HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_03_21 Town Board Minutes (2) =HT71iG OF T=3 TCIIrT '20-,717 30-LE-3 T9,V17 OF ILL'L' =CK, Y. Y. held d I-Tarch 2-1 st, I928. The nneeting %-,,as called to order ',:y Super visor Bur-Lon at 10-30 P. Y'. Present: Supervisor Burton Tustices Collins, Ho ,e!L and Leeds Town Clerk Sher-man Goumsellor G2mible The minutes of the meetings of Tanuary 18th, February 7th, 15-th, and Ka.--ch- 7th, mere read, and upon motion, duly seconded, apD--oved. A communication from the Lions Club of the Village of 1a areneek, was received and read, inclosing therewith, a copy of a resolution amprovir-E of the -,.7-JdeninS of the Boston Post Rcado- The co2MUnication together wlt-rl the resolution were ordered received and placed on filee f I- -osef J- ir. �- cOMm"Mication Zrom . i h Y. Curren ras received and read, relating to the condit�cn of the road-,my at the imteil- SECtiCn of Glenn Road and IrTorth C-n-ats-,zor--Ih -Ive:lue. T-I'le corl-ImuMicaticn was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the guperintender t of Higi-n-,,:ays, the Suj?ertisor and Justice Leeds. A. cc=nication from lrr. 't�illl 1 Bender was received and read relating' to the condition of the road-,:ay from Chats-T,.rort'h A.,•-,enue between Fern Road and Glenn Road. Tae co=unication v-,,as ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Superintendent of High7pzays, the Supervisor and Justice Leeds. The Cler: oresented- a COMUnicalt ion fron-L the Occum Realty Corp., 'for the in-stalla-4-on o+' '.'rater mmins on Locust Ridge Road, and Glen Eagles South Drive, _'rc2jI the end of the eyzisting Lmin, submitting therewith, a Drop os-Ition to pay the entire co5tof 'Uhe installation and to receive proper rebates as each house is constructed. The F-I)II)I-Ication was ordered. received, -;)Ian-ed an file and �- e-ferred to the ',,,ater commmittee together %r.rit-h the Superintendent of ITigh,-.,,,ays. Clerk presented an estimate from the Board of Trustees of the '7estchester Joint _ZTF-ter 7!orks, T---,,o. 1, in the sum of $2,589.33, as the installing feet t o-F 6 inch distribution cost of instal �S 300 U- na am on %,'.,eaver Street, from the end of the -present main, 100 feet Street, north of Ho-ti,ell <'-7el:ue to Pal—n1er Avenu-e, and 350 feel F O a 4 I - -n ch na:Ln on -.'Teavel- Sti-eet, from L-YrIle -Liv-erue to I-venue. Lhe estima-'e -,.-,,-as ordered received, placed on fil- nnd upon motion, duly seconded, it F!as, u_on roll call, unaniizo-u 63 the Board of Trustees of the `aTestchester JToin.t 'iTater VV'crks, Yo. 1, has sub?-i tted an e sti.?ate in the sum of 589.33 as the cost of rsta ��_�� i�: lain a 300 feet of 6 inch distribution mail: on ;reaver Street, from the end of the present Z'!aii''_; 100 'fees, north of Ho-fell menus to Palmer A7;enue, and 350 feet of 6 inch distribution -r-min or, ?iea.ver Street, frora Yyrtle Ave.ue to T,'dgevrood Avenue, therefore, be it PMPSCZ720, that the said estchester joint Water aorks, 11,G. 1, be and it hereby is authorize - and requested to install said main and to charge the Town of Mamaroneck, the actual cost thereof, as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the :1Estchester Joint 'Dater ,York,, The Glerk presented. an estivate from the Board of Trustees u`tes Gf th- ' tchester joint ,later 'iirOrkS; 11o. 1, in the s-L=1 of °"1,039.1 -, G,s the cost of installing 175 feet of 6 inch distribution ,_kin or, ,jeaver Street for spur Connections On Hillcrest _1venue", nimi tre Avenue, Color&I ;venue} Briarcliff Road and Rockland :venue. The estimate nias ordered received, -placed on fi?e and U"Do3-3' motion, duly seconded, it "Ta s, upon rol!. call, �121a�STStOt1S13T P 37SGZ"MT , �wi: ,. the Board of Trustees Of the T'i'estchester Toint 'i'!rater 'J'GrkS,. 