HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_09_27 Town Board Minutes 179 SPECIAL TMTTiTG OF Tl= JODYT TOU17, BOARD TOYFT OF I IAi I ROT:�•Ct, N. Y. held September 27th, 1828. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Howell and Leeds: Superintendent Of Highways Coles Tovm Clerk Sherman Also present at the meeting were Yr.. Frank Gagliardi,. Special Counsel and Itir. A. JT .mote, Engineer. HT. Foote reported that he had tabulated the bids for the Myrtle Avenue drainage improvement and presented his report which disclosed that Walter B. Freeman was the lowest bidder, his bid being for $48,314.30. 11r.. Foote also reported that he had tabulated the bids submitted for the improvertier_t of 7alley Road, Glenn Road and 1,Taplevrood Street, and for furnishing the drain pipe, and submitted his report thereon. The bids submitted for the extension of the drainage system were examined and considered at great length whereupon, Justice Boyd offered the folloting resolution for adoption: RESOLVED, that the bid of 1`'lalter B. Freeman for the improvement of Myrtle Avenue and Thompson Street by installing a storm water drain therein for the sum, of $48,,314.30, be and the same hereby is accepted and the contract for said improvement is hereby accordingly awarded to said Palter B. Freeman, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be requested to return to the unsuccessful- bidders for the work awarded to said Walt;er D. Freeman, their respective checks, and it is further RESOLVEDD, that Special Counsel be and hereby is authorized and requested to prepare and attend to the execution of a suitable contract for said work; and it is further RESOTVFD, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute such contract on behalf of the Town of Zramaroneak. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions z>>as put to a vote with the following results; Ayes: 6 No-e s: none The Supervisor declared that the resolutions were un imously an_ adopted. Judge Boyd moved that the Board proceed to consider the bids submitted for the improvement of Valley Road, Glenn Road and 1aplewood Street.. The Board proceeded to consider said bids and upon motion duly seconded, Mr.. Pabbri, one of the bidders was invited to appear before the Board. Yt. Fabbri appeared with his Engineer and answered various questions propounded to him by mer:bers of the Board with respect to various matters pertaining to his bid. After Mir. liabbri ivas excused, upon motion, duly seconded, .. Daniel B lac I?amee, Inc., was invited to appear before the Board, whereupon Daniel F.. Yac Namee, President of that Company, appeared and answered various questions propounded to hire by members of the Board. Mr. Mac Ramee was thereafter excused and it was suggested by Judge Deeds that before any adtion is taken on any of the bids submitted, Mr. Beckwith be interviewed in regard to his bid. tions Justice Hotivell offered for adoption the following resolu- : RESOLVFD, that the bid of Lock Joint Pipe Co. , be and the same hereby is accepted and that the contract for furnishing; the necessary storm water drain pipe for the Kyrtle Avenue improvement be and the same hereby is awarded to said Lock Joint Pipe Company; and it is further P,I•SOLVBD, that special counsel be and hereby is authorized and requested to prepare and procure the execution by the Lock Joint Pipe Company of a suitable contract; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and To�::rn Clerk be and hereby are empowered to execute on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck, said contract; and it is further RESOL172-D, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is- requested to return to the unsuccessful bidders their respective checks. The question of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote with the follotiving result: Ayes: 6 Noes: none �MIRETUPO2u, on mot-ion, duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned to September 29th, 1928. Toi; Clerk