HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_07_11 Town Board Minutes (2) X97 ILm-7TII%Tr,T OP = TCTITT TC7,Y Ba=, T91'177 OP y. y. 'Ie'ld 1S28. In 'he absence 0. the S7a7,er�;-iscrg the -_--aceting 3ailled to "by Tust-_-�e Z'C- e t,r T-Us tices Boyd, Havel; and Leeds. S e r,ter,cl e m t Higm-,Fays CC7.� Ori- it v0ted 'a dis--pense :,7.'Lth th.s 10 Meetil'IE;e -Ot 37e+ 2.1M 1 7 T-a:7s= "Is-fore ha, Boa equez.ed LII q, .e- _r,� -1 + a, a oa a,1.dD,pd c^.,Uthc)�-izing in S,-- t .,z 011 Fer-IMO-re, Road. U_' 0 � - t"16 Of the Supe-rintendcn', Of HIgh- 7,v,,Ys, it vaz -upon no"z-On d-,7L-, second��d and, -n-con rol-, cuiS7- thle s t Clle 5te r Light-i--r.- Comnpany b= and hc!'E�7�y is d e P-'ed t ilIPtaI2 for the To-,,-m v off Xa_n.a­,:n o,K. e the emu-p,--z-visi oil ani J_z c, t1le -Ie 0 o-L __ SUP C.P. in- -zliliten'e-at. of Hi,gl�-,uay— +­ T- c lights, comr, a nejjolj,�jg t t1le Tovrm, Ira M�3m, sc'z., and Tii*_T_�.c-e Cf Elrm:fcrze��k �L�I 7)CUMU-- ti-1 alomng Fer.11nore Rcp-.d to j, c dory thE Tc--vn of 0 f S c a,i:s d al e If.-ne se-..._wren 6.0 C.P. i`_,10'andescent, 4 JTU S e 7 E�e_d ­7--rted taat he hac! met t,-,P- SL,,-�)S azid had �,-_sc!_,ssed t1ae cf, cons t_mc n�� additior-a-7 storm "cz, and he --ecc2rmend-d th��,t �_,n _=n,;Zi­ex, be i�z-_,,pl.-Dyed d r v; a n s j c�,¢'I.'c n-1 f v cfi SideWa,11—,"s r.� ,0 Set= Oc'--m s tons vall=y Road, ch-MI-s-.vOrth- a.-nd Glen RoF-d. Aft-y CC ,I ide-vation, it U-Com mction d u 2econdzd, RE-SOT-77D2 th-a,+1 t-he Sr--pe_-r­,`Lsoi2 ';.nd of Hilglimray�� be a-,nd th`�" `_.=reby auth- QI:iZed a_nd cl:�.a-r.,, -7C.r -M]�`oy an emgimeer on C.f o-r-M s drailMage sYst-_=,- an."; thc D If r 0 a d a y s a s e s r S t, C v C _:i -E-L c = E A v c-:nue. ey Road, Cha z-,,,c rt'_a A 5u, and Glcza ROE d Sn= p_a Same to t`ais Bcard i ta c cms f _--ati con. e sci- h" -, r:att- jZI_ C-1 Of S-�r= ,h c- Ne"u, Have- road 27a Asa Tj��Czl �actiot d-ul-Y it, F ",I �TT 9 017713D t th L e:-7i s r, in' er-t of Hi�h-aaays 7--e an- nd or- 4 _Zed Ild �c emn'by ar Io --Cj . I.--,I the of a, ��raJ"F.Fe f-_-cri -the ha y_ _ Hartfor,.,,. 129 Tu5 tic e I-e ks Ord= tI?___ In = cM1i lx lei_:: R,scx.E` ta' ? n yIn t _u, iC Of _ ° =^C°�ct_o_< fc D_ rl� t tCa date RESOLVED, ¢=. t-,"- be arm ?;c- '.:i1'Vr _ti .'.tJ.'�__ �" �rC. ; S�wiy_. e_nA Svr,Er;._° :. ccnn-ma= ...'';.=.C.r- fi0 i.I =7�t _s n....a - 'o _._ y J"' T'.C, Cv_..�_-r;-' - `:Ia:ed oil �'w- �•,^.