HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_12_07 Town Board Minutes (2) '.=TIl_G C2 I- jOT77T TO': 13 0,-'-RD j7 I IT. held December 7th, 1927, fn -the absence of the Supervisor, the rieeting ��as Called to Order by Justice 3077d, at 11.-3() P. I- Present: illstices Boyd, Collins, 1_o-::ell and Leeds Town Clerk. Sherman Co-misellor Gamble T'le zi-Inli-tes of the r,--cebings of Se-pterifber 21st, October 5t!1, and 7ove-ber 2rrd, 1927, were read and u-oor, :-.ioticn @._ojOrO7ed. l7r. Schnorr appeared before the Board and s-,)ol.e ii- correct" ion thc conditions of tlae road-za- y and -.he Lastall-latim of di,E.in on 1, rile and Fifth _.venues. The -,,-ap-tter -,-:as referred to the Superintendent of Highways for his re-oort. _wars. Hoody and. Lawson a_preared before the Eoard and s]?olce in rela Join -m o certain iim-prove -ents in the Larc-Iniiiont Ridge SlfOd_J7-'LS_JGn, ]_:,articuisriy in connection with the acceptance o- L ,,Cbles and Dundee Road as Town fter di5cusslo:^ and oonsideration, the f01107 ing resolu- tion yresented and vt-llon roll call tumni='osly ado.-pted- =7_'S, P_ -petition has beer _,presented to thi s Board requesting the Town of __Llmaroneck to acce-Qt as Tom Hish,.vaYs certain streets sand roads and Portions t_,aereofl' in the de7elO-OMe.-It or seCtior in said To:m ly-LnZ and bung withi-n the Townplf I-amaroneck, 1-cno7i-_n as !'1_2,rcj-=ont "Ridge" and sho�dn ILIIOOII t,.-lo certain sntitle,4. ;'Ll -�o of -property La to be conveyed by Yebincre Cooper ?ark,as Fenimore Coo-ijel- Ilarl: ETst-ates in the To-%-,,n of llaLmrcneol:, ',Testchester County, 77-e-,,, York, bVr J. Foote, C. T. , dated j�jme and "lla,-o- of Larclmnon-Cl ridge in ",e T0-;.-n of Ila-z.oaror, 6� Section e cl�:, '.',"estc7-ester County, York, Secti _ 7,To I by Y H. L'. Johnston, C. E. , dated December 7 1 0, 1927," and La-rchric.-nt Ridge Cor- or t J or, i s the LO a o-..-,7ner of the tract of lard e_r,,ibraced `Zith_in and sho-,m, u-cor the foregoing ma-_p° tooether 7iith the streets and roads and portions thereof shown and caused t-he first nalaied. thereof to I-- Filed and, recorded in the II-legist&rs Office of _iTe3tIc',,_estler 0 ounty, Y. Y. on July 13th, 1923, lZaID -To. 2513, and _S in filing said -,,ao said LarclLmont- Rid-e C 0 rP 0--rat i on _(_lade an offer of dedication of the said streets and roads and -portions thereof the_�e- 70 f 1 7 -aror o-_n snown as P-ablic Hi,,,��hways Lin th,_ _'Orin 0 _all ecl,:, and yCiLS, the aforesaid offer of dedication las never been -.-L,_J-Uhftra7,-:n or revc7_-ed by it or any one in its behalf; and _5=7AS, I.,�,rchz.-ont Ridge Ccr-po-_:-atio-_n stiJill, desix-es and has r eqv_°stecl that the said offer of d'er-7ication of said streets and roads and -portions thereof sho-om on the aforeaaid, be accepted as To7:,­n of the To-,:n of asd 2i :HE=H-,S, T .rchz=it Ridge Corpora"ti 0 7 lS .Ili1111g Grd 2:S c�r°cu G C1Gi?TTer to the 'i01'T_1 O c ^c- ronec?_ a duly executed deed of f said .- trests and roads and „Oortlons thereof in -,'pro er fOITn and releases of said streets and roads or portions thereo0from any =ort`ages no'u liens thereon; and a 1RE iS. in consideratier of -he prer_4 SSS the SuDccrin tend_e_ t of 1_-Jr -.