HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_04_04 Town Board Minutes (2) 85 OF J 7ff T I.T LIC Lid i I At!-, !9201. The 37.1,CEtin­ -,vaS Called t-3 - d 'b . SU_��e r7-',2 or BlLlrt,�-_,: Elt E s e r tr gu:p E Y-v c r Burton V C TC d L-C dz S'nermar. 00 Uiodr_ 1`07�21LDrl, dally seco-nded, it -.-TaS V().te-d t.� 'hc rmad'n-w of t,,e ,-.,iinut�s of, T­e='-Lnc_F_ r" - _oo 0 v e'd o 7 Ct a s a e d t'a t h c� t0 e Dc--tlti:ns �Lgile�i :�-,nd by rcDerty representin.- a MEfority 0-F, tl-e 7i-- =:" -=-t -_-cnting C•,Orlsill'li Dri7e a­,d 7-1ll Dri-ve in the lvla-:)I� 7�17 in Tc-.-T, C -, for _-Of t, ---c-ets to t'— t - r! - aF a- enfed. If Ga- a,­ a :s-I ted tl-�at the entire cost clf mmn t n, 7 nfr C a nE Cr a+ r.C t C C)S 1 d ':I a-7 b e S-11,1 T o --n d r oea a .c 3c r--! t 3 7-- t a C- its _a 0 a e C. S 7tc-l' OM(e S Cus C-n Tug c e Lc- s c, F= w 0 d f I"le d the Cl�_r_!- Lmd, that the Tc-,-eyi w-sll n 0 c nj� ,:L C., a I c- on in t h -tea_ c s n L a c',mq o n T f- t a t I c.- , h gr o 1, -, h, , r,-LTr-,)oSe be h-,ld at C)+'f--ce on Agri? 20th !320, 8:15 Olclocl: P. T 711-UecIllor of the adc]:�tilon Off t' e _"Z2 1i, t0 F_ T T 0 t e e r I i E su.7 Yoe S- n0 n 'BU rtlon ct, d tl.atl he a,-nd hZd conferred -.v.Lth -L-l-e Haven, Lf, to t c -posaj­- �ility of ha7ririm Ye-j; a7-en _J­�cl-o.de in tf_= pust !-,.aced s+ F.yj 2 t e r 7 o f h er st=l+Iicn 'a- o t1h Of thC s 0 tv Chzclt anaf on- t--ae EFs- , L n c I n U-c o n c, o d-,:.7,e S FTSOL,=, --t t-l" SU_ r71 s c w' Cc- s I and ai--- Ha,-Ten f- HartfOral ELaij�-.ad CC-_-.--Qar2 c- f �Ilc area o-"mn-a' 'o - co-nt_' to and -h' 4 t e r C ash 1- :.4d Sla.��On, LT d c n th a t oar Tl*ns s­­. st. 87 i-l'z C;F' I-e ed S a S z�d t' Boa d tha t s tch r S,tr E at -a i ll.;-a.-,.-- C om-.-�a ch tre cars c­i th-- 1Jc5tur- �Port Plozd in thc To-I'm 7 T. CZS7� ry_:-,,r- o d a_J j ca rS b SEti C{' t h S e r-,T i e Try n C, 4 on COM-0 u. t1-- nd 17 stL�_te L t ELtt l sifal'y of z T ir %vas O_v the ---a-, no reque st, hal Ic e7� tadG �oy e"ther the T-lird A-u e,_n-L�c R a I-.,,F_ Cr Trl.Lns rtat4l on Corrj:an-i 7. f c) a ---- �. I CTUI "11 e e t ca 1�Sa ��S or tG sai u r '--ter discu-sSion. uj= u 77SzOL"V7D9 that Coumsel 'fie and he hereby s irECtcd tc confer -vvith the officials 0- a Ln by l; T �d -�T enu_� a, a-,a-2 ��3ce_t :hat h L_cEF 0!'1 tl-,r, 7'Ostc:-1 POSt -ZCad th- T,:)wn of _=2 cl:� LT,.,dlr]._sed tlie Doaard t--�_t �I-he Rate Ter 17--S j 4 'h yF Corlrany Ceel-1 :'_-e3,Z.Icd' -,_eforn