HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_12_18 Town Board Minutes 221 1-7717—IS O�4' 'I:T- T-Trd I.T� -�rjl r 7TJRI� -f __R_ LD ph _ 1- 7��T ff S C HO C)I-, OF !,L,'IDUIR017ZCK, 7 Y. r:c e r,-,b.e r 18th!, 1928 The f oil owing -zieribe rs of the Tow, 73 card -re ore-cnt S'ulner-visor Burtor Just-ices Collins, Ho-,!,.rell and Leeds Su-perintendent of E;Ihfray s C o Ile s olanse-lor '�agli rdi and A. T. FFoote; H.n-ij,�c-er, �,vere C -L a Lso -oresent. The Su.­ervisor c-cened, the meet'ng and stated that the hearing had been called for the jparpose of giviii� those who a,p]pearEd and deal-Ed. to be heard an op-portunity to e::.presa their ,,,ie,ojs as to vihat side of Weaver StrEelu the should be constructed on, if it -was to be consturiicted on one side, o--, ,,,.,hether or not the side7,T2lk should be constructed on both sides. For the f�urpose of convenience, he saicl , that I.-hose T;hc are in favor of constructing the on t_-.e esi side of �.I'E:aver Street -,;krould be heard first. larEe sized ma-c showing eaver Street, fr=:i its irite-rsectium S:,-ith 7 y Y IPe-r nue -.,Ta-o rt le L enue southe rl to ain aced for the pur-pose of indicatan L g the irtersect4ng streets and t"-e ,.axing lines. _Yr. _PagE S,po'ze in favor olf construct-ing 'the sideoa7k or_ the -,j.,est side of 'eavc �L - ,j 2? Street 2d-id s-Lfbi-,iit-ed a -.;Detiticn containing a nuffbEr of names in sulipoill tl=C-Cf. The neetint� -,-ias also addressed by the following Y-r. A. S. Yr H 1-m—n and _a.rr of 1--r. Cross. The follo-,xinncr scpI:e in Fa-vo-r of construe Llint" the sidewalk on tf-ie east side of n eaver Street- Yr. Heal­y, ----ur-_rj',iy, !?_`IclLett and 11-r. 31eezard -oho also subf.,iitted a �olicE recor+l and TCvirjo a hC S-0.70-,Ltted L a letter from Yr. C. D. 7:3ray. The foll, r.,T,inn also s_�cle in re-b-L)ttal- Y_-. johnson, T."r. lfressers-mith,. j-'r. �. D. Ho�sTe, TeV-i-nC; -."rs. T,C-7inO, 1r. Ca-cagna and 1_r. PoY,,rers. The Su­,erviso -_ stated that those ,rlao vicre in -favor cf the CCnstruction of a s ;6 e,,.;v a 1 1< On b c t h sides o f .leaver S t r e t raise their 'ca-nds and a of t1hcse Jrese-nt -raised their- hands accordingly, '_,_,=eur_o-n the Bu-pe_­-,?-_i -_or declared the hearing closed, C�72