-ays has recommended that -- the sage be mcepted as hig-"=e,ys, l'toTT. theref ore io e it that the o,.vr_ ofa -rcneck do and it hereby does accept, sub ject to the terms and conditions hereinafter provided, the aforesaid offer Of dedication heretofore made by larchmont Ridge Corporation as to the streets and roads and yoo-rtior_s thereof here- inafter '_escribed, and the deeds and releasc-s to tice 'To=rn of i_a.arcnceIz: Iprese_:ted thereto acid does hereby acce=pt as public loam ,igYiT!ay~ the folio .inb de-scribed streets a._(d reads and portieres thereof situate and lying and being in the To".rn of ila.aroneci>, County of -. estchester, State of 'e r vcrk, to 1. ?-ob?es Aare-nine ru:nring frog, the westerly side of Ter i_,ore road to the easterly side of -Rockland Avenue as sham on a certain ma'p entitled "L3arp of property to be conveyed by I'enimcre Cooper Parks inc. , to FeniLore CoolDer nark- estates it the Torn of T?"araaronecic. ' estcheste-r County, ?`etia `Tork, by A. J. Foote, C. , dated June 3rd, l,* filed in the- office of the Register of \the Cou?lty of ...estchester, on the 13t!a day of Ju as Kap Yo. 21-13, acid o- T portion of Dundee Road beginniro on. the -northerly side of Yoble s ?.senue -anel extend- in di. sta-Ice Of 800 feet northerly therefrom asVShO'i'in oil a Certain ri?a:p entit"led 11, -p Of -arcL1- mont Ride in the Te..-Fn of Yar.'.aroneck, ..estc_lester County. Veer York, ,Section 1.o. 1, by t. T JoilnstG.l, G. dated Dccer:1ber 1C, 1S27," and be it further RJ SO? 70, that the streets and roads or portions thereof, to -i t, 'obles Avenue and Dundee Road. as Shcv-n O_7 Said ria-ps and as to the extent herein- above described be and the same hereby a..c ::.ade and declared to be PUblic 1=i '17a,s, and be it further =SO'-7F-,'?D, that the 'Town Clerk be and I-e hereby is er oo-.�rered and directed upon receirt of the afore- said deed and release, to record tie sari e; and oe it farther HESC1'J1'., , tilat, the Su"per-intendel7t of ri%,Yh':i'ays be znu he 17ereby is O'Ut''loriZed and eriDovrerea t0 exec- ate and. record -.-rhatever �_ocumients r:lid certificates are necessary according to la-v to vest title in he To-zn of !-he aforesaid, streets . nd" hij�h"ays and portions thereof and to bring this rc-solutior. into full force a.nd effect, and be it further 23 SCI ED, t---at the To-.-,,n of shall be kept safe and h-ar-1--less of an-1, claim or d a c 'so of any natla-re or claaracter evee in any v,--ise arising from tle improvement of e afo re id street: or poetic=s t.-nereo f, Pmy'Lllning to the contrary not-.-.,-Jthstand-i--ng-, a-nd be hm it f-arther :7 RESOLVED, that the cf reserves the, riF"nt to rn-vc'-,-e i Cancel the acce]ptance of the afo--es-aid offer of dedilcatlon and the accc-2tF,noe of the aforesaid streets a:nd hig.,-iways or 3o2ticnz thereof a-nd the deeds or releases of saz-ae, sou d Iz, .rc-=.,ont Ridge Co oration fail or refi5se to carry ou'll the to and conditions o£ a certain agreemerit en-u=rea i-r-to on the 7th day of Deaei-.,Ysea, 1927, ?ems eez-. th-e 2e«= of Ha 2E. rosec and Larc�eft Rid-e, Cor-poration, anything RLereinalov.- -to the contrary U-oon =ticr-, e ameetln,g adjourned at midniSht.