�. ,-'"o the v_ �ntendent- Of -for the4, _M 0,02M ra_ vi��_tion from M=® G. I-T. G_e_crrva 1, t ,a0 .C.._ _. -,. °� .'. W Wv` � CC ':Ll .:i::Y? Of t 2 sidewalk +S'C�..i Cai �2oS p o _rtJ tc:.� +r34� '�.r+0-',i°at.' tc.TM_L?Eo `'?':2 .,.., .'JJ:1°' H _.^ez fr-cr: the w t i on,a '.'..L �,.:'-... i...A� '� -T7�3` of o I r+- 'd -rock�JY:. 1. '.,i.i _In v G(1 yam:.".y.�G the 0171, referred to +hz .rare ��^ R Km re-ai- e' o lr C r it UZIJ r +i C re r sn -v- flaoe � _r.,i;'i Lr-aa .. 1. .. vv s.-.. - ... _x c...-_i .. aT�'C'^ <•,.J*� mac» [' -:�.t1 Cv.,,w �i S WcCc� e Ev. �+ 2E v 7rJ t _3 4 + t•�1 � r.. i• i _e A c- cc - - Pc t Roc4 rlswc __En ` 8tinG w TheE.trej Id_ g 1,a on c s day Of h ZI F,— LC f tl-e yea- tiZs m^_ht was nd _ RE S OL.7,7_1M= -...,,rcrn rz,AzA o. 1:. 4h,8 A H CC'Ur,i SJ. :a�it�E1^C v ..ii8.�',::m TI- Lie s 7i the t �,^�� s`'''ic ±f' ^++ 4:a t E OL_i2 ;C, ° _f ?vv- -=V n� E_�y �cr S, Cc 1-- e .,,.. .'v,.,:o :S'•f'ca�:.._.r....o ° sit v ., w10resa7 131 g5 Lcr cf S t 4 c f t-'�G T o B t -ays cf. of H J=a-�on- 1,,Z to dedi,��-atc -an�i t e f c tHi, iy, i t h v.s e n a T -Ol:tic�ns t.'L'--=-----cf T ; z-- 7-7 Ci tla-n Tc�,-,--n. U-13 a-zi,22, h-c:�,elcy doe-- anc--]�,L c:a cs T07-- a'o ecL roads 2 s + c n,I Gaard-n las z t,�a To c., ty _z Ha. '5 1 E 2 S Tv'�7� o 5:1 d s i cn !\T,3 I -a-,a.-1,- 2, t i-- cf c May� NT 24 G 0 r Sa4,� a �- 1,j z a S C_ C� cl' Rcad h T rD Y 7 7 2C R-af, A 7 1 1 4 JT,�rt-- B"C-.DI7 a,nd z.._.:__ O.n s i S -�7� e S f az G-, Z�r, saia to !-,,e aa L-y Rcad a's zL- Z-t b-� B7 a- Garf,�n Rcad a�i 7." • che-l'y str�.e on orth. lb-, Blccl-1 133 'bS� ll-ae -=as ra nc'-�� c--n e d t 0 B's 'c 7, 3 c h c co 5. All z -- ✓ !Ssiatic--r c-" ',,--e 3�7 D-rive --rl:-1 Blocir C-n the 7,-Iy T- i n s c, a.._ t:3 B'_- 15 J e a Of n,u h 7 Blcol: f15. C.-y_ r-n r -zn -h- y, -i'�2,0; cn --h-m no-r Stoney sia2 D r I e 4-,-21; o-r s uth- G --f- A F-S �-: z o..t',. L + Road 4-20 A-I I th,�t sm-ctimn of th, S r s t ^^,� e =aid =,z as Lit-t-- R---.,' --und a-s CM th-- ly 7 Cf B- 2.— de -he e c'f :B 1c,c 2 n th e e s: G-2_3 f B=ra z=.ct-`, 0,-- t'ne a On aa B c,-- H' 7 Road a,n2L Bl�cl, -1-3 + f a ,y 1 J.n c vh c H L d Ric:,.,. 9,n a _P;h c, aS ia cc-- �ir sec of tae zt:.-_et rl:��-a. Said, 'CC aS 7 S Cr, B 7 c 2 c z.�l'_he 1;-1:- Hi 7-7 tL a e c 0— o 2 w_se t C,i a- c-,j n� s 0 c R ar. ca- --d -.-, -,n -o +o 72 -k�=- a= S- t-,ac 1_18; c-n the scu-th by G�,::-"�en t n- z3,-'--- -,,s 'c'ZD-um a d a� fc"cws* cn the Rcaft, L37-�„cL, a---d Hiclrc-ry -------------- 135 Dri7e; on W north !