HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_11_27 Town Board Minutes `07
held __Fovember 27th, 1928.
The meeting eras called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 6:45 P. I .
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, 1-_0,=rell and Leeds
0%vn Clerk, Sherman
The Clerk read a copy of the notice of hearing on the
establishn2ent of "eaver Street Sidevralk District l o. I andon
motion, duly made and seconded, the same .gas approved.
1:essrs. Clifford, Cross, Horse and Page addressed the
Board in regard to various matters pertaining to the establish-
ent of said sidel;,alk district and more garticularly regarding
the met'nod of _procedure and a general discussion V,-7as engaged in
as t0 the method of 'paying he assessment and the possi,?fifty of
enlarging the district.
After the ratter was fully considered., Justice Collins
offered for adoption the following order:
by an order dated Oc ober 25th, 1528,
this Board directed that a pucilic hearing be held
before this3oard on " ovember 27th, 1928, at
8 0°clock = LT. , at the Town Booms in the Village
and To n of i=araaroneck, Liew York pursuant to the
provisions of aection:2.50 ;of-.the Town Lave, for
the purpose of Nearing all persons who appear
and desire to be heard in regard to all inatters
relating to the establi srnent of „eaver :Street
Zide-, ali� District "o. 1, in said Town in accord.-
an0e with the -provisions of Article 11-a of the
Town La-a; and
'4'r=MITAS, th-s -card has met and convened for
the purpose aforesaid at the time and place
stated in said notice, and
:'ice d-P AS, it ap-pears to the satisfaction of
this Board that notice of such hearing, has been
duly gi7en and -published according to law; and
f ?i`r.SS this 'Board has heard various oErsons
no ajppeared and -requested permission to
address the Board in regard to various matters
relatii-ig to the e stab!is_unent of said sidewalk,
district; and
- r�^77TTAS, it appears to the satisfaction of the
?Board that all the property v�ithir_ the boundaries
described in the aforesaid Order of October 25t'_'7.,
1928, an,-' shorn on the map of said proposed side-
,Falk district maAe by A. J. Foote, `engineer, dated
0ct0b= 25th, 1928; and also hereinafter described,
will be benefited by the grading and construction
Of a concrete si2lel,ralk along '.leaver :street, in said
1'O%,Tn, and that no property other than that e'npraced
within the aforesaid boundaries Twill ube be-_efited
oy said improveMent; novr therefore be it
CJ that ',;6aver Street Side-,calk District
_.o. 1 of L..'le ?mm of aniaroneclk, Ir ew Zonk, be
and hereby is accordingly duly established and
that the boundaries of said district be des-
cribed as f olloivs, viz:
ALL t rat tract of land, situate, lying and
— being in the Tos,.,n of I:ial_2aronec:, in the Coanty
of '.iestcnester and State of `EVS _ork, bounded
and described as follor,s:
at a point in the easterly line of Rockland
Avenue ,77h=c the same is intersected by the boundary like between:.
the Town and Village of _ial"RarOYeCa, and running thence northerly
and n orth ,,est�rly along the easterly line Of Rockland vei,U.e t0
zoint rTvhere the Sa.Cie is intersected by the easterly line Of the
swdivision crio, n as Laurence "ill (formerly .no;vn as Rowland
Kr011s ; thence northerly along the easterly line of Said sub-
division '_;n0,a,Iri as Laurence :ill to the s0U"Llherly line Of Cross
llounty ?ar uay: thence -',-eSterl.j" along the southFT1,, line of the
Cross County Par' r,'ay t0 the Easterly line of rUrray venue. t:ieriCE
sputnerlr along the easterly line of ,_urra _ve?'iuE to 'the northerly
line of _'forest .;venue ; thence easterly along the —rt erl =
Lire Page as!ced leave to address the Eoard on the matter
Of locat>_ng the side-,-;al i along Cdeavar Street.
%'hereu-oon he urged the 3card to locate the sidEwalk on
the -"e Ste rly side of 'P'eaver Street from its intersecti6n -vAth
Yur-ray avenue southerly tc ILyrtle "oulevard.
1"r. .Snii-h also addressed the 7oard in sup-port of locating
the sidewalk on the -,,,Te3terl-Y Side of &eaver Streit, and- --vino
urged that the Std=i.TalS be located on the easterly vide of
eav=r :�trcct from tine yarzt:ray southerly to Carder Road and on
tilt "':?eSlerly Side frC1 -_1llcrest Avenue to iryrtle 3ouleva.rd.
Ur. Fage -presented a petition and urged the 2oard to hold
a hearing on the cuestim of the locating of the sidel<<ralk.
On motion, duly seconded, the petition Gras ordered
placed al file.
JuStiCe l,,eeds tilereupo7n moved that the Question of
holding a, hearing 'tie referred to Special Counsel for all Opinion.
=here being no further business, the -meeting i',as
adjourned to meet again on !!o veraber 30th, at 2 o'clock P.
1'he meeting was declared adjourned.
^oven 01erh