HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_11_30 Town Board Minutes ,213
held November 1928.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at J olcloc-� . I-. , and the follo-A-Z rnmbers were 1)rEsent-
SulJervizor Burton
j-istuices Boyd. Hovvell anc� L-ceds
Superintendent of High-ways Coles
To7rn Clerk Sherman
TI-le Supervisor stated the purpose of the meeting, -v-1rhere-
u-oon LIz. Sherinar, informed t--vie 3oard that he had received a
-written on frorj 17r. Gagl-aaj ,Special Counsel.
The opinion -,ccas read and on motion, duly" made and
seconded, the same vas ordered placed on file.
!Jr. I-essers-raith addressed the Board or behalf of L.-r.
?age, President of larch-mont" Gardens. Association.
1'aftEr considerable discussion was had it -uas regularly
:=7,,ed a-rid seconded t-ha-t a heari-ng in re and to the locati-•n of the
sidewalk along . cave-- Street be held at-the I;array A7enue School
or-- December 18th at 6.15 O'cloc!,: "P. Y. . and it was further
tha lr
t the Oler attend to the
'-X,fOlICat-Jo22 of a notice of such hearing
a--nd to obtain the use of ti:,.,e auditorium
at the 1--UrTay A=,erue School for the -pur-oose
of said hearing.
The question of the ado-ption of the fo-regoing resolution
was -put to a vote :which resulted as follows,
1:oe s; none
Tile resolution was declared unaniziously adopted.
There being nafurt,',-er business, the meeting adjoux--aed.