HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_01_23 Town Board Minutes (2) 23 1
0�7 7--T :EO
T071,717 v F n CiJ7 C K, Y. Y.
held Tanuapr-,,% 23rd,, I S 2 S.
the Supervisor,
ne aoSence c-L L,,ie rfleetin,
called to order by TusticE Bo-d at 10,'0 P� !T
_resent Justices 3o.vd, Collins Howell and Leeds
Suz erinten dent c--' &aways Coles
lov;n Clerk SherLIan
Counsellor gamble
U-,,:,,cn motion, d,,u.IJ seconded, it was voted to d_JsZjEnse
'tdith t'rie _Lnut,�
o the m' _s of neetings not yet a:uorovad.
The '�oard i-_(ic-7t -pursua-nt t-o no tice, for �. hearirg
on the ar�Dlication and -aEtition of ce-rtain ta,-,-- ipayers for L"ne
r C 7 C,^P, Aveni3e, fro'_,-_ it,5 i-f-tc-rsection livith Ihats-
o rt�- 4�ve nue, -%ve s+1 e rly to ron _Pla C e a nd -Va J i z on venu-e, from
its J-n-b=_rsection v-,Tith `Tyrtle --,Tenue, nort_-f vfesterly to I-axwell
U,ELon ruct-ion, duly seconded, it vas
R7,SOL—v !), that the call of the meeting
be a-o-oroved.
Siecial Ccunsel, u'a�I`Lardi --a(ftresse6- the _"Card and
stated that the -notice of the hearing had been �Iublished as
required 73,,7 la,'-,, and that oroof tIhe,_,eof was filed in the of,-ice
of the To7•.m Cler"'.
-4E also Pointed out t--,e be-nefit that -',ill be dc-rived
if the imorov---nts are au-chorized 5nd sub-.,�iitted figares -f-I-or,
t"-.-_ -Lne- Lreer _,n thereof.
"_'here being no other -oerso-ns desiring to address the
:BOa_-d for or azainst the ao]?I--*, cation, it vas, upon mction, a-0,11-Y,
t In-t the h e a r i n z., b m c o E e d
_peci l Counsel -au'liardi submitted an order for the
aa1 � __
a-pp=al of the 73oard, -,-,,hl:ch -i=-Dosed order authorized -he iL,--
= ve G 4
oi7n,ent = accorda-nce -i,,ith tI-e e I-oresaid 'hea-rl-nz. �L-fter the
Lpfof,osed orC'er e77-par-ained, read and cons'Lde-fef, U'
)on on m,o o n
d-L7.1-y seconded it v,,as, unaniaaously
R7.501_77D, t1rat-, thE3 o_rder submitted by
Counsel IF'or the _ir_Oro vE.-.,Lents c rile
7 e n u e �--o z,2 4L t s in -e--r-s e c Lion i t h C t,s-
0 T e-u w �yron -'ace and
n e t e i�ly u 0 _.�,
L'ad Ison '-Venue from i'us in'Ic rsecti.on .,; h
a--tl,e _.vEr_ue y north v,---s t e r I y to -- -
St T,i_ Y.
re��t, in t1-ip 2c-,,�.Tn a- _ a_marorecx:, 1.
and pu.—suant to ::ha-:,7 tcr 5/=9 of t1ae L.a w s
OS 1:i26, as amEndEd, auth::� z'rv,- L-he
� -1 , I - iad-
-r�r o ve 1--_-1-<+1 Of Said S t r c e t S, b e a-o_p r o v e d, and
t!ia t the saim-_ be siSaacd by the r:e.ifoers o--
phis oa rd.
n _ re ou.estion be_= o , _ _ soluLtion,
s-ay-,e u.na-,_,.,-_,ously
The nieLfbErs of the 3oard UhEn proceeded to sign
The I
follmvJ n.� re so lation w,a,s offered for ad.op,tion by
,TU s t,i c e 1_e E d 5 and seconded, by justice 'Ho-vTe'll.
�SOLVZED, that bids far the im oroverncnt of
1-yrtle _L�Venue west of Chatsuorth _-'venue and
disor - L, intersect io,
a .-venue fro-m its intersect v;JL'L:h
-yrtle _,,venue north westerly to 1--amvell
Street, be received by this -_S'card until
3 orcl�oj, 7
- on 2ebruary 14th, 11229, and
that notice thereof b.- :)re-oared by Special
Counsel and ypublished t-nree time s in the
arcrnont, I
' Tines and the :Daily 2L,,--es.