S�17` Ce d Ca=scl ]-lar- been ',,=Eto-cr e a- L!t-1,0 r il z e fT in 1" In- Sqlper-ftizor Gcuns�7. -f c-r a C0 fl-i t 4 In the case, _1177 a S- S OIL7ED, teat the S-j--.o e ry lso­ and Ccunsel and 'l-ey hereby are autlac:2_ized to aioLL-ea:_- e-fo e s :P u b I i c S e_"v i E 0D 1Il1SSi0n an-d Lo act Icn"s as in .11-11 j.u-,LSmc-,-,t ash be n e c eS Sa:?7, ZI COI;_-.,C-4 C 11 the HeariY-,Lgs no-w e h e 'b e f o--e tiaF c 5-i--,;-ic e 0 G=-L 2-S il 0n Ir- 0 0'lz_E c t J or th the o ro.3 c s e d _c -pse,� t e -r 3 - I-L es the YeT., The stated that he haff notice �rcn. the Pu.'bli c semsvic�_ Cc=iSsic"r, fln ccrmecotion, a Rep-ring 'requestlefL b7- 1h C 1 4 0-n --I�I- - - Z -_ _1 I Havle--r connE ­ _, �h a -o r=_-v-10 u S 0 r d e--- Of t'r-I,z 1-,luh-. i C e I`-v-, c c- C%m I o s-1 c n r e -n i'n t-n e IE--7 e n t0 C c n z t 71. n e-.; b r i -77er 0 h a _7 Ea-,e 1- st�7eet 5and lRocl,7 anC -P 0 EL I-d t0 a u t 17 c J z e the ayJ 1,_a a i,a n c e Of h m S e Ave e Co un,2e I n s L onnec Saia 7-a-rin.- t -')n _1� --,-_ �E c' n-4�I'j -�D y-n 'U_c-_n riotic-�a, d-uly Ss2cnded, J_ -v!e.s 77'C L S, th C S u:P e T s 0 d" C s c-7 "o e -U+ w o e red tO a`0 be OL a. -:d t'nc-Y, ,er_�'oy 'h- 'Public Se_­zice C-omL,,ission and tah-c aF E,.y. dee-'a 1 _vs -- In connection al, 3 -L 0 E- . .- I'd the of b--r4Ldges to 'b-e I_r°cted 0'V 5� c loacl�z c the Zm_�; HZ,7eZ-- o-- d t. t h -1 P ar,d C rk r' s e n t ed a,!_d to thl. :3 L f t--= La i�c o n G�i:dens Coa.�&zjy snclosir.s a 4+4 or e�tJn,-, tLe ance 'G.- 1.1he of (b e in S­ a t i-a e-1-S ens not he_ret,��f_-re tal_­_�- nv­i2 !-a---,3 o i Gard 7 t a a t e -,­Z�.t t e r b e _c-H1 r e n tC COLua?7 at 11­55 -LD. i% -n (1,7 17,7=; 0-7 T-7 .7011�'T TM717 771 Y. Y. isth, 1�2s� The =setinZ was callad tc crt-er 7ty Buxton 10 F. Tf. :P r C s c 3-.irton justi2es 3c-'d' Ccilinz' 7'01.'�-nll ar-I Lezf�� Sr-r-exi-ratende---it Cf FIL Coke COVOIZIllor GZOAI'�� Ujon mction, Auly secor.-',_,ec_, 4t :o ea -�c with the rzadinS cf the minutes of not yet an?T ?oard and too"Ir '_'o the question of Oa ter if Mont R ve F11-division. After discussAn and u-con duly vsconj_ herebY iE ar-d .irectef to fry'_ th� Fmte ic c of the feet of 5 inch nion Dri77e' feet cf 5 inch Sipe oil Glen 7aZles Drive, 7M feet of 6 inch 2i---e on ease-asnt �sac'_ett :Drive; tc Lane, fro-, J Ien,. Soat _e C.: ss,-.Irett c-'rale- 1300 feet of 6 inch Sipe an 6 1215.0 feet of 8 Inch jiDe On o-.-I nor_ R C a Ugon noticn, th� at 11 -p,, � 01, Won Gle rh -----------