HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_01_02 Town Board Minutes (2) 22� 1777TI-1-G 0-' T_ TC-'--T TC'-ill- BC= TU,-L7 OF 7- held January 2nd, I929. The meeting -uas called to order by Supervisor 3urto,-,a at 10.30 P. L. 2 re s E'n t Super-,iisol- 3urton Justices Boyd, Collins, and Leeds Su er_nte-ndent Of Higlr--7 ,,.;ays Coles Clerh Shei-mar. 11'ounsellcr ;]-amble U-_Oon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dis-f,'Erise with the reading of t-he minutes of meetin.gs not yet ap-proved. Y-essrs. Stern, Epstein and -'ayne, the Tx-ansoo-_rtaticn Committee from the jiariiarorie c�: Cha,-pter of the Realty 71Dca.-rd, a.-p-oeared before the '_'oard and reouestEd information in relation to bus transportation from liamarcnecl: to `,,Itite Plains. After discussi-n� the matter ,,,-ith the carmittee, they 7yere advised by Counsel and the ChiGi=an that a meeting is to be held on Priday, January 4th. -a- ' c-,T j York City, at which t-L-Ile the various bus problems ~mould undoubtedly be lnrorlked out 1�et,,%,een the County Tranz-,Lortlation Coia-oany and the Third "'ver,,;c R, ilaay and- it -.-.,as ho-oed that bus '-_rans� ortation to 'If its would be U -ID �,h available in the ver-,., -near future. comimun-icatlor. fro-m 7r� 0 imeer cte was rEceiived, together 'a,'ith rN8 original plans shoti-ling concrete siJC'ewalk drFT,.-inEu for �..'ewer Street, togezIaer i.,ith the estima-Lled cost of the work. co.mrunication and -�Ians were ordered received, placc-d on file and after discussion, it wa.s VO= that the Board meet with the 7ngireer on Saturday, January 5th, at 1C olcloci,- for the purfjose of further cOnsidering the con- C-11ruction of a sidevialk on _�ea-ver Stree+ c o=-o n i�a ti o nL f-1-o.:j _T.l r C. 7--erritt 7,,,,as received and read, callinE t��e !- d oarls at-t-,ntion to the condition of the concrete 'Gave -,.ent on Zalarier _'venue, bet';.e8n LJeaver Street and the Village of bianiari)i�eck line. The communication was ordered- receivedg placed on file and Y-EferrEd to the Su-oerinten6ent of '_-ignj.,ays. com-munication from the Colonial Parl-. :-and 17Ei-ghborhood association was received and read, requesting the installation Of '7a.ter raains on _"reE3-L. -"venue and Hudson. Place, between Rockland �'_venue and Holly 21acE. The corm-municationwas ordered received, -p-lac Fj_ and referred to the -;later 17eyoartrzert for estimate. cormuni cation. fromn Yr. B. C. "ard of 17aplEwood Street; :111'aS received and read, relating to the condition of a our-oinE at ti-,e entrance to his drivei,,,ray. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Su�p�_rintendent of communication from the Hlozqell Park Association eras received and read, requesting the installation of-a street IiE:ht OP_ Carleon Avenue bez"Veen 21'eadow Place md _`aye's residence, and at the corner of Howell �'.te Y nue and -Weaver 2 coimi- nication also called attention to the Condition Of the C"(I.rb at the Corner of ro?9ell hvenue and. 'Neaver Street, and the .cater accumulation on Meadow Place. The communication was ordered received and placed on file, and the c0"f_dition Of the grading on L-ead.ov4 Plaice together with the curbing at the corner of 's',''eaver Street and FiOVaell ,�venli6 L^76tH referred to the SiAperintelhdent of Highrxays for This attention, and upon his reco:iiendation, it Was, upon mo-.ion, duly seconded, ZSCL7F17, that the 'isleestchester a:ic;nting Company be and It i=crEgy% is authorized and requested to install for the To'zn of I'ia.marOneck, 1-60 c, � .. incande Sant lamp on 'Ca.rl e on ,`_venue, betti,reen z'icadow Place and the residence of :r. iR. C.. rye.