HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_06_28 Town Board Minutes 123 S7701_y,! ITTEYTING OF TIM TOTITT TTIFIT B0zkR­D =M OF 11-1-MLRO-IMCK, N-7-7 YORK ,held j=e 27, 1928. TIne ,meeting ias lled to ora'e7-, by Supervisor Lurton at .Y-26 sen 817,CC-r72.SC:: 15-Urton _e Tawn Clerz Shc-nr� co=S e 7 1.3 r Gambl The fo-71c win-- resolution <7az offered" by justice Leeds y ru 'ice Ho-�,yell d. s e c o nd-3 d 11, s LI RESCIVED, ="'�DAAS, 'f he !ovm of kame.--one ck, by resolutil -on of -it-- •o-:im zcard; adloptea at e, :meet-Jn_��-, of said iioarf4;, -_`uly call-ad and Ineld mzrah 2, 1927:, ogle its CO2ISert I* Uo-u t Trans.o�?tatior_ t;omimanyv Inc. to or_ebate buses crer the routles therein named; p-lard ,jUTRILILS; Uolma%- zz-an_-oortation- Qomp;,:Lny, Inc­ has ai.ip-_clied' to this board for an :ad-ditional _"oute from the -,,­�esteriy bound a- line betmjveen the villlaSe of 4 Lar-,-Imomt and the To-vm aroneck on the zortam rose Road. -hence along said Boston Post Road in a 7 - il -__17 b r ,T�e,,-Zteri-y direct�c.n to the �7undary IJ-re bet,,:,-�eri the o-f_ im=_-5:-oner;k ana t1re Uity off iiev,.T Rochelie on the boston cost ktoad� being part cf` a 1_1J3U te f_rom a temimis in the (Aty of :mew kcoclhelle c Dean Aare, to be c-perated as -cart of the m—ain �4 On �;Cr 1-*- j)any., i:� Lna o1l' fjoanty irans-port-a - to Stamfona, umnecticut; and VnMREALS, afte-r no tics -,ublislaed pa -p-L:-blic hearing he-_-; by the said I:SoarO of the x of laamaxroneck on the 21th day of june, 1928, and lazi&HEAS, at said -oublic heari-mg tIne citizems thersby azsez --d were In fa-vor of gran­'i_- said consent fc:2 sa,,id additional routc, nov,, "Inerefoxe 'be it IRZ.SOLVED, t'-,I at tlac To vin Board of t1he Told of mammaron- ec:cs� by -Lirt---e :,f thz and au.th0"_J_t-y 7eSt-ed in it, by sifoliect purs,,la.,2t to t'-he provi.5ions of Section 67, of the Trai�,sf� tlat.-;.on Coz-poxations Lavj, consents that the Said Co-umty TziansL ortation Comr,�3.an%,, 7 ntain and C�Oerate motor buses or omnibu;es r Y Mall �, - the trap s:)ortation of and -,i7o- -rty . ca-rried. by sa-Lft n-,assenIc"ers for hi-re, ing upon., along and across the following named, street, a-, eg enu or ??= .a 4 V - n of ampro eo',< C-- From th,5 and- pa_rtioular�-177 de oj,,'Oe- IS f 17, S 7_ 1­­­1 - --y line; bet--ween the Villa�c- of Larc'_- mo,nt and the To-v.,_q o-f ma=::wcnar� r_, e Boston post Roacl (the -pcint of Intersection of the 7esb ide o ear Place -wi+h sa 1 ki Bo s tom Po st Road) ; t-hence a'or� ­ I dirp-otion, � - sa" Boston Post Roar,, to 'he ,easterly bo'=da��y 14-= bet,,,reen th= To-,-,-n f and the City of New Rochelle on the Bost_-,on Post Rca�., retu-rming -ia samme -_-Qute, a pro iate dis- tance 13CC feet, b�zin- part of a ro,,,zt,� 2-om a ter.