HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_03_31 Town Board Minutes =TT'!G CL Tn JCTI,.T TO'YY BC Z= Id Larch 5 Ist, -326. 7 e ":;as- 3alled to =,,--(�er by SIUI�,­-77-iSOI- az 11 r e---,a--n t Sup er,;,risor Barton 7-as­-Iic=s Cc7lins, Ho-Z-ell and Leeds To-.a--n r.17-- , Sharz-,ar Burton, yGi that the cc=ittne 'LIC -�-;hozn- 1,3-0.-,F` �I- n -0 J,(is -, 1-1-,, 0- to ­�,.jr-g i-la- L -- - ­ jDY I­Ls E o a 2 L fCr u cr--.rist--Tacti-;n of a. -Zat:r --'ralnagE system, has t -oulated iln c,"iestion and the T..)- T^viiifi th­- lc ioid-le� for sect— I.. contract B, Ch covered th­- f-a:m I' sh-im of 2e infa--cerd -, Cnc2e te il-oe, mrid, t---t 11. ,e f B, -�tir7-14 ' i -L,-,,-yz 'he Io7, _C 'a C-v'7 re d 'he ill.st'L-117-at I O-r-, c F S to -,.-Ta`­�r f, t a­-d 0 ff e--re d adoi-,11on t-`2e follovii-, -OI-at4 on! am i u ­1 shitig of rei- forced concrete ,oi^,ces covei­-�- Ln sectlion 1 ­F the noti t ic e L-C bidders Cr f ti_.., storm -,uater drainage s,7 s t e r.i in '1-h c To -n of Hax,-aro:nech, be and -1 Lne same i-ereby is awzrded to the I­ool: Toint 11i3pe Co--r-­Da-ny --iti bid in thip- surl of t-, c 7 104d 7��-:Cej77ed -�4 26 C.S,0 e i n� -i � .. -U - - -7 0 S a�," e Q- t i S 3cards and 'o S I t f u r t-rIe r S0 t'h th t t f o the CO:,.- S­r1c3..,)n of the s- m :,Tater f.­-�.naEe s ys',­ C C-,j-e re un e r 2 e C t I C-: the notice to lo-"Ll.�Iers be an:, the 2----m e h e r eb y AS a':.-ar(�ed t, o 17. . __ ­­I , I-- s "-d -;a t cri -d !C-,7 thi-iZ 3card fcr�ai- c it f-,I-,.rther +�Tj-at th-� Su]�er-Tisor a-nd To-.-,n C'12rI: -be .1e:. --b a--­- autharized and to 7nE,,ve and, execu-t,=C' 1 '7 tilt C ?1 c 11 -oi - u I oDntr�o�z, th- constraclion and of a--,-­-I he -feccssary acoord, OJ n CD L L 7 a n s a�n -_p e c J J c a _o nu vote, Civ -rigineer; ara it aa 'C-iall t're T---.-;n Clln-rl: be a--nlft e hereby is dirc-c'—d Lo re t t.3 .:.-ice -n s,,.c,e s s 'C',i d d C-r s t 1,e cl-eclics accCn--]-=Yi-ng sucIn, 'bids, ,.,,.:pon receiving a -proper rec-ei-C+, th)erv-for. The beirl­ ta.--en u-ion the s`orsooin� resol--,,tion, 'he L sa-_-,e was uoon roll call unanimmousl� ado teem S-u­er-,:'Lscr +.--,a- t the co=ittee to .-.,az re -F Cf t_.'­7.-+4 0 s r-c e Y s,-u on of a b r i d.6-e o v r t h e ST-e I a r a,!,-e Giver aq t -c22 cons� c L- "Roc'-,:Iand Av--nu-C, I'as -tid5 ia JC tiOYa and re--.DQ--ft Dcyie, Dlarnl"­,� L Dal-,T: Inc. , -:.,a-s the lowest 'biader for said --i`dge the C- 0;'ATE" -�d 2 1-Z C t 10 r c f sad a=- -or anns. 83 Tie Su--cerviso-,- offered ficr acicj tion the resol-at-i -l-n: --ije f-,= I he of t'ne brid. e ever the Shcldra'--c- RivcT A%-enae thc zame he-re7D- is a7,.-,-a-rdcd to Dcylee , D'anning and Daly Inc, its of "'7,099.00, 'ce-inlp- 71 73card -=d b- it furt-her th-at and Tc,-.-,n nd t,— lc c7 arj)o,,,-Tere-d --3:21C 0- c e r ed n e c u ed c. sUi tal 7 Con --a c t of t,c c o-n s t ra c t or U, a c c-- s a i cl -;:t r i d i n 3,Q C Oj- C iPluns and c if c-�ti c pre Daa--ed by -C d he �c f r e a c Se d 'o y 13oa di a,n d 'r-,s i t fu her -JF directed to ---c-tlU.---n to the bidders, the ec' s accc;*,-:l-c2,zr:,- succh bids, upon_ r°ceiving -a =c-pei:- --cceint The questicnbe�n�� ta e---i vl')c,.n the =c- egging resole-ti c.n, Sc tie -..rac ti t 1 -rcll call.. uman.-ILIllously adojDted.. UiL-,,jn inction, the -,--c-ting 2:3o P. JktllaA/L./