TPhe Olerl: i7reaentled SLLLVErirtEndeYlt Yord-riamil.s Estimate
in I-I'le 2-LIM, of ''3-787.56, for tine -nstal2a.t
ion of 900 feet of 8
inch distribution r,,,a_. on Avon Road, from, Yenilile.'o-re Road to 'he
end of the existing 8 -L-4-,ch, _,-t�ain, to-ether ore hydrant alone
said_ e7.tIen-.-I'- on.
Superintendent's estimate wasz ordered received and
-cla-ced on ff ile
U-Qc,-- motion, duly seconded, it -,,ias
71-SIT-77- the 3oard of Trustees
of the %-,estchester joint .pater 1.
has submitted, an estiT,,iaze L, the s,�=, o 1 3 "3-7
as the cyst of installing 900 feet of 8 inch
d J s t rJ b U t,_J o n n-,i n o n L o r 7:�o a d, 1, a
L f r oLl ' e- iniore
Road to the end of the existing a i n cI= m a_J n
Logethe-1, one hydrant alonS said s_,te ns-ion;
and further be it
77SOT',,177_1. that the sald jycint
i=, o. 1, be and it hereby is authoi-ized and
directed to install said 7-I'Lain and hydrant, and to
charge the To,,--.,n of tl-ae actual cost
thereof, as ascertained and- approved by the
'hoard of '_'rustees of the We2`chestEr J_oint '.,'Ta+.er
"ne Clerk -fresentled ITordnann's Estimate
it "Ine suit of _23,025.02, for the installation of 500 Feet of a
inch distribu"Lon -,z in on crest _7erue, from Sh-.ldrake, _velnue
Uo --urra-1- _3v-nuc , connecting said e_-ten8ion to SheldraL-e and
-urray a'v'enue lines.
the Sia)erinterdentls estimate l,vas orc-iered received and
placed on file.
U-cor. -motion, duly seconded, it ti�as
'ne Board of Trustees of the
,vestc1h,ester Joint ';rater _'-;o. 1, has sub-
mitted an estimate in the sum, of as
the cost of i-nstalllng 600 feet of, 8 inch dist-
-0 " --ci lie, frog, 1d ral-,e
ribution main on rest �7,r aL L
Aven.Ue to IL�array venue, and connecting said
e__tension to ILlhe Sheldralce _venue and II_"JL,_rI__a_,V
_LvenuE lines; thErEfore be it
RZSO'__V_'7D, that the said V,,estchester joint _,later
c. 1, be and it hereby is authorized
and directed to install _-aid r,'lain and- to charge
the of _'iama-ronEcV, the actLlzal cost thereof
as ascertained and aID13roved, by the ':V'estchcster
Joint 72.ter iIori--s, ro. 1.
D-oon the recoianenda ti Of of the Su]pe rintenden,t of
tl zhxay s IT Vias U 7Gn Llct' on, d-al-Y seco- de
_j S 0-'?D ,3_ the 07TI 6r of Vle fee and/or
t'I_IE r'g'flta Of Way in a certain street as
Dillon Road in the 'fo,.-in of 7Taa-_,iar=eoT,. have he-_,e-
file('- a petition -,,-Tith this -_coard and bhe
Sumerintendent of High•,'jays of t"ale Tolurr of lZa-maron-
e cll- rinS to dedi ca to and dl.s ed said stre e t or
-ocroons t-ereof to the of I_ai-naroneol-
and revue sting said and SU-0erintendent of
Highways to accelpt, said streets as Tm-m H_i-h-rrays;
7 TTT-02- has been considered. by
this card a nd t'- lo--m '--'u-,,e r int e-fide lit of TIls-'r-
s - I
s and the deed of said- streets -,,resented; and.