- 1-60 c. _o. incandesant laml0 On I- O-zrell Avenue, ap-proxin2ately 100 feet from t:CE corner Of ',eavEr Street and t0 reNlace the street light at the corner of ,,eaver Street and Howell ::venue, -,,,hich light -cams removed during the construction of the nee:- concrete roadway on ea-ver Street. _he Clerk reported that he Ihad :filet with Hr. Coles and ta��en up the recuest of I;T r. iicody for the taking over the street l-L ihts along Sackett Drive and the i�-urray venue entrance , and u-goon the recommgendation of the Superintendent of High,-ays, it 1,-aaz u_con rnoticr duly seconded, :S0L7MTD, that the two lights On the gates of the 1.1urray -venue entrance at Rouken '-1en, and the tyro underground sy=stern lights or- _— Sac_yett give at_d _lthea Zane, be taker. over G, Town street lights, effective as of January lst, 1929: and it was further =7SOLVED, that t e :;estchester Lighting Company be, and it hereby is authorized to ir_'stall an additional street light on Sackett --rive, under the supervision and direction of the Suyaerint- endent of Highways. communication from ':_e Engineer was received and read, submitting- for signature, final agreements of the '' Eaver 7treet improvement. The C01'amutication was ordered received, placed or file and the Clerk was authorized to sign the final agreement, retaining one copy for the To':-:n files. The Supervisor presented an amended map horn the County Ingineer in relation to the -Roston lost Road 1"m rove_=E` nt, showing a minimum ?'.'ld_th Of 54 feet on the LostOn Post -Road' frorl Orie'fta Avenue to I^a.marpnEClti avenue. :_fter discussich, and Conslder&]tion, the fcllOwing rCS - oluk'lion -:,,as oresented and upon roll call, anan]"_mousl;; ado-oted; �,4'.P7.4'S, the County -Cngineer has presented amended plans In the I71d_Eni_rg and improvement of the Boston Post Road, said plans spooking a. rclinimurn .idth of 54 `feet from Orienta kverue to I::'-"arnaroneck ;wenue9 therefore be it tC SOT -"1. that this 2oard a ereby approves of n the wide ing of the Boston Post Road, to a minimum of 54 feet and the Clerk is .directed to sign said plans on behalf of this Eoard, and transmit same to the County !ngineer. 229 1Ir. 37a glia rdi presented a I�e tit ion I)-L:Lrfc rt ing to be -o-ned by o,.,.rnerz Of -,proyierty ownirC a maJority of the lineal feet frontinz Or, 1,-Yrtle =.Ve'nue of Chatsworth ._venue and alo= -�-adiison 7enue Troia its intlersection wit h- '--rtie northn-rly to the Southerly line of lPe-,hart-P=t Chester Xar]/7:,,ay aS -oro-c-osed,ard stated that the -gur-pose Of the petition -Lwes to as!,- the Town DoFrd Lo -J-,---i_prove said streets and, to assess the ocst the-1--of against the joro-c)erty benefited as provided by Section -549 of the La-,T,,,s of 1926, as amended, Isr. Gagliardi also requested that a hearing be had he To,..rn '--'oara --s. provided and before -L _pro -ded by IaYr. -h - I — - �,, ereu--oon Justice feeds offExed for ado-ption the -tl i o T,s 1'e S clu PESG-I-7J7D, that t,'e petition of Larchimont Hills CorNcratic r. and others dated Decerifber 6, 1926, be and the sane hereby is received and placed on file ; and be it further RHSOL-VED, that a hearing be held upon said b,�-. - on Ja-nuary petition by and - ore this �-Io ard 1929, at 8:30 0 °'Clock h. . . and that Counsel be ac.thcrized and- eaoc)Vrered to prepare a notice of such bearing in order tha-L the sar.-F .e sI-Iall be -pifiblished, as required by T'-e cue stion of the adolDtion of the f oregoinxg- reSOlLltions -w;a s Lj v.t to a 7 0 t e 'u,,h J'ch r e s i�),I t e d L as "iG11pr S: Ayes. 7 YC e s: —*none 7 'ion, the rneetinZ adjourred at mirin-JEht. 7.p o n m,o t Tovfii Clerk