HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_11_21 Town Board Minutes (2) =E-T T L C 0 y T ,TOI'_'TT TO`v� ' BG ARD
:SOW-IT 0 Liu: RO_ECK, 17. Y.
Held Ttiovember 21st, 1028.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 15 P. 11.
Present-. Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Howell and Leeds
Superintendent of Highways. Coles
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
Uj)on motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of neetir_gs not yet. approved.
11r. Campbell appeared before the Board and- requested
that the private streets on his property on the north side of
Forest Avenue be taken over as Tovm Highways.
The matter was referred to the Supervisor and the
Superintendent of HiC,hisays for report.
Vz. Newkirk of Prerniun River Road appeared before the
Joard requesting that action be takern, upon the acceptance of the
lower end of said street as a Town Highti�,ay.
The matter was referred to the Supervisor, Superintend-
ent of High'vays and Counsel for immediate action and report there¢. .
Er. Emil Zvirin appeared before the Board and spoke in
relation to the traffic lights in the vicinity of the station.
The matter lnras referred to the Superintendent of High-
ways and Captain Decker.
A cominunicatich from Tdir. C. C. Uer-ritt was received and
read, relating to the property lying to the east of Palmer Avenue,
between the new and the old Weaver Street.
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and referred to the Supervisor who wam authorized to appoint a
cornmitt.ee for the purpose of meeting with Hr. Leighdn or any of
the trustees of the property.
A cormunication from 17r.. H. 111. Williams was received and
read, offering to dedicate to the Town of Jamaroneck, as Town High-
Tray, that part of Huguenot Drive, cDmmencing at the intersection of
,ochelle Road., easterly to its intersection with %orth Chats'vrorth
Avenue, and all o;L ormandy Road as shown on the map of Larcrrnont
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and it was
VO'T'ED, that the Toir,,n Board inspect this
property on Saturday, _ovember 24th at
2 P. Li..
Communications from 'Er. C. TJ. L oody of Rouken Glen, Inc. ,
relating to the acceptance as Town Highways of Sackett Drive a2d
Althea Lane , and the taking over by the town of two street lights
on said streets and two special lights at the Lurray Avenue entrance
to his property, were received and read.
The communications were ordered received, placed on file,
and it was
"NOTED, that the Board inspect these
matters on Saturday, i,ovember 24th,
a t. 2 P. K.
A communication from the State Highway Department was
received and read, relating to the report of its Division engineer,
of the completion of the 'r eave-r �S'.treet, part 1, Highway Yo. 1545
and stating that the same would be finally accepted as completed,
unless objection to that effect is made by the Torah Hoard.
Time conmuni cation was ordered received, placed on file
and upon motion, duly seconded, it was
=RSOLUD, that the Joint Town Board of the
Town of i:amarcneck, does not enter a pro-
test against the acceptance of the com-
pletion of the `;+Haver Street, part 1,
Highway Yo. 1645; and it was further
P. •SODVr-D, that the Clerk "to this Board
so notify time Commissioner of Highways
of the State Department of Public Works.
A further communication from lir. Ronald Y. Hull was
received and read, in relation to the sidewalk in front. of his
property at 107 Forth Chatsworth Avenue.
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and the matter referred to the Superintendent of Highways, who
waa directed to submit a report thereon at the next meeting of
this Board..
-- A communication from ter. F.. E. Gagliardi was received
and .-read, submitting a proposed agreement between the Westchester
Lighting Company, Yaple Gardens, Inc. , and the Torun of lamarcneck,
for the installation of gas mains and house connections in the
la.ple Fill streets.
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and the agreement referred to the Supervisor with poser.
lr. Oliver L. Oake appeared before the Board a.nd
reeuested Permission for the installation of a gasoline fuel tank,
underneath the sidewalk on Fyrtle Avenue, fronting on his property.
The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Highways
for proper application.
The Board took up for discussion, the completion of the
Rockland Avenue Bridge , and after due consideration, it was upon
motion, duly seconded,
R�TSOLVFD, that this Board 'hereby approves
the acceptance of the Rockland Avenue Bridge
as finally completed, and that the Clerk be
directed to notify the County Fngineer to
that effect.
The Clerk presented Superintendent ITordmann*s estimate
in the sum of X2,237.83
. , for the installation of 225 feet of 10
inch cast iron pipe on Lurray Avenue, from Yyrtle avenue, 225 feet
The Superintendent's estimate was ordered received and
placed on file.
Upon motion, &-uly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, VFHEEZ'AS, the Board of Trustees of
the % estchester Joint '+rater ;corks, 1,-,o. 1, has
submitted an estimate in the sum of 52,237.83,
as the cost of installing 225 feet of 10 inch
dast iron pipe, on hurray Avenue, from kyrtle
Avenue, 225 feet north; therefore be it
RESOLVE-D, that the said 'destchester Joint Water
Works, rlo. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and
requested to install said gain and to charge the
Town of IL,"amaroneck, the actual cost thereof. as
ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees
of 7estchester Joint ;later -:forks, I'o. 1.
The Clerk presented Superintendent "ordmann*s estimate
in the sum of 4,1,156.68, for the installation of 450 feet of e
inch distribution main on Byron Place, (formerly yzyrtle 31,j ce),
from TLyrtle yvenue, 450 feet west, together with one hydrant
along said extension.
The Superintendent's estimate was ordered received and
placed on file.
Upon motion, duly sedonded, it was
RSOLU"L•D, s={REAS, the Board of Trustees of
the Westchester Toint Mater ':forks, Yo. 1, has
submitted an estimate in the sum of �11,15d.68,
as the mst of installing 4-50 feet of 6 inch
distribution main on Byron Place- (formerly
Myrtle Place), from T=Fyrtle Avenue, 450 feet
west, together with one hydrant along said
extension; therefore be it
Rr-SOLVED, that the said `utTestchester Joint Water
viorks, 'o. 11 be and it hereby is authorized and
directed to install said main, and hydrant, and
to charge the Logan of Yamaroneck, the actual
cost thereof, as ascertained and approved by the
Board of Trustees of N'dstchester Joint Water
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11 P. H.
Town Clerk