HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_06_06 Town Board Minutes (2) 107 =,I_TTYG OF THT JCTITT =,,n? BOARD TOI.-`VY OF TU2"w_RCT—,--CTi, Y. Y. ' sld June 6th, 1928, The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 70 P. T:T. Present: Siperrisor Burton Justices Boyd, and Leeds Superintendent of Highways Goles. Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon motian, o':.z1y seconded, it was voted to dis-pense wit;2 the reading of the minutes of -neQtinSz not yet apj)rOved. Hr. Clifford Gross arpeared before the Board and took Up the ma t-er of the condition of Sheldra�,e Avenue nd the irstal?- a,tic•n Qf gas in Colon ial Park. After discussion, t'_-ese natters were refer:LE=d to the Superintendent of Highways for proper atte-?tion. A com-m-zanicatian frog i�;;.r. k stin,. Kanager of the Winged Foot Golf Club, was received and read, reiating to the condition of Fenimore Road. The con ran.ic tics- was ordered received, placed on fill and after discussion, the matter as referred to the Superviso-r and Sagperirite dent of Highiaays for proper acti0n. A acrimuni cation. from the Laro:-imon-t Gardens Association was received and re=ad, relating to the application of oil on va.-Ious streets in Larc1hnont Gander=s. The com=n.icatior, was cLde_ed received, and placed or file:, and referred to the Superi:iterder.t of High-ways for his attention.. tL communication from the Chatsworth .Gardens Corpersticn sas received and read, relating to oe3° ta.i ^i i'dater conditions ex—ist irg or, Mirray Avenue it front of their propert�o- The 0OI'C='i:Lulica.tion- -was ordered receiv ea, placed on file-, and referred to the Superintendent of Highv;"ays for his attentio . A c.omiaamication from TQr. R, K. Huai, was received and read Complaining of the damage done to his side-Fra.lk in front of his property by Klrr,. Giulianc, Contractor. The corMI-Inication was ordered received, placed or. file and. referred' to the Super3is„_ and Super t. Highv,Fays for pr07oer �itentlou. A corrninication from G. 17. Moody vuas received and read requesting the change of street names on TTobles Avenue to Avon '?cad and Tybee .Drive to Ozford Road. The corm unication wa;s ordered received and placed on file and upon notion, duly seconded, it was i i09 RESOLVED, that upon the request of C- 7Y. 71.7oody,, the streets in the Larchmont Ridge known as Nobles Avenue --nd Tybee Drive, be and the same hereby is chin-e d and designated as Avon Road �xeplacin& Iffobles Avenue and 07.ford Ro4A-i replacing ybee Drive). Doctor Bullard subaditted a requisition for the purchase one bbl. of oil to be used for mosquito ex-terminatiGn. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was CE=LVED, that t request of the Health Officer be grant-ed, and that the C-Iez-k be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase 1 bbl- of Mosquito oil to be u2ed for r-roso �u,4to ex _te rj-,,jina t 3_on A corm=f cati an. from Tjt. F. I.T. Gagliardi together -uith an estimate from the 'water district was presented, requesting the installation of .-ater mai-_,as on Homer Avenae and. Byron Lane in Lfwgle Gardens. The COMIunication together -with the estimate were ordered received and placed on file, and after discussion, the same was laic over for further cons de ration. The Clerk presented Deeds a_d Releases 0" all the remaining streets in Larchmont Gardens now not Town High-ways, and t=ie same having beer presented to him by the Larchmont-G-ardens comp .pajay. The documents 17ere ordered receive,, , -placed on file and referred to the Supe-_njLnteijdent/f iTuGhy,�rays and Counsel for re-oort and recommendation. CQUI-IsEl reported that an aPIPI-Ication had been made to him by the County Transportation Company, Inc-., fez consent to maintain and operate motor buses within the Town of YanaTonack, on the Boston Post Road, v,,esterj-y to the City Of New Rochelle. After discussior-, and consideration, it vas upon motion, dul", �conded' E3.SCLITT, that a, Dublic hearing be held on June 27th, 1928, at 3:30 P. i2 t_ upon e F Jcati on filed by the County Trans- portation Coripany, inc., for consent to r,aint&-in and operate motor buses in the Tow-n of I'laarparoneck, along the Boston post Road, to the City of 1TeT;_RocheIlF, and the Cler-k- be and hereby iz authorized and empzov.rer- ed to cause a, notice of said hearing to be published in proper --FO= in the Lfainaroneck Daily Times and the Larchmont Times on Tune 7th, 14th and 21st, 1928. The Clerk presented an estimate from the Board Of Trustee,-- L of the Westchester Joint Water -works, -No. 12 in the sum, of V55d94. for the installation of 200 feet Of 6 incL- distribution main on RoukeE Glen South Drive, from the end of the present main to Gier, 2ag,lea Drive to the center line of lot #154, and to the beginning of ripe easement bet'UV.Cen Vine Road ard Roake-n Glen, South Drive,, together ,.,_ith ore hydrant along said ext-ension. The estimate was ordered received and placed or, file. Upon motion, du ly seconded, it wa,,:,- unanimously IT.