--I- inms in tlne C_fty of Nevv Rochelle to Es,ird Deana :Place, to be operated as 11-art of the p:,�szrnt ma of Cc- ty Transp o 1-tat ior, Co=an--, , i o. to be r,,2_n from City of New Roohelle to Starafozd, Connecticut, b4 � I 'n i us r e t, h,o-�-;e 7,- t c a I I p-1-o v-�5 4 Q n s t o 125 C- t e 2�2n Z2e n,1 4 a ,1 4,e 4 1:�, d th 1— -n , colnz �t he�-re tofc-.-e Eivon b-.1- sz:tid nl Y r r O e 0 h, a+4 On Cc-r.-�jaiay, Inc, by re�50- --o,ticn of this Tolzri Board, adoptedl at a ms t-f;�-n of said Board- held on IL-roh 2, 7927�, al! i,h-- sa=me foy-,ce and sfffeot. aA if sai'6 st-rr l., c.`. ,riie Qr —m5rec,'c 7,ereina: v-ve men'ioncd"g nic'u-aed Jm t e aforssaid, consen ;�.nd .:�Paia h-dl � c!:��azeiatl is hereby ammended so as t.- ir-c-lude 'ZIhe-re-fr- as an add.-it-ional Toute the stl-reet, a-venue cr 'alic-a- 7----y cz-- --Dc-Y-ticn mentioned and dez;c--r-ilbFdz and, lbe it fu:-ther STY' y that t-nw CDum` Company, In 41 f02 t--an a.-L,.0 _ton. C'f '2a S en G rz 'n the City Cf Yew ROC^-'e'le any rohlt -,itlhin as Town Of 3-1-azronecL- w st of Tea7er Street., she Villa-ge of la31-Lmont t"-rlin aaid- To,.-a of ,m cr �'lhe :ice oug h route 'here-ln design,ated a rate cf, fzar-a irz, e:<:cess of glen cen-,�s (10�? m- Ll -L-'- furtlle52 POSCINEV, that -0:?0-ided -z:,. -tl"a aforesaid consent, that tranuffe--s sh-all, 'he to cr from, the cars .nil ITE:, Y✓_6k & Stlamfoxrdl Rall:i:ay Coz:pamy, such pro-�J-z5ion,�s shall apply to the 'n-, �l -- �z�� - - I - a C z I,, r em s� -,n 11 e,;, o f ��a� - , whethzr ol)eratledl lew Yo W'- a_., Ra-Jlv?ay Cc:,PApa.-a-7 cf- -y CcL;--n'.y Ccmpanjr, In�;. The -being talcen --r n 1. resol, I-O .L -n, czllg adoy)ts,� T1 7-a Clerlt 1dm;s`en'Gr;d an estim- at.'s r n.r the BAG c•f Tr-as-ts,es Icil"It, 7,7ate%l IYor:yzp ITc. 1, in the "R,4± ',he. t J f 13 IV -fG e o a i S tom?N 1j.tl i On ma n C,P, Ho--z r A7e mu e t5 fee" �Dn By r oz: La z: 25 e e t or, Dim tr i Av enue, azacd o7- --e r-v--4,c�e D ip e �c rm c t-i c n,z 0 c m1p C IL e to c,,�Tb The yztimate o::Aere�� Tecej-cmd &�cj� I - '- _yon le. P-ESCl77Y.rD. 7.`,,7lT73AS The -Boar of Truss tl,�-e-z- c--F' the 7 Joint 7,='ks, Fc. 1, had sub- --4tted . s2t-Imatte he zuum, of as -le cost. of imstzl--Ung 13220 feet of 61' distrilb- On 25 Byron 2u l'sc-:t- on D 4 L_ trl Avenue, and 81 se"vice connections completle to curb 'boxes, thereu-p--pe 'oe -it -P2 So=, +h a t th e z z d W e s t c h e s t E r To Ln a e r IT C. 1, '�-e is aut and, re CZ,-ze z t ed to inatall said Luains ard serv,-Lae con- n-ectiomls and to cinarge "he To-,,-n of Yf--�.,AroneQlr the actual Cost thsreef c,s ascel-tained arld F-`,)-Cr07C-d. "by the Boa; of T�urt=-��s of, thp- `.'lastchester Joint Wo--lcs Yo. 1, ]��o-v-ided h-.nve7e-- that Ul�c trenchair ficr the alcove. m.^.'.N. t, n s a t-l-le lla-ple Hills Coo-p=„ LT,-,on r-:c tion, elht n_-etijjr: at 4-:25 P. Y.