HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_12_21 Town Board Minutes (2) 27
T= J017ITT T OVF1.1 B(1`�RD
held DeceLfber 21st, 1927.
T'ie meetinn- called to order by Su-cerv4sor Dirtoii at
li P. L.
Present;Su,.-e_-r,7isor 3-L;rton
Justices Boyd, Hmiell ar.d Leeds
Sunerinter-dent of Hip_4,rays Coles
To-mi Cler'- Sherma-
Counsellor Garifole
U on =otiori, duly seconded, it voted to dis-gense :.,Ith
the reading Of the r.ainutes of i:ieet-ings not yet a.2-o-oved.
L-r. '.7alter 17c Corr;JJC17 CT t'-Ie !7S_V_.F Y:D
1-3- T e I e h n y
a-2-oea- red before the Board and ornsented. an a_p-_olJ_cFti on requestinc-
geic-d-ission umae_- Section 601 of the �Ii -L'a-, tr) cC]_,Istr-O_ct,
re-cons ruct,
1, operate, --naintain and repair cc-rUits,
The a-pl)lic.ation -Ims ordered recei-ved, placed On file a .d
referred to the Su-cerirtendent of Hig'hwmys antd'_ Comise! for t--ei.-
the County 7ngi,_neer received,
co. -unicatior. fro
an,d re�d. e-nclo-9 ing trierein a let'U----- from the State Der)a_tment of
Public _,VorLs, on whi-ch attached an o-cinion from the State
n"torney Genera7 ir reference to "Stop --nd Go" traffic signais, Oil
. L
State and County Hi-Elixrays.
The -:T:ere read and aftm-,_- discussion ordered
"1 a 011 file.
ccimmu-nicaticyi froi-_-, t'_-_e Ho•.-.all ciati-31� -7ES
received, ordered -claced ma file and i s as follov,,s
_,cTe2,rbe 30th, 1C227.
Su-p f---.v J m o r, To-,.a1 3 c a r d. L Sulp e r i r t e,�i d e n t. 0 7 g
r o n e c-
Te-,,.T r'�
Dear Sirs.—
't L
-, - iaeeting of his
- assrc' tion held Isst eve,7
t7l� SeC: tZry —as instructed to a—J0 ano- -orsse11t t
co,.,7.,j)l_ients of the asSOC atlOCl uo.�on the Y:1anxner -,n -,.-Thich the
sno-l'", 'j'as re--rioved frori t-,,e streets last and to furthe'-n
suggest that e 'D e is
-Te -hat the l_; ayers probably
a'ppro've o 7 c U.r !C ra e p i n�-: o--en sa-ff i c i e n t r o a d-,-:a,, for o e z
of ti-_-fic Juri-rig the co_Td- ' .iTintcr.
Tiie atte_,ition of our r�eet-in'- also called to the
lac- that rr fire h-drantz., electric mains
LI -as, wL-Uer,
and Street lizI-.ts have been cc-=.,letely _natal leC_ il-, _,Icy.7ell
and tnat t1rie Stress are in generally good condition
-or 1CY1 ,,:e thank the Joint Bcard_, the Se', r ComTaiszici as
---all as th a Sc---,Tice coojper2te6.
Re S_02 CtfL_ll: Ps
Y oia
Howell C. Perrin
c,L=1111ication froz-, the estchesjrer LightirE; Coaijany
V,12.s 2°ce'ved and read
rce.ae0-jr. co i
On Of the orde2 -.-ade by th 2 Sulo e r i n t e_a d e t 0_ H,
0r 11 e i--,.s a,III a t i 0 n _
incandescent lal:IyDs i,. 10-50
_ C-le-n.
The c0=nfo2t--0j1 -A,as ordered received; c
I_r eo On -p j I G
a-1d L11POn the :-ecO=G11c1ali0l, of the Su-perjr.-, ande-nt Of it
FESOL77D, that this 13op-rd al)-crove of the
act-icn of the SuDerintenden-1' c-f H_iZ',jy,.ays
in Ordering the installatjo.e�
� of the 10,107'r-
n g 60 c in c a 11 d e SC en t 12,'_:_10.; i n
Rouken Glen tiubdivis_ion;
2-Glen Drive
,:--Vine Road
4-South Drive.
c0Y':`:11jD- iC8.ti0r from the TeSte' -er T ightin- Com-pany
_r e S L, _ FcS
re c e i-ed and read that the resol tic-- dl e?et -Dte
'his U _LU e ? Cf,,:fe adc- d
by 3oard On Se,
)te3�,fioer 21St, 1°27, it connecti on iretall-
at'-on Of liShts in Colonial _Park, be �.jnjer •
-ded so e.s 'o read Sid{
ili s t e ad 0f f iv e.
'he col=—unication also requestE.d the oonfirnation of the
_order for the i-11--stallation of -L,,,-.-o lli�;hts on L'_yrtle Doulevard. bet-ffeen
..Feaver Street an -
d -a' eside Drive.