-SOL -ViHEFSAS, the Boatd of Trustec-s of the 'Joestcheater Joint Water Works, No. 1 has submitted an estimate in the sum of $755.94 az the cost of installing- 200 feet of 6 inch distribution mair. or Rouken Glen, Sol,.dth Drive, from the end of the present main to Glen Eagles Drive, and to the center line of lot #54 and to -tte beginning of pipe easement between. Vine Road and Rou-k-er. Glen, Scuth Drive, to- gether .-,;-Jth one hydrant along said extension; further- be it IT-SOLTED, that the said �,--,iest-chester Joint eater Works, ITO. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and req7aezted to inatall --aid main and hydrant and to charge thje Town of llajr�aroneclk the actual cost thereof, as ascert- ained and approved by the Boat d of Trustees of said Westchester Joint, Water 7orks, No. 1, -provided however, that the trenching and ba.ek- fillinEcf said work will be performed by the developer of the property. The Clerk presented an estimate from. the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint 77ater Works, No. 1, in the sum of $7143.89, or the installation of 150 feet of 6 inch distribution �ain on Vine Road � fToi, t he end of the proposed main ao%erea by A-108, together with one hydrant along said emiter-sion. The estimate was or&Ared reeeived.and placed on file. Upon -m-otion, duly seconded, it -was RTSO'2�TD2 WIMIT-kS, the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint 7,E.ter Torks, PTO. 1, has submitted an estimate in the sum of $743.891 as the cost of installing 150 feet of 6 inch distribution r2ain on Vine Road,. from the end of the proposed mairl covered by A-10eq to- gether with one hydrazil, along said extension; further be it F-rSOL=, that the said -,,Yestchestler Joint Eater ATorks, Fo. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and re-quested to inatall said main and hydrant and to zharge the Town of Mamaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of --aid -Uestchester Joint 'Water Storks, No. 1, provided howefer, that the trenching and of said ivox-k will be performed by the developer of the property. The Clerk presented an estimate from the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint 'V7&ter7,r'orks, ITO. 1, in the --= of 91701.14t for the installation of 420 feet of 6 inch distribution main on Glen Eagles Drive, from the end of the existing rain to Vine Road. The es-L-Jrate/ -"as ordered received and placed an file. Up= motion, duly seconded, it was E-ESCLYTD, �`=UREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint dater Works, No. 1, has submitted an estimate; in the sun of $1701.14, as the cost of installing 420 feet of 6 inch distribution main on Glen Eagles Drive, from the end of the existing mair/,qltine -Road; further be it 113 RESOLVED, that the said IYestcheater Joint Water Works, Yo. I be and it hereby is authorized and requested to install said main --and to charge the Tovrn of Mamaroneck the actual cost thereof, as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees; of said 'U;esatchester Joint ':Pater 7orks, No® 1, provided however, that the ttenching and back-filling of said work will b,e performed by the deteloper of the property. The Clerk presented an estimate from the Board of Trustees of the "Yestchester Joint Watdr Works, FGbl, in the sum of $2494.25. -� for the installation o 550 feet of 6 inch main on Sackett Drive, from Rouken Glen South Drive to Althea Lane, and 210 feet of 6 inch main on Sackett Circlet together with one hydrant along said ezteLsion, The estimate was Ordered rece-ivei:kknd placed on file. Upon motion, duly seconded, it yjas P-TSCILVED, W=,R7AS, the Board of Trustees of the lVestcheater Toint Water Works. No. 1, has submitted an estimate in the s-am. of $2494.25 as the cost of installing 550 feet of 6 inch distribution main on Sackett DriTc-I from Roy ken Glen South Drife to Althea Lame, and 210 feet, Of distribution main On Sackett Circle, together with one hydrant along said ex�tension; further be it PESOLVEEDt that the said Vestchester Toint later Yorks, No. 1, be and it hereby is authcrlzed and rp U L _quested to Install said main and. to chafge the -own of L a maroneck t he actual ��-erecftas ascErtained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the said Vlestchester Toirt mater `:forks, No. 1, provided ho-wever, that the trenching and back-filling for this work -:ill be perfo-Ted by the developer property Of the py. .L 11 Up an m-ot-licn, the meeting adJourne(I at ll.-15 p. Tr. Town C2erk ...............