HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_06_20 Town Board Minutes (2) 121
TOU.-JIT 0-2 11, ROI CK, 171. Y.
- held June 20th-, 1928.
The meet-Jr.-c- called to order by Su-pervilsor Bur,=
-,I P. I.E.
Present: Supe---visor Burto,-,
l'ustices Coll-ins, and Leeds
Clerk She rrian
coumsellor Gamble
UDQn mot-ion, duly Esecond=.d, it -:vras noted to dispense
,,- th the reading of the minntes o- nieet._Jng3 not yet, ._.:p-,Dro^:ed®
Yr- BendE-_ aP_Peareczl before the Board and spoke in
_elatl'or_ t� the 0 4 1 j_n ;
of Yorth CImIwsv,2-_th He a?so
the ad7risab'M tY - ___ I I
of ecting catch basir. screens for
the stc:.-mm -.vate-1, drairl.
After discussion thes-= mat-ters -,,.vere refcrred to the
SvfZrinti-malent of High-,.7,ays..
Sax-rael De Veau a-o,-,ear_-d befo_-z the Board and Sic ;u
rela,tirlg to the cond4t-'Oft
CT Dean Place. He as-ed arhat aid the
TI'o',wn. Board could give hi:mn -,n re,�alrir_S t1le street -,-vhich is in
.!,aahmont Vi I lage.
After d i s ou s-s i o n, i t ?.,j a z- 1 z n m,o+_i on I du!y s c 0 n d e d
that a co.rrmlittee be ajqminte� to _-reet
,with the _ro-oer off4 vials of 'ne Village of
T= to d Feus s vii th them the CC-,jd4 1
of Dean Place,
7he Sv.2e r7 4.s or t-here cm a�_pointed the -fo llo-v�a i n g C Orn-
q Ittee.
L - Justices Leeds� CollinS ar- d Clerk
Mr. Laivaon a-r,-Deared before the Board and requested, the
e Roc from t e 1
_Lnsta__ pion of wat,-,r mains on, Fen-Lror to d�, Iror, 11 w—jage
Thi matter e2S rc=fe=e, t-o the Cle-rir +_-= es'Llma4-e
Mr Cuz I -n ?-2 e a_—e� b e ii 2.e t h, B o-a r d a n d cmnyi)lainead of
e r;o n d_J o Stonyside =rive ne,-r ROCI:7-. d
TTn.,,n -moticni d;7-, seconded, it as
70 •, 11'1'�at it iz tl:e urns e of ',his r.neentin-g
that t' Sipe-r-_I 1 z dert of z tal= ,-hat
action is 1-c-cesaary to ternporaari:T re7aifr
TT CL;,�en also Te u-sted tha of a. -,vater main
fram, Rockland conneotinF ,v_i-LIh his house on Stonyside Dril-
mot']Icn-, du.ly seconded, it v'ras
that L1e
j n7
0 t e d to i 2a z:t a 1 for 'n T w,
'7C. _°c ei of inch d i s r ib u w'_Cr
aai 'r Rock lard ven-Je frog= the
end of
1'-_-esent main o-n Rockland A-,,7�a n,u z; c z ro i to
Dri�-e to Sto.":.�ySIde Read _111 aacozd-
ance with the --esOlUt'an of the Toad Board
the s.am;=.
U-on motioi- t=ie m.E,et,,16 FLiou::,,d at r