HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_12_05 Town Board Minutes (2) =T7 � 7
held Dece--aber 5th, 1928.
The meeti-ang -,.-,ras called to order by Supervisor Burton-�urton at
Present: Su-oervisor Burton
Justices Collins, and L-ceds
Town Cicrif Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
U-pon i Otion, duly seconded, it was voted to diz-pense
with reading of the minutes of rieetinEs not yet ala^,roved®
Lessrs. Valentli-ne and Kraft a-p-peared before the Board
and, _presented a petition for the installation of Las mains in that
portion of .Palter 2,venue frOIM Weaver Street, eaStSrl-,.r to the
VillaSe of ].Tarnaronec'> boundary line.
-he _)etitior ,,aas ordered received, placed on file and
referred to -L?.' Su-cervisor ard- Su._(Je-_irtlende-nt of
L-essrs. K-raft and Bohan also Tresentled a -Eetition for
L aE installation of se-,,ers on tlaa t ?portion Of ?al-ner -venue it
--er S Vi a bou da y
tea%7 trEet, easterly to t. . ___E. of "_Lamaronec n r line.
The -_petition was crdered received, -placed on file and
to Couns2 1 -,,;,ith the rcq-Lieat that the same be sU.bmitted
by Lim to the Se -er CoDmaissioners.
_-iai -pe ' i ' don for the
Ifessrs. Kraft and 75oi q also _presented a yeti L I LI
construction of a tunnel crossing the 17ew 77ori-z, 1�emr Haven and
Hartford Railroad trac'_-s, adjacent to the larch-mont Gardens Station.
The -.oeti tion -as ordered received, placed on file and
referred t o the Supervisor and Suyo e r i n te nde n t of H i-Inway s.
A co=r,�cat, on from the -D,oa rd of Sewer C oymni ss i one r s -,vas
received and read stall n
.g that L'r. A. C-. l I
arDbell appeared before
them, requesting the installation of se-wErs on the Campbell prop-
erty on the north side of ` enue, and further stating that_
70rest U v
the CQi-rudissicn are v-iiiiin- to install the se-,?ers -0r07_Jded the
streets are accepted as To-,,rrn Highways.
The coiilmunication was ordered received, placed on file
and referred to the Supervisor a.-.nd Su:oe intendent o- 7�-
- I � r-ighways f or
re_�ort thereon.
A co=unicatlion, from the Chatsr,ortln Association V-as
received and read, requesting resurfacing of the connecting link
bet7ween 1,__cmqta 4 n
— Avenue and ----,c)rth 'hatsvforth Avenue, and lookout
to Echo Lane®
1r,= ColflMunjoat4 on was ordered received, -placed or file
and referred- to the Superintendent of Hig'm�ays,
The Superintendent presented the claim of 7 r. Yorman
He Glashan in the suarri of for the furnishing of 'Lour
iron street la2n]ps at the Roc'__Ia-nd Avenue :3rid--e.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon the reco=e-ndation
of the Su�perlrtle-ride:at of i�hyiays,
R twat the claim of !Zr. TorliLan
Ho Clashan in the sum, of 40.00 for the
furnishing of four (4) iron street lamps,
for tile Rockland Avenue Bridge, be end
.,.°e sar-e hereby is approved for payment,.
and the claim referred to the Board of
auditors for -oror_er audit.
L-nsinee_ _'cote submitted an estimate of the cost for
the installation of storm water drains on the -;;est ,amide of
rtlia SVvGZ't:?. :.venue, fro;.: ',',ildwcod Toad to the Pelham- crt 'MestEr
Pai"'z:i"a•y 9 and also an e stLmate for the installation ct a storm
uFat= Cdra'n on Roc_-ingstcne and. lorezt r'ivenuesa
The estir..ates were Ordered received, placed on file,
and after discussion_, upon motions duly seconded, it was
7SC=,0, that the Tngineer be arid he hereby
is authorized and e2^_pov.ere6_ to prepare suit-
able plans and specificaticns for the ir_stwlletior_
of storm v;ater drains on the �,rest side of
Cha.tsrrorth Avenue , from ',7 i ldwood Road to the
Pelham-Port Chester T'ar ;ate✓g arid. on ?Loc?_Jn -
stone and Forest ?zTerti.ES, and when said plans
and specifi cations are con ple ted, to subr-it
the same to this Board for its consideration.
