESOLVA•D, that there is hereby appropriated and made
immediately available Z;d the sum of Twenty-eight Thousand, Two
hundred and.. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. ... .. .00/100
Dollars, being the amount�required� of� the�town�for such excess cost,
including the five percent (5%) for engineering charges, which
amount is hereby ordered deposited with the State Comptroller who is
hereby authorized and directed to pay the same at any time upon the
joint requisition or draft of the State Department of Public 4orks,
Division of Highways, and the State Comptroller, in accordance with
the provisions of the Hi,7n,ray Taw.
It being understood that the State Comptroller is to refund to the
proper town authorities any unexpended balance of said appropriation
upon the completion of the work after written notice to the State
Comptroller from the State Dirision of Highways to the effect that
no further drafts will be made upon the said appropriation.
The Clerk presented a maintenance bond submitted by Charles D.
Beccwith, Tnc. , covering the paving performed under his contract in
Valley Road, Glenn Road and laplezwood Street.
The same was ordered received, placed on. file and referred
to Counsel for approval aa'to form and efficiency.
A communication from Iar. J. J. Saxelby was received and
read, requesting the taking over of an electric light on the
Rockingstone Avenue extension as a Town Street light.
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and referred to the Superintendent of righways for his attention.
A communication from 1-1r. S. B. Flagg was received and
read requesting the erection of a street sign in Overlook Terrace,
formerly E dgewood Terrace.
A similar communication was received from the Association
of the floods of Larchmont, requesting a street sign at the corner of
Seton Road, and Roc_cingstone Avenue anal an adequatd marker on
Chatsworth Avenue at the pillars marking the entrance to the ''foods
of Tarchmont.
The communications were ordered received and placed on file,,,
and upon motion, duly seconded, it was-
RBSOLVyD, that the Superintendent of High;Srays
and the Town Clerk prepare a list of all the
street signs required, and to submit a report
thereon, i_cluding the cost of same, to this Board.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.30 P. 1.
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