HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_03_28 Town Board Minutes (2) 07 M g tQ KIM= W THS T0-,':7Y1 BOARD hela l-a ch 2 8,th 19 2 S. The imeting as called to orG,er bj-- Burton at WO 7P. Y. Present: Bur ton ,7-astice2 Collins, He el± and liee�'�s Saperii�tende--nt of HiiglT�-Ta_rs Col�s Tc,,-F,,i Clerk Sherman Colunsslicr GarAble The Clerk stated that the -r-esting had loes-in called in aouardance with the resolution of one Join t Bca--r-d' adopted, to receile bids on sections 1 and 2, contract B, for the construMcn of storm drai-ns. Th,o read the notice and stated that the same had been' pub-i-�Inef'� U- pon =otion, L'-uly seconded, it -::as RTSOLVEDr thf—t tl--,e call and notice of t'ie ancd_ the report of the MHz be and the same "ne:--eby are in all rez-oEctE: approved. The Mnair:aan isle d if there were any bidders present -,ho desired to be heard in connection their There being none, stated that unless -,I-aere was any opposition. the Clerk would proceed to o-'en 'tic!8 Thene being no op2osition, the Clerl� -Froceeded to c-pen the bids received, all of which re • on the fo—r of -=Dcsall , end co.("-plLed -.-'rith t1-e conditions an specified 3n the -')ro_posal.; and werE as follows: SECTION 1 3 iDITH TOTAL BID 3arbara Auric Co. VA Sju.00 S. Do Simone 7;amao Har -, S. Ha--(,t 4,91g.05 Romaniello Contracting Co. 6jann Lock joint Pigs Co. l'unpo D •-rc.enicllC 5,41na Amtonio Di Tarcc e,405.00 Frank cliva 10,257.00 h7alloy Brea. 5,905.78 SECTION 2 Cc. 40,603.00 S.. ',',e Si_ one 30,avao Brennan & Foshay 27,302.90 1hrinalli 17,755.55 f. Son 25,392.10 Romaniello Contractins Co Z1,302.M Tilfred B. Corwin 25,S95.40 Louis FezwarL 23,aS6.75 alter B. Fresoan 23.513.60 Yisher i Dunegan Xoae-oh L. C_,-iZL-cett.r 7 2 __ tonio 2c 591.00 F_"am'z Oii< 22,79:1.00 Ka 11-C,Y =arcs. 26.779.40 T o n m o t i o n -aly s e c o ae,�, 4- all 'cids received, be 77 S C'-r=. -L n_- , - referred to Supervisor Super- int;ndent of HigiTcxays Colmcs 7'oote, for a-nd -,..i7hen .3o tab- ulated' , sub.,nit, a 2e-,port4 tD this Bo rd fci 4-S C 0-.S4 The Clerh stated tu'nat the ne_-,T_-t Grde2 of 'busi-.ness is 0- I ,, or 7 re2 ving 'I ds ill C-c-n--riection v,,_J -'C,h tl'4ae r�crastruction of a e Rcc' I nu e, o v-e t'7° Sh c ra h e R i r T'r-e Cierk read the notice and stated that the sc:_ae hpmi b I i sh o e-e n -;D u- -dcd, it as Do au ly seccn ,.SOL=. that the cal' -eting a-nd 41-Inc "re-port' of C7 'Q e a--'d 'G,-i z C "rie-1-C-11-Y are Ln r.E.S-yD=ctS a-,O-�Droved. there - E e Ily 7 4 dd r s n U e 1 _nt .v h th e-I r b ere bel`n�: no o-_3,,,os4 " _ on, the o :,-_e bi.'�s recei'ved. n.71 we-r= on. the -cr r -IL C­ and, t-1-2 :=ditlions F.5 cn "IC "I r 0 -S 7 s,- a 7z D'.1-rini-z D--ly, Inc. 7a t s r �7,1, S 1_�� -1 3 �,- a L215 4f -,a -1 0-�;- P,:- 8 3 2 0, C,ID I, -- -, -U,C t o 7 2c.CC C as, ConsL_ n 9— - I- ,7. J. Farlm_y Corp- �,�760.oc Collet C'u-is Cor"'. 