The Ecard. then discussed the natter of im;=_oving that
part of LI3Trtle Avenue S'rorIl Chatsii,orth Avenue, nesterl"y' to the
Ee-,w Rochelle lire, and after discussion, it ilIas, upon _"lotion,
duly seconded,
R_•S=77D, that 77,nzineer Poote be and he
nereb.> is authorized and e jDac;ered to
prepare plans and specifications for the
i=oving of the roaQ?'a,y on i'!_yrtle Lveiaue,
fror1 IIha;tS,':'Crth ve'u,e 5 ca'ESLeriy to the
Ye,w Rochelle City lire, and it v,,as further
H"SOL777D, that Counsellor Gagliardi be and
he hereby is authorized and Ernpo^,eyed to
preyaa.re the necessary -petitions in relation
The Board took up for consideration the matter of the
approval of the -plans for the doming of the PG 30st n Post t "cad as
siJtm'Litted by County Znoineer Charles Yo Donald, -and after consider-
2t-ion and discussion of the entire -project, the follow-i r esoiC
tion -eras presented and unanimously adoyoteda
1. VI-=_T,-AS, the State Department of Public ork.s,
Division of Hi-r ways, has tentatively detern-ined
to resurface, reconstruct or repair such OD-tions
of a State Hi_;hr'ray located -within the To-un_ and
hereafter described in Par. 2; therefore be it
2. =_SCBT':'D, that this Board, -pursuant to .,rticl
;Seven of the ighL7ay =aw, requests that the plans
for the maintenarice and rEpa_r of the _igh'ways as
described in this paragraph, be modified. as pro-
vided in paragraph 3, viz; Begin-ninLl at, Sta.191*44,
then running northeasterly to Sta. 202t�0. STOP
i'nen bes_innin; again at Sta. 2534.13 and ending at
Std. 280 15 (a part of S.' H. 5371 being between. Sta.
202+90 and S("a. 2534 13), having a total length of
36414- feat as sshc-,)n cn reverse Side of this sheet,
er cept that portion of the roac:-,ra.y shoznrnon said
*i1a-Q, b C-LL E E'fi Fenimore Road c.riC. L,aiiarCne CK STELiJ_E g
ii1 the 77iilaEe of 7:1amaronec , as having a road°,';a.,y
o" 43 feet ,?,,hich y�1an shall be amended tG 1�rG v i dC-
-cr a paved road:Way not less than 54 feet Trot.
cure to curb as nG T proposed by the County nsineer
of the Count-- of Iestohesterm
=4,SCL_77D, that t--.,iq- Board r!=quEsts that the
aforssaid be resurfaced, recoriztrvic+--d
or reoaired of the classes, lerEths and widi'las
of pavemiert indicated In f follcw4n- table.
.Ie said 3oard hereby agrees that t1he addi ti-onal
Cost of co-iOinatioT, curb and �;utter
drairSgE , Over the _�,'=ineerz EstiKja-tle for the re-
s-Ldrfacing, reconstructing or repairing ,Ti-ith re-
inforced o or.c re tu e 2.a ve-.,qe n t -7 var. to 51 feet
n be and hereby is a charge u_Ocn said
toij,'n. as �orovided by section 177 of the - Igh7my
Class of --avc:r-ent 4I�d.t- 7�-— Lenztla Curb Remarl�:s
Reinforced "C-nic-nt 43 feet Type B(Corlo-ination
concrete variable Z841+ Yes curb and gutter.
It is undErstood that the State will -pay for 401 of :pa7ement an'
County the additional up to 51" of the -pavement and that this res-
clution coversorly the combination curb and gutter Loge-l-er i,!ith the
s-ecial drainage leatures to be a char,--,e a=ainst the Tc)-,.-.,r, of --ar-iarQr--
4. RLESOL1705 that -,•L(neTe this Tesolution -orovide:s for
,,idcninz the -avenLe-nt, to c-L;Lrbs, thot this -oave-
Taent wall be extended bac,, On intersecti-S-streets
to the street line -,-.-i-lh a -:T�idth on street line to
11" curb 1.1"nes on intFrsectij:_I� street.
5. ?L—i,SOT I75 that this 30ard 2,greea to have a.1I
gas and water mains and connections
nere-o.,ith laid or relaid where -necessary -Jr.
said street f)rJor -,a the date of the a-,,,-.a--rd
of the contract for the Iriprovernent.
o. R7,SO'_=, that the tier of this 3c2rd is
here-by directed to for-tj.:,Tj' ,
th transinit three
cErtifiea copies of the foregoinE resolution
0 -,e State DEia-rtiuent of -Public,
Bureau_ Figh-7ays..
The Superintendent of Nigh-ways re-ported in connectj. on wi-
the sidevrali-, frcntirg on the Dro-�Erty of r th
_L T-�ul'! of 107 1
Cha te7,rorth avenue , and after discussing the KnatltEr. -he same --,as
-r-efe=c-d to the Su_ce-rirtendent Of to act therein.
UIDOrl notion, the adjourned at 11.30 P. _PF.
:P o V,,n, C e r k