MERE-AS, the SU'OErinte-rident of HiEh-7,rays has
exa-mined said, streets or --port-ions tnereof and
xzcomm.-nded that t`(:y be accepted_ as Town
Zip h,.-iays of the Town noi,,i thc�cfc-2e,
Of '7
'be it
R7SOL-,.j7'D, that t"Kie 707M of L-amaroneck do a-rica
hereby does accept he aforesaid offer of ded-
cation hereto=
ore rnaan
a n6_ the deeds and releases t,,-
t"n e -r - --_ 1,
C) ,�r e 0 1- �he-_,--to, and,
-a )resent
dcc-s hlerElby 2cce-Qt
as a. T HL_c`,q,,%,a'Y that piece
or parcel of !-and -. d,
- rtio-_n o . time street or
road sho'j:n, Icnown and desi-n-nated as =rE 11L1Ii River
Road �nct imo-v.:Ij as Dillon Road) as shcwn or a
certain riap ertitled "J�T-e!:ded Hag- of Hazelhurst.
Part, To-z-, of %7estchester Co'o-rity,
yor�_-, '' made by Charles _S_. Ho'lizter. Civil
11�nineer and Surve-,rcr, 770Un- 77erno-n,
Ha!�ch 30, 1923, anl� -ii- LI - _ yew York,
a filed in the office of the
PegistEr of _,."es1Ic'.azster County, Decc-mber 18, 1924,
as h'.a-o 7,o. 2092°, said_ portion of the said street
oil road being mi-E _�articularly described as
at the corner fo=-,ed by the inter2ection of the
rcrthErl-.17 side Of River Poad (novli Imown as Dillon Road)
and the eastErl_-y side of 'Tdge-,-,rater Place, thence easterly and
'h e r`1 alo-_ng the northerly and easte-oly side of Prernl'
southerly -urzi River
Roa'd t o a p o i n tIereon ,%,here it the boundary line
between 7,,,,'hFie it intersects tl-'-- boundary line bet-111,12en Lot Yo. 6
and 5 as 8ho-,,,r. on said --ma1p; thence continuing southerly and still
along the Easterly boundary line of said L-ot 5 a distance of 15
ee L
thence :iesterly and across prErLij wn jv_r -oad (170,,v Dillon
Road) to a j3o_Jit on the westerly side of said :Premium Rivicr Road_
Dillon Road) -irtErsect-Ing the samie all the boundary line
bet-.,,eer Lot i-.,os 3 and 4 as shm--_n on said rm-p, thence northerly
I - - '��reriium River Road
and �,.reste_rly along the westerl7r side of Safi
(notii Dillon Road) to a _point thereon 1,,,,h1ch would be intersected by
the easterly side Of --'dSe,,Tater :Ellace if Dro7onged scutherly and
a.c-`OSs s2.'_ River aoad (now DiIlQr, Road) thence northeriv
and across PreLri-LK,:. Fivrzr Road (now Dillon Road
:,,Jth ti E
Side 0-f s c poi-at or -.Glace of beginning,vii
and- be _J -furth,-r
'%T'�D, t'lat L"he aforedescriloed -pD-ILjo._-
-aforEsaicj rrad2 street and Tray be and the
sa-_,ne hereby -Ja -made and declared, to be a Public
H_41sm,,ay; and be it further
that thle To7wn be and he
hereby j-s erapo Ered and directed t-, record
t1ie aforeSa4r7 deerl
and releases; and be It
HT 0-�' 17'
J tSOL-,T2,D, that the SuDerintenclErit - -I-L -way s
be and he hereby is authorized and em-,po-,.,iered
to e--,:ecute and record -,,ihatever 6comnents or
cert-ificates a--(-: iIecessary according- to lasr to
vest title to the Iovrn in said -Dortion of the
fo C
said street and to bring the aforesaid res-
Olut-JO!'Is 1-017'110 full force and effect; and be it
fur the r
t*hat the Town of Kamaronecl: shall be
se t sa=e and harmless frors, _:ny claim or damage
CI any r.
ature or character -,,.-hatzoever in any-a-ise
arising -froin the im--croVeInEnts of the aforesaid
st-reet, anything to the contrary
Er. I-aws.on a:?-oc-ared before the _-',card and s-pokE
rEIatii-,Z to the condition o' aocand --,e� -
-1 _l , fron� �, aver
-moo Avon Road, and r�ci;.c�tpd -n ' 'Prove--Iii-nts be �,.mde to sa�
hi,Shway� I - - L,I B Z -JIM 4 d
The matter ref' reed t0 the Su--Pervizor and the Sx.3c-r-
inte.-,dent of Higm�ra„ S for !.nves uigatlion and rE-cort.
T--Pon inction, the -a--eti-no, adicurned at 11:4^ 1. V.