1'e0. is ^ids rUbl7]1ttE( c.Yl estimate ?A � e S m 0 as the cost Of installing 150 Beet of 6 inch distribution main on ::-eager Street for spur connections on _il?crest Avenue, iimitre ^-venue, Colonial Ave--hue, Briarcliff Road and Rockland =venue, there- RFSOLTJ?], that the said vTestcheste_ Joint '62,ter VlOrks, -Foe 1, be and it hereby is authorized and requested to install said main and to charge the Town of 'Ham_aror_eck the actual cost thereof, a,s ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the -Ues tchester Joint ''!Water VTorks, Tro. 1, v' :'_'?e 0?lOdlnj resolution vaa presented by Justice Golli12s and seconded by Justice Howell. � ,'H �TMS, the To-.-m Board and Town Superint- endent of Highways of tI1e TOT;n of Haimaroneck have applied to the Board of supervisors of 'iaestcncster County Tor authorization to borrow the aggregate prir_ci-pal sari of ``8,900600 for and on the credit of said Tol,•n and issue its bonds therefor for the pur-pose of )ay--n.g the addi uaJna_ .,lid—,,h 1.e n.L_;-,ray krov n as u' eave Street, Part IT ,. Co"maty HiJg%lmy 17od 1645, a high; lying 5iith n b lay -�-;, i the oundaries of said To-in, and +r MA—S, the Board of superSiisor:s of the CG,..aty of : e tchester has by et T?o, T? passed on Februa;.r r G 16th!, 1928, authorized: the r f lot-tiz_ -,-.a=— roneck to borro;,° upon lits faith and credit the sum Of $8,.9 00.00 and issue its bonds there- fOr for the pur-pose Of_02.yJnt—,, the Z,dd- L.ona— C st :)f C^nstructins and im-orov7.ng at an add onal ';ii uh the '•?i. h�1Q i12'T°d bE10"T.° 65 NOW, TiLTILOI ORB', be it P2SOLVE.D. , by the Town Board of the Toarn of i::amarozeck,. as follows: 1. That there shall be issued high. ay bonds of the Tc,:Tn of liamaroneol-, in the sum of ` 8,900.00, for the purpose of pa;ins „ the additional cost of constructing and ira-pr0ving at an additional idth the highway knoxna as ..eager Street. Part 1, County HigL:Tay No. 1645 In he Toi,,,n of iGcLlarDnC-Ck `,Westchester y �fi V rl t -v , S _ County, LEii O,___. 2. That said bonds shall be issued it the mane and vnder seal of said TO-:;n in denO_ciiinations of `1,000.00 each, except Hone: ITO. 9 -which shall. be in the deno2tinati on of X900.00, ni,Jsabered to 9, inclusive, dared February Ist, 1928, and payable as folloz7s; Bonds XoS. 1 to 2, aggregating the sun o 8e000a00, shall be 7J?Id lri equal annual metal Lnents of 52,000®00 each, the first instaLient on February 1. 1938, and annually tnereafte_ until February 1, 1945 and Bond Ira. 9 for the o '.1900600 sha?1 be payable on February 1946, '.with interest thereon at the. rate 0 4=>-`� pe_° ai1nZ� �aI%able sei,i-annually on the first dins of and February after the date thereof until the orinCi-oal su iS fi T paid. The interest and pr nc p L.,,"of said bonds shall be dyable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard. .:,eight -and f'_"neress Or li 67 beinc, Chapter I 6 of th e Laws Of 1909 a,n d Act. aimendatory thereof and su'.o--olemental thereto. and --pursuant to an ct of the Board of SU',)erviscrs of W -tjeschiE�ster Cou-ItY duly adopted on the 26th day of February, 1928, by the afff- ali-Te vote 02 'j- f t`o-tl-iirds of all the elected 45o saild Board of I Sulpervisors for the purpose of paying the -additional cost of co--strUct'"zig and -17,1 1croving- at ar a,-,�di-"._ional ;-,11'dth the high lay 1mo7-im as Weaver Street, Part 1, County Hil gh-uay Y!a. 6,�_5, ",,7e st - _d U, in the boundaries of sai chester COUn" , 2 ',-T_Jth- Town. It is hereby certified, rectied and declared 'hat all Flats, cozaditions and things required to 'rja , ': an 11 -p-pej. � d be Perfomaed