HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_06_15 Town Board Minutes 17
held June 15th, 1928.
The meeting :Ias called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 2:50 P. Y_
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Howell and Leeds
Surerintendent of Highd;:ays Cores
To= Clerk She Tnan
Special Counsel F.. ITI. Gagliardi-
Mr. Foote reported that he had tabulated the bids
received by the Board on itme 12th, 1928, and presented the
followir_g statement:
M�aeman 80599.60 98?99.80 94768.35 12c
PLOManel10 100711.00 105111.00 101373.50 130
F. Qlivas 88430.25 94680.25 1,02730.25 6-0
A. H. Stevens 81164.17 10096;4.I.7 103639.17 120
Cial.iano 6408C.6C T�290C.60 113088.10 60
La Barbera 6_9804.3C 86304.30 87704.30 180
I.larinelli 74900.45 91504 .45 55375.45 ?00
- Beckwith 32918.67 �90
Smith. 57255.77 8705.a.77 83.680.77 125
After considerable discussion, Iuirs. Dominic Smith of
Smith Bros., Contracting Co., lnc. , was called in and bras informed
by the Supervisor that the Town Board was not prepared to co=ni t
itself as to the typE of :pavement that ,could be uses- on Homer
?;venue, Orsini Drive, and Maple: Hill Drive and was asked if his
co=parry would sign a contract in which the Town would resErZ E the
right to define and determine the type of pavement later on, to
which z. Smith acquiesced. Yr.. Smith then withdrew from the
',Taereupon Sustice Leeds offered for adoption the fo?lorr-
ing- resolution:
RESOLVEM, that the bid of Smith Bros.
Contracting Go., Inc., for the improve-
ment of Romer Avenue, Orsini Drive and
1laple Hill Drive., submitted pursuant to
notice and in mcordance with the plans,
profiles and specifications prepare; by
A. Ja Poote, Civil Engineer be accepted,
said 'Sid being the lowest bid submitted
with the distinct understandir_g, however,
that the Town Board reserves the right
to define and determine the type of pave-
-- ment to be used on said streets; be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby
is authorized and directed to return the
checks to the 'unsuccessful 'bidders; and be
it- further
1E'SOL"JED, that counsel be authorized ana
directed to prepare a suitable contract
between. the Town of Mamaroneck and said
Suit's Bros. Contracting Go. , Ina., for
the aforesaid rrork; aid be it further
RESOLITED, that the Supervisor be author-
ized and empowered to emecute the afore-
said contract or behalf of the Torn, and
that the Clerk affix the s-eal of said
Town to said contract; and be it further
? SOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby
is authorised and empowered to borrow upon
the faith and credit of the Town of Y- aron-
ecb a sin not exceeding $90,000. for which
sum he shall issue in the name and under the
seal of said Town one or more certificates of
indebtedness: in anticipation of the collection:
of Iae assessment to be made and levied against
the lots or plots fronting on Homer avenue,
Orsini give and Maple hill Drive,, in the
Town of Nama.rone.ck, i�. ve , to pay the cost of
improving said streets as provided by Chapter
549 of the Lays of 1926e as amended; said
certificates to be sold for not less than the
par value thereof. to bear interest at a rate
not to exceed df per annum and to mature at
such time as the Supervisor may determine;
such certificates shall be paid by the assess-
ment¢ rrhen collected, to be trade and levied
as above provided or by the bonds to be sold
as provided by said Charter 549 of the Lawa
of 1926, as amended; and be it further
70SOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authori4ed and emnawered
to sign and execute such papers and documents
as may be necessary to effect the sale and
delivery of said certificates.
The questibn of the adoption of the foregoing, resolution
,teas peat to a Note with the following result'.
Ayes: 5
Foes: none
The resolution tirras declared unanimously adopted.
Upon motion, the mes tirng adjourned at 5 P. Mi.
!Tcvm- - Clerk-