HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_03_07 Town Board Minutes (2) 57
TC'a,-.'T OE i1U0,1ARCZ, ,,CK, 17. Y.
held Harch 7th, 1928
in the absence of the Supervisor, the meeting -,.,as cared
to order by Justice Collins at 8:55 P. i .
Present: Justices Collins, Howell and Leeds
Sub erin tende nt of Highways Coles
Town Clerk She—an
Counsellor Gamble
Upon ruction, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense -with
the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
Tar. Edward Edwards appeared before the Board requesting
information and method of procedure in the taking over as Town
Highways, iiaple Hill Drive and Orsini Drive. He suggested that the
abutting property owners be assessed for any improvements made.
After discussion and consideration, the matter was
referred to Counsel for opinion and report.
The Clerk presented plans and specifications for the
construction of the Rockland Avenue Bridge.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED , that the location and style
_ of the proposed bridge at Rockland avenue
be and the same hereby is approved, in
accordance with the recommendations of the
-- County Engineer as shown on the plans
presented, and it was further
RESOL772D, that this Board receive bids for
the construction of said Rockland Avenue
Bridge until March 28th, 1928 at 8:30 P. IL. ,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he
hereby is authorized and emp=ered to ad-
vertise for said bids in accordance ti:ith
the law.
A. communication frog 11r. k. J. Foote., Engineer, was
received and read, submitting (at the suggestion of the Supervisor)
advertisement for the construction of additional storm crater drain-
age system. �aest of Kurray Avenue.
The communication was ordered received and placed on file,
and after due consideration, upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board receive bids for
the cons_t-ruction of additional storm ,:zater
drainage system, crest of Hurray Avenue, in
accordance rrith the advertisement submitted,
T on 11arch 28th, 1928, at 8:30 P- 111. , and it
was further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized- and empowered to advertise
for said bids, in accordance with-fh:a law.
The Clerk presented a communication from the ':estchester
Lighting Company, requesting a resolution for the installation of
a light on Dillon Road extension, as per the request of tine Super-
intendent of Highways.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of
Highways, it was upo-n motion, duly seconded,
RBSC:=, that the '-iestchester Lighting Company
be aid hereby is requested and authorized
to install. 1-60 c. D. incandesant lamp on
Dillon Road extension, ( Doherty Place )
under the supervision and direction of the
Superintendent of Highways..
The Clerk presented an estimate from the Board of
Trustees of the 'restchester Joint :later Yorks, To. 1, in. the sum
of $1,256.96, as the cost of the installation of 500 feet of 6
inch distribution main on Glenn Road, from Valley Road to
Chats ,forth Avenue, together with one hydrant along said extension.
The estimate W:as ordered receiver., placed on 'File and
upon motion, duly seconded; it as, upon roll call, vnanimcusly
RE-SOLVED, ',,IaIERI.AS, the Board of Trustees
of the 'iVestchester Joint ''Pater ,Yorks, Lc. l
has submitted an Estimate in the sm of $1,258.96
as the cost of installing 500 feet of 6 inch
distribution main on Glenn Aoad, from Valley
Road to Chatsworth Avenue, together v;ith one
hydrant along said extension, therefore be it
FETSOLVET, that the said Veztcheeter Joint :;pater
';forks, ?so.. 1, be and it :Hereby is-authorized
and requested to install said main and hydrant
and to charge the Town of Klamaroneck the actual
cost thereof, as ascertained and approved by the
Board of Trustees of said 7estcrLester Joint Water
, orks, Yo. 1.
Upon motion, the , eeting adjourned at 10 P. H.
Towi:n Clerk