�y i-15; �,n the sa-,-zt f of F. Pa'-�rner; an�- now or forlarlY of Lillic M. Palmer; on the south ing e a s t-,,ard: f rom Lake 15. All that certain zection of sti-eet or as slio-un On Su la Map to be bounded ao folic-v.Ts: on the -:-est by Block 425; or, the rcith 7oy Block -,125; on the eest b:r Bl-jcic 42,1 �uad the eastn=ly lire of lands desiSnatc-�� Gar'-�ns on said -rna]�; on the scuth by 1% All 'Eat certain s�cticn of designated on said Y, -,-- as East D---iye and oxi zaia to ,.,e on, tne �est by Bloch 00! 7e5t Brookside Drivs, the ]�ark MaWd "Reserved" —i, g BjOcr nd B' Ir 429 sma the brook flw,in�; f:=, Colonial t-, Valley Lake; on t-.-.c nc�rth by Val--"�;5, Btre2m Road, Block 131 and BIccL -�2,M; c,�, t-s s.�i,",,th j�y the frc'La Golonial Par-17 to Valley Late- j?, All that ce-tG'i:r� S!�Ctic-j Cf tz-Lc ��treet or roaf designatel an sai-,�' ass Stx,zej and shown on said nay to he honmuss as fvlhyr : to. tin �e2t by Block A!; on the ro-rth -�-y Myrtle ; cra tin east by Bloch 402i on the zo-uth 'by Harrmon Drif-,re� -is. All 12az cs--'tzi'n of land lying :..n B- lz 2 Lo�- '-'ZO deEignated o-n seed L-,z,.y as and o-n sa' . ynanp Itc be cs on the ons• by ths easterly line of L��t!!, tiae nort.-.erly line of lct Z, th�,� n3rt`--,,erly line of Lot a azid the zastc:-IY line of !at 24; on thz --ct'l by East Brook— waa Drivz; on the east by East Bj-oo,,-2i,:je j)-ive; or tht, Ezuth lby '-Iest Brock5ide D---ivz; 11, All that certain. pa--cel of n and sho-.,.--n cr-� to 1"e lcc' de�. as f�-I'llows. on th-e -,-7,rejt Icy Iest Brco'-, siae Drivc ; cn East he north by ''est Drive and East Brvo'----side Drive on, the east hy East D 7 en-� Test B-,-ocks-L�e Drive; on the south b,,, '7est B�ocL-s:'Lde D--ive� 20, All that cartain pa:-oel cf llan�I desf-Snat�i an n.a]p lying between, Blocks 4o4,4o6 and 107s and shown on said a,a.-p to "Ice bo,,�zjded as on the 7--,y B-rcohsido - ncrth by West Brookside Dri e and East on the East by B-ro-cTcsioLc D--i-;e �.na Hickory Grove Drive; on tt:iz co-,.;th by Grove Dliye. 21. All Qat paroE�! of land 1,yin2� in 4-041 deEQnated on said ::IF-p as Falls and on lto- a2d -�s Falls R,,a, Palmer La.�.e anc� H or G--- ,e: Drive; ly the westarly lite of lot I --,-'e'sterly ITine of ��S, J-n Block 4104., C!'! the 5-o----t'n lla''z Side D-iec n"! Falls Road. - AI- 2 2 L 1-1ae.