preoe6ent to and in the issuance of this bond, have ha-ppened, and have been performed in due tJme, form, and rcanner as 'd b-17 require - that the a-mount. of this o s _,g eth-er -,- I -- said TO-gin Of 1,Ta,-_qarrjneck does not exceed any 1 lit PrEsCr_ibed IDY W-7; that pr-67-isicn has been du-,y made for thc_ collection Of an annual tamK Sufficient to -,-�ay the interest of this bond and th total E t principal all d tal 10=5z of this issue the interest as the -same shall reszect_- iy become due and 2he full fa�­- and credit of said To,,,,,,n 0-F k1a:�lzz­rone"'- is_.nereby irrevccabl-., pledged for t,1G -ounctual p ay-ent of the Drinodp_ll an,-' interest of this bond according to This bond may be converted illltc) a registered 'bond itl accordance -uith the provision5 of the General Yunicipal �1-iis bond be registered the interest hereon at the request. of the rFSistered o�,i_ner zll be reill-itted by lea by in 1Te7w Yorlc- exchange. ITT W1=SS the Said Tcun Of IZ-amaroneck, :'jest chester County, New Yorh,. has caused this bond to be slg-med 'by'i t's SUpervisor and the corj)oral e sea,l of said Tcw--ri hereunto affixed, atIdlested by its To-,,.m Clerk, and the interest coL3-,D ons -laereto annexed �irit�j the fac-si-r -_ Supervisor and to be Signed ni'le of i - this boned to- be dated as and of the 1St day of February, 1928. If 1� ma 7arcnec"­, IT. Y. Attest- Form of Co•pon) On this day of i9 the Torn. of M;Tanr1aroneok2 '.Teztchestle_r CotLia,y, ew'N Y k, wi-il a r t or y to beare he s= 0-L - ` dollars at the Trust Company of Larchru-iont, !Ttew 'fork, or at the 3ankers --�-ust --being six __01,�t1irs CoTj�,�-&ny, I-,Te-;, y ork Ci`-v, ITe-w York, r,t e r e s t t h en d,,.e on its �';eaves Street, Part 1, Hi gh,L'iak Improvement Bond, 1928, dated February 1-1 bearing 27,mraj`er $or GEIRT IF I C-4,T7 CF C 077TER,S 10 JT T77 C A FTj7= R7,,.G T S T UPOn he 1,iritten request of the owner of the ti=,-ithin bond for its conversion into -P fU711v registered bond I have this day C-LI 1 2_ U _- off and destroyed ccu:,-cns annexed to tills bond an,o um ng _-n the aggregate to dollars and t11_e ,Lnt',­er _,___ est on 'U'-iz -the date and O3 the dates as c7,ras !Drovided by 'lie coa-ooms as as the -orjr 10a 11 - - cj I thereof L.,i!l! hereafter be paid to a L __'the - legal representatives, successors or ass3.gns, at place of PaYmcllt Specified pecif-L ed L, the-rein, or, at the request of the registered omaer, the 'merest 1-Till be re: it"ted by --m-11 in Yew 71"Orh exchange. 9 This bon: hersafter will be transfera:ole On the boOkS of the Ci c''r OI v.Cle TOL'1n Or I:'Ia=- r eci,, ''.`-�restchestc r Cop ty, i�?evr YOrL-, or other Registrar only on ?Dresenta.tion Of the same ,ith a wttitten assignment duly ac7no-.,ledged or proved. Dated 19 Offl iaia.1 .mate of Regi_stry: _ante Of Registered O,.rner: Signature Of _?egistra.r° CL'RTIFICATLY Or Rc,G=STRI TTO_T AS TO PRTNCIPIL C)=y j This bend may be registered by the owner in his name as to pri320ipal under the signature of the Clerk of the lo,:JI' of Liamarcneck. `17estchester Colarty, 3Tev York or other Registrar, beic-= , and shall thereafter be transferable only uJon the writ er, a.ssigp_- 41ent cf the registered Ourier or his °attorney, duly ackno'drledged or proved, Such registration and transfer to be ?jade on the books of said Clerk or Other Registrar, and a notation t:ereof tO be made I, Such transfer ua,y be to bearer, after which this bond shall be S•dallect to subsequent registrations and transfers as before The eoupcns rill . °gain _oayable to bearer no tv,ithc�ktanding such registration unless v'nis bond shall be con7erted into a fully registered bond by the Surrender and caj,;cellatior shell, be noted