HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_09_07 Town Board Minutes 165
TMi'M OF ::Tr h,%ROI;.�+aCK, lI. Y.
held September 7th, 1928.
Present: Justices Boyd, Collins, Howell and Leeds
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Town Clerk Sherman
There were also present TeIr. F. Y. Gagliardi, Special
Counsel, and Hr. A. J. Foote, Engineer.
in the absence of Supervisor Burton, it was regularly
moved and seconded, that Judge Boyd act as chairman, whereupon
Judge Boyd assumed the chair.
The Clerk stated that the meeting was called for the
purposd of acting upon the plans and specifications prepared by
A. J.. Foote for the extension of the drainage system from its
present outlet extending f r;,m the northerly side of property
owned by Daniel H. Lester to the northerly side of 2Vrtle Avenue,
thence westerly to Thompson Street, thence south along Thompson
Street to Laurel Avenue, thence easterly along Laurel Avenue to
a point distant 220 feet and thence southerly to property owned
by the iTew Yor'_ti, INew Haven & Hartford railroad Company and also
upon plans and specifications for the improvement of Valley Road,
Glenn Road and Hapl.ewoo.d Street.
ILr. Foote submitted plans and specifications for said
improvements and explained the same in great detail appointing
out, among, other things, certain conditions along the northerly
side of 1.7yrtle Avenue which necessitated the extension of the
present sanitary sewer system and suggested that when the plans
are approved he be authorized to submit that portion which applies
to the extension of the sewer system to the Board of Sewer Com-
missioners for their approval. He estimated the cost thereof at
the sum of Yp58,000.00.
After said plans were considered and discussion had in
connection therewith, and at which time, Clerk Sherman stated that
while he was in favor of the extension of the proposed storm water
drain, he objected to the installation of the drain through the
Lester Property without proper authorization.
Kr.. Coles thereupon recommended the approval of said
plans and specifications.
Whereupon Justice Leeds, offered for adoption the follo:srirg
RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications
prepared by A. J. Foote, engineer, and sub-
mitted to this Board for the extension of the
drainage system across property owned by
-- Daniel H. Lester to the northerly side of
LTyrtle Avenue, thence westerly along LVrtle
Avenue to its intersection with Thompson Street,
thence southerly along Thompson Street to
Laurel Avenue, thence easterly along Laurel
Avenue and thence southerly to property
owned by the liew Maven Railroad, I7e and the
same hereby are in all respec:�s approved;
and it is further
RESOL73D, that the engineer- be authorized
and requested to submit that portion of said
plans which provide for the extension of the
sanitary sewer system along Tiyrtle Avenue
to the Board of Sewer Coumnissioners of
Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of TT:anaroneck,
N. Y., for their approval; and be it further
16 7
KFSOLIM, that bids be received by this
Board on September 25th, 1928, until 8
o'clock, F� I.I. (daylight saving time)
and that Special Counsel be requested to
attend to the publication of the notice to
bidders in the Daily Times, in the Larchmont
Times and in the Engineering News Record,
as provided by lair.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote with the following result:
Ayes; 6
Noes; none
The resolutions were declared unanimously adopted.
Mr. Gagliardi reported that pursuant to instructions here-
tofore received by Supervisor Burton, he obtained from ?sir. and Iirs-
Daniel H. Lester an agreement conveying unto the Town of Mamaroneck
a perpetual easement to lay and maintain in their property located
on the northerly side of 11yrtle Avenue, in the Town of iianaroneck,,
a storm water drain pipe, and requested that the action of the
Supervisor in that respect be approved..
fir. Gagliardi also stated that the amount agreed upon
for said easement was $1,175.00.
Justice Howell thereupon offered for adoption the follow
ing resolution:
RESOLVED, that the action of the Supervisor
and Special Counsel in obtaining from Idr.. and
Urs. Daniel H. Lester 6,n easement thru their
property on the northerly side of Yyrtl.e Avenue
for the purpose of laying and maintaining
therein perpetually a storm water drain pipe in
connection with the extension of the drainage
system be and the same hereby is in all respects
approved; and be it further
RE-SOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorised and empowered
to e,,ecute said agreement on behalf of the Town
of Yamiaroneck, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is
authorized and empowered to pay Ur. and Tars.
Daniel Lester the sum of JI1 175.00,. the con-
sideration agreed upon for said easement, upon
their filing a verified claim and as soon as
the money is made available for that purpose..
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote with the following result:
Ayes: 6
_.._ Noes none
The resolutions were declared unanimously ado,-9ted.
The Engineer's estimate, plans and specifications for the
improvement of Valley Road, Glenn Road and Maplewood Street were
considered and discussed and Mr.. Coles recommended that they be
Whereupon Justice Leeds offered for adoption the following
RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications
prepared and submitted by A. J. Foote, engineer,;
for the improvement of Valley Road, Glenn Road
and Haplewood Street, be and the same hereby a.re
in all respects approved; subject however to the
approval of Charles He Donald, County
Engineer; and be it further
RESOLVED,- that bids for said improvement
be received by this Board at a meeting to
be held on September 25th,. 1928., up to 8.
o'clock P. hr. , (daylight saving time) and
that Special Counsel be requested to prepare
a suitable notice to bidders and attend to:
the publication thereof in the yarchrmont
Times,. Daily Times and in the Engineering
Yews Record, as required by law.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resoluti(n
was put to a vote with the following result:
Ayes: 6:
Does: none
The resolutions were declared unanimously adopted.
Upon motion, duly made by Judge Howell, seconded by
Judge Deeds, it was
R"TSOLVEED, that Special Counsel be directed
to cause to be served upon the owners o-f
property fronting on Valley Road, G1em Road
and Haplewood Street, where no house connections
have been laid, a proper notice requiring them
to install gaa and %;rater house connections with-
in ten (10). days after the service of such notice
upon failure of which the same would be installed
by the Town and have the cost thereof assessed
against their respective properties.
A vote waz taken upon the above resolution with the
following result:
Ayes: 6
Noes: none
The resolution was declared unanimously adopted.
There being no further business,, upon motion, duly
made and seconded, the meeting teas declared adjourned.
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