-, ccrtaim �parcel of land designat o,- , 7 sai6- may E's "Promosed Station", and shown on szid =1 to Ve on tha -zvest lry Bloch en the nc�2th by Ha=2on Drive, on the east Block 408; on the south by the of 77a�i of YI Y c--,-1:, INT w Ha--T e 2a & HL---,t_..rd R a i I r c e L cI 137 23- 1 t c e n 'n a rc, 0--- I all f --r- n he e P� -2 C,r ac�_--osz, 4ME of CO! -3 hi, 43 13 P_n ce f I r a f� B I i ff R c Z a t-a'l-lace 'ai-n -flo- g aoross F.E�zt 13�, Di^i7e and -.a_rtly aorl-ss tln,_ Pa2lic -7e _C�ck 43C. tc thE 'Urctlon 0- a5t Drf and Test, Brcjc'R:sif:e t7aence flo­fmg '2-ast B:�col:slde D--17-C we��+ B_ D--,----7c- . -cc�_� - thc Par` --mark-ed, -tet-,-izen a:-1D y". % �22 ana, 31.Go!: �Sl to {p 7 ey Lal��_ bje�. of th-s 'n�_ooL- fl, ­4 thz j F 7 1 n c s o f Va I e_,, --y Road Y Va E y S R o- Ir t_ V a 7 7, Lal, 2,5. All that certain -parc�_i of 1 ana 1-yin, i-, t h 7a ej Of 'T ,ats7, on szicl as Val_-_,�y La-1:e Sala �Mlll to 1�8 bou-nde,_5 -az on hz t 'cv, East BrooL-sl. D-,i rc aj:�d Va,-;-Tey th V�71�y Strearn, Rc,- ,,. aS _T.:1?`--s` B C,", 4 e Dj-i-,,e; ol-, ;zo-jt-­ b-J, Z A----" -C rcell of 2-and ':.,ynL,; h- brock -Y lake , :-st Bi-ools Drive Eav t -;46 rive� acrosa thle Parl� bcun5e,�' by 'West. -c I - le D - . - 13� �O�c 2 icl�� Dr-i ve, East Brco4:2 icle :)_-iTe Y Grove Dri­.,c, ac,--oss Hicll,-.o},-, G-_,c Dri-;e, S—orcss. the pa-_-lz on --aJid reia­ P�,17z Pa,:��, e�nd across in.-C La_:e 81.,_eld:�ake. 27. .t1 '. that ' I: m ID -:e= Y L", crc!3s L� e BLoolk Roacl to the -,:,e.stlsr,_Y 1--cund'a-2y 0- a'—m s_ 0�: --P Lei was— -Y 2D S Al'_, cc:7�,ai_n -a !y4n L'I B! cm sad ma-f) as ll*D`ght of -.,,ay'w d shcvm_ on zaicl may -)a bolzide s f31-1ws on 7c .2,21 2-11,; on - h� ncrth lby Pa3 6i, L_­ne; or, -h tl-le lboundlary 11"zi-s uf 1-c-, 25 and, f lot 71.�. B...,.-- 4 1 de 0-n F_JQ_ aS tr rm-Ser'.Te" s.Y1d znci,m on 37�ap t�, be bo-urldeli zz follcnvz, Big- at a �pcilrt tlas northerly side cf by tlae 1.westsrl,�,- e D 7 C' c t=u ab v ,_,ntJcned rlaj ; t a�e ice h- c,n 5t in -n.t n e __:S E _,26.22- -lee t- to thz lihe cf ot _75; t'n e n c e --e E I--_- a.1 0 the "ast il�mtlomeJ l4no 5,0.44 1=Ge L I - __ — - 4­- -pnd la:Za r2._1 r fo, cu the n,=7-i of j�hri Pa.L.-Me .- C, , s c-0.tln 3 1 ­e r e cs s a�;2, 2_,,,. 8 __--�; !-�0 0 PlIae I. T6. t",_-n:"Q e;a s t e i,ly 0 Z cr ...c r t'e­l -`,e of" Pa_::le:­ Lane th b, 71" t si--cmn Cr. a..... be 7-Q 7C-.r a e d a,: I-,-e �,�e lo y _ St cf 0- ana �Df �.O 5 U� _ 6 ­ St:f­_a.