HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_01_04 Town Board Minutes (2) 3
j'j j =*gip .T c- - -V
held J .nL:a_ 4th, I92'
The T�eeti^"' ,vas c-.Iled to or per ,e 7 t a•
der Sua _visor �L.r on a�
10 (D ?. L.
=reSei?t l3urton
:T UtiCE
30.-id' , COI1L:.S, Hc;.ei1 W__ Leeds
uLLccrlllte'.=C.Ei7t of i% i2';sajrS voles
iC';;_n CierL- 7her7!lafl
CO =ellor Garble
U-PO , r�.0t.1C=r1, it '.:'�.$ Voted t0 aia-Dente ..�t17 thy-, rea.Cliii
Of ti-e ?;L•i=L1 UC-S Of ^:1Ce L inLs not yet a o-ed.
T=r. La--,son al occ.fed. ca o— t_le 73oard and 330'_'ce in
coi;_ecti o-n ".Si tfi certain Cle sired for t;ie Fenim(Drc
1_?idge VUTJCJ Vi aionm.
He _zs--ed that Limiedi2,se action be ta3k:en for the
ati0n a ,er on ei=lit?O?.0 Read, Ir011 ti:E en Oi tl e 'v re sent line
t0 Glen Cove 'ass. A
_-'ter �"_,e ccnsideraticn, it .'a ti voted that tl_e "::rFte=
" 2= teneiOk- re' -icst, be refer'"e0. to the .-.;"ter district for es t a-l' e
2.i J- re Dort.
__r. Ga:<D'e re.-)o.ted that t^_ere had gee: ",presented to
_lim the matter o- wcce - _icE of the cen y nue.ti or of Rocl<_ir_, oze
iiortherl=l 1r,�rl Fo=--S ai
t - e �Ue.. y
discussion, it :':aS T p6n oti on. duly secondef,
7-73 uti'-m'1), ia1,at the Bca:1d meet at t_^E -7oc'r-
ing'st=e Oil Eat-nro"=y, January '7t],-, Tat
I1 030 ? °or tL S fur- o s e o_ i iIs-ce c t-
said -treet.
,Dasticc L3eds reported that at "„ne directicin a-' order
of' Burton, -<e had or-derec-I installed. a. �o ry tra- ro
?_ 'i-'" ,"tt t_:e ju-nction of 1-Urray and ^oTest -Lver-ucs, at, the cost
of L1C' ` t_oQC y°ai, nd fLriiEr es ed Of .115 aCOiia
The o�red that the _. .tter be -eferred to the colal-
:`-'iitte° on Street _i' 7ts, here-tofore _'_.-1 Ointecl this 3o :rd as
L" e _nstallaticn o'L,he fore o 2 street li, „�;.y'`, POt ti�e1:. - _°Sent-
ed; _ore the said co=ittee. -- -
The motion -,.vas not secon ed_ an,-, '-'^-erefore net Offered by
"he M--aimjan.
T:Stioe Leers thc-re on offered the ?OIIOti'lrij Y'ESOiti:ti0:1:
aTSOIVED, that the action tai-en JIM t'_ie
iZJ S ta,7.la;,tion Cf a -four-.-My traf fi C I i�-ht
at the corner e f 1'_.-ra-', '_Te__ P.d 7Crest
at t. - cost of 3110.00 )e_ -car,
' be and t e say:e nere? ed.
`f."_^_c ;u-c G1CY oelil` ta-'Lei� Cron iE aC e. tic-ti c- the _ i
t--e care w�$ 0' call 0'-t 7 j the
�0?n� reS^vLU-T7.0'P_g S^` -rO� L CM ?.C.� EC
ice„^,. 7--essrs. 3"urton 3oyel, rC0'J..Z.l__s, _7 io-,-:e11, Leeds 2i-, C0lesa,
C 01']TXar on
0 e v 0
icn i th th- „per o f a -c--tion of
Dillon Road _.0 a TO-.;n Hi
T'--�- COT-=,u:,ricat-ion leas ordered i2ece-i-kred f4,el
2nd, �-
L:. cn i�-ot, on, dullF scc--ended® _J-, -;'2.g
0 C 0,
t'hal- the Board
set aLl I)iII071
0 E. nua d- SF IL�- -
y, T�'- --.-y 7-111, at z p. Ti
for the -,Dur-Jose of 4-7s),
t i O'n 0f said street.