'Ile co-=Yunicat-jon,
I - as ordered. received, -olaced on =i le alld
Uy30:71 the recorm,,e-nrlation of t"ne 3-n-peri-,ntende'lit (of H-igh-,-,ays, it �,-.raa
upon roil Call u-na-ri-i--c-Usly.
77�fSOL7=1 , that t"he resolution hereto,-ore ad-
0:3ted on Se- _i7ber 21st,t c- Guth 0 r
in s tel I a t 4_1 oil 0f 5 0. 7-Y. in c and e s c e--,-I+
in Colonial :Park;, 'be and the s2
sere - -s �.merf_ed 30 _' U
S .0 read 6 C. -c.
- I Mar7,
T_7-,-= the reco:m._nidatf on o-7 �he SulDerinte-nden+ o- y
u_-,Dan 1'0 ion. duly seconded, o,,1;c,1. U_1 0l c-
ro 11 11 unani-Ious'-",
P T7.S C.7.7T D
, that +,---e `.,estchestler 7-1_g h Ping
Con--i-Pa"Y be, wand -it hereby- is requested
and directed to insta,, l 2-60 c. -,D.
incandescent Ia- s on Yyrtle 30-nic-'Tard:
b e'71 ,-
ec,-Ter Street -.lid 1a'-elide Drive.
'IT-,,on the F-1) c e 0C 0 Z'0 2 L 7,an i_'-c Cr:1 c l,e h a n e
I Dr t I e
-�oelited,_ an est-i-ate for t",e installati,31-, Of 275 of, 1C inch
.,-.-ater iii.a-ila on --r—ce and 310 -eet of 6 ii-iclil on
-L f Z e r J,_J s c i:-s s JL o n anal c or-.s i d-e r a t I a r it s u 1�)0 z, ..oti on
duly seconded,
=` 1 S 0 'i_ ':_G Board of T-rustees of
the 'GVesto`ester .To_J--at _" -l7 ater 7forks, 1.0. -,1,
h2 sub---itted an esti1jiLta as +111ne cost 0,
3SC) -feet of 6 inch pilpe on
Heath aozd end 27� -feet o-f lo inch paL
on 1--larraY -Lv�_T.Ue, ircludir-S one hydrant
alon sald therefore
e it
RI]S C L�777-D
a,ter ,-o r1-,s, -ITO. 7 Zo
I e e.:_ �t, h e r CTD y
S aUt"Icrized and -ec,:,ested to install
said m
a j i n s d fire ai .the Tc ,n Of hid o cnp
actual cost
LI h e r e of as a:5 c r
ta-L 4 I-led
a--11 d a_Z)arc-v e J "y
the Board- of Trustees of said :eStC ester
.;Dint 'late-r Worl,:S, -C. T.
Thle Beard then took ur, 1Gr cons-Iderat-Jr,,ra, a SUP101C-Mental
F-c-ree'.m.ent to the agreeT-,ent for I-le
e::-perditu----e of hig,:m'aY money
7-or the ',,ear 1.27. The iprese-nted ai d,
read and w-,cr t!-,e rec�o=ei_dation of -she Sul"eri!lteldent. of
it '::'as ?_or, ZlOti0'n. duly secone-ed, a.-,-id uy;on roll Call" -a2-1arirfIo-L:,Sl-,7
Y1 RE RESCL=, that agree=ent,
for the e 7z-3e-raditune of hil-11,.i±ay 1ror
ey f 0-
the -1-rear Ic27, as presentee,- and re-,d, be,
and hereby Js
-,croved by th 4-S :,E,OF r,, and
be it further
that a cc-DY of scid su_,-,I)Ie-Ie.tat
Z Ere-- -- t be filed i th the Clerk of -6,i s
Eca-rd, and the Clerh be instructed to for-
:ard cosies of to t Count;.- SujDerinit-
endent Of
.Lfter the ado-ticij of the Foregoing
tile Board -,hen -:roceeded to Sign the necessary
the County 151:t-p-eriptendent of 'n- :LI ay s fU-mished 1-y
The &I-e 4 end ent Of 77- _presented kais estir ate nor
11 Skr,',-Y U oz—es o for I -S -`'rear
1920, aMo. aT*te'r -_-'Scutssion and CC-n-
tion, Jt -.-,-as -Li7icr, r1otion. ��,nd upon roll call
unan imousl-Y duiy seconded,
FESCL-'=-L,. that the fo ,lc?.-jing =OjIats and
their res-,Decti7e iter.,-_,- in the Su-[Derintencl-
ent of for the•
72,26, be elijo-,7ed anC
Item ;=1 . "
L,e m I'-
Item 3 3,000.00
,ifter the ado-ption of the OregCin estia,.-'1a an(� a-pprova,
the Ec2,rd then proceeded to si I
-9"! "'Ie riacessarY forms furnished- by
the CQL'nt�-r Su-Loer-inte-nde'-rit of Higlo:,-,-ays.
U-IcOxi rLotion. the ineetinE adjourned at 11:5o