= Roaa; or the v.o r t'"­ by la-n` nc)-,,., o-- hnc-;,m, s-s C c I c n i a a:,k on f c ea8t tea,- "84in'r Vz.. I aS '- ma—L, 139 Sh-_,,,m on .a.id malp to be 1- p e r ,Ir-eL F C-,-,r s t Or the et lb-�, t 5 t , _LY �_nl?z Gf lo-llz 1_anc� -l", 424; on th.a rjorti-, by p e o in t"S =as:- 7, 1 v mo;r on Maid C_ r7l, _­_z � az larch- maa]p; c:74 the s b-,,- I i:...+v Farms Ro od =- 1, P-1130171-17-M.-, tla-a e a a.a'd ayz G1^ -oor th,e r c C f,, b e the n. H' ay s l v it f 0-_-,esa,i_2 deeds and �_-ellaasn S; Fjj� R7SOLV71-D, t-,e s,�j� 't Hi h- S P17-thorized and- ei 10 —ecute an, :,:,eccr _er..S ol� - Lzm- a:�e ­=cessai��., acoc�­jr�E o 1w.,., to To a L tl_tle G n i n s a I s t r c e+1 s ana 11c br-in'- b - __ SuI ­Sclut-loms int3 the T--wn of II[aziar=00— s 7 , �_, loe kept sa�'� "'6 clm �C-1- nY turs or charat-__ v,-hatsocre: i '!ip7 I S C_• n-isnz e froi2i -Lh-- of t,_,e aO-ceza_;�. Dues icii 7o to e c n the -fore g0 J-1 r-,,;-, 're 2 C; -u. r. aeclzizecl ac'oaated aftle-l- 'lh-, MU 2 S r- c s 1 4 Not v a otinE: 7'ne Board, th-en conz­dered, the of a, C,_,unty pri y E,-nd aftE_� 'aum_ d -Y secona�_GL FESOM T,D , 71=7­137 t--., Bo��.r�, o- &:-F q,,so--s C"-L=ty L ca� -Lcl', �ct' authe:-ize� the G,m.ty eads 40intly by "Le GC a ty an,!� To,­n of e::7T�Se :.z ':^ t4 in, `.,he- ­u 17 ldir.�z �lf the Cc- ty T',-7,a d s .,he 'o-,z ,-av 501 C,_, t',,- 3 L,S+, -Onstructi-_- a _�nf, Q"?aed conoretc �_�vslze-_t Ze feet In v;idth,- th-e the road, is 1-0'cated, lre t3 ipay the `-lance of t-e cj-_�- of CO �a Liccl s��"C_UOZ: a-d tlle ccst fcr a"-y a al c . =--,-­4 41 L_1 0 v I a-L t 10 1 rf.Sh t d f c 0 r,z 2 t i o-r- 'T F—TAS-. FE�-_-:.more Rc--d loet7�,- .of the V.-L:.:_-Ee of to Gri7,77f�'_ to wez=c_�- str ;t• bE,_rig a s Counlwy Hlzh,qay lio 16,'5) on thf 8 .cn:tl-_ ;;ter s,i- T,:,r_n f a length c- a_P!,1'G7l lz�,-ru -,y Ma e 1,Y M,I s c ci tee::d F, Cc, ke an c r tan-11 c on-e t1i mg I inh; anol, wr the To Board b,e -L- c- th' ro ad c _4 r,J e n -ooitanc�� 11-c z o -uf-1 . ,t in- _-d in FMSCL=l 'that, ,he Bca Al f z iDf the W =-, O*-ez�-,a_ ,, �_ ­ _o e 4, ,- _0r Q0 Z t a-__7 C Z! a„. a Col=, `ly -'Ga. 141 Fp-ri inore Roy,-' ­4 I-e it T f f bl-� acticn, --ne jjj 4wy Co- C'OnO'St 'v?.7eiaenz 3S' feet 4-,,a c- --rely to C-�-�t Of suic'a —y holaf th- acu'a",ty se- of Srac�e a-nd, maj:n-'a t:,a-e a Fdo-ot- cm of t'nea rs5clut1cnsg the ]�-O--Ezde' P-ZeCT)4-- + sane U-0 0 r. inc t-i c r. t I.:.e c t-i r. f -arn ed a+1 10-4 0. 7� M. X�4