COQ n= (:,,at 4,11
rat 0i1 t s rece17eCL
--c-26 calling attentic--Il to the con it-; on of
'Lhc 7iclri�y o-F t-jJ,- a7l-,art---ent house near 1-1-7rtle
The was ordcre6 receiVed,
L- _ I -- _ O_ IC
a-rid referred to the --i en-'ent O x ,�Tl--TEYs Tor his atte--flti on.
Upon motion dul-Y seconded it 0 r. r-0 c2,i 1
tuna-,-I i-r o S y
, •-PH LS, tl e Boa---,d of
e --ie-ster Joint -..Tate .
r "7o=I-s,
„6e to' 0
s s u b,m t-12 d -.n ce s tu im-m to c
1258-50: as t7'6
005t Of 7-00 --set of G i--ch .7,-J-pe
0-1 '�-7ojq 77,gJeS D�-i7e, f tae e n Of t7,:
e::i s t i n,W —_4 ins u
100 --c-et swath, roil d e d the
P-.--:cavatir,-- ---nd loacl.- fillin-- Of t1he zlrench,
"-JC- Cost 0-F' 4 S
01 ,:)i-e by tlic aoulzc-r. Glen
he .L
01— be it
=30LITED, t':'at SMif- ',-;'ater
1, be and- it 7-c-reby is authorized
;11d lleSted to inctall said il:,:,in a-.,,a' t'he o f p o
cost tl-e:?eof as as=rt---lJ-eti and -,z)p-ro7ea
t-- Boars; of Trustees Of s a 41 d e s t c--e s t e r
.7o- -70 r'
Th e C 1 e-1: c s--r:t,
e,5 an esti-(aa- te -o:re-carcd by t--e
intle-I-ide-rit Cf the -.Fater -Jst-r-icl for t",a i s,
e 11 t 0
-- Ll I - - �a a -lu-1 0 915 -1 e e
o in Ch -0 e the 13 0 s t_-n 2 0 0 a d f r om t"e end- 0 f e t-
4 14r_ on
at n to Locust Sti�eet.
e !:led Tjor
t e iscvssion and cor-zideration, th-e estil"I'late
m-odeTed rccei-ed ami -r)lfced cn file.
The Cler -oresented an est-i-late b- the
intmnclen t, o the a ter Nt1^i c t f Or e
_stajjE,.+iO_ of 'lBoo
cf-' -5 inch -)i-ce cn the Hazi-iOcks Rr-,�d. -fr02n the 3, ston Post ,c
P a
ter Lis cus a ci-i 2,i1 ccrsi ri t._H eStliP_G 6 -.-,-as
Ordered —ceivecw on
Ugon the'racormendation of t',,e S-L-rperinte---de-t Of Hi
ulcn mrlotimn, ful-Y Seco-:ded,. o
Co-zi-,any, be =1 it he--r-sb-Y is --u-l---or-Jze,-!
an•a 2ecuested- to ins-lail one dO C. p.
Street'. li'ght on HezLAher Lane in the To-w-n
Of T-la-Zro-necl:- the instajja-j o- to
be installed_ 7cr,,--,
ireCti0n o r in+e e n t Of ay s
c n th8
c)f -"--hc- S-01-3 e in e-de,at of ]-r
"fas, Ul-c'n acti=n, �77,,
t fne -,j'eztc,,e stE r 7
be & here-b,-r is au.thcri=ed a--Id
- ems cs-L.ed to install one dO c. D. street
7i35t on Bungaio,,- Roaci, L,7,,o 60
C. 1D. street
lights cza --Road, :zi ±: is L,to w
Llstc,lledl urder t-,s and
!on of the SJU2:rinteiclent o-F
on T-'G i C, dUly SeCC'-jdedr 't 7-_�S -,T,e that
adjourn, se adjourn to zeet or. Sa 2day, Tanu_T7 at 16c
at t! A-enue,
cation, t5: lu-4 n a d o u rn of at m a.-a.j t.
tT c 'm e 1-7-