9 0100.100 e 1 TToon duly seco-nded, 7 3=77D thal a I I lb ids r e c e i ved be m-f erred o S-a-p F r-,;-" s o r 7�urt,o n,, Sa7 e-r- nterd�nt o-f Hil�',vways Cole�� srdl CoLmty El:-ir�eer Charles :_-C teb- so tabulated, a ao o r t e r c C r. to t'_.°S B 0-a 1"d _3 j: C--)r S"L a�_r C n Ut 0 3 t i C d,--I I-"T S e c 0 n ea, t S 7 ad -ara q 3 77 7), t"l,a_�t jh e n +.-1 0 a 2 it a^ iourn O-n sa-.7.1-7acF, 1�228. at 2 P. for the fmr�oFe Cf C C r4 I - the talc ul at J on of -b s _.Sj -n- c_J-7�_d- fo r tlnie c o n t I on o--,^ S t 0 rm .._.ter (1rains _an,:; t"--e oonztr-actlon of the 7ocI-land _,_,Ten­ne Brid e over the Sheld_ra1�e 'he b 4 __ ____, Ri-er, t"ner-07- to zlhms 677 T z f o I I o vi:i r,_�- Ye s o'-,,a t i o n, a rid D e-1 i t .c"_1 .,1 a,s o f fe r r:6 bar Su errs 0 r 3urtcn i or a d c-p t i on: l'7771 S �3 Car- o-P of the Colan%,,r of 71"estchG��ter a County Road Act, -,:hich act the bu,Lldink, of Ccun-11,77 r oads o il n t,I y b y L'h C C 1_J, L, 7 -.1`7 and To,�-,rr) or To -ja z s a,_(I CI said 73caTa of Sz;.p­-v�sorss has -- oulated that 4n the b u i d_ Cou-_rt� Roads the Co_U_11 t77 r,() _P % C, tn= cos-, of cCnstructi-n_g a co._„_-etc ­a-j­_-2ent 35 rte in :.­JdtTh- "he -in -which t1ne is -Iocc.t-a a n_-e E2 r 1 7,�- d to �Da­ t'--e cost of c-o-nstructicn and the --F*--:,!! cc s t or any .alit-onal to zny t of ""ay a-rd to maintain tho s_-._c afIc-7-- cons truction; and T A T,TEnuE batvieen also I oy as County H17'TA,D_y ITO, 6 5 or_i the north Cha.-L rth or, the south, a ten th of + .9 if cc.­rstructEd as a 001=t, 0-L:,,:j T-e PM 1-^,,0orU:Lnb correcting lir_ ; and aad i_S th-e ToZn c ca=°i L 4 en _ 0 D- ar 4- 0 - _Ce 10 n ts C z st -�_ 1;C t i 01 thfE Bcard rcs-­eotf-k:.,,j-�,, -Je t J t-Jo r-s the Board of 3,o.-pervi�3crs of ,c Lc". L ac on CO _nt y 2C -1 , L,_U 1,2 'd, Tcvr, as aloo,.­_ ds�5cri.bed, i t IF-,:,r t",a- S "'D =­nt of fa-,--orab-111Z .._....,?..-n y the 3card of titer County, s-- -7 -C­ac� co-,-Istfuction C, �I 2 L�- C_P_d C 0 Cr-C r i� -16 fcet in d t,h th,:_% 7 e o 2K -Y a g­--, e to —ay 5 C�, off �hE cost of sa c'a c c n t uct r ri -o— arty 0 j_ y 'it _Es-s from anY arc_ &.11 0 C__ s a a C t e 0 f Z rode o r n; c- an,� i± ta,_-` th� -jDo-,I,=- ::Lora alF t C on 9 :,UC t cn, .DE-Le f __arch 8 th -_,g :,210. T 0 TT�Jr_,_n TT CIIK Burton Sul?2r ;; S 0 r Patri c1c H. CC 1-. 4 an 7 C_P CL S ,7u z t i c c s Of e ID s a c e L.. Coles Tcrv,m Suoe--r-intenden"L, Of HizT�mys ti. Sh are Tov..-r Clerk . . The question being taken -L�-.�on the fcre�;Oin,,Z resclati�n an! petition, the same Ya�, u.,-,on roll call u-nani-,,-.cusIy adr- -1 ,ete- The 3oard tije-j --O! eeded to siU;n the -_.ietiticnm U2cn mcticrq the ineet,,in�� acj��o,,12—ne.�j at Town Clerk