On said_ hocks and upon, this bond. The princi_pal of this bond, if registered, wuill be payable to the registered O:'TiY7er or his legal representatives, =ecessors or assigns. Date Of Registry: Yarre of Registe-red Owner: SiofiatJ.r@ Of Red+ Strom There shall be raised annually 'by tax as provided by iw a sum sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the sane become due, 5. Said bonds shall be sold upon sealed rroacsals open notice published at least fi-J. days before such sale at least. once, in the Daily Ties, LarCImaont Times and in the Bui�i.ng & Realty T;BS:S, three netilS a ers puD_..s h ed i n the County ty i'2 which said bonds are t0 be Sofa, and in the BOnd BuYer, a financial ne gpaper pub- lished in the City of New York. 7. Said r_atice of sale shall be substantially in the foilcwing for ss "ITC'TIC:�• OF Sj�Z7_11 -O f- Torn of Tlamaronecl Beds IS28 °7earer Street, Part 12 County Hi haay loo® 1645. 7.1 1,10TIC17, 13 H BY C=, that the To-wm Board of the c 11a:-aa ro n P-c-h. 17ew Yo r--tc: TTJII receive sealed proposals at the Of—ice af the Town Clerk, Yo. 4 717 Street, the Vilia-ge of Hama- ro-nec1z, Ne-v-., York, unti, 3 0 clock p. .L iii. . on A)prij 4th� j9�'8, for the Durchase of the folio-, � _rnc bonds of the Town of -Yaiimroneici-, to S,900 00, hJL--h-%-;ay I'IrProv-ement bonds Of the TO= of in de.rjo,, L' - ij I �'1000-0 each. e' nations of zcept. Bond !To. 9 �,rhich shall be in the 3e.,-jojr.i-,jFtior 0� Sq0C.0C numbered I to i--ICIUSi7e, dated Fr-_bruaI-y I- stj 1928, and --payable as follows: Bond '-Yos- I to 3 aggregating L in equal annual �-Jng the st;un Of $8,000-00 shall be ]?aid U m * f $1,000.06 ixlsta!L-en�s 0 each, the first install- ment On February 1, 1938 and arnually there -ter -,,I 1, 1945 and Bond !,To. 9 fo� 'he suam, o-F rltil February -i, I �PCC-00 shall be -payable on February IL, 1946 %-,,-J-Lh interest therson yable semi-annually at the ratea of , per annUm, -op r-�I-annua!IY on the ist days Of August and , - February after the date Hereof until the principal is fully paid. Both -orin&ioal and interest 7:,,jj1 be .0ayab,,e of tae United States of Alme-rica o-,- n gold coin ar"! of 'ue-iglq-t and Cr Or equal to the present stand- il--Ieness at the Trust cc=, -Danuy of Larchmont.- Larch- L!Or-t, !"-'- Y. , o--,- at the Bankers'Trust Co ., i-n the Gity of ye�7 York. Said bonds -�.,1 t 71 be coupon bonds and may be converted into egistered bonds in accordance the �0�o 4 the Ger-cra! Hllnici-pal Law, th — vsio_ S All bids Must- be accompani�-d by a certified check a2mount of 8-1 ,000.00 dram u-o e cl: i rL the � or, ITatioija-, Or State Bank o-" Trust col-,�Dan-y '-Ui �Ihorizer-7 to do business in the State of ITew Yor!'-, pay- able (to the order bf th-e To"(-,m of 11'amaroneck. The chec- - T �s of th e 7-11successful. bidderF. will be returned the awarding of +he bonds, but no interest -uiij be alloived ul)-or, the check of the successful bidder a.nd said check will be retained to ':be a-p-plled in -part j pa ymert tz he bonds or to secure the To-,.,,,n aga-L-List any L resulting from the failure of the bidder to cOM-PlY -t�,Fith the ter?IlS of his b i C-L The opinion of !,LassTs. Clay, Dill an & Vande7,liater attorneys uZorneys cf 120 Broadway, ITew York city, as to the 1 egal 4- ty of the i�-suance d , t I of the sale of said bonds be furnishe I o she su'cceq-sfu-� bidder free of charge. The Town reserves the g right '0 reject a-my and all bids. DaLled 2lat, 1928. By order of the Toi,,-n Board Frederick H. Sheimar Town Clerk The O.Vesti-On of the adoption of the foregoing resolu,.j- jout to --- vote the foilov;-'Lng result: aye s 5 _ETC e s 0 lj,DOn rlLotion, the Meetin.- ad J-ourned at 71 .3-c p. IT