HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_08_01 Town Board Minutes (2) 153
T0`011, OF `.'_. ir_g01T 'CK, f. Y.
held August 1st, 1928.
The meeting- was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9 P. V.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Collins, Hoiaell and Leeds
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Clerk She-gin
Counsellor Gamble
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
The Supervisor stated that the Board would hear the
persons present who desired to speak in connection ivith the grant-
ing of a consent to the operation of buses on 11ama.roneck Avenue
in the Town of 1�amaroneck, pursuant to the application heretofore
made by the Westchester Street Transportation Company, Inc.
Er. Hinckley, representing the Harbor Heights-Riverdale
Park-:damaroneck i_nolls Association,. spoke in favor of the granting
of the consent.
Mr. Stilwell, representing the Chamber of Commerce of
the Village of Lamaroneck, also spoke.
1:ir. William B. Lyons, Jr., addressed the Board and
urged the granting of the consent upon, however, proper terms and
restrictions which would preserve the rights of the Town of YSamaraa-
eck in connection with the franchise claimed by the Westchester
Street Transportation Company, Inc.
The following also spoke: Messrs. Stern and Smith
After discussion, Supervisor Burton outlined ;"he situa-
tion from the standpoint of the Town officials and started that the
Town Board had at all tides been willing to grant a .consent to the
operation of buses upon Kamaroneck Avenue but that they did not
desire to take any action_ which could in any uay be construed as a
validation of the franchise claimed by the Transportation Company.
He asked Counsel. to report upon the conferences held
with the officials of the Third Avenue: RailT,.,ay System..
Counsel reported that he had had certain interviews but
that the Rail:ray Company had now withdrawn one of the terms of the
previous consent,. to wit, that it be granted fox a five year period
and demanded that the same be granted for an indefinite period.
Mr. Stilwell suggested that the matter be referred to
the Supervisor and Counsel to continue negotiations, together with
a representative of the people.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
FY,SOLVI'D, tiat the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
appoint a Committee of three menbers of the
Town Board of which he shall be Chairman,
together with Counsel, to confer with the
officials of the Third Avenue, Rail::ay
Company regarding the matter of granting
consent to the operation of buses on
H-imaroneek 1venue.
Supervisor Burton thereupon appointed Justices Leeds
and Collins tort with himself and Counsel.
The delegation present requested that it be allowed
to appoint Hr. Hinckley and Er. gilliam 3. Lyon, Jr.., to confer
with the Committee,. The Supervisor stated that the Committee
would be very glad to have them confer with it. Ile directed
Counsel to arrange an appointment with the officials of the
Third Avenue Railway Company at as early a date as possible.
Yir. Emil Zvirin appeared before the Hoard on 'behalf of
Hr Yercada.nte and requested the erection of street signs in Laple
Zhe matter was referred to the committee ors street signs
with power.
The following resolution was presented and unanimously
VU=REAS, the congestion and unprecedented
traffic on the Boston Post Road is causing
inconvenience to our community and should
be immediately relieved; and
Ci-7-FTFAS, the reconstruction and widening of
the Boston Post Road now proposed and planned
for the summer of 1928 from Pelham to Rye will
only tend to increase: the present unfavorable
traffic situation in and through said municipal-
ities, therefore be it
RF33QL=t , that in order to relieve the afore-
R.aid traffic and resulting; congestion through-
out our community, the 'Westchester County Park-
way Conn- ission is hereby urged to immediately
request the Board of Supervisors of ffestchezter
CountNr for the necessary appropriations for
acquiring the properties and the construction
of the Pelham-Port Chester Parkway from the
intersection of the present exit from Playland
on the Boston Post Road in the Village of Rye
to Rochelle Park in the City of s?ear Rochelle
and thence through Rochelle Park, Manor Place and
'ainyah Avenue to Bergholz Lake in the City of
New Rochelle.
Justice Leeds offered for adoption the following resol-
RESOLVM, that County Engineer Lac Donald be
requested to draw and prepare and submit to
this Board at iris earliest convenience, suit-
able plans and specifications for the construct-
ion of West.Irrtle Avenue between Chatsworth
Avenue ors the east and Kadison avenue on the
west, in the Town of Eamaroneck, Few York.
The auestion of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was put to a vote with the following result:
Ayes: 5
voes: none
A communication together with a copy of a resolution was
received frora the 'Westchester County Park Commission recommending
certain zoning regulations in regard to apartment buildings to be
erected, abutting on Park and Parkway property.
The cormunication together with the resolution was
ordered received, placed on file and referred to Counsel for
The Clerk presented a- resolution-together with the Super-
intendent's estimate in the sum of X3,044.64 for the installation
of 900 feet of 6 inch distribution main on Hillerest Lvenue, from
`leaver Street to the end of the existing main, east of Judsor_ Street,
— including; dne hydrant along said e-xtension.
The resolution together with the Superintendent's
estimate were ordered received and placed on file.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, 14'111TRZAS, the Board of Trustees of the
Westchester Joint 'tiater Worms, 'No. 1, has submit-
ted an estimate in the sum of ;3,044.64 as the
cost of installing 900 feet of 6 inch distribu-
tion main on Hillcrest bvenue, from cleaver Street
to the end of the existing main, east of Judson
Street, including one hydrant along said exten-
sion, therefore be it
RTSCLVED, that the said Westcl-ester Joint udater
Works, Yo. 1, be and it hereby is authorized
and requested to install said main and 'hydrant
and to charge the town of Hama.roneck the me tual
cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the
Board of Trustees of the said Westchester Joint
Water Worhs, tTo. 1.
The Clerk presented a resolution together with the Super-
invtendentts estimate in the sum of $21,334.91, for the installation
of 4,400 feet of 8 inch water main on Fenimore Road, from the
Village line to the Lawson property, together with 9 hydrants
along said extension.
The resolution together with the Superintendent's
estimate were ordered received and placed on file.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it. was
FESOLVBD,. 'B=AS, the Board of Trustees of the
Westchester Joint ;later ''`Forks, No. 1, has submit-
ted an estimate in the sum of X21,334.91, as the
cost of installing 4,400 feet of a inch water main
on Fenimore Road, from the 'Tillage Line to the
Lawson property, together with 9 hydrants along
said extension, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the said Westchester Toint eater
Forks, iTo. 1, be and it hereby is requested to
install for the Town of HamaroneEk 'said main ,
and to charge the Town of 11famaroneck, the actual
cost thereof, as ascertained and approved by
the 3oard of Trustees of said Westchester Joint
Water Works, iTol.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